As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end
She is here
[Eywa] Awa [Twa] Tawa [Tiamat] Ta [Tiwawaat] Leviathan [Nun] –
the dark primordial waters
The more they kill, the more they can bring down the
radiation levels because of your ether skin [9] the biggest organ on your body
is very active and is holding what is called radiation to others but is
energies to many, your skin also contains gold for you are a conductor of
energy, you are their battery in their 3D world
The red, yellow and the blue and green dragons – you see
the blue dragons [blue man] many of you are 6ethers and you may appear has a
[white] ether, however if you take the element silver that you need if you are
a proton [ion]- if you take silver it will change your tint, the plasma is
hitting hard and the radiation [energies] are increasing, take more silver if
you are a proton [ion] and if you are a 6ether because you have no pigment
[KAANU] in your organ [skin] and you are going to get fu9ked without the silver
– sum of you your skin will go from red to blue, trust me, you would be well
better off by tinting your skin during these times, you are dying, getting
wrinkly and aging faster than the others because of this lack of silver – you
can also get silver from the Moon
Hydrogen [Hy-dragan]
Your Nubian-twin which is the bases for silver has well
will also tint as well – there is no [white] people here, only the Jews- they
are the original pale-skin HuMan, the rest of you all have a [9ether] source, meaning
your first grandmother is black, do you get that, your first grandmother is 9ether
whether you are German, Irish or Russian+, by the law of science you came from
a 9ether MtDNA Wombman from Alkebulan full-stop, take the silver, you come from
the blue races – many do not recognise that the indigo children also came in
all races, they had to, it was the only way to get you down here without detection
during the late 60s into the 70s into the early 80s and by the time they
realise this it was too late
Sum of you are dragons
This war above is to do with the higher beings, not us but yet we are all caught up with them
When Tiamat fell she took with her all those dragons who
fought against her, their bodies are fossilised and are around on this planet,
all those angles and devils or all the Annunaqi who are positive and those that
are negative also fell with her and we all got trapped down here when the dome
went up, sum could only take a 6ether avatar whether that was a [white] brown
[Indian] or yellow [Oriental] avatar – I know many will deem the physical war
has a race war at sum point, that is inevitable, however, there are those who
know the truther story, you know that the body is just an avatar and that you
are light first- the enemy for sum is the [white] man, for others, it’s the
negative side of our energies – you deal with energies not the physical
Set is Tiamat(s) sun [son] and when they killed Set -
Tiamat went ape-sh9t
Set is a [white] dragon
Dragon, Reptilian [Reptile], Dinosaur, Crocodile, Lizard, Snake, Serpent [Serpentine]+ all the same family
Tiamat has a WAJI and Blue, Purple and Red hue to her
AURA [think about that] sum of these AURA displays have dragon features for a
All this is Serpentine energy aka Kundalini energy that runs through your Chakra system, your [7] souls of re, your energy centres - who is sending these energies
Sickle cell- you need more koppa in your system
[6] protons [6] electrons [6] neutrons [18] 1+8 = [9]
[9] ether hair [9] ether skin [9] soul+ spirit [27]
In your skin [body] there are 375 rare metals [9 ether skin] metallic exoskeleton [50]
are rare golds and [50] are rare koppas
375 minerals
375 crystals
3 x 375 = 1251 = 9
The [144hz] is within us
The Wadjet [eye] is in the shape of a diamond and is made
of solid Quartz [crystal] and is another dimension
For those who have not taken the vac-attack, there are
metals in there that is designed to disrupt your natural chemical make-up,
this is an Alchemy [chemical] process
Enhanced Being, the frequency is changing yet again, you
need the conductor, Nubian = Nub = Gold = [Melanin] 375 rare metals including
gold, [your 9 ether exoskeleton] you need that liquid metal called Karbon
[KAANU sits in Karbon] and is made up of 375 rare crystals, your ether9 skin,
the 375 are Kosmic metals and the enhanced being is a tesseract, the metals within describe a tesseract
which is a metallic object that comes from the Kosmos, even though the metals
of this planet feed the metals that are within us, the metal that you have is
not from this planet, you do not possess the direct metallic structure of this
planet because your body was made of Kosmic metals, 375 is the first part of
being an enhanced being
The second part is the ones who possess the rare minerals
that comes from Kosmos, Kosmic minerals that are made up of 375 minerals that
are in our muscles that gives us our abilities, our strength, giving us the
abilities to absorb, giving us protons, minerals are your neutrons, there are
also 375 rare crystals within you, within your blood, the crystals are designed
to hold the energy as well as expel the energy, the crystals within our blood
which is known has plasma [Khaybet]
Sekhem [Fire-plasma] or ether inside of us which are known has
electrons, the crystals hold the higher energy than the minerals and the
metals, you need those two parts alone to be able to transform
Transform into plasma [fire], light or nature [Neter] or
Inner-G, these are the attributes of being an enhanced being, these energies
are coming in thick and fast and is going nowhere, they are spraying everywhere
to block out the NIBIRU system but also to deflect the codes, the vibration, send
the energy back into the Kosmos, come on now, be real, that is not going to
work, [Al]uminium is not going to cut it, it’s the light of the sun that they
are trying to send back, they are trying to send back Kosmic energy, nope with
no hope, the energy is still coming in, you cannot stop the energy, energy is
still spiritual, even when they create the deadest of the cold we still collect
energy because energy is spiritual and you cannot stop it, there’s no stopping
us red-light does it better, no matter what they do the process will complete,
they will go Lucy stage that much is assured
Metallic beings >> with the increase of plasma
Komsic ray’s NRG that is already here and getting greater by the day we
continue to draw in, you are getting closer to full transformation of our
soular sCellf
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive Logic 9
Its plasma [fire] this time round
Sirius [Sibtu] Set [Suk] Sothis [Septet] is where heaven [haven] is
The fictional Kingdom of [God] of Christians and the
Bukongo [Bu-kongo] [Ba-Kongo] Ka-Congo [Congo]
Christians love to tell us about the kingdom of [God],
which they do not know where it is in the great Cosmos, the Mahanza
So it's an imaginary kingdom that doesn't exist
Ask a Nabi Kongo so a true initiate of Bukongo, he will
easily be able to speak to you in depth about the Kingdom of God which is the
planet Kakongo [Ingeta]
The Kongo initiates therefore the adepts of Bundu Dia
Kongo sing the glory of Kakongo: Mbuetete ya Kakongo kuatuka Mase >> at
three years old, Ntumua Mase's daughter was already singing the glory of
In any case Mfumu Muanda Nsemi knows where the star of
Kakongo is in the Mahanza [Ingeta] Kakongo revolves around one of Zita Dia
Nza's two companions, therefore the central Sun of the galactic world >
companion B
So who are Zita Dia nza's companions
Dogon initiates who share the same knowledge as the Bena
Kongo know these secrets of the Ska Dogon astronomy speaks of Sigi Tolo who is
our Zita Dia Nza and therefore the sun Sirius
Sigi Tolo is the star of Sigi
In ancient Kikongo the Lord of Zita Dia Nza was called:
Ne Sigi, Ne Sugu, Ne Suku [Suk] Set] in other words Ne Muanda Kongo
The first companion of Sirius is called Po Tolo so sirius
Po Tolo means the star of the beginning >> first
star of God Amma [Amakongo] where the seeds of the world are found >> a
great mystery is found in she
The second companion of Sirius is called Emma ya Tolo so
Sirius C
This star is related to wombman called the sun of wombman
around Emma ya Tolo a planet, called Nyan Tolo [revolves]
Is this not the Nyan Tolo - the Kakongo star that the
Banabi are talking about
The Sirius connection is very important because Sirius is
in heaven [haven] which is where this planet is heading towards and docking
Same symbol>> Trident, Vajra
This is the Dogon symbol for SA.HU [SAH] (Orion-belt) and is also the symbol for plasma- this is where the Chinese form the bases for Mandarin in text, written, stick-man
This is one of their mother-ships captured by the portal [sun] around 3 years ago- all the same symbol
That is your 3rd eye in the middle- look at this image before you sleep or Istal
the sone [symbol] of the universe
Tehuti was a spirit energy that sum individuals among the
Annunaki had sum form of process to invoke him and become him, for example,
Ningishizida became that spirit and did wonders for the rest of the Annunaki
The same individual or a different character manifested
as Tehuti in man and helped introduce mathematics to ordinary people in the
Nile valley
But when we read ancient texts we see that the spirit of
Tehuti is primarily Amen(s) mind or Amen(s) thought
The spirit of Tehuut brought about the Universe as we see
It is a mathematical principle
That which works with balance and harmony [Maat]
This stuff is beyond understanding for many who try to
interpret them as would fit CNN narratives
Many are trapped in things that have
to make sense
The two on the right are reflections
At the 1pm position is Kachina
They said that the colours around the sun is from pollen,
Bees had been here from the beginning of time and you have never seen this before
Look at the Chakra colours [energies][radiation] emitting
from the sun, look at the soul colours emitting from the sun, look at the multi-coloured
At the 1 ‘o clock position is Kachina
UVC and UVA radiation is on the ground, it is a detoxifier,
it is a germ killer and a mutating wavelength
The EMF field which protects the planet from the harmful
rays was totally removed the other day
Gamma radiation streamed into the planet
People are going to die not because of the UV or Gamma but rather because of a lack of knowledge which is ignorance- both in the 6 and 9 ethers
You are the sun and universe walking around in HuMin
flesh- it is time to break free, tell the truth to your children who will be
leftover, deal with reality – we have been on repeat for 1000s of years, accept
your purpose on why you are really here-
You took the risk to break free from your family and
raised yourself out of that- this takes sum doing and know this is highly
valued – the truth is in your DNA and RNA, you were encoded
How can-I be better so that we can be greater- time to
lay down your differences and become whole
You must reach higher ground
The sun is under the dome with us
How to read the portal
Plasma [WAJI]
China Ska
WAJI is hanging in the air, energy lingers for 3days [72hrs]
either side, look at the dot-matrix running through these codes
Around the world, the field is wider now, expanded
These colours [radiation] are changing you from the
inside out, the energy is changing your molecule structure from the inside out
Is the Moon even real
Full fleet over Russia
Mother-ship just sitting there with fleet
Many of the crew are on the ground when they are out in the open fields
This image came out when KHMT [Egypt] was on lock-down when their then PM was being taken out sum years ago, and these two Annunaqi members where spotted, standing over 8ft and what is the likelihood of two 8ft beings in the same place at the same time- trying to blend in
This is either the matrix
glitching [hologram] or is just a phenomenon that they call the Morgan fairy-
The cat knew that thing was there
- and when that guy said is that Jesus Christ
Ford Motor Company has
announced it will require its 32,000-strong workforce to be vaccinated against
Covid-19 by December 8 or face 30 days' unpaid leave
A spokesperson for Ford
claimed that 84% of staff are already fully vaccinated and stressed the firm
will take religious and medical exemptions into consideration
However, those who refuse
to take the jab without a valid exemption would ultimately have their jobs
This follows the White
House’s new requirement that any company with more than 100 employees must
ensure that their workers are vaccinated. The sweeping legislation affects an
estimated 100 million Americans, many of whom remain unvaccinated
84% of staff are vaccinated and you need another 32,000 to get vaccinated, how much staff do you employ-
Predictive programing
Historic and when records began, they can track when this
began because all these weather anomalies started when the dome went up, when slavery
The Tropical of Cancer, this planet was a tropical
planet, we never had snow or hurricanes for example, we have seen like-for-like
increases over the last 1000 years and over the last 512 [400] years- the weather
is fuelled by nature and her forces
Sudan- by splitting Sudan, man did that, now you are fu9ked
The Typhoon history is in Sudan and you let them flood it out for sum damn, while your man wears that sh9t hat Bush gave him-
Typhoon [Dragon]
Pakistan [MIR]
The sentient being
The spectrum of light
Tamila Nadu
Musical keys made of Granite, when tapped these Granite
pillars produce sone of [7] classical musical notes aka your [7] Chakra system tuning system
Mother and daughter
Reptilian, slit eyes, the Ghoul [Goul] Nomos eyes flash over
Your grandmother
Your siStars [FEMI9]
Your confusion
Your Man and W-Om-bman
Ancestral figures of who, sum HuMan looking and others look like robots [R2-D2] Wall-e
Ecuador [Puma Punku]
Zuma rock looks like a tree-tower-stump
There is a Zuma in Mexico
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