Thursday, 17 November 2022


Excavations in France, 2004, archaeologists unearthed a temple and found a treasure of metal fragments that were destroyed and buried, similar findings were found in Gallia and elsewhere, but this one is unusual in its scale - more than 500 artifacts or fragments were put into a pit with an area of about 0.4 m2 and a depth of 0.3 m
These artifacts have been tampered with has the colours have been scrubbed off has these images where buried in containers
Among the objects specially opened with a hammer were weapons, shields, swords and nine helmets, eight bronze and one iron one
One of the bronze helmets has a shape that has never been seen before, a swan, a gracefully curved neck that forms a horn in front, and then turns back to the helmet, which is made in the form of a bird's tail, this might be a swan, the eyes have been plucked out and you can see sum blue still on the item, these helmets look like antennas also the remains of seven Carnyx [KARNYX] pipes were found
Carnyx is a vertical pipe that the Galls and other Celtic peoples of Europe used
Thanks to their height - they could reach a height of 1.8 m - the sound of these pipes spread over the battlefield, summoned the army and frightened the enemy, used for connection to source, commination
We know about the KARNYN is from the descriptions of contemporary people- Diodore Sicilian mentions their- threatening sounds reminiscent of the battle- in chapter 30 of the V book "Historical Library, and by images on coins
Before the Tintignac discovery, the remains of only five existing Carnyxs' were discovered and of these, the best preserved Carnyx from Deskford, found in Scotland in 1816 and this is just a head with a jaw on the hinges

Gallic comes from the word Ghoul [Ghaul] Gaul and Celtic+ these are the Nomos or Dragons 
[Mermaids] Mer-Man

There are secret rooms in Egypt and Sumerian structures, that only the elite could walk through, sum of these pieces are gadgets, the elite were able to walk through walls, they could dematerialize matter 
There are still many gadgets, weapons, technology that cannot be used for you nee the right ingredients to use them like Nuqat 122 

The membrane [horns] connect to the 3rd eye, they plug in, the membrane also offers a form of ranking system has sum have two or three or four, check out the designs and intricate designs, the top left image his ears are animal ears- the original colours are missing - the noses have either been reshaped or sum look European enough  

Membrane is where we get the word brain [brane] from- for the organ, muscle 

The Maneckji Sett Agiary
Zoroaster Fire Temple
built by the Parsi community in 1735, the original Parsi are the Persians [Ethiopians] - not sure what this place is and it was not built from source, like the last image 


Zoroaster, Utnaphistem [Utnafishtim][Mesopotamia] and Noah are all the same person UTNAPHISTEM was the first perfect albino (curse) completion and the father of the albino cursed nation
The word [Star] Sta-r or Ast-Re in other languages was Saba.t [SABA.T] or Sobdet, and that is where the term Sabean comes from, the seventh province of the Kingdom of Sheba and means those of Heaven or those of Sirius [Sepete], also appearing in the examination of the following words revealing the syllable that designates this Star as Ast-re, Asata-re Ashtaroth, Astarte, Ishtar, Zoroaster, Karasata, Krst [Karast]+

The term Saba can also be written in many other ways, such as Seb, Seba, Sheba, Shiva, Saeva, Seva, Zeba, and so on+

The English word "Star" and the Latin word "Aster" derive both from the original Nilotic Asata-Re and Astarte, just as the names of certain deities such as Sobek, Sebekh, Set and Shiva derive from this syllable which Refers exclusively to the stars and the Master-Astrologos (logos = lyrics)

The elite of the Essenes at Qumran, near the Dead Sea, bore the title " A Sta-r or Ast-re", which is why Jesus, allegedly in his own words, also identified himself with 'shining star of the morning' as was done in ancient Egypt

The word Saba, Seba or Spdt is also at the root of the modern word Seven whose number seven was used to identify the members of the seven souls of Re [chakra] there are seven candlesticks on the Ethiopian traditional practices (Amen-Ra)

In short, the title and name "Star" denoted a priest, a messiah, an envoy, an oracle, a figure, a great spiritual or political leader Famous and Famous, that is why today we find the image of this star on the insignia of the popes and archbishops as well as on countless churches, cathedrals or temples of the Western world and Semite

Ahura Mazda 
Fire Temple
Built in 1881 in INDIA [INDI]

AHURAMAZDA is ENKI and ZOROASTER in INDIA [Persians] aka the Ethiopians 

There are [2] TAJ MAHAL(s) 


