Enter the 5th Dimensional Suite
We all have this voice that pushes us down, that tells us we are not good enough
Watch the left-side of the organ [brain] muscle - this is where that voice emanates from, the one that tells you that you are sh9t- this is the place in that area of the brain that houses the Reptilian processing [understanding] of [humanity], its a pattern recognising part and doesn't exist for its an illusion
The true you is a conscious being, an aware being, an observer and if you can stream [tap] into who you are the problems [issues], depression, anxiety+ will fade away
Don't tune into that voice - that voice cannot see through reality - that voice uses your past perception, your past failures, your past habits+ whatever you were in the past - which is not you anymore but that voice will never let that go, you have to know that voice is an illusion
This moment is the only moment that ever existed and you are a Nu being right now
Your KHU [Mind] is Quantum [4]
Less talk
Say the word [PUMA] to
yourselves [your cells] in your KHU [Mind] and after I want to ask you, what voice was
that, you just said the word [PUMA] to yourself without moving your mouth at
all, you heard yourself say [PUMA] you heard a voice say [PUMA]
How did you hear yourself
say [PUMA] and no vibration of sone [sound] has happened – this puts a different
perspective on what sone actually is and what memory is- which memory is not in
the brain, its in the BAA and is the only thing you take with you aka your
memories or your knowledge or your experiences
Saying the word [PUMA] in
your KHU, no, you said [PUMA] in your true being – you heard yourself speaking,
if you close your human eyes you can still see this, its an image [imagery] –
what is the sight that can see your future – these human eyes do not see the
future – these human eyes do not see the past yet you can see your past and you
can see your future – you can actually see your past
What is the sight that can
see beyond time
You are not the flesh, you
are the energy, the consciousness, you are the being in the flesh [avatar]
You can speak without
moving your mouth, you can hear without using your ears and you can see without
using your eyes – when your physical eyes, ears and mouth are done, its these
other senses that you are left with – death is an illusion – the body is the
limitation of you and is not your ultimate, it is that voice [tone] that just said [PUMA]
– whoever said that is immortal, whoever said that is not here with you on the
earth plane
1D [Thought] 2D [WOMB] 3D [PHYSCIAL]
The body is in
three-dimensions, forward, back, right, left, up and down and time – four
dimensions + time – that is our physical reality – what happened to in and out
– in and out is the fifth dimension explained – what is in and out [PUMA] – so
where is this other existence – its not here with you in the three dimensions,
they are completely in another dimension – switch it up a little, talk to
yourself a bit more, affirm to yourself more – shut down the mouth and go
Innerspace is how the
[Gods] created this whole reality – the first of our kind came from innerspace
and they came out to outerspace – this is why the King-dome of heaven [haven]
is within – where [PUMA] is
Once you realise that you
are not just in this dimension but also in other dimensions you will be free
because now whatever happens to you in this dimension is not your only reality
Once you realise yourself
has the KAA [PUMA] and not the flesh [KHA] you increase your consciousness – that you
are the inner-voice and not the outer-voice – once you know this your outer
voice has poWRA because its coming from the innerman [man means mind]
Reality works according to
your consciousness – when the real being speaks all of nature and the universe
Sum of you are in
inner-earth remotely operating – sum of you are on these crafts remotely
operating your avatar [Krishna] Kha [Body] Flesh [Matter] Physical
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]
[3] tones are hitting the planet
All siStars are coming online [144hz]
Nut [Mut] the
energy of Nu [universe]
Nu = vibration
Look at the holographic computer code that is called
space, you can see the grid, 4D[5D]+
NEIT translates to weave – and is a reference to the
grid, the fabric of the universe [space] it is a computer code
[V] W [M] Check peoples names that begin with the those letters, they were sent
Oshunmare - divine rainbow [Chakra] serpent associated
with creation and procreation
The word Kundalini or Khudalini is a Naga root word that
was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and is called
Oshunmare [Osumare] Oshun [Femi9] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami [Kammu]
and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El]
and was taken into Nagalan [INDA][INDIA] and called Orissa [Orisha] Odia
PTAH [Opener of the way]
18th Dynasty
Hatshepsut – she is a
A’aferti [Pharaoh] her name translates Beloved of Set [Sut] which translates
The South and Sut-ekh translates He who shines, Majestic One of the south
South being lower KHMT
[Egypt] which would be Sudan [Ta-Nehisi]
She is Set [Sut] daughter
and Set is ENLIL – all of the soular dynasties are 9ether
Sudan are the home of the
blue-black and black-black [ether] Melanin [KAA.NU] HuMins [HuMans]
Lion(s) Rock aka Dragons Rock, these are claws not paws
Top arrow there is a MIR further back
You can see the landing platforms for crafts, pool house, what is down below
No doubt this was a gate [portal] TAMIL NADU [SRI LANKA] GOA have the records and many still have Melanin but its tainted
[3] Wise Men
Under the feet of the
King, lay the dead body of the Roman emperor Julian, who was defeated by Shapur II, the
depiction of Julian by the artist gives the lacking of attention to his
presence in the relief as in non-existence- meaning they did not give a fu9k
about the Romans
Sassanid Empire of Persia
Sumeria [Samari [Samaritan]
This area covers Iran
[Iraq] Syria [Turkey] and PAKISTAN and all the other areas with STAN in the end
part of their name
first King after the flood
Sumerian [Mesopotamia] Babylon
are the same area
Women playing music with instruments
Creatures we don't know of
Check height
Check height
[Persians] aka the Ethiopians
Both are ENKI
Zeus [ENLIL] on the right also with locs [locks]
[Persians] aka the Ethiopians
Both are ENKI
Sasanian infantry, soldiers
Noblemen, KnightsCheck height
Persians are the KUWSH [CUWSH] they are a delegation, ambassadors in what is called Iran, Turkey, Syria before the invading races came in
It is the end of their world, not the planet- learn the difference
WALL-E just got licenced
$1.7billion drought
Nature is not playing
Timing is everything
When the lock down
started, everyone was praising the doctors and nurses and everyone clapped for
them, now the UK faces one of- if not the only biggest walk out the NHS has
ever seen in the month of December- timing is everything- step off of the 3D
2023 [ML]
Cost £1.90 [$2.30]
Land sides means land is moving beneath
Every type of weather systems are being applied around the planet
Black is charged and white is ready now
atmosphere is charged, waking up at a specific time with head sweats
Western scientists tell us that Australia is moving, in
Vietnam they said that the ancient seabed was being pushed up to ground level
and we saw this, they said that Australia wouldn’t reach Vietnam for another 1.5million
years- how do they know this, these western scientist
Using the maps provided there was a map around the 1400 or
1500 -year mark that didn’t even have Australia on the map – Australia would
not take 1.5million years to reach Vietnam, Australia can be moved and reach Vietnam
in 1.5hrs
The planet was one land mass [Pan] at one stage and has
shifted a couple times, we know that land mass has sunken and risen, we know
that Brazil and Ghana share the same forest
The continents+ are sitting on water, there is water
under us and above us, African is the only place that is rooted to the planet
so to speak, we know that ABZU is the entrance to the underworld, we know that South
Africa [ABZU] is really North Africa- everyone else is floating and what is keeping
us in place is magnetic force and the MIR(s) they act like fasteners between
the plates, the plates are being loosen so that they can be moved, fault lines,
earthquakes, volcanoes are all playing their part
Can you imagine the continents coming together has one,
suddenly there would be reinforcements, ABZU have nearly over a 100million AB.ZULU
men alone in SA-
Western scientists have never, ever’ been in a reSet
[cycle], you have been here many times before, African people are on every
landmass from the beginning, so why wouldn’t they be on every landmass in the
end, there are sum things that Man cannot explain and you are going to witness this
Not sure if that is a blackout or sum thing to do with the waves [frequency]
Over 200hz and 1000hz+
All these images are from the Canadian Schuman- its taking a hit or two and is recording the most energy signatures
Canadian Schuman update
Blackout, reboot- its heavy
Canada near enough a year to the day- portal with craft supervising
The North part of the planet is the Crown of the planet, NIBIRU controls the poles
Italian Schuman - its humming [Om-ming]
Energies streaming through
When NAS [NOAA] hide the data we still get the images to let us know
All signs are in the SKA
RED SKA backdrop
NYC [Draco] HQ
Mutating wavelength
The planet is on automatic and is returning to Sirius, we have and had been going through the trappist system, in order to get there everything must be upgraded and if not gets deleted
DNA [RNA] must be upgraded
Pinky tail, girl born with hair and pig or monkey tail, although still prevalent among the 6ethers, this will increase has DNA is changing
Loads of crafts and what is up with the sun [portal]
What is that in the SKA
I thought that was the ISS
Two planets leave via the left and coming from the left is another planet, you can see the CUBE
See arrow by the SUN, it went black- that handle for the camera is sum thing else
With beam on
The sun [Conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIBTU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or
Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
When is the last time you heard anything from this powerful nation, a nation of great thinkers, planners, strategists, they gave us the arts, literature, they gave us the Olympics
Never seen them win anything at the Olympics in recent years, how about the World Cup football, did they even qualify
Zeus made the inverted 6ether Greeks
Carthaginians is
Haddan becomes Hadrian [Adrian]
Trajan is Trojan which
becomes ill aka war breaks out
Etrusia [Etruscans] was
later on called Troy [Troy]
Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then
you get the word Tro-y and Titanium [Tiranium] was the name of these particular
people [Titan] Etrustians
Sparta [Sparta] Spartar]
Hannibal [Hannib’El] Braca
No one knows where the Etruscans came from, they settle Tuscany and that is their first recording and is that even their name
Macedonia warriors are the Etruscans and Cartage warriors
Macedonia was founded in 1944 - they did not exist until 1944
Arma [Amon] Amen [Amun]
Amara-geddon means to reveal
Amun [Amon] Amen means
Mycenae [Aegean] Greece
Mycenaean [Agamemnon]
Memnon the Ethiopian [NTR]
King [Negus]
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen]
Melanin [Memon]
Armageddon [Ar-Ma-gedden]
Har-Ma [Har][Harma] = Karma [its in the pronunciation]
Arma-geddon [Gideon]
Armageddon means the
Memnon [Mycenaean]
Ki-ng Aga-Memnon [Armageddon]
When Helen, the wife of
Menelaus, was taken to Troy by Paris, Minoan King Agamemnon commanded his
united armed forces to ignite the Trojan War
Greece is a part of Mesopotamia
[Eridu] and Memmon existed
Attention to detail
A small demonstration of
ancient perfection [precision]
They removed the top
These buildings were there before the Europeans invaded
Carthaginian [Kharthaddan]
TARTAR - technology - that civilisation are still here
SYRIA - wave
Very interesting
Looks like a rocket launch
This fountain was not stolen from Ireland by the 6ether Jews
They can never explain who built these things and more because then they would have to tell you the truth about who built architectural unity around the world
Namibia takes down German
colonial statue
Curt von François's statue
was erected in 1965 to celebrate him as the city's founder aka colonial
It is the latest statue to
be removed in a worldwide campaign against symbols of the colonial era
Two years ago in
neighbouring ABZU [South Africa], a statue of British imperialist Cecil Rhodes
was decapitated, the [Africans] want their land back
On November 20, 1923, the U.S. Patent Office grants
Patent No. 1,475,074 to 46-year-old inventor and newspaperman Garrett Morgan
for his three-position traffic signal
Though Morgan’s was not the first
traffic signal (that one had been installed in London in 1868), it was an
important innovation nonetheless: By having a third position besides just
“Stop” and “Go,” it regulated crossing vehicles more safely than earlier
signals had
Byzantine eagle – emblem
is the Moors symbol- double HERU [Horus]
St. George's Cathedral, I-Stan-bul
SENET [CHESS] and to anoint [Messeh] Mes-seh [Messiah] from Millah which translates 'rites'
Ms CARA [KARA] was 63 when she transitioned- like Joyce Sims [63] and Bill Withers who was [81]
Many souls were sent to aid in the HuMan ascension program
T-ankh you for the memories
I’m going to make it to
heaven [haven] Sirius
Bottom right headless female from at the Iy [temple]
Malta is part of Sumeria
Original Knights
What was this place
BBW in Malta with their
heads smashed off
Gabriel is Female
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