Saturday, 19 November 2022

Walking Pillars..

19.11.022 = [9]

Huge amounts of wattages are streaming from this particular tree 
In those trunks is water [Moya] = CurrenSea
The Baobab tree is over 2,000 years old 
The Elephants gravitate to the Baobab tree, the Elephants know where these power conductors are in this vast land - look at the Elephants they are meditating [downloading][uploading] 


This tree has fallen over exposing its roots [nervous system]

Rocks, minerals, gems, gold, crystals, diamonds transfer [plasma] around the planet where she needs it the most- they are in the soil [soul] sole, making up the circuit board + ley lines of the planet  
All still glow under UV backdrop
They say that Elephants have poor eye sight but they are plugged into the circuit board and know you are there metres+ away
Elephants hear in infrasound 



Ganesh is from Ghana it says so in Sanskrit
Afghanistan [Af-Ghana-istan] Africa-Ghana-istan]

As Above [So below] 


Outside of Africa Brazil has an 80%-90% African lineage base rate

Oshun [Osun] – everyone is wearing Yellow – are they doing a Oshun [Sweetwater] ritual or are they really tearing sh9t up because if that is a Sweetwater ritual then HAITI will be right behind them

When HAITI do the Oshun ritual it will cause a chain reaction – sum of the footages show people wearing gold and white, that is Oshun rituals – I have seen in the media and they are saying that the masses are tearing things up, nope, I don’t see any of that in the footages, to me they are calling on Oshun and the powers that used to be are dumbing that down by saying they are going crazy out there


The original template for the DNA is activated in the soular rays – when they say that INKY is coming back to bring the original blueprint you have to keep in mind that where we are in this galactic clock at this particular closing out at the age going into this Aquarium – its like we are traveling through a tube of time [light] – this tube is our Ptah that has been laid down through the universe or what they call the Milky Way galaxy – so in this trajectory there is another tube at the intersection at the close of the age, this other tube is a ray of blue UV light- which they use to cleanse planets and will be deployed whether we are conscious or not, whether we are activated or not- this planet will be cleansed – this blue ray restores first – the DNA has to go back to the original sequence code which unlocks the [junk] DNA in order for it to correctly align

Once aligned thus autocorrects all of the errors that they typed into the genome – when they were making reptilian mammalian hybrids to be able to put them in servitude and strip down the DNA – the first thing they did was cut the age, so that they could die early, sum of the souls are so old it takes to long to remember – so they had to condense that – so we had to learn with speed and they gave us a maximum- be wise with speed for a fool at 40 is a fool indeed – which ties in with the Islamic 40 Hadith – 1 of the Hadith says, that one of the companions heard the prophet say, seek knowledge even unto China – if your in the USA or UK China is far away – what they are saying what good is it to know what is going on in China, what is that going to do for you, us, what about the Middle-East, what about knowledge there, what about them changing the gender of Allat to Allah – what if I also overlooked that the Quran is what INDIA gave Alexander- but Alexander was ENLIL son – these are things and much, much, more that I would have overlooked

In this book they talk about Alexander and he is being tutored in the hanging gardens and these two angels come up to him [Mohammed story] – this lets you know who is behind all this because the Quran is put together by the Catholic priests and are the same mtf who put the Old Testament together after they put the New Testament together

You know Muslims think that if they do Allah(s) work or Mohammed they will get a spot in paradise and 40 Virgins, there is that number 40 fool – Catholic priests control all Muslims today, can you believe that Monkey sh9t 

The Old Testament was written centuries after the New Testament – let that sink into your mind for a minute, the Old Testament was written centuries after the New Testament, you would think that Old would come before New 

The New Testament was a symbol in 325AD by Constantine [Nicaea] then 2 years later in 327AD they had to rewrite because they left sum thing out – they left out the statues that the priest would sit on at the alters and this is a critical clue because that is Babylonian priesthood aka the Black Box aka the Kabal – what they are doing is trying to hold ancient rights together and this is how they give their energy to their deity Allah, Nanna Sin, Yahweh is ENLIL – they switch names, they change genders, they cross dress+ anything they can do to mislead you but they always leave you a clue, they give the lie and truth at the same time – this is galactic law that they must give a clue and they follow that sh9t but bend the fu9k out of the rules 

Allat is the dark mother and is the highest Matriarch on the land

All them Muslim men are in big sh9t including the Nation of Islam

You know who Al-Lat is right  

Is that all you need 

Silt eyes are Reptilian eyes
I had this girlfriend that once said never trust anyone who didn't have any lips, she said that she never went out with anyone that didn't have any lips 

Homosexual energy will be deleted from this planet 
A lot of Reptilians are A-sexual 
This is not one love 

Charles the Great orders the destruction of the pagan idols of the Sax and building Christian churches instead, official date [778]

The deity of time in Saxon and Western recordings, described by the chronicler Conrad Botau
At the same time, the existence of Slavs and Saxons of such a deity is questioned
Look at the statue and the guy- that is a reptilian shape shifter

A little while back I saw Israel talking about what is going on with the list and Maxwells involvement and I said if sum thing happens to Israel we know why, Israel made those comments on July 1st 2022

On the left- this is turning letters into numbers – he gets his next fight 134 days after he opened his big mouth in July – he just lost his belt to sum one who has already beated him twice

So was this planned all along or was he dealt with – the numbers don’t lie or was this a ritual
The Sumerians used the number [6] 

He is 33 when arrested 

He then gets arrested at JKF airport and look at his age on the day he gets arrested and at JFK which is in New York [33] he gets arrested for metal knuckles which his manager says was a present – that was a gift – they said metal knuckles which equals [147] aka Freemason- Israel was dealt with by the Freemasons for his comments 

$1.5M [6]
And see all them 666 and 333

These organises have to align with the Jesuits – this is no difference with any sport

Leopard print [submission] means Israel is going to submit- submit for those comments
Pereira was already chosen to win this fight 

They are all under contract whether Boxing, MMA, Basketball+ 
Israel got reprimanded for opening his big mouth and he has a huge following, the Freemasons just shut him down 

 Remember who you serve, ask Bill Cosby 

Check that out

Only the SKA is distorted- huge amounts of currents are running
Check out the colours - shield and planetary bodies 

Planetary bodies, huge MER [MIR] or two, structures 

16.11.2022 - see the colours, we know that blue black means charging and white red means ready to go 

Hidden from their website 

16.11.2022 we see the black for charging and white is ready to go, from the 17.11.2022 we see new colours in the atmosphere
WAJI [Green] is Melanin and it is Plasma and we see yellow and blue 



Sliver [Grey] bow, translucent 


North Dakota 

Not the first time that we have seen Sleep walking clockwise in a 360 spiral 

NASA removed 14hrs and again 7hrs worth of data in the last 72hrs 

KI [EARTH] Facing

The plasma is hot and they have to keep the planet cold

Canadian Schuman
Data missing 

Canadian Schuman
18.11.2022 [PM]
Date missing, huge resonating spike, you can see the pattern 

German Schuman
We have had [2] reboots since the 11.11.2022 

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE

which is a part of the [3]black-lights called;

[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of ETHER [BLACK] KANNU- light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

Under Ultraviolet [UV] light 
Black [ETHER] light 
Plasma [Purple] 
Ultra-violet [Purple] 

Cube surrounding this planet 

Look at the shades of red 


The planet is encased in MAAT + HERU energy combined

Look at this 


The SUN is the same in the four corners of this planet 


1971 the Chinese found who they call Xin Zhui [Lady Dai]- the say she died around the age of 50, her age is questionable

At Mawandui Highlands in Hunan Province in 1971, the Chinese People's Liberation Army conducted large-scale military exercises and in one of the hills, sappers drilled a tunnel and suddenly stumbled upon a mysterious structure

At a depth of 12 meters was a tomb
Four sarcophaguses were found in it, carefully inserted into each other
The tomb was built in the form of an inverted pyramid and was 12 meters underground
Her body was wrapped in 20 layers of silk and placed in four discoloured sarcophaguses with a tight lining- these measures have made it difficult to access the body of air, moisture and bacteria, thereby slowing down the decomposition process, her body was preserved in a very unusual way compared to what we have seen around the planet

The mummy swam in a yellowish [plasma] liquid with an acid reaction
A few minutes after opening the sarcophagus, the liquid darkened and turned brown [Melanin] 
It has a high content of heavy metals, including mercury, whose antibacterial properties could be one of the key factors in mummy's survival

In addition to the coffin, the tomb had more than 1500 afterlife gifts like statutes, board games, boxes, toiletries, dishes+

The grave was filled with 5 tons of coal and a meter layer of white clay
A 15-meter mound was filled above the ground level
In the other world, Xin Zhui accompanied up to thousands of items, most of which were designed to serve her daily needs
Food was laid out on 30 bamboo dishes, along with recipes of favourite dishes

Blood was found in the veins of the deceased, internal organs preserved as if the death had happened just a few weeks ago, the joints retained the ability to move, the skin remained elastic

The brain shrine was reduced in size and occupied the front of the cranial cavity
She had hair on her head, and her wig was stabbed with a clip to the back of her head
She had skin on her face, but eyelashes and nose hair were still there, her left ear was intact and her fingers and toes were clear

For preservation, shortly after being extracted from a sarcophagus in 1972, the mummy was placed on ice and her cavities and vessels were filled with a solution of formaldehyde, ethanol and glycerin in water; it was completely immersed in formalin
Seven months later, an autopsy and various types of biological tests were performed

They have been sitting on this since 71 and you would think they would have taken more pictures by now, black and white images hide data, like there are markings, inscriptions on one of the black and white images, how does the colour image showing a person how has ether go white, and the two are not the same, even her hair is longer in the colour image

Whoever this person was she was a high ranking person 

Check the shape of the tomb from the first black and white image

Ancient technology 

Cuneiform is Old Persian text which is Ethiopian text

Is this real [reel]
We are residing in a computer program

NY is Draco HQ
Listen without no audio from the footages


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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...