Friday, 26 November 2021


We are 180 degrees from the truth and while you have the breath of life in your body you should always endeavour to learn sumthing new, the day you don’t learn nothing new is the day you are dead

The more you learn the more you step closer to your truth

This Amenti is talking about the enemies of Osiris and Ra, Osiris is a Nubian [KAA.NU] and WAJI [God] Neteru [NTR], he is a vegetation [God] and all the animals eat off of the vegetation and this means the [God] suffers and thus you the 9 ether suffers, if you are not struggling- you’re going to get taken out right with the beast, this h3ll thing is about the 6 ethers getting ready to get their h3ll
Evergreen means ever-living [WAJI] heart

Pluto is the closet planet to the sun, Sirius B is the closet planet to the Sirius constellation and Sirius orbits Sirius A and Pluto has a certain Plutonium energy that when they met was the divine child, Sothis and Horus [Heru] aka your Jesus and Sothis would be Mary or Aset [Isis] and that was the birth, the coming of the second Christ [KARAST], the Plutonium exchange was in 1994
It’s the time-doors that will usher in the new change and when they open, we can see the degeneration all around us, remember this is a process, its easy to just come down here and destroy everything but that is too easy, it’s a process, slow but rapid
The time door is now closed [we had been on a loop] 

There is another cycle and her Yoruba name is Orula and her KHMT name is Sekhmet and her cycle is floods and storms 

[Orula] Ogun [Chango] Obatala [Yemaya] Elegua [Ochun]

[Queen of the sea- the original mermaid], and Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-cane] old school energies that fuel these weather systems, she is here and she is not messing about, while many pray for this and that, these weather [energy] systems are here to destroy and so no prayer is going to stop her

The Pig, which is your lower-self that HERU beat out of the ancestors and it’s the taste in the Pigs, the Pig is a representation of Set [Sut] and Set is the representation of the 6ether, the 6ether is the Pig and is nothing but the 9 ethers lower-self, the lower half of the 9ethers spirits that regenerate into the 6ethers, and this is what is what the KHMT records states, you created them from your lower state 

When you eat the Pig that is cannibalism

The truth is more disturbing than the lie, your concept is based on the European mind and they have been lying from day one, wouldn’t you if you knew that you have no origin on this planet, your concept of the world is based upon a lie

All your knowledge is locked up in basements and in museums and in their masonry, they know the symbols but he doesn’t know the substance [KAANU]

This is why Albert Einstein couldn't get the soul [spirit] world for he has no soul [KAA.NU] he couldn't see it for he was using his HuMan eyes and not his first Ayin

Albert Pike book Morals and Dogma and he is talking about everything I just wrote and more and was written in the 1800’s, so that means they had well over 100 years on you, the length and breadth of the $dollar bill, the dollar bill was only meant to last 100 years and that has now expired

The N.W.O was put in place 20 years ago

Your mentality needs to be in line for the energy has already separated us all and if it hasn’t for you, then you are still plugged into their server of their Matrix; this is by no way about hatred, but soully [solely] about truth

The 6ether is going down and this was written in stone, they allowed them to rule for 77- years [100years], many 9ethers will go down with the 6ether, there is not much we can do about this for you all have your own mind and that means you have your own choice [Aaferti]

Their man-made Matrix had already begun to crash and the main fuel for their Matrix was the 9ethers energy, loose the 9 ethers interest [energy] and the system crashes, this is one of the reasons they couldn't murder all the 9 ethers off of this planet because without their energy the planet would die let alone their Matrix

Without this phase you would never have known, you would have never have been whipped into shape, you got too reliant on this falsified Matrix, so it had to crash for you to check yourself [liberation]    

With the cycles, one cycle outdoes the other cycle, so Heru [Horus][ENKI] ASARU cycle outdoes Set [ENLIL] Suk [Seth] cycle, Set’s children are the Albino and Heru’s and Osiris children are the Nubian

What I am saying is you better get used to seeing a lot of Nubians dying as well as the Albinos, they will be going out with this cycle also, no one will be saved especially if you choose their Matrix

There is another device that says that its 2024 now, and for them that means in month time, it will be 2025 = 9] NIBIRU goes out of range in 2043

Don’t you find it strange how much data [knowledge] is out there, where did it come from, this knowledge is not here by mistake 

When you don’t know your history then you are doomed to repeat it, you better learn or you better ask sum body

