Tuesday, 16 November 2021


That Lilith energy is too intense for many
Chaos energy, the unmanifest [uni-magi-nable]
WOmbmen is [God]
Her origins are in sacred-geometry which means measurements in the sacred weight
This energy can change you in sum of the most profound ways, leading you to self-development, pain and alchemy

She is not playing 

Still spiking into today  

We are in event-mode- its over 100hz continuously [we must be touching 144hz] – watch out for the distractions, match the vibrational tone, sone, frequency, acoustic
Regulate your emotions, your energy in motion [e-motion]
Watch what you are taking in from others and by you
Many people will be going offline
From Thursday the Moon [silver] will be in transmission 
[The Moon is already out and near enough full] 

Many people will be called, few will be chosen…

from the 15.11.21 into the 16.11.21

Last 24hr- look at the resonating frequency, we are in event mode
Check the colours aka energy signatures  
[watch for the distractions] 

These tones upgrade, affect the brainwave [organ]
7.89hz is over and many cannot function above 7.89hz which was for 1000s of years, that is now over
Green and Red 

Soular energy on the right streaming into the planet- read all data [colours] in energies
Red and Green are coming out of the poles, Green had to be added for the first time this year
Red and Green gets you Yellow-ish   

Look at the energies of the Chakra system 

Are you paying attention Neo or was you looking at the Lady in Red 

We are in the moment of truth, that which is straight, chaos, balance, justice, order [MA.AT]

Red root Chakra is being removed [lower Chakras]

MA.AT + HERU combined [Red warrior energy] 

HERU which is the double [Horus] – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST energy and all combined is a form of MAAT

Ruwty [Rawty] means double headed lion or double SEKHMET energy
MAAT is also the holly Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah

Heru [Horus] and combined with MA.AT – aka this was the double KARAST [Christ] energy 

WAJI [Green] is the heart [earth] space, the mind and heart are connected
[3] tones are hitting the planet, one is from NI.BIRU, the other is from the Galactic centre via the Universe [Nu] the abyss, the deep, the planet is in the 9D and we are in the 4D+
9D is where the [Gods] reside, the NTH gate 

NASA let this slip in 2015
That is the Dome on the left, the shell on a turtles back right  
the Dome is the Ozone-layer, the Van-Allan-Belt, the EMF, Firmament 
Hemisphere [Hemi] in Latin means half
Half a sphere is a Dome 

The Dome is in Purple in the NASA [SECCHI] image and surrounding the planet is [Nub] Gold
All the stars, the Moon and Sun are under the Dome with us
This Dome is being removed indefinitely, deleted, the Dome went up when the virus was unleashed
Many will not make it through this process, there are those who are here to aid with the transition
Crafts are at both poles while they dismantled the shield [Dome]  

[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
[the 3hands [rays] or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Read data [colours] in energy, you will go further

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE

-which is a part of the 3black-lights called

[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

The rising sun, the midday sun and the setting sun 
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

Sum of the 9ethers can absorb this radiation [energies]

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [Kaanu] light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

Scorpio season – after the rains Egypt [Aswan] have the Scorpios and Snakes to contend with
Tornadoes are touching down – there will be power outages 
Tornados are hitting the planet with ancestral energy fuelling these weather systems- there is a sting in their energy [tail]  

The USA say that can help in the Ethiopian war, oh really sweetheart, I wonder why, why the NTH gate, you want to be where all the action is, China are already in there- 

Bomb at Liverpool station in the UK – Marshal Law can only be induced by terrorism or medical fall-out – we are in event mode [Schumann] watch for the distractions

Remember when you sphere [talk] you bring whatever it is into existence, you bring it to Chi [life], you give whatever it is to life [Chi], use your life-force wisely  tornado

This is an alchemy process- read posts from this time last year, read November 2020- if you are new to the page ignore 2019 and read back from 2020 to present and if your keen then read 2019
The page is worldwide and has grown in 2-years and 11months, so many people from around the world- 

this process is taking place from the inside out, from the micro to the macro –

The process is on many levels and one is to simply crush the matrix that you can do with your mind, 
i-break the illusion and if [l-if-e] you truly come from your heart with truth –

Seen over SSwitzerland [CERN] at the same time SpaceX are in the Ska 

Blue and Red energy signatures
La Palma -
Things just are coming out and things are going into the [water]
90o coming out of the volcano
Energy gets released
What is coming out of the volcano- what spiritual [holographic] images are these 

Stay grounded, focused and on y-our Ptah 

Zachariah Sitchin recorded the term ANUNNAKI, the term Anunnaki is a western transliteration of an inscription taken from the Sumerian cylinder seals that originally appear as MNNK or as a kind of zigzags with an inscription that signifies letter [K]