That is a stargate in the middle above her head with the snake and bird in the middle 
Remember these and the likes of the ZULU were going to and from Sirius
ZULU means SKA people or those from the SKA, they all come under the ANU.NAGA [ANNUNAKI] meaning these beings or these beings ANU asked to come down
-these beings came from the SKA, aka that would they came from NIBIRU to KI 
See the word KI and ANU and NAGA in their names- they come under the term ANUNNAKI which is you today, reincarnated over and over in the many time lines that we have had, you have been here for a very long time 

KHMT [Egypt] aligns with SAH [Orion] and Iraq [Sumerian] Baghdad aligns with Cydonia on LAHMU [MARS] there is a Sedona [Cydonia] in Arizona [Mexico] Ulmec [Olmec] which is 9ether native indigenous INDIA land, which is the first image and you can see the portal details when you zoom in above her head 

WAJI streaming from the poles 

Inside the groove 

North Dakota [USA] 
CHAKRA energies 
These colour coded SKA is changing your DNA [RNA] 

The SUN, MOON, NIBIRU, STARS are all under the D.OM.E with us 

Normally this is all RED however we have a break in waves but where the RED is that is the night side of the planet meaning where is that coming from NASA and YT uploaders have their thumb in their ass and say they don't know where its coming from

Around this time of year we see these energy rays [columns] mainly in the northern parts of the planets [Crown] we never had a WINTER [AUTUMN] and these CHAKRA energies stabilise the planet thus you and all living 
From the CROWN CHAKRA of KI the energy is then filtered through and into those whose CHAKRA system is open, remember the planet CHAKRA is the HEART and why the word EARTH has the same letters


If you are 6ether - you have 1[Ion] and if you grew a heart- you also go through, you are being judged on this life only and at this final part of the stimulation, if you grew a heart you are coming with the higher frequency, this goes for all the 6ethers, all Indigo children came in all races, it was the only way to get you down here, you are also coming, this part requires energy based beings, positive, the rite way, the heart must be light [MAAT] for she is watching, observing and has already judged you

Go in peace and let peace guide you home 



the sterling is flat and $1030 is around £800
Look at the state of the Cabbage or Garbage 

Nature is shutting down the planet 

The UK gets issued 3 separate flood warnings- not alert warnings and means batten down the hatches
Look over at Ireland- there is Alison 

We have had sum hits in the last 72hr- outside is still very much charged
    TEXAS M6 

German Schuman spiking 

Italian Schuman- you can see the tones [frequency] is hitting the dome

Italian Schuman 

Canadian Schuman
CROWN [NORTH] of planet
We see 60hz, 300hz and 1000hz - however the rest of the data has either been withheld, deleted, switched off or the energy is extremely strong 

16.11.2022 Canadian Schuman either tripped out or reboot 

Canadian Schuman update
Last night I was restless and could not shut-down
Sweaty, Wise-dome teeth hurting  
All our DNA [RNA] is changing, this is a change on your molecular structure, from the inside out, anything that is artificial to this soular [solar] system will be deleted
This is an Alchemy process 

Canadian Schuman is struggling to update because its getting hit 

Incoming [17.11.22]

    Pattern emerging 



AL GHOR [Saudi] 

In one frame and gone the next, each frame is about 12 or 18 seconds gap, enough time for NASA to play with the footages 

Seen on the 15.11 and the 16.11.2022

Crafts around the portal- this craft has been here since the reintroduction of NIBIRU to this soular system in 2012- this craft is one of three main crafts that are everywhere in space, slipping in and out of dimensions, NASA can see all three

Crafts are made of light- space is a computer program, its a holographic code, behind NIBIRU and the SUN is the spirit world which is the holographic world, its the same thing
PARA means offsite, another place, another dimension, so I'm looking forward to going Paranoid 

Cleary we do not all have the same sun in the four corners of the planet 

This was in the SKA in the footage

The only reason Europe cares about Brazil is because when Brazil crashes so does Portugal who have already started to slip and slide but need Brazil to crash and it will be lights out for Portugal
Europe are quaking in their boots knowing this is next 



We are all under the dome and the SUN is not 90M+ away

Czech Republic and now POLAND [POLSKA] POLE LAND 

Czech Republic yesterday 

Arizona [USA] 

ASARU [OSIRIS] [Vegetation] NTR [Deity]
MUUR architecture 

Two people are lying next to the colossal Kouros statue in Greece that is over 10 meters tall
This is not the Kouros statue, which is made of marble and this Kouros is based on Horus [Heru] 

Dreadlock Rasta
Locs [Locks]
Zeus also has locs 
Greece [Etruscan] Carthage 

Look how they busted his statue, hated but loved - there are inscriptions over the artifact 

Temple of HERA [HERU] 
Also found with SAMSON
Anytime heads, hands, noses are missing, we know why 

SAMSON helmet would have looked like this, you can see his has been smashed off to hide the true warriors of GREECE
GREECE is a part of Sumerian [Mesopotamia] 

They warriors had to fight, these are your Christians, these are your Nazareth, your dreadlock fighters that they made them fight here after capture  

She didn't cut his locs off, it was about his KAANU - the temple is his mind 



This clay figure is close to 8,000 years old
Archaeologists have said that it’s a she and she is pregnant and named her the Thinker of Anargyri, named after the place where ‘she’ was found
Hello- this is a Reptilian with a fat gut – other arm missing and the rest of the figure – maybe it is a female Reptilian or male Reptilian- thee fingers aka web hands  

A former Kansas City Police Detective Roger Golubski [Ski] Russian-Poland 
I took a screen shot and the second image is black and white
Slit eyes are reptilian eyes
Eyes don't lie 

NIKA [NAKA] translates One who belongs
Necho [Nekau] Neku [Nechoh] Nikuu [Nekō]
She is a NTR [NETERU] A’aferti [Pharaoh] Queen 
She has royal symbols on her 

 Original colours are still partly present 

She is with us


Why is it that when we see back in the 1900s [before the war] if people are by the sea, in Egypt [heat], construction workers, chimney sweepers, window cleaners+ everyone wears a suit, first of all how did they afford a suit and who is making all these suits for children and men and dresses for women, who is doing all the tailoring, unless these are not your clothes, are they wearing leather shoes but how comes your eating from a soup kitchen, how much did a 3-piece or 2-piece cost back then and what about shoes, hat and all the rest of it- this does not make sense, the Jews controlled the Rag trade, from whom, who was making these suits, shirts, trousers, ties, hats, shoes- they stole these clothes from the people that wore them that were murdered, all these buildings, roads, infrastructure was already there

Ashuat [Ashu] translates [prayer] there are [9] positions [portal openings] Wi-Fi connection to main server [collective conscious] aka [God] the d-Om-e

Labyrinths of the underworld

German archaeological authority became interested in small mazes that pass-through Hungary to Spain

Around 700 Erdställe (underground stealth moves) were identified in Bavaria alone, and about 500 are known in Austria, they say they were built by elves, which they are talking about the Gaul [Ghoul] aka the little people and the likes of the BANTU [TWA] IRU who are around 4.5ft tall

Many earth tunnels occurred at the site of early settlements, their entrances are in the kitchens of old farm houses+ or in the middle of the forest

No one knows these passages, where they go, each leading to different rooms, interchanges, there are only 400 vaults so far discovered with 90% still uncharted

These types of tunnels are also common in Ireland, Scotland and central France, many tunnels are under the castles, temples, monasteries+

$15million sold for
Would you purchased this for $15million+ right now


Hydnora Africana can be found in Botswana and South Africa [ABZU]
Speaks volumes about procreation
Africa [Alkebulan] have so many reference points to the pum-pum
the Kamasutra [KAMA SUTRA] was written by Alkebulan wombmen, not man
Shakti [Tantric energy] Serpentine [Kundalini] energy Hydrogen [Hy-Dragan] 

Anatomy of the G spot and G-shot
Dr. Placik, a Chicago based plastic surgeon describes anatomy of the g spot and the technique of the g-spot augmentation in his model

3M Company, which produces bulletproof glass in Canada, placed $3 million in their bulletproof glass box at a bus stop with the slogan "If you can break it, you'll keep the money.”

Sleep paralysis means they have you
That ghost in the group picture is for real

Used for identification, for tribu- but also for the dimensions, realms that this person has achieved, star systems, constellation and for those returning to be able to know who is who down here 

Alkebulan works sold at the likes of Sothebys
His hair is like those from HABIRU [NIBIRU] HEBREW 

Indus [Shayok]Nubra [Suru]

Sum one, sum beings were high up in the heavens and left sum records on, in stone
The petroglyphs were mostly made on dark boulders coated with desert or rock varnish
The ancient artists used smooth flat surfaces
Animal forms are abundant as well as hunting scenes, symbols, oversized human figures and undetermined symbols- your looking at around 7,000 years old, near enough when the ice-age started 10,000 years ago and they were operational 

We see temples, power units, Vajra, the Swastika and the plasma symbol 

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...