The things that we have now caught ourselves up in that
are automatic, we are on automatic pilot – we’re fixed, in a loop – if you do
not break that loop, you go down – if you do not get off of that loop you will
burn out from doing things that we think we should be doing right, but we are
not doing it at all – we’re not doing the right thing at all
There is a routine to failure – there is a routine to the
oppressed thinking that we are in – we are wedged, stuck, we are caught in a
routine of failure and this kind of routine that we have, we have to examine
What do you do when we get out of bed and your feet hit
the floor, go to the bathroom and you start the routine all over again
There is sum thing that you have to feel inside of you
that gives you the courage enough for you to say [NO] I’m no longer going to do
the routine
This does not mean jump of a cliff or lay down in the
middle of the road, examine the routine that you call your life [Chi] because
you may be so far stuck in it that you have cut a groove so deep that you
cannot climb out of it and your so comfortable in that routine right now that
changing it means changing everything in your body [KHA]
You feel your whole body will not be able to survive that
change or shift
Success – just like failure is a routine – it is your
doing what success is, it is knowing the formula for success begins with you,
its not about doing sum thing, its about becoming sum one [sum-thing] first before
you do sum thing
The commitment begins with you changing yourselves [your
cells], your attitude, your outlook+ the kind of way that tells the world that
nothing you do or throw at me will change what I know to be success and happiness
for me, because success cannot be success without happiness and you have to be HAPI
doing what it is for success – otherwise its just a job, no matter how much its
paying you, it’s a job
So, inner-stand, you have to change first every molecule
in your body that represents your thought process on the atomic level – that then
forms your microbes and the DNA in your molecular structure+ all that is where
success begins and it begins in the mind [KHU]
Remember Matter follows Mind – so when anyone says to you
– what(s) the matter – know that whatever it is – got to have started in your Mind
Human [Humin]
Man means Mind
The KHU is more powerful than the KHA- the KHA is just physical [avatar] that is needed to house the BAA[KAA] + KHU + CHAKRA
Get into the groove
Get out of the groove
The astral world, the netherworld is collapsing has all
dimensions are merging into one- have you seen how many people are offline out
To align the 3rd eye [KAANU] Melanin look at the left image right before your Istal [Distal] mediate or sleep, close your human eye and image [Magi] the symbol, focus in and see the red light, look at the image and close your eyes intermittently until you see that symbol in your mind, in your eye
After a while you will only see the red light when you close your human eyes, follow the light until it disappears - tune out- if the light appears it means align again aka look at the light [red] and follow it until it disappears
[Black] seed oil- get sum
The [Black] [Conscious] SUN
Sum thing exploded in the SKA – NOVA ??
I don’t know if that is really LAHAMU [Venus] up there, many say its not, however we know NIBIRU is up there
This image is from the Himalayans showing two sons, this
is from the KASMIR [Cashmere] BURSAMA region high up in the mountains –
SAH [SAHU] Orion where NIBIRU came through into this soular
system, Sirius is also in SAH
Sirius is Septet [September] do you remember
What they are not telling you is that the cataclysm of these
suns blowing [activating] this star in October, this creates a magnetic field that
overrides the planets own magnetic field – with the full Moon on full mode,
earthquakes will occur and we are seeing this – Latin America for sure is going
to get hit and we have already and are seeing this – that mega tsunami in Alaska
and more are signs, symbolism of what is coming to the world –
The aftermath of the explosion is made up of x-rays [gamma rays]
This aftermath has now reached earth [Ki] on October 9th
There are 3 waves of energy
Hor-izon [Hor-us] HERU
The sun is inside of the firmament [Dome] – so the
question is, if the sun is rising with [2] then what is in the atmosphere with us
right now- WE ARE IN SESSION
1683 from 2022 = 399 only 400 years ago- the length and
breadth of diaspora