Ancients never used to apply vowels but utilized skeletal letters [consonants only] in their recording of history simply because they knew the how language metamorphoses to sum thing different with time
When a word is recorded in its consonants, it retains its energy [M][W]3[E]

What modern western scholars did was to insert vowels in a way that such words would sone European but it didn't fit correctly

This observation gave me a leeway to compare the source of the Nile term MANNUKA with Sumerian skeletal term MNNK and based on the Nile source ancient recording as [ibi-MANNUKA] >> those who from the heavens came << are actually the Sumerian ANUNNAKI >> those who from the heavens came <<

In ancient writings, letters M[N]W[V]E[3] often interchanged to represent the naming of [gods] or primordial water

Letter M and N stood for water [current]

Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] those beings that A.NU sent down from Heaven to Ki
ANUTU [Anoo-too] ANU(s) Beings
Anunnaki [ANUN.NAKI
Anunnagi [ANUN.NAGI]
-these beings
Ki [Gi] Earth

 Lotus 👇

The river Nile actually goes up and connects with the firmament, the Nile River is the space highway, the Mississippi [Isis] and Nile River are one in the same – NASA will never show you this
The Nile is a source of all life and is a life force, we are dealing with crystal waters, primordial waters
The water [mater] [M][W] is consuming the planet in sum cases silently, but she is filling up, ground water is now surface water and what should not be in the waters is jumping out, negative, disagreeable – they are being forced out into the physical where they are being met with the forces of nature and her armies 

The AKUR [EKUR] complex we find the Sphinx, Aset face was once ANUBU, the body is still the body and Aset the throne [seat]pulpit] consciousness] the energy is still FEMI9 – there is a plug under Aset ear, when they switch the complex on, things will never ben the same- what is the Sphinx that sits in the middle of the land mass- is she not part of a huge [MF] craft

Connecting to SAHU [SAH] and LAHMU [MARS] MUURS 

NIBIRU controls the motherboard [AKUR] with the flick of the [light speed] wrist – the motherboard also controls all the other MIR [MER] MARE throughout this planet and others [not the moon] Nova means we connected with the [7] siStars of SAHU [SAH] there are [9] siStars 

Nagini [Queen]
Takshaka [King] Of the Naga serpents

Fishtailed humans
Nomos by the Dogon
Orisha by the Yoruba Nigerians
Ogrigwabibikwa by the Pygmies
Dercito by the Greeks
Dagan by the Sumerian
The Ogdoad
The NOMOS (those who know the most)

Leviathan and her [7] siStars are in the waters 

Just because you see stone doesn’t mean that this is just a stone statue

She is the face [energy] of reason

Shame on you 
DNA is in saliva - all these cold cases revealing the predators that they don't want you to know about
the blue-eye being is his masterpiece but they have no light 

They are still doing this 

Do not take the money, or the apology you dumb ass- the most high is watching your dry ass
300,000 strong and they cut you down to under 20,000 today
Rabbit Proof Fencing is not a movie 
Over 60 years to destroy you 

Taken sum years back [9] beings look over the Reptilian [HQ] state New-York , there could be [11] in total- the arrow in black is this guy 👇

They both have on their shoulder the laser-beam weapon 
the USA military also watched them, watching them

Taken this year, this being is pissed
Look at this image on your laptop, cell phone, in the dark, open large and small
The image is multi-dimensional and you can see his or her nose-mouth
Very poWRA-full message of intent, also taken over the Reptilian HQ [NYC]

Hello from the other side, at least I can say that I tried...

NI.BIRU [NEB HERU] NABARA is also called IMMARU in Sumerian text
Red Dragon

The Russians pull this craft from Antarctica [An-Tar-cti-Ka] sum time ago and you can see the electromagnetic turbine underneath the craft
This is old technology, look at the wires whereas it would be wi-fi fibre optics, the craft even has a man-made feel about it-

Your star-family, their crafts are made of light, they also use animal crafts
We have been here before….  

There is a craft sitting there, at one point I also thought that a craft had just left the building and left their signature, however here you can see the air being pulled up in the centre of the oval, round sphere hole in the clouds, a while back sum one had posted sum footage with the same in these images, you could see the air gently fanning out below, the craft was low and there was no wind in the weather, all was coming from the electromagnetic turbine

Technology has moved on since the Russians and others have reversed engineered what they have recovered, found, shot down and given-up for- you can tell man-made crafts

Any craft in the Ska right now is under the Anunnaqi with the Galactic Federation and Allies and Alliance, there are war-planets also here, sum we can see and sum we cannot – it is the body, the physical that is the last stand for many

Hologram [Holographic] is a computer program, it is crystal water program and is in the 4[5]D+ which is where we are – 

The portal [sun] is on lockdown 

Taken over the USA- what do you see 

Taken over KHMT [Egypt] sum months back [this year] 

The Jedi mind trick is very much real
-remember Luke, a Jedi flows...

