Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Old Guard

[22] 11 [22]

Special forces 

The Arcturus and Andromeda military are assisting with the military forces dealing with the ’deep state’ US warships have docked in different ports in Australia to aid in the take down of the Australian deep state, huge child, women human trafficking, organ trafficking, pedo base, arms manufacturing distribution, HAARP insulations, wipe out of the Aboriginal people including their children, the wipe out of the Tasmanian Tiger that protected the women at Uluru – this will be the same in Canada, the USA and UK – the Canadian military are waiting for the US military to leave 

 USS Gerald is docked in Portsmouth [UK] right now

During lockdown we have had many tribunals, with many executed and many taken off planet, the white house has been used as a military prison – we are out of date in the 3D matrix has many were executed and had their clones making the rounds for a while – none of this means anything to us but we keep an eye on them because when they crash the truth has to be installed, for example we will have Martial Law if the masses get edgy – this is for the 3D world, which has ended [not the planet- learn the difference]

When you hear sum one say that they had a near-death experience, for those who meditate, you die every time you go meditation, you are reborn multiple times – how many times have you died, for sum that is every-night, it’s a thin line between love and hate, it’s a thin line between the physical and the holographic [spiritual] – don’t get caught up with things that you do that you haven’t named

We had been maimed by the removal of [4] higher senses which have and is being reinstated and they are Clairvoyance, Psychometry [Psy means soul (BAA)], Telepathy and Intuition along with your [6] senses which are Seaing (Seeing), Hearing, Tasting, Smelling, Feelings and Emotions [energy-in-motion] along with your [Ayin] Aeye [Aye] ye main eye, your first eye [3rd eye] and your CHAKRA system

You have your KAA guide, you are connected to the Universal Mind
Your world class people now so start acting like it

On Monday, I had to really think about sum thing that I couldn’t remember if I had dreamt it or it had actually happened, have you ever had a dream Neo that you thought was so sure it was real

SKA [SKI] SKY watch 


Phoenix and also called the Pheasant bird, at one point was never rare but found all over CHI.NA [SHIVA] in this footage sum climbers saw these rare [white] Phoenix living in the mountains far away from Chinese who eat anything with a pulse 

You start to understand the great-wall-of-China and India- to keep out the Dinosaurs aka the terrible lizards, giants+ 

 Not so much a throne like we had today, these are different kinds of thrones- look at TUT(s) see the Wi-Fi device[modem] sphere – these are devices for when they were in session, these thrones are made differently, using elements, using nature, gold [Nub] is a conductor

America [Atlantis] is West-Africa- the River Nile and Mississippi River are the same River, the roof [Ethiopia] of Africa touches the SKA- both rivers come from one source that is coming from the SKA

This opening was already there and their tunnel work began in 1927 for 3 years into 1930
The opening, tunnel goes into the Mt, what they did was to make a road, tunnel that allows you to go through and there are other tunnels that are blocked off to the public

Last 72hr Italian Schuman 

Last 48hrs Canadian Schuman 
200hz- 1200hz
1000hz - 120,000hz- we had higher in the last 3 years 

Fire in the hole - look at the planet - she is surrounded in FEMI9 NRG 

Places are getting hit, that Indonesia strike to me was a M8 or M9 [HAARP] deployment - 260 dead they said which is probably a lot higher
Solomon Islands M8 or M9 
M7 or M8 TURKEY 
Loads of uploads showing different animals walking in a sphere [360] 

Magnetic field- the poles have already been moved spiritually [holographic] 

You see these graphics that I post using the NASA sites, all these images of the sun, planets from their cameras, the Schuman, these and much more+ are seriously [Siriusly] contradicting what is really going on out there, the information conveyed about the Earth-Sol parameters is not correct

We see AURA fields and NASA say no CME impacts- but we have the pictures showing the EMF is lit up like a Christmas tree, NASA have deleted hours and hours of data, the sun is letting off multiple times and yet the planet is cold, snow in areas- in any case the earthquakes over the last week and last night lets us know that energy is being released but also that energy is building, it is going to blow, sum where, while many are kept distracted in the 3D matrix, keep your eye open, look at the SKA, study the SKA, when your out and about look up once in a while, look at the SKA at night, watch and learn, there are crafts above you, sum you can see and sum you cannot, they are scanning everything, including your AURA fields – you are the NASA graphics, while many study NASA, NASA is studying the 9ethers, all this artificial amping up of the frequency, making it distorted, confusing, misleads the direction of the conscious energy

A CME is soular energy, for soular beings, those without a soul go offline because they cannot absorb the soular [sun] energy and they are going crazy out here

To be honest between NASA [NOAA] I don’t think they have the technology and I don’t think they know when these CME(s) are coming, you know weather systems can form without being seen on radar
Soul-ar [sol-ar] activity is high 

Scotland 21.11.2022

When the cloud wall gets deployed its because they don't want you to see sum thing 

Diamond cut 

Origin unknown 

Glastonbury sits on the ley lines of the planet 
This tower is all that is left that is sitting on a mound [MIR] 

Glastonbury - how to collect energy for free 

What he says about time lines is bang on the money - frictional characters based on real people who were 9ether
Dubai- that is real in the field 

A mixture of pictures and footages- the footages - sum are from 2020 and are so good 

Cthulhu [ENKI] 

Last two images are Satellites- Conductor 

Singapore [Singhapore] Singaporean – [Sanskrit] Simhapuram meaning Lion City from Simhah [Samha] Lion aka Singh + Puram city


Initialism (acronym) for Association of South-East Asian Nations, formed 1967 by the British - Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand; since expanded to 10 nations

Philippines is Prince Phil [Spain]
Indo-nesia [nesia] is from the word Melanesia Indo [Indi]
Malaysia [Melay-sia]
Himalaya [Hi-Mala-ya]
Thailand Sukhothai [SUK-HOT-THAI] MON [MONGOL]
Esia is Asia [Asian] and Caucasian
Mala [Mela] Melanin
Before it meant Ether [black] but today it means Cauc-asian [white]
Basically, all these places never existed until 1967 and Melanesia means Melanin

Amnesia [Melanesia]  

All energy taken [stolen] must be returned at the closing of -Age
We have reached that point 

 He who laughs last laughs longer 
 Belgium the South is French and the North is Dutch
KARMA is real 

Get the diamond, the blood diamond
De Beer diamond mine worker is X-rayed at the end of his shift
Kimberley, South Africa
October 1954

All energy must be repaid- returned at the closing out [Age] 

The waves are changing, you can feel the changes, there are a lot of 'black' themes taking place in the 3D, with the World Cup one of them- don't be surprised if an African team of sum sort wins, there are a lot of 'black' themes like West, Irving, Robinson - counteracting energies, distorting energies - all within the 3D matrix- remember the world is ending not the planet- know the difference  

KHMT [Egypt] made the dye from Dub [scarabs] 

Francis Drake meeting Californian natives in 1579- erm I don’t think so, these are not Californian Indigenous [INDI-GENES] this is not the first time that they have mislead in their history 
Drake [Draco] gets replaced by bum bandit Christopher

Califians [Khalifians]
California [Kalifornia]
INDI [INDIA] genes is KUSH genes

Don't fu9k with the Colombians- I looped Harlem Shuffle and played that against the Colombian
Did you see the dog, 007 moves
Check out the backdrop - 

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Smiling Faces

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