Are you getting this, this image shows NIBIRU from
Glasgow [Scotland] the binary sun that NASA saw for the first time in 1989 with
the development of inferred lenses [camera] wtf is going on with these dates,
time, light – what has happened in the last 400 years, who is looping out here,
MK-Ultra is very real in the field, why doesn’t anyone remember electric
scooters in the early 1900s, why do we have history overlapping and in sum
cases existing before – but yet after, why are there craters that are a million
years old+ sitting beside craters that are thousands of years old, this
timeframe is not real but the light is
If NIBIRU has a 3600 orbit then who is that in the SKA
seen over Scotland in 1683 which is less than 399 years ago people, make it
make sense
His-story [hiStory] will only repeat itself to those who
do not know the history
This is my-story [mystery]
MAAT is asking us if we remember
I saw a Sumerian tablet years ago, but LAHAMU [Venus] was shown separately and as a satellite [CRAFT] and not a planet
Enmenluana [Enmenluanna] Ammeluanna [Am-me-lu-an-na]
Ameluana [Amelon] Amenlon
The oldest person recorded to have lived the longest on
earth is not METHUSELAH at the age of 969 years but it is EMENLUANA who lived
to 43,200 years
Ancient records show many more characters that lived
within this super age range, the Kings list [there are two Kings lists]
Methuselah was a baby compared to these other Sumerians
He is known in Rwandan records and legend as MUTUZO the saviour
Name Methuselah is biblical naming but he is Dumuzi in
Sumerian literature
Rwanda is where ENKI had his set-up
Look at the colours that are still present
You can see where the artifacts have been cleaned- all those white patches
He began the king-dome of AKKAD and KHMT [GAHIMA] after
the flood
Son of ENKI
Called NOAH and ENOCH
ENKI would be a YAHWEH brother to JEHOVAH aka ENLIL aka
KHEMET [KHMT] UT.NA.FISH.TIM was the brother to DUMUZI aka Methuselah aka
SOL [SAL] and later called SHAMASH
NOAH and ADAFA is Mesopotamia aka UT.NA.FISH.TIM and also
called ENOCH [KHA-NOWK] and IDRIYS – NOAH is a Jew name and not the Jewish name
– aka we have a 6ether version with Noah and the flood and the boat with 2 of
every kind of animal in that boat and we have GAHIMA [SHAMASH] HAM [KHAMI]
KHAMAT [KHEMET] the recorded story about the flood in stone
Gilgamesh [ENKI] is also used by the Jews for their
made-up story called NOAH- NOAH did not exist
A great flood is coming in once again, yet no one is
building a boat for the animals
NOAH and his family are not him and his wives and sons,
no, NOAH is a seed, there was thousands+ it was ENLIL [JEHOVAH] JAHOVAH
[YAHOVAH] HOVA [Jay’Z] that closed the doors on the shuttle after ANU sent in
the floods for the Nephilian
When ENKI realised that ENLIL had closed the doors
leaving the seeds [NOAH] stranded with the water coming in, ENKI dropped kicked
ENLIL in the cockpit of the shuttle smashing ENLIL(s) head against the
flight-desk, ENKI flipped the shuttle upside and turned that bi9ch around and
headed back for the seeds
The number could well have been 12,000 of them – ENKI had
to stay because the water was already too high and take refuge on KI while ENLIL pissed off
Out of all the principle beings I go right to the start,
it is through compassion from ENKI, INANNA that we are here, this stimulation,
it will always be here and we will from time to time have to experience the
program, is it real [reel] the mind makes it reel [real] – its our home, she is
only one of a few planets in the entire cosmos that is able to sustain complex
organisms – she is the apple of her daddy(s) eye, too much [lov9] here for her
to be wasted, there are too many of us here to allow that to happen – Ki is a
very special place
ENKI has always been among us, he has over 20+ avatars
and is walking among us right now, he never left, I only address him when in
the NTH gate, stay out of their matrix, you are being graded by your energy,
stay true to yourself and all that you do [Raphael] Emerald WAJI- stay on your
Money was introduced by ENILI [HOVA] they have sum thing
similar on Jupiter
All your records are in stone
Stone libraries litter this planet
This comes from Mesopotamia [Sumerian] which would cover where Persia [Iran] is today
This is a EZIDI SEMU [Priest] of the pîr caste, he is a spiritual guide, mentor, healer, meditation+
We see the Scorpion symbol, is this the house symbol or a castle symbol or both – what culture is this and does the Scorpio have sum thing to do with this
The Vadoma tribu have nearly the same feet type
Colorado [USA]
Natural rock formations- that look like toes
- I know what this is, it is pareidolia- yes, it is, they said its called parei- YAWN OUT LOUD- dolia
Romania founded in 1859
The eye details are that of KHMT and these bumps on the helmet are Bantu [Buddha] style
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra]
or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
WAJI [satellite] top arrow other is lens flare- check the colours emitting from the rim of the SUN
SKA [SKY] SKI watch
SOULAR NRG already coming in, get ready for the next wave
The readings are always changing, meaning the energies [colours] are always changing
200hz+ and 1000hz+
Canadian Schuman is also restless - what are those black-outs in the graphic
Italian Schuman
Canadian Schuman
Canadian Schuman [5.11.22]
The planet is incased in FEMI.9 [RED] LECTRON NRG
If the DOME [EMF] cracks open sum where is going to get it
The SUN, NIBIRU, STARS are all under the DOME with us
Dimensions are close
Seen over Sweden
New Zealand
There is a portal under Ukraine [Tartara]
Russia leaving, USA incoming, they are fighting the ANUNNAKI mercenaries, most of the fighting is underground
The planet or craft on the right is fast but smaller than
the craft or planet on the left which has been up there for a month
Three cloaked crafts- the two on either side only show up
like flashes on the footages
So many shapes [objects] around the portal
These are the models that they are showing
Prophecy [Judgment]
Hurricanes, tornados are building and hitting, snow
[HAARP] at the north and south poles, USA+ and Australia
A short story
Golden Beetle
ERITREA was a KHMT line until the 6ether Italian came in and mixed into them, image from 1949
Sweat potato
[I bet it is]
At [40] the KAA [Spirit] Chi forms and reaches maturity, the KHU [Mind] also forms and matures
This is why many have a mid-life [Chi] crisis [Cry-Isis] and this is why Chi [Life] begins at [40]
This is also when you are ready to enter the SEMU world [initiate]
The being, crouched down and covered their face and then this net, rope, web was deployed, like a weapon that fires this net at the target and traps them - they were never meant to escape - whoever did this that being was frightened of
He or she got trapped
Godzilla [Japan] IAPAN
Brazilla [Aztlan] South America
Dragon [Dagan] Dogon
Dinosaur [Lizard] Reptile
Hydrogen [Hy-dragan] Kundalini [Serpentine]
Dinosaurs are not extinct because this sail-fin Dragon still carries the Dino gene
Crocodiles evolved 90million+ years ago and haven't changed in all that time - that is two examples of the Reptile [Reptilian] Lizard [Serpent]
I thought the AKUR was a female, it’s a young male
Intense eye contact, the guide reached for the handle
rail on the seat, I would have done the same
Kats have a 3rd eye, they see in a different
light spectrum – they can see in the dark, they can see heat signatures, they
can see AU.RA [bio-fields]
Sh9t is real in the field
It is the AYISH [ARCTURUS] DRACO [positive] military that are dealing with the negative DRACO on Ki via the Galactic Council and Federation
Many have been taken off planet, many have already been executed, it is the body doubles, clones+ that are doing the rounds out here along with A.I and the ones still hiding among the HuMins [HuMans]
Bronze, Koppa, Iron, Glass
The 9ether Moors civilised 6ether Europe
Timeless pieces, made to last
Plastic Bombastic [Tupperware]
NEBU [Golden One]
The ERHE is the bridge between the physical world and the netherworld
Atlantis is rising
Stay on the PTAH [PATH]
[They are right about the MOORS, when they ignite you don't want to be in an area where 9ether MOORS reside, we have seen the LA riots, we have seen the Brixton and Mark Duggan riots, we have seen Apartheid [ABZU] many more [moor]+ but when the 9ethers go they smash everything like the hurricanes, tornados that they are, there are scores [waves] still to be settled, they are a ticking time bomb, fuse already burning, they watch while they are being subjected to, not just by others, but internal, this is a spark that once ignited will only burn out when the MOOR says so, protect your light so that you light can protect you, after all this is taking place in the 3D world, the spiritual war has already been won, you just have to walk in your Ptah aka walk in your energy]
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