Originally there were [7] Bartlow mounds
The highest - 15 meters high - the largest mound north of the Alps
Seven mounds covering what, what is inside, normally mounds contain giants, the largest is 45ft tall and 144ft in diameter [9] 


Hoodie, open Buka [Hijab] is the same thing 

Notice how it is shaped like a geometric YONI

There are sum ancient esoteric concepts most today have forgotten but still encoded in cultural objects, that you can only decode those secrets if you open your third eye

We are returning to the Vagina [womb] without China 

This is the most sacred shape ever in the entire universe and also manifests MATHEMATICALLY everywhere in space and all organisms and objects

As the most centre of any overlapping circles
It is also in the shape of planets, black-holes and the Universe

All life in the universe comes through a portal shaped like this whether organisms or stars
-the connection the Clitoris has with the pineal gland and how it propels the woman to temporarily experience the wholeness with the universe at a much higher level during sexual climax

A candle flame projects itself in this shape

Catholics made sure to always present the virgin Mary in this shape after Romans learnt the secret knowledge from our ancestors

Our people construct huts this entrance in honour of this shape

Sacred-geometry, the Yoni [Yomi] [Imana] the most scared shape - the portal in which all creations came forth - our universe came out of the Yoni - the universe ia an Egg 
Why is this important, because she is about to cum 

I want to go home, take me to the pum-pum NOW [!!!] 


In you i-trust

Bi9ch [Zitch] Witch [Wicca] Wika [Hika] [Waka]
All FEMI9 energy that was murdered is being raised up, she is in the midnight hour
[Lil-Leeth] of the shadow hour period
No one died in vain
She has been invoked

Metu Netu 

Lilith, MAAT, Aset [Isis], Sekhmet + Bas, Inanna, Atheer [Hathor], Nefertiti, Kali, Damkina
Here are [9] there are many more

She is coming for you, all those who raised their hand to her, all those who took her out and she never returned home- your fu9ked now

The bulk of the men here are here to uphold her reinstatement 


Who is this Bird [BI.RU] [BARU] being that we see in all the cultures around the planet and here in the Ulmec [Olmec] civilisations 

[Apkallu] [Garuda] [ANZU] [HERU] [KHONSU] [Abrsax] [Quetzal] [Tehuti]

Atlantis [Lemuria] Atzlan
Atlanta is still the capital today, parts of Atlantis, Lemuria and Atzlan is underwater
One land mass [Pangaea] Pan means one and Gaea is Gaia meaning land [One Land]

The map of the USA and Kanada together shows a Dragon with wings carrying a turtle [turtle island] and China also is a Dragon [there are [white] albinos and there are [black][red][yellow]blue] Dragon here  

Weaving with a device, many countries around the world like to promote their involvement in the textiles and here we have what they call primitive people weaving on a machine to produce clothes
New York, Paris, Millan and Ulmec

He is doing sum thing, where is the rest of his back part

None of what they are wearing is for fashion, look closely

Weapon specialist 

Flying attire

Funnels, aero-dynamics, visors for stabilizes

This guy is sitting in his and using the controls with his hands on the left and the one on the right could be a drone with a monitor type rocket 

Rocket man

Jet Propulsion Systems

They have been to other planets

What was in his hands 

They travelled the planet to all the four corners in style

See the helmet is made for aero-dynamics- this is not a dancer 

They could be metal-ish in his hands for sone 

They have found ancient runways 

Coming all out of Aztlan

Mother and child 

the Aztlan have warrior class among them, the Ulmec are taller beings

All the elite from KHMT are in Aztlan

Check the colours, most are in Blue Life force energy which is also the colour [energy] of the netherworld 
Check whatever is in their hands because its usually broken off
Head shape
Sum have loc [locks] hair
Funnels, Visors, Stabilizes

Mixed beings under the command of the Annunaqi 

Anthropomorphic deities 

There is more than a connection with this type of head-shape

is on the planet in at least [9] avatars- at the same time
He would be in his chamber - levitating which projecting his energy into his avatars, he would be suspended in the air 

The Spanish, Portuguese and Greys+ are in big sh9t 

Aztlan [South America] had huge amounts of magnetic energy, many Vimana(s) [VMN] flying machines, many are depicted wearing flying attire, from their areo-dynamic suits, helmets to their visors, technology came from Aztlan- all the higher beings from Sumerian and KHMT, from Nagalan are present and documented in records

There were loads of tribu [tribes] and there is no disconnection from the primary tribus, the Aztec, Incas and Ulmec [Olmec] (Mayan)

Mexico the name comes from the word Mixtec [Mutec] [Ul-Mec] [Olmec] Mec [Mac] Mackintosh  
Mutec-zuma who was the last Emporia of Mexico [Mutec] is part of Aztlan [USA + South America]
Azt-ec [Azt-lan] Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec] and Mu is from Muur [Maur] Muur] Le-mu-ria

Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are called Almade [Al-made] [Al-mac] Ul-Mac which is Ul-mec

Mayan [Maya] is the name of their writing system and the breeds that came after the originals had been massacred on an industrial scale, these Indian Mongolians come 900+ years after the originals were taken to inner-Ki and sum to Kambodia  

The Ulmec set up [9] cities in Aztlan with the oldest being La Venta

Amazigh [Amazon] Mazagh
Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the word Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the South American rain forest and the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de Terra

Thi was the age of the flying machine, both in Nagalan and Atzlan, we see flying machines, flying apparatus, unique designs, they were allowed to create their own air-space attire and machines, there is a huge deposit of Mercury at one of the space-ports nearby so that was the fuel for sum of the Vimana’s and sum was the natural lay-lines of the planet [magnetic fields]

They also had access to machinery and many of these monuments have working parts just like in Nagalan, many are simply transformers, robots in disguise, they had levers for sum of their stationary stone machines

There is no disconnection the Aztec, Mayan [Ulmec] and Inca coexisted, from Mexico to Western Peru [Heru] 

All the [9] KHMT NTR are present in Aztlan

Tehuti [Thoth] also was present and taught the Ulmec, Incas and Aztec advanced knowledge like architecture, mathematics, spiritual attainment, space flight

There are over 17 countries in South America [Aztlan] that are artificial
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela and Uruguay

Heru is littered in Aztlan, Paraguay [Hara-guay], PERU [HERU], Uruguay [Heru-guay]
PERU [HERU] Aztlan [Atlantis]

Pre-Columbia [Columbus] means before the 6ethers go there, before the Spanish get there, get rid of all these names Columbia [Columbus] the Congo people were in Aztlan

Mayan calendar is a device [compass] equation

NI.BIRU [NEB HERU] NABARA is also called IMMARU in Sumerian text
Nemesis and Hercolubus are the same system has IMMARU [NI.BIRU] 
Her [Colubus] comes from HER.U + Colubus as in Columbia and Columbus, Hercolubus is a Greek word or Colombian word and translates from their other word Wormwood and is all talking about Neb Heru who has a twin system

One realm is holographic [spirit] and the other is a physical realm

Europe comes in and destroys everything in Aztlan, the Portuguese, Spanish leave their off-spring there today 

Ultimately the term means these beings, which you can see were throughout the middle [Meso] world >> these Ulmec are [these beings] 

The Cwezi were the God-kings who largely established ancient Egypt [KHMT]

What most of you know about Kitara [Ki-tara] and the Cwezi is watered down and fragments of what remained after the colonial rhetoric and distortions in books you read in primary schools printed by the church

The Cwezi went by several names including Abackwezi (Moon people), Abamannuka, Abawanuka, Abamana, Abalozi, Abakama (Khmers), Annunaki, Abanyanka (Incas), Abatara, Abalanga +

The immediate generations that stemmed from pure Cwezi bloodlines and became custodians of the Abamannuka kingdoms that were spread from Zimbabwe through Lake Victoria to Egypt to Turkey all the way to Cambodia

The Cwezi were In Africa, Asia and South America for many, many millennia before the ordinary man took over and before the 6ether seed entrenched itself in the fabric of humanity

The Immediate generations to inherit the Abamannuka kingdoms were called Infura or sum times the term Cwezi was used which later the Europeans turned into Jwes then Jews


It took 5,000 years to build and complete the lateral phases of the records left in stone, a huge building program took place from KHMT to Nagalan to Aztlan
We have ended the Moon cycle 6,000 [6,5000]
10,000 years is the end of the ice-age, 5,000 + 6,5000 = 11,000 that is near enough the last quarter of the 12,500 per cycle- 10,000 ice-age and 2,000 is Jesus and 500 is [400] 512 years with 100 [77] years in readership

Why did we leave records, for whom, why did we leave rules and boundaries and for whom, were was we going, why would you need to remember this material 


This may be Opium

Eridu [Turkey] 
AKIR Chamber

USA [Atlantis]

NTