Saturday, 6 November 2021


Nu horizon is taking place 
-that is one huge mother-fu9king craft, excuse my French 

MaStar Number is [9]
Remember they took her back 8 paces and this needs to be corrected 


WAJI [Green] is streaming through the crown of the planet 

WAJI is in the air with Phil Collins 

Who that 

Red, Blue, Purple, Green is a game changer 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [Kaanu]-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being;

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Do you have a smart metre- your about to reach heaven soon because you have a detonator attached to your property
Carbon bills are coming and means if you class yourself has [black] then you are a clone and are part of the assimilation – I hate using the word [black] or [white] but this time it really counts

When they are ready all they have to do is hit the trigger my nigg9 and BOOOOMBABY you are Guy Fawkes just look at Kalifornia and around the world where sh9t has been raised to the ground – your app is the detonator, have you watched Man on Fire, great movie, watch the one who Denzel puts the trigger in his ass -creasy bear –
All cars from a certain year are all fitted with kill-switches
Amazon is Skynet, above you are satellites and one is called or is called Skynet and with a push of a button, its over supernova 

Bosnian capital underwater 

Once capitals cities go underwater or are overpowered then they will abandon ship until then- its business as usual
Hear the sirens in the background, all those from ww2 are still leftover and recognise that sone, remember these are English people against English people and there is no invasion, so why the sirens

The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will be live
[Gil Scott Heron] 

Who knows what it is really like out there

Water turning into deserts has nature takes over
Famine is coming to places outside of Africa, your turn now, you will need Bob Geldof - do you know its Christmas, do you think if your hungry you want to know if its Christmas 
the USA is experiencing a big-freeze- not sure if that is HAARP  
Ebola >>>> YAWN <<<<< outbreak in the same region in Congo again Bill Gates - what should we do  

We've seen quite a few of these types of humanoids in their Ska chambers 

Check yourself 

The Ska is getting busy 

Russia [Reptilians] watch other Reptilians using their craft on the backside of the Moon that you will never see 

This is different and it is not alone 

The most-highest of frequencies is sending in has many sun(s) has we need 

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  

Pope Gregory [Georgian] manipulated the calendar
Your [birthday] is never on the same day every year
Don't take my word for it, just ponder for a moment the concept of leap years
The whole planet has been made an April's fool
If you know, you know

10,000,000 million years of our story condensed into 6,000 years of (his- story) aka history- this is the mystery, my-Story, you are writing the records for you are the MaStar-y record keepers - 

Cube [Sphere] 360 

Remember, all the other nations have made a confederate against a select group of people
Everybody profits from time derailment and manipulating your mind
Pay attention to the mongoloid amalgamation they've hired to play you
Pay attention to the symbolism of the hidden-hand- a bunch of bad actors pretending to be you 
They brought these Mongolians over to breed you out and today we have these mixed breeds calling themselves native with 6ethers saying the same, they are not our kind
Freemason symbol 

KAANU alignment 

Bronze that is transparent discs that are for healing, tuning the body
Found in China, Japan and Russia, one side is smooth and the other side has designs and, these are healing devices with incredible properties, if you direct a beam of light on their smooth side, the pattern that is applied on the reverse side will be reflected- the beam of light would be the sun and this would be soul to soul – these devices defy western laws of optics and the and the reflection becomes three-dimensional
The Annunaqi led by the NTR on Ki left their technology

Many people are on the internet will testimonies about meeting Jesus [God] and many saying that they saw heaven or went to heaven, stay away from this bullsh9t

This place and Jesus that they talk of is a simulation program that is designed to insert the user back into the Matrix, when people say [God] or Jesus spoke to them this is also a simulation, it is a trapping system, this is the same place that murders, child molesters, rapist+ all go to as well which is the same has getting a kick in the bullocks

The NTH gate is heaven realm and is black-purple in architecture – it is the triple blackness of space and is exactly the dimension that many of you go to when [New-Age word silver cord] when you separate yourself from your body- every time you separate yourself from your body you are in the heaven realm

Stay away from dildos or you will become one, a blunt instrument 

Iron sharpens Iron  

You are the Alpha and Omega, you were here before creation, you are the darkness, before there was light there was darkness – you are not a man [mind], man is what you became when the frequency fell

Your ego likes it here and wants to stay, your ego likes the shitty cars and your pay packet and designer wear and wants to stay – it is your higher self that is going to devour your ego my Heru [hero] 

Bless is to be-less – stop saying bless
Its bliss 

White [not grey] hair is an indicator of one who absorbs existence energy 
Ruach [Roakh] celestial fire, divine-wind, holy spirit, indwelling spirit, the great phoenix, life and death+
We live in a binary star system that means we had [2] suns, I said had because we are getting more suns and we are seeing them- we will be having a tri-system
The creator will send as much as we need to make this planetary ascension
Chem-trailing the skies all you want, nothing will stop divine timing
[Roakh] Ruach is true reparations
It is divine intelligence sent to liberate and repair
The sun mutates matter and the sun is a portal
Ruach [Roakh] Roo-akh [soul or wind, breath] = Holy Spirit aka wholly spirit 
Ruach aka the holy spirit is the divine FEMI9
It is what will prepare you to be in the presence of the Creator(s) 
The sun that you see in the Ska is an illusion and is a shadow of things to come
Kind of like how John the Baptist was the one who came to prepare the way for >> << these allegories are so deep, the Bible aka the book of the Sun [Ra] Re + Chakra system aka the [7] souls of Re 
We do not worship the sun, we pay homage, the sun is a portal with a docking bey
The sun is neither hot or bright and is an energy convertor [transformer] and is an apparatus used by the most-high as a liaison
The true sun is within the planet, just like you have a soular plexus, so does the planet
True planets are living sentient beings and sum are artificial ships [I hope(want) you caught that]

T-ankhs for your messages, your eyes are oval, read on the posts that explain about the oval eyes with Ra and the Ghouls
i-know who you are- do you
[This lateral part of the post is for you] 

Sum of you are a spirit and sum of you are a soul – sum of you have just been reincarnating over and over- this has ended because during the sun-cycle there is no more incarnating and above all, the dragons have awoken

Dragons judge in here [dome] dragons clean houses [Iy] they are light, neutron stars for once you hatch you start feeding, you are not a spirit – you are a star-system

Spirit is part of the matrix – when the matrix goes down, the spirit goes right down with it, you need to hatch Heru [Horus] – this matrix has no hold on you

There are [2] portals that you come from, h3ll or heaven aka right or left – if the state of mind is not right >> this all goes with the rod, you came in has light and you met your other-half aka your avatar

Womb means carrier, cocoon, the one who carries man [mind] proton and electron – womb is father, rod is mother, the light came through an electron vessel called the penis [rod] aka a portal as light aka liquid light

Negative [demons] are coming in because the rod does not care, the womb should be very picky on who they bring down here, there are those who just had children with whoever they wanted and hence why 90% of the population on Ki is going, we were warned not to have children and sum of us didn’t because of the recycle period that was incoming in the year 2012 [2021]

Sum times a rod gives you punishment and that child will fu9k you up -what was the state of mind with the rod when it created the child with you, many relationships failed at the beginning and not at the end, too many children down here just to keep your dry asses together, many had children just to hold onto that person and now we have [demons] out here under the dome with us

The rod [penis] who you had the child with didn’t even [love] you in the first place or maybe it was you, you didn’t even [love] that person to begin with

The sperm cells take on the crossroads in the womb – right and left and it is the light that the seed started out with will determine the route that the seed takes in the womb, right or left

Those who are single-wombs or single parents will be having difficulty with these children [lights] because it all started with dealing with the rod [penis] that you spawn with 

Creating offspring down here became an importance with many, and many lost their way with having offspring, so many children are down here without a cause, unwanted [love] or unwanted pregnancies or just because

 Babies are clogging up the system – the rod is solely at fault for the womb are just carriers of light, many of these rods are stupid people that you had a light or lights for with no impute into these children [light]

The mother is not at fault for she gave the light a garment, a suit, an avatar, that is what she does, it is the rods that are full of sh9t and you for mating with that sh9t and now we have little sh9ts running around the fu9king planet and many do not have a positive ion on them and only have a negative ion on them, these mothers will do anything for their offspring and rightly so, however- sum of your offspring have no positive ion on them, you have created an negative ion in a world of positive ion that is 3D Carbon matter – this is why sh9t is the way it is  

This negative ion will always seek the rod out and not you [womb] and yet the light lived in you, isn’t that a bi9ch that you grew, nurtured this light and carried this light for [9] months and this light that you gave birth to seeks out the rod who wants fu9k all to do with it

Too may daddy issues are in society, you will all have to take responsibility for these daddy issue-children or lights for those in that society – its your cargo, not ours and right now the higher beings do not appreciate your cargo

Those children are hard to deal with if they do not have your energy around them, even those who have their rod [fathers] still need energy because the likelihood is that the rod is useless with his energy but you mated with him and that child is the result – that energy [child] came from your body

For those who had an abortion, know that the light was still created, you committed murder, for those who had an unwanted pregnancy because the rod didn’t want it, you are partly at fault because you should know that giving life is not sum dream thing like having a [white] wedding

Keeping a child when you don’t even want the child is not right, doing it for sum one else is also not right, its called you fu9ked up now

You are a representative of FEMI9 energy and you had to manage your energy down here
And for the rod, that seaman that comes out of you is a proton light – remember the penis and pum-pum are the same instrument – everyone born has a pum-pum for at least [3months] 72days, do you get that – before it changes or stays- so think about this, men are women [?????] 