They are a created capitalistic being and you function under it every-day

You were to give up on your luxuries, during this lockdown you was supposed to take an inventory, but many chose the Matrix instead and did you know that the Most-High was watching each and every one of you, everyone on what they were going to do, they were watching, they have seen enough already

Amenti [Amenta] Amen [Amun] Amon means the end [the end of the cycle]

Heru(s) arrival brings with it- pure destruction
[Final destiny]


[3] tones hitting the planet, the resonating frequency peaked at 100hz 

See all those chakra colours [energies] which are frequencies, see the Red energy signature which is the Root chakra [which is being removed- your lowerself] 

MA.AT [FEMI.9] principle energy and HERU [Mescaline] principle energy combined 
-this is double energy which is chaos [destruction], justice, that which is straight, balance and order- but first we have to get to order 

MAAT is also the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah 

HERU which is the double HERU [Horus] – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST energy and all combined is a form of MAAT

Declining oxygen levels in lakes and oceans kill off marine life and soon the source of income of the 3 billion people who depend on fisheries for living
Nature is in recall

NHS is being sold to the American cooperation(s)
Spain Reactor is leaking- these are time-bombs, any ground movement could crack these land bombs wide open
Global shut-down 

The real Black Friday is coming  
PoWRA-full winds, fires and widespread power outages are coming up during the winter season 
Water [lakes, rivers] are drying up has nature pulls back her resources, adverse weather is being lined up for many
Do not purchase anything during [Black] Friday, it is a ritual  

Another staged event is due and is coming   

NASA are not on LAHMU [MARS] the NSA have mining operations on MARS – no one can go beyond the Dome
The Ozone-layer [Dome] EMF [Van-Allan-Belt] is being removed, is coming down, is being dismantled 

Faces in places 

On the left a cube gets light up from the CME from the sun
NIBIRU is near Red Kachina  

Same day different camera- the first arrow shows sum type of light or lasers or ray 
9hrs of data missing-
Why is it in the left side [hemisphere] 
Second arrow, NASA say that is the stand [arm] for the cover that protects lens that records the sun- really, sum thing else is going on with that 

This image is around 6 days and shows another type of light blast- it is not a CME
This planetary body is letting off charges, pulsing, and is not sum NASA jargon star called Antares and is not NIBIRU, this is Red Kachina and Blue Kachina aka MAAT and she is going to light this mother up   

When the CME lest rip, this craft gets lit up like the Godfather

who that 

Red, Black [ether] and Orange was in that exchange 

Chakra coded 

Shields up

Shadow play
Coming from another horizon 

Huge mother ships are around the sun, and this planet and are at both the poles 

Crafts sitting pretty in the Ska

Weather cells or super-cells are huge motherships 
This planet is surrounded
Whoever controls the Ska, controls the planet
the war in heaven has already started- there are only two ways out of this soular system
- and both are heavily guarded

how much is CGI 

Dragons’ Spine
Karamuruntau spine - a sleeping dragon of the Orenburg region
A chain [spine] stretching along the plain of the Sakmara River and a Kastle

The map of the USA and Kanada together shows a Dragon with wings carrying a turtle [turtle island] and China also is a Dragon

There are [white] albinos and there are [black][red][yellow]blue] Dragons here

Cavalry escort for the General
are you checking the height here 

Look at these levers that this Aztec [Inca] Ulmec is using for machinery, technology 
Sum of these structures having moving, working parts
Transformers, robots in disguise 

BAS [BAST] translates Fire [Plasma] it ends with plasma this time round, the FEMI9 ELETRON plasma energy based weapon 
[Sekhmet siStar] 

HERU [WADJET] 3rd eye 
You shall know the truth, you must now begin to look through the eye of the BA.UZ 

the ether [KAANU] lands [KHMT] mind

Why have China not shown you the leader of the Terracotta army, Terracotta is just the name for such stone work
Why does Shang come from Chango [Shango] who is Alkebulan [African] - why does Hun come from Ogun 
Why does the Indians have Singh [Shango]
Look at the arrows in this image
the leader is a 9ether
China [Shiva] CHI.NA

Xuan Di means [black] emperor 

 BES translates the repeller of wrongdoers, he is the protector of pregnant women, we find in India, South America and Africa
He is a TWA leader, one of [7] Tahites [Pygmy] Ptahites leaders 

Antlers (antlers) are antennas, let hands who SHEN devices, right image also but she has one around her neck also and the right hand is the snake [electron coil] current 
The left image shows in the SHEN 👇with Swastika [Swa-star-ka] Ethiopian inside the device 

This reads IMANA
and is the foremost basic name of what brought about everything
These symbolisms also have all the scientific qualities and elements in them for example, singularity, current, conductivity, water, waves, and air

The three symbols go really deep
They indicate the OHM
The common Ohm sign in modern physics is nothing but a scrambled IMN from ancient Khemet and SHEN symbol [Sumerian]

The first sone that ever-caused effect for the Big Bang to occur was the utterance by the primordial Spirit that I [M] and [N] which was the spirit [NUN] announcement that I AM water
N is the shortest form of the infinite ZIGZAG of which electricity or the hidden energy appears as Lightning is caused by the evaporated water and thus [N] again represents water
[M] is a slight continuum of [N] both still mean the same thing
Spirit says that I AM double [N] to the point it says that I am many N

Many envoys were sent that had their first or surname being with the electron M[N] 

Ancient Khemtic science was both Science and Divinity
Today's science is rebellious science
It was turned upside down by the negative, geared at confusing and enabling the enslavement of humanity and earthly creatures
In the beginning, SPIRIT [KAA] said IMN

The utterance was so poWRA-full it caused strong thunder and shockwaves throughout the Universe bringing about everything in motion

Western science decided that OHM was going to be the [SI] unit of electrical resistance

The sign of OHM in physics is nothing but the head of an INK [Ankh] NKH which again goes back to IMANA

Divinity should this word be vinity [vanity] or vine [vain]
How do we have dethroned and throne and di [de] or de-vinity or vanity [vinity] is this even the right word- vine [wine] is fine, is the word divinity really a worthy word to use to describe one of the highest levels 

This girl is from Australia, look at her, she could be from India
why does Australia and Austria sound the same, what connection do they have with the constellation [star] - look at her eyes [soul] 

Dead Man Walking

The 6ether Arab Muslims along with Europe allowed for the ancient beings to be dug up from their resting place and no-one says nothing, that its alright to dig up the dead, its only alright because these are 9ether people, so no one cares

The way the ancients are coming back is because you dug them up, this is the way that they are coming back to this planet- and there are many, many that didn’t leave the planet  

Man thinks he is fooling the ancient KMHT [Egyptians] and doesn’t think that the ancients are not watching, they let you find these [Iy] burial chambers, artifacts, statues, structures+

The ancients let Carter and the likes- find these [tombs], when they broke into these places – the ancients watched them, Uteti translates- The two eyes of Re, and are on doors, artifacts, and these eyes watched you all the way

From the 90s all the way into the 2000s they were finding mummified bodies [Kha] everywhere and the 6ethers have spent millions on their new museums to house dead [black] 9ether people in them, they dug these people up and put them on show

Sum were pregnant, this could be your mother or grandmother, sister that you lost and the 6ethers have dug them up and are now probing these people

Today they now have the technology to clone people, Michael [Michelle] Obama is the clone of NTR Tiyi – but the 6ethers missed out on sum vital points, each Kha [avatar] comes with its own codes and means this particular clone cannot pass through any portals because the Kha [body] is not an original, many clones [avatars] cannot pass through this cycle

Cloning came about in 1945 with Hitler discovering the data in the 1940s and he produced around [7] giving up a couple when he was captured, the technology was left by the ancients, many were taught, point being they have the technology now  

Although they hadn’t mastered cloning – they had it up and running in 1945

Chromosomes are programming into us, not the other way around, Chromosomes are intelligent thinking bacteria [the word bacteria come from the New Latin, from Greek bakterion -baktron meaning rod] or called algae or fungus [Chlorophyll] and is using us to bring the ancients ones back in

If this [Jesus] Christos was to ever come back to Ki [earth] it will be done in a laboratory by sum one finding his tomb [if he had one] and cloning him – they can find a satellite [Begeal] a decade later on a planet [Mars] that is 3½ years away but you cannot find any tomb   

Your man said in John 13:16 >> Verily, verily, I say unto you, the servant is not the greater than his lord [Neb]; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him-

Jesus never said he was his father – he never said he had the power to change the course of history, John 5:30 >> I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just: because I seek not my own will, but the will of the father, which hath sent me
 >>> the father is the mother <<<

 -this interpretation is about him and can only be corrected by him- so  if he was to ever come back here it will be done with scientists in a laboratory – he is not going to come flying out of the Ska, on a cloud, with children around him and a lamb, if he did, tell me about gravity, levity, will he be in a craft [UFO] where does Muhammed or Allah fit into this, will he be on a craft, so will he float down, if so, from where, are they both on NI.BIRU [??] will they or he float down from heaven, from where, will he be dressed in clothes – so who made the clothes in heaven – why does he need clothes in heaven, is he embarrassed in heaven, is he ashamed in heaven, do angles need clothes, all these small points make a reality

If Christ is going to come back into the world it will be the same way these grave robbers are bringing y-our ancient ancestors for us, you don’t have to think are ancient KHMT coming back for they are doing it right now in laboratories

You’ve seen over and over again in their movie Frankenstein [Frank Stein] – and what does Frank do, he turns on them, when they bring back the ancients KHMT do you really think that they would work for you, sum girl called on Papa Legba to kill one of his own, so Papa took the girl with him, she died- what makes you think that the ancients would work for a dying species, in the movies you see the Mummy or Frank go for the throat- they crush you 
the Jew is the Stein [Frank]

The KHMT had a closed Neb Ankh [casket] for a reason, they wrapped the Kha [body] for a reason, they adored their Kha for a reason- if you have been to a funeral and seen the dear one laying there – had you not gone there and seen them there, your only remembrance would have been of them alive – in your mind you remember them alive, you see them in your mind in the way that you remember them best – when you see them dead  you take away their eternal life [Chi] we never had open caskets [coffins] many of us were cremated which meant that the ether [KAANU] in your body, in your skin would return to source, the ether would return to the universe [cosmos] this is sum thing the 6ether Muslims stole from KHMT and why they burn the body –

You take away their eternal life, you take away their vitality- you saw them dead and still- which is them instilled in the mind- Christians and Catholics love to play out the funeral, even taking the body to the house, sh9t like that- their history always like to reference that the KHMT were obsessed with the dead and it was actually the spirit realm and it is the 6ether who is obsessed with death because there is no heaven for the 6ether

The last time you saw that person they were alive and this time you saw them wrapped in gold and diamonds, jewels and other precious metals, oils and now they look more lustrous

Your face and underneath and under the BUMA [Owl] is the symbol for KHMT and 
NIBIRU [Neb Heru] 

Are you a Christian, then you are a Greek or Roman, are you Greek or Roman, there are only two Christians out here and one is the Nazareth – can they question if you are native KHMT, no, why because not only is your handwriting on the walls in KHMT but your face is written in stone [Granite] in KHMT, your lips are on the walls, your noses smashed off are on statues in KHMT that are made of stone, bronze, wood and other elements – we see you in KHMT, so why not hold onto sum thing like that where no-one can question who you are because you have a source of reference 

Today’s religious definition is not your spiritual definition

Hadiyth Of Men [766]
Narrated Anas

Allah(s) Apostle [PBHU] did not use to raise his arms in his invocations except in the Istisqa [invoking Allah] in which he used to raise his hands so high that one could see the whiteness of his armpits- 

Hadiyth Of Men [747]
Rabbi said, I saw some of his hairs and it was red, when I asked him about that, I was told that it turned red because of scent
[Bukhari [Barharu]

This means that Muhammed was [white] 6ether – when he and Billal are 9ether
Bilaal is from the NTH gate [Ethiopia] and a descendent of the Danaakiyl, was [Al] Mu’adhahin [Muhammed] “Called of the Adhaan” aka he called people to Ashu [prayer]
[Al][El] means issuing son
Mu [Muur] Ma

Muhammed sang well and called people to prayer, when todays Muslims talk about Bilal they say he was a slave and that he was the first person to call people to prayer- and what they are ultimately saying is this is the first time they saw this and means they never knew about the Arm [Leg[Leg] Arm and Head [Allah]

[7] tone -touch frequency when struck [played]  

Do Muslims listen to music 

These lot are jamming 

We know the 9ethers can sing, play instruments, dance+ its in their blood [AMARASO], its in your blood, you are part of the 99 formulas, the spiritual side, the physical side aka the Chromosomes side – you cannot be a 9ether Muslims if this is based on genetics, which it is, todays Muslims are practicing a mans version and that includes the Nation of Islam- if they describe Muhammed or Bilal other than a 9ether- then this is not your history, either way, a 6 or 9ether Muhammed is not going to be able to take you to another level of existence [5D] these people are your brother [Br’other] [Botha] Budda [Buddha] [Bantu] – 

Songs of Solomon 1:5
I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem [Heru-salem], as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon [Soul’Amon]

You are the original people and the ones before you- not what the 3D world shows you, wherever you see the word Jesus in their book, put your name there, this book is talking about you, Heru [Jesus] this Christ [Christos] is an energy called Karast [KRST] the Christhood is the KARAST-HOOD

What you know will be stored and can be passed down genetically – are you 6ether Roman, are you 6ether Greek, are you 6ether Arab, then this is not your data to store, you need knowledge of thyself

They need you to cling on to them to give them life [Chi] force- because whatever the 9ether has- they bring it to life [Chi] [it’s a force] even in the churches, go to a 6ether church and you will become suicidal, go to a 9ether church and people are singing, playing instruments, a DJ, guess list, having a BBQ, breakdancing, even though its bullsh9t the 9ethers still know how to rock bullsh9t  

You are life [9] and they are death [6] this planet was rotating in a spiral number [6] which is death and now she stops and rotates in a number [9] which is life [consciousness] at times- she is jagging from [6] to [9] and slows down- until she will completely spiral in a number [9] making the whole soul-ar system spiral in a number [9] with her, you know is all the planets following her through the soul-ar system not the other way around

You were given [free] creative [will] and self-determination, you must identify with self [cell] and kind

Where did Kane [Cain] Cane [Qaayiyn][Qayin] and Abel [Haabeel] get their wives from, have you ever thought about that  

Babel, many think that the tower of Babel ended with the principles of Nimrud [Sargon] and [God] coming down [teleportation] and repeating itself again and again – when you go into a Christian church today – where there is one Christian denomination, one [belief] system, one language, one deity called in one tone, and sum body descended in that church and today you have seven-day-adventists, protestants, vista, lutherans, pentecostal, jehovah can I get a witness+ there are many other denom-i-nations  [denom = demon] – the [Gods] came down and confused the tongues

Genesis [11:7]
Go to, let us go down and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another speech  

And today they are all different denominations and sex [gender] who cannot communicate with each other and all are 6ether- hold on, doesn’t that sone exactly like what took place in the tower of Babel, do they not talk babble today- is it not confusing

There will be a [Tawhiyd] which means the Unity of Oneness, this is the 9ethers text and not the 6ethers version – many did not see the tower of Babel taking place in todays world, Babel is just sum story about a tower that could reach the Ska- ask them and that is what they will respond with

A.NU at one point allowed us to directly talk with him, NI.BIRU is what they refer to has heaven in this story, ANU got pissed off because you were calling him at 2am asking about stupid things so he cut the channel and gave you’re the antennas in your crown and your 3rd eye and he redirected your calls, texts to Nun- there was no tower that reached the Ska, this place was a teleportation hub, you could travel up there and to other places 

They brought with them the technology 

The Nagas are part of the Annunaqi [ANUNAGA] ANU.NAGA 
He or she is standing on his [block] cube 720o a translucent [shield] tube, this is a tele-porta-tion device and this device is connected to the cube [block] which is a poWRA generator
Teleportation [Telekinesis]

Teleport rings [uploading or downloading 

Above their heads- look at the last one-right above their head
teleport rings [holographic] come down 

These devices are at the side of the portals [right arrow] and spin creating sone, frequency, tone, vibration
-there are loads of teleportation hubs over the planet  

Where is Babel [Bab-El] which translates to Door to El [confusion] sum times written has Door to h3ll [Babylonian] Baby Lion 
This place was destroyed, many portal were destroyed 

There is no sections or denomination in the mystery systems [KAA] there is no individually, no oral words or language, only energy language

They have one [God] and we have [99] Gods- which is really [144] 72 positive and 72 negative] the 99 comes from the periodic table to which man is up to 99, you need the 99 formulas to inner-stand the [Gods] and the [Gods] need the 99 formulas to explain what [God] is, those [Gods] are also you, you are the formulas  - you have ¼ thinking capacity with 99 [144hz] different ways of thinking capacity and they have dumbed down all of us out here about our feelings on the truth [we are in the ear of the knowing and not the ear of believing, you either know or you do not] we have the rite to know about the truth and how we feel about the truth, feelings are an e-motion, an energy-in-motion

You are receiving a resonating energy, what resonates with you is what you are taking with you- nothing more and nothing less
Selassie is not Jesus Christ or is he the AKIR [Lion] of Judah- yes he is the 225th emperor of the [NTH] gate but he is not no Messiah or [God] incarnated, research more, he tells you this himself in uploads


Camp Kuchi Kaiai
Kamp Ka-Chi Kaiai]


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