Saturday, 12 November 2022

Bad Company

Iron-Oxide [Rust]

We will see NIBIRU but only up until 2043 when the Star-Station will be out of range after that, however we will all see the station as in the public domain
NIBIRU will be closer than the SUN and will be bigger than the SUN when we all view them from KI – the SKA will go crimson red when NIBIRU is at its peak and we are seeing the crimson in the SKA in patches around the planet – the planet will go red when NIBIRU is ready to be seen 

ENKI is at Saturn right now waiting with a fleet waiting to come and collect ENLIL(s) children – it is the Andromeda beings [military] who have barred the ANNUNAKI from coming back in while we are in reSet – they are also guarding the perimeter of this soular system and you need the Andromeda military permission first to come through, we have seen the many crafts in the SKA and the upper part of the atmosphere, there are also crafts in higher dimensions 

Lord of the SKA

ENLIL [EN.LIL] translates the SKA, that is what EN [the] LIL [SKA] translates – it’s a title – so is BAAL and YAHWEH and HERU and ADONA-I [M-ADONNA] ADONIS+ 

ENLIL assumed the title from his siStar when he came to KI [EARTH] because ENLIL is the highest-ranking Commander in the military for the ANNUNAKI and family

Has a YAHWEH he wanted everyone on Ki to stop honouring ENKI but the masses did not recognise ENLIL at all and said h3ll no – they knew that INANNA and ENKI checked for them

ENLIL is homosexual [ambiguous] and that explains a whole load of sh9t has to why his offspring carry out irrepressible acts

True depiction of Israel

Isaiah 25:7
And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people and the veil that is spread over all nations 

Christ [Christos] KARAST 

All religious people are in for one h3ll of a bi9ch slap in the face when all is revealed 

The Rainbow is the sign of the Covenant because when the Rain-bow [curve] sphere [360o] when the Rainbow children come this will mark the end of the ANNUNAKI rule on KI

The Rainbow children are the Ki [earth] born children of the stars who have a binding tie to earth [KI] aka genetic tie to the soils [soles] souls of the earth [KI] when they come they come in ALL ethnic groups that existed on the planet and that includes 6ethers, everyone was sent through in the Indigo and Rainbow, all here to clean this sh9t up, yes ENLIL(s) children fu9ked up but they will be here once again, we had to civilise them - we are all going to need to work together during the 30mins- 90 days blackout and we are going to have to get along when the next stimulation is operational, but before that Cane and Abel are going to be forced to iron out their differences in real time - this will be beast against heaven 


These chemical trails are different from the last 34 years, and are to catch the [Ba]rium, [Ra]dium, Zinc and [Al]uminium all designed to try and block the soular rays – it has to be cleaned up before the flip

DEMENTIA is DIMENSION - locked out of dimensions  

The power is going to cut and it will be from between 30mins to 90 days – everything will be shut down – no one knows how long the blackout will be, but will be in that range

FEMA is short of FEMALE- FEMA is not the problem – it is those who set FEMA up before they lost FEMA

FEMA was going to be used to centralized all government, resources, power, everything+ was going to come under FEMA with Bush Sr head, Bush was given a lethal injection and his doctor taken out soon after, in fact while writing this we have not heard nothing from Kissinger, Hilary, Soros+
 – Bush did not have a heart attack, all these head lizards have got to go 

 10.11.2022 [9]

Energy being transferred to the planet
CHAKRA colours [radiation] energies 

Double shocking- so much data is missing from NASA sites, Hawaii have shut down their Observatory on Saturday – they say by order of the FBI, big things a-gwaan, these are the patterns that we need to keep an eye, we can have all the dates in the world, all the planetary line-ups galore, but it is all subject to availability, NIBIRU can flip the script instantly [light speed] this is the MaStar-Key, 
desperate times require desperate measures

GERMAN Schuman

Canadian Schuman

Italian Schuman

North- way 
Check out the colours [radiation] 

BLACK is charging and white-red is ready to go

Plenty of M6s also hitting-releasing 

Image is from Thailand, is this the SUN, NIBRIU or the MOON 
does anyone really know 

White core- white holds all [7] colours [tones]

Not sure where this image was taken
Interested to know what those 3 light sources are 

What is going on up there - check that out and its huge


What is the status

Seen over North Carolina [USA] 12.11.22

Called an Asteroid when in the SKA and when the A-star-oid touches the ground is then called a Meteorite- ok then

Check out the energy colour signatures, you can see one is WAJI
Asteroids [Meteorites] that travel in a straight line

This a shuttle being escorted by four or five other crafts over the SKA of the planet KI [EARTH] 

Whoever controls the SKA controls the planet and its NOT the US, RUSSIA, CHINA or man

50miles tall
Dimensions touching 

New Zealand 

WAJI satellite

NIBIRU is under the command of ENKI, IN.ANNA is also in the mix [KACHINA] 
But if you check it, NEB HERU [HERU] is Osiris who is ENKI, he was always in command 

Who that


Birds of a feather and what are those light sources

That left arrow that planet [??] has been up there from right to left for over a month, the other one around 2 weeks- the cloaked craft is either cloaked, NASA cover or has moved 

Taken 6 days ago- none of them are planets [my opinion] and sum one else has seen the cloaked planetary body or war-planet sitting on the right 

Main craft and scout [probe] craft 

That is 5-6 crafts, follow the funnel, spouts up and to the left with the first cloud on the right and you will see those are 5-6 individual clouds, crafts 

Water is being given and water is being taken

Man is using his machines [HAARP+] Drones and Rockets+ against nature

There can only be one outcome

Nicole slips in and out of Florida 

The source of light is the background screen- the black hole

It's similar to Lite Brite, where you plug coloured pegs into the black hole and the white light is behind it - illuminating the coloured pegs – white light holds all 7 colours, all 7 colours come from black light
The screen is black and white at the root
It's the chess board
Light travels through the 4-sided [cube] aethers in 2D and the circle [sphere] is a result of the layering into 3D
The 3 pics are the black and white screen
You can see why stars look the way they do
They spin and change colour which is difficult to see without a zoom lens
Everything plugs into the source
The pink and purple are a star also

Tick tock 

Rivers are running dry, Nature is shutting the USA, CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA down - the dark ages lasted for 500 years, this next dark age will be for at least 12,500 years- one complete cycle for those who get leftover in the 3D and there will be many
During the dark ages cannibalism was at an all time high- so there will not be an immediate food crisis because they are going to eat each other 
CHINA consumers 10billion barrels of water a day which is 700 x more than their Oil consumption

You need water and Nature is taking back her resources 

CHINA losing water is a global problem - CHINA is dying

Chinese police in Canada 

Secret Chinese police station in NYC [USA] 

What is her name again, Jen Psaki, Psaki - Chinese surname
Are you getting this make-America-great-again 

They said that the police are there to watch their YAWN OUT LOUD people
USA going to war and so is CHINA and RUSSIA or is it IRAN and TAIWAN or KOREA and IRAN 
Are they, with whom - 

CHINA is coming to the US, CHINESE police are on the streets of NY 
Taiwan and Ukraine is a front- CHINA is coming to the US for good  
You can print money but you cannot print water 

He who controls the LAW, will run the masses
[Land Air Water]

The sane year that the Queen was convicted for taking 12 children from a residential home in Canada The 7 adverse beings were incarnated onto the earth also in 1966
Bad news gets buried on good days- don't be surprised if England win the World cup  

the Titanic was torpedoed - those people were murdered but they stay here on the earth planet because they cannot go to haven [heaven] 

There is no spoon

Keep pushing on 

Look at the first reason- genetic mutations or environment, that is what it says after the highlighted title and after it says, things that are missing from the brain - like the axon tracts that connect to your neutrons 

See the axon, looks like roots, tree branches, sum people do not have an axon tracts - axon sends signals - when you see those with cerebral palsy, they can't move certain parts of their body or control certain parts of their body or they those that have a stroke, that Ptah-way is cut off completely 
Lead and Mercury [foods] is the toxics that we are exposed when we are younger - on purpose
Read this book, understand these words that are in those extracts from his book and you will never ever have to wonder why sum people are has thick has sh9t- why sum people don't get things, sum people you will find are actually hardwired this way, they are never ever' going to get it to waste time 

You MUST eat Purple for the CROWN CHAKRA, you MUST drink 1.2lt over a day of water this balances, thins out the body [because you are taking in light aka fuel] and the body must be kept regulated

BAA [KHU] and KHA in that order, you must eat right
You MUST match the CHAKRA colours - your HEART CHAKRA is WAJI which is like for like with the dominant energies+ match them because its getting heavy out there 

Top image is from UK 
Stone Music Boxes 
[Speaker box] 
Many ancient sites, structures are sitting on the planets ley-lines which is the planets nervous system

Huacrapona palm tree

The KAT and CROC are cousins 

[rest easy] 

Can you see the [Ethiopian] symbol on his attire 
Ethiopian KUSH 

'these beings'

GOAT born with one eye lid housing two eyes in the middle of his or her head 

Location: near Coos Bay, Oregon, USA

Is todays Siberia [Russia]

Remembrance Day- oh really, remembering what- men that went off to fight [steal] from other men- did these men do this from the goodness of their hearts or was there a payment, did they get paid to steal, rape and rob, interesting how we remember certain things and certain things we do not

A planetary remembrance is coming up whereby everyone is going to remember 

Their hair is that of the SUFI order
[Plut] land 


KUSH [Kushan] warrior [right] wearing TUR-BAN 



Court and Cosmos
Mesopotamia [Iran]

Look at the colours that still remain, one of them has locks [locs]

CUSCO [TUSCO] TUSAN [ETRUSCAN] TUSCANY, the Persians [Ethiopians] are in what is called Iran [Turkey] Syria, so is NIMRUD [SARGON]

Turkey = [Tur] Etruria [Etruscan] [1706] from Latin Etruscus >> an Etruscan, from Etruria, ancient name of Tuscany [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] [black base] the Basque and the Etruscan are one in the same

Turkey [Turkish] TUR-KISH Kish [Kush] Cush [Kuwsh]
Hittie, Etruscan, Phoenician are the same people 

From Cusco, the Inca Empire’s former capital, [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] [black base] the Basque and the Etruscan are one in the same- Cusco means [black son] or [black base] meaning they were 9ethers

This used to be the seat of the Urartian [Ur] Tartarian Kings that ruled over the region
Ur translates fire, light and is referring to a huge mother ship that was grounded on Ki
Capital Urartu

The face of Ur-Namma

Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Babylon [Typhonian] = Afghanistan [Iran] Iraq [Turkey] Syria [Lebanon] Greece [Crete] Cyprus [Saudi] – one place back then and still is – these are the places where the Gods would come like Niffur [Nif-foor] [NIPPUR] temple [Iy] of ENLIL also known as NIBIRU-Qi Earth [Ki] place of NIBIRU – those from NIBIRU would come down to KI to 

This turquoise model features an open courtyard with pierced balustrade and corner roof projections suggests a vernacular building

An occasion is depicted, with seated personages holding cups and two people one with raised arms and the other with one, what is going on here – wedding, greeting [???]

The role of the turbaned, bearded man on a high stepped stool—a figure who bears the conventional traits of an older, wise, educated person, could well be a type of priest [SEMU] SIMU 

What is important to know is that Islam was not how it is today, it is Alalu who is responsible for Islam, check the name Allah and Alalu [Alala]

Allah [Al-laah] translates the source, Allahumma [Al-laa-hoo-ma] translates the source and them – Ali [Aa-Lee] translates most high exalted – [El] Eloh translates the source and Elohyeem translates these beings- Elul [E-lool] source and El Elyon [El Eli-yoon] translates the most high

You can see the two are one in the same and that is because one is A.NU and the other is ALALU

Allah counterpart – her name is Allat – todays Muslims do not know her name yet alone know that Allat is responsible for the correct recordings in the Quran [Koran] Quraiysh, not man


Neb Tune [Neptune] was constructed by Alalu who is the twin brother of Amun and Amun is A.NU, he is also called Dagan [fishman] Odgoad who the Greeks called him Poseidon and Alulu is the leader of the Neptunian and was manufactured through Saturn

Neptune is known has the GSS [The Galactical School of Sone] and is a huge musical water world a huge fish tank, water holds frequencies, currenSea

Alalu [Allah] is the twin brother of A.NU and holds the trident of poWRA [staff, spear] to be the ruler of the most mid [middle] range, there is the most-high and there is the most- low

They are part Humanoid and part Nomos [fish or reptilian from the waist down] and they could take the full Human [Humin] at will at times

AL’alu would be mistaken for his brother ANU

He can manipulate water-storms, lightening, strong waves [think about the water on Ki at the moment] and he can create landslides, earthquakes, water-floods, and he is a MaStar builder of interplanetary crafts and he taught his nephew EN.KI [INKI] ENQI [Ea] meaning, He whose house is water


The arresting of AL.A [ALALU] on the orders of A.NU

ALALU is A.NU(s) twin brother and is the ALLAH that the todays Muslims are waiting for
ALA came with other IGIGI(s)gigis and Dinneer(s) and mixed his and their genes with the creations of A.NU [ENKI]

MUR.DUK is the grandson of A.NU and is ENKI(s) and DAMKINA son, and his grand-uncle is Alalu and uncle is ENLIL

There are two grandsons with the same name MURDUK [MARDUK] and MURDOQ

With Alalu you can see where MURDUK(s) influences came from in regards to Islam [Allah]


The siStars are rising, the siStars only see in energy, look at this lady, she only sees other eyes, that is crucial training right there, no distractions, the eyes don't lie right

Allat is Mary, she is Aset, she is Lillith, she is Kali, she is your worse nightmare

keep pushing her 

her siStars are here

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...