Sunday, 28 November 2021

Wages of Sin


With all the dimensions merging, all of y-our ancestors are reachable- however look at this in two ways, they failed and you shouldn't engage with them and another way is that they can aid you in sum ways-

For a while you had to let go of stagnant, dead energy, this has been on-going, more so in the last 2 years and 11 months, many people were removed from you 

We have had reSets before, this is the last in this cycle, there are many cycles 

You have to get it right this time round or you will fail, there are no more reincarnations during the sun cycle, so this is it, you may be forced to let go of the ancestors because you are to complete by yourself 

When you transition you will see them en-route but you have to go to the darkness while they are in the light, we are going to the triple blackness, your eye will light the way, you have to bypass your ancestors  

You do not pray to other [Gods] - do you know who you are- you are the [God] that is why you are here and they are there 

You have the energy now, you just need to convert and that means you cannot use old energies, you have to let the dead go, this is about you only 

Sum of the ancestors know they fu9ked up and will take many with them, repeated scenarios, situations, environments and more+ could well be coming from them and the company you and them keep, they keep sending the same sh9t to you

Stagnant energies have got to go 

You are a Neutron star-system - you are your own star-system, you are a MaStar-system 

Huge ship over what looks to be portal 
The Galactic Federation, Alliance, Allies and all those who are part of the Adama projects, led by the Annunaqi [ANU.NAGA] have assembled 

[7] lights in a row [formation] over Brazil
they stayed there for over six-hours 
these lights look like they are coming from [1] craft in the Ska 
There is a huge radar dish in the background


Virginia [USA] there is a huge craft to the left 

Crafts just doing drive-bys 

[black] lava- the only place its coming from is in Tanzania 
Bangladesh gets a huge earthquake

 There is no more reality and this means they cannot write their future because there isn't one
This graph means nothing, because it can be in the flick of a wrist
This is why their people cannot see past 2021 [2012]

2022 or 222 doesn't exist  

The lights will be going out real soon, the grid has not been updated since the 40s, its stacked on one another and means when one part goes down, the rest start to go offline- Tesla(s) version of KHMT energy is dirty and harmful to the planet, plant, animal and HuMin [HuMan] king-domes
25 other companies have also gone down in the last few months 
All that crypto currency need electric to power it, when there is no power then there is no currency
Changing suppliers is temporary because the overall system is failing and in places they are cutting the power off 

Internet and radio stations are playing up 

What for the distracts, energy steams coming in and we have another staged event coming
-this [black] Friday is on unto the 29th, do not participle 

Omicron [Yomi] [Om] cOsmic + tRon [Electron], they are warning that the FEMI9 Electron [Red] energy is increasing and so to is the suns rays  

HIV is up in the double millions- from you know what
 Karma has no deadline- it is the rest of the world that is dying from the sun [Corona], the developed world is dying and all those dying in Alkebulan are the foreigners
This is why we will have outbreaks of Ebola, Swine flu, Bird flu and all the rest of them that the 6ether creates 
Go on Google and type in what is the name of the first CIA satellite called and how many did they launch in 1959
Corona is your eye - the sun and your sun- your eye- watch what you are talking in
-use your 3rd eye

Electric road sweeper
No tires
Hard rims, mirror roads, how the MUURS created them to be
Electric vehicles are nothing new, WW1 and WW2 after we had MK-Ultra 

Marylyn Monroe and Britany Spears 

Chaka Khan and Nicki Minaj 

These people are clones, the same people
Its only the clones out here


energy fuelled storm hit the UK 

There is a culling going on [Georgia Guide stones] 

War on the streets- such simple devices against the machines 

Hadrian's Wall
Built by the MUURS or the Cartage [Khartage] Khart-Haddan aka Haddans Army – who are 9ether
This wall was never built by people who didn’t have a language but they could build infrastructure >> no, look at the architecture alone - see how the bricks are placed - tell tell signs of stone masons   

We had a poWARA-full tone 


Chakra energies fuelling the frequencies 

Reboot last night 

And again [28.11.21] 
Plasma is hitting the planet 
It does not matter what the temperature is outside, the UV is still way too high 

The sun is already [ether] KAANU
the sun rotates exactly like a clock and not how NASA show you
Flares are still coming in - you can see there are 6 vents 

Red warrior energy, double energy [MAAT + HERU] combined 

Red [FEMI.9] electron energy
MAAT is the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah
FEMI.9 energy is the Electron inside of here but man kept it positive 


the HERU [HERO] is in you

The FEMI9 protects the Masculine energy- there must be balance in the equation  

Use your Fal-Con eye
-for the Fal-Con can protect you 

HAPI earth-strong to AC 
21 again
Special timeline that you were inserted into- that equal a number [9]

We use to flow like water...
Butterflies turn into lov9
lets go deeper 

Metallic cocoon Butterflies
Costa Rica  

There are loads of entities, negative demons that are entering this realm as all the dimensions are merging into this one, even on other planets, they are planet hopping and now they are streaming in, this is the last planet and many are entering this realm, many are crossing the borders zigzagging it across the planet before ML
We also have many coming from the volcanos, from their caves, underground and from the ships in the Ska and from lighting, many past down through the plasma- just like they show you in the movie, War of the Worlds
We are in the 3rd and 4th dimensions and everything is inside of here [dome], h3ll is splitting over, the planet is never, ever, going back to how you remember, we all manifested this - all what you see around you, watch the movie the Sphere
What we see in the 3D is what you manifested 

FEMI.9 energy is the Electron inside of here but man kept it positive and you never balanced the energy- do you know how much a Lioness has to go through, what about when another male comes in and he kills her children and she has to then accept him and share her food with him for up to 3-4years, do you know what kind of conditioning she has to do - her mindset to continue in life- life which is Chi force, energies, negative energy is positive negative- its how you use your energy, you have to have balance and she has been denied for far too long, Red energy is warrior energy and it is surrounding this planet, that means she is here and she is with her siStars  - so we have the energy, the rest is up to you

Who else was in that cave and they knew that they were in that cave as well, what happened to those children  


I don't agree that this is Mercury on the left- its another craft 

Signature craft caught on both satellites and is traveling with probes, scout crafts

 Craft on the left using beam 
that is not Mercury but a craft  

Crafts around the sun [portal] on guard duties 

Look at Cuba, sitting over Havana is a [weather system] that is just sitting there, I'm sure its been there a while, its spiralling in a number 9, its a mothership 
the craft is directing all the weather around that area, all of it, snow, hail, wind, many states will be taking a hit - that craft can be seen on radar 
Bermuda is online  

Blue and Red Kachina are in the Ska 
MAAT + HERU = Warrior charge
There are two hidden spheres either-side of the sun also 
We are seeing [meteorites] or beam hit the sun  


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]


The Blue on the left didn't move, the two on the right did and are lens flares 

Centre Blue sphere is Kachina
See the energy coming from the sun- Blue coded - top arrow
Bottom arrow- see the Red around the rim of the sun, the hue 
Blue and Red are in the suns hue emitting frequencies to the planet and to the receivers on the planet 

Metallic craft 

Neb Ankh
PoWRA charger 

Acoustic chamber [look at the walls for sone proofing-acoustic] 

27 Neb Ankh(s) that look like terminal strips 

Neb Ankh [Sarcophagus]

Various sizes and weights, we go to the Saqqara complex where there are 27 large Neb Ankh(s) made from Granite which this particular stone holds frequencies 

One of the Neb Ankh lids [cover] weighs 30 tons alone, and the body of the Neb-Ankh itself is 70 tons, which means each coffin is approximately 100 tons, which means it needs about 500 men to move each Neb Ankh

The Neb Ankh are body charges, many of the elite travelled the astral realms, other constellations, systems, they left their physical body [avatar] on [Ki] earth and to keep the body [Kha] operating they left the body on their life [Chi] support machine [Neb Ankh]

Neb translates Lord and Ankh [poWRA] these are the NTR life machines, when the Muslims broke in, they found all Neb-Ankh(s) empty except for one that was closed- the lid also plays are role in the overall connection, that is 27 of the NTR that could vacate the building in 9seconds

KHMT is a motherboard with circuits 

These places are described has tombs which would indicate bodies, but no bodies are found except those who are trustees – priests and their families, scribes, builders, those who didn’t make it, but none of the elite and crew, the Sumerian word or text is [Iy] pronounced Ee and translates house, isles, coastland, abode into temple, these are Wi-fi hubs, teleportation, healing- charging- tuning- toning+ centres, music chambers- you could leave from Ki and travel to a craft or go to ABZU in seconds

Saqqara complex is the Giza complex which is the AKIR [AKUR] E.KUR] complex, this is one of three of four major complexes of this size on this planet that they all also connect to LAHMU [MARS] and to SAHU [Orion-Belt] – Saqqara Plateau  

All MIR [MER] MARE [Pyramid] Ziggurat are online and are emitting currents [energies]

The complex is cut into a rock that goes deeper- the way this complex is designed makes man wonder how did they remove tons and tones of rock and how did they get the Neb Ankh down there, how did they see down there, tunnels cut out of the rock, not the sand 

These Neb Ankh(s) are precision cut, the whole of KHMT is still way to advanced for modern day man, these are scientific and engineering feats, even in mans present time as these Neb Ankh(s) were not built but carved

The Neb Ankh is 4 sides, a base and a lid, the body of the Neb Ankh itself is carved by cutting a mass of granite with different types of cutting and sanding, they have to travel to Luxor, we can see one place had 80 tons cut out of the quarry, how did they move such huge tons man says

These particular Neb Ankh(s) are all made of high-solid red granite - black granite and quartz, which are rocks that can only be dealt with diamond-cutter rod today by man

The sanding technology, the cutting technology, the carving technology messes with the man-made stone masons today, how did the Masons [MaSem] cut out KHMT

The Neb Ankh itself is polished with advanced machines, these Neb-Ankh(s) are placed in the depths of the acoustics chamber, so how did they place them inside the tunnel that the entrance is to narrow

The corners of the internal and external Neb Ankh are 90 degrees complete, not 90.1 nor 89.9 but bang-on 90o

The flatness or flatness processor with an error percentage of less than 0.02%, which is a degree that cannot be reached by modern day man, except by using HD machines, or visual technology laser calligraphy

German soldiers pose with enslaved Khoi-San captives
And images in Namibia
the Khoi-San, the San people 
San [Sango] Shango [Shang] 

Europe is in big trouble 
Portugal is crashing and this will sent shockwaves to the rest of Europe

There was a huge tower [tree] here- what did they really build under the Panama Canal
Over 40,000 west-Indian workers died during the construction and yet without them the Spanish would never have been able to have the canal completed

BENNU [BENBEN] in Panama 

The Panama Canal is a man-made naval channel connecting the Gulf of Panama with the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, located on the Panama crossroads on the territory of the state of Panama, underground connection that wiped out many indigenous tribus that came under the Aztec, Inca and Olmec [Ulmec] empires before the Chibchan, Chocoan and Cueva [Queva] and pre-Columbus [before the 6ethers arrived] we are talking about over 200,000 people that resided here

There are no Caribbean [Kari) left because they were murdered
The 6ethers cut through Panama – the Spanish were in Panama for over 300 years
There were clearly native-Indians in Panama [Monagrillo] [Mongolian??] this is not long enough, who were the people before 
60% of the gold coming into Spain at that time was coming from Panama – keep in mind the Spanish are also in Spanish Philippines

1689- a Scottish colony called New Caledonia was founded [Caledonia Bay] and failed for a number of reasons but because they failed there was a debt which meant that the kingdom of Scotland and the kingdom of England joined [under the 1707 Acts of union] into the kingdom of Great Britain
The Europeans continued to massacre the indigenous tribus and many fled into the forest and sum to neighbouring islands

Landslides plagued the construction, according to the official version, the first attempt to build the channel began in 1881 by the French, the construction of the channel by the US Ministry of Defence has been continued since 1904 >> how comes the USA military got involved in a commercial shipping lane – started operating in 1914
Photographs mostly from 1885 – 1914
Why does the Colombian coat of arms have a picture of Panama in it


The wages of sin have paid their dues in blood, thirst and sweat with their lives, this equation will be balanced out, it has to, everything that has a beginning, has an end, i-see the end coming Neo


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