Children will and have abandoned their mothers [womb] – society also plays a role in these Baal’Star [Bastard] children – we had a dismantlement of one race over 400 [512] years by taking the rods out of their homes and today this is accepted behaviour, society needs to take their noses out of these bast9rd children business 

Children today do not know what [love] is- does anyone, this is why you were warned about having children, because you do not know what [love] Chi energy is –

There are sum fuc9ed up children out there and it is getting worse, these bast9rd children are getting worse by the cycle [day]

These children will be the ones in the streets when the lights go out – you think its adults you have to watch out for, no its your fu9king bast9rd children that we are going to have to watch out for – whatever that little bast9rd does to you, you would have earned it – that is a sin, no, having the child was the sin if you didn’t want it or if the rod didn’t want the ship

Many of you saw what you were going to have to deal with now – when they were young

This is a [1] ion world that was hijacked into a synthetic world in which the fake matrix was created from – in the last reSet, a lot of children came up from the underground world which was the [1] ion man [man means mind] and came up has children that they used to attack the womb-dragons and they were taken in, synthetic androids that later grew or were given hearts after mixing and became procreate

How things have changed for today, it looks like the [2] ion natural man is becoming synthetic while the synthetic is becoming natural – he is becoming a simulation and he is giving his life to a machine, everything about you is endocrine because you let society raise your light [seed]

All pain is held in the womb

No more excuses – you cannot blame the womb to carry your weight and say that we didn’t get along

It is not the womb, it is you the mummy and daddy why all these children have these issues, its not from the womb – its from you

You must think about what you put inside that pum-pum and you must [love] what you put inside that pum-pum for [love] is really the Chi energy and if you didn’t have real Chi energy for the rod then the child [light] gets no Chi [life force] energy and many wonder why their child is such a bast9rd

No one wants your bast9rd seeds, no one wants devilish seeds, dragons are here to clean the house [Iy] and that is what they are doing – your DNA will not make it into the 5D
Many children will die because their light does not belong here in this zone 

You are cells to the body and the ones that raise become neutron stars – you are more than just a cell- they are looking for the important ones to save in their bunkers [caves] below is the same that the body is doing, it is looking for the cells to save – the ones that shine bright

Women, you picked the mates that you slept with and until you face those demons you will not progress, the seed contains the negative energy- so you cannot run away because the seed is in your offspring, you all had a choice and you cannot point no fingers anywhere but yourself [your cells]
You will know you are fu9ked because you are aging, your hair is not growing, you are not glowing

How can you help anybody when you haven’t even dealt with you, all those people who say they can heal, look at yourself in the mirror, you need to heal yourself now 

Do not deal with anyone who brings the message of light, who is not in their natural form- do not deal with anyone who feeds their flesh and not their soul - if they do not feed from the sun, walk on by them  

-think twice before you roll the dice   

Is that the look of [love] or the look of [hate] 

Your crown is your poWRA
In KHMT, your natural hair was literally your crown
Its complex tight [9] spiral curls allowed it to be moulded into various hairstyles that only the Alkebulan race can create
This was not a tradition invented in Kemet, but in the great lakes region of Central-East Africa, where the culture originated and travelled up north following the flow of the HA.PI [HO.PI] (Nile) river
You cannot return to kinghood without your crown
I don't hair like this but if you do you better wear it natural- your hair [antennas] are receivers of light [data] 

Omega [Alpha] 

Last image you can see the SHEN both in the Sweden [Iy] and in the Sumerian images 

This is not how the original site looked and after many years the site had been reused and shaped each time, they will say this is a burial site or tomb, you know this is a [Iy] 

Melanesia is Malaysia = Melanin  

One landmass
Ulmec [Olmec] Etruscans, Iru+ 
From South America to Greece, Italy to Ireland 
Global Network 

Neb Ankh - body charger for astral travelling, the NTR don't die, they are here right now

fu9k them > leave sh9t with sh9t 


Hong Kong, in 1967 and now- what a waste, tic tock - all this is going 

This is a Ben-Ben or BENNU from KHMT that was stolen 

When you ask sum one sum thing, check their eyes- for they will reveal what they are doing to answer 





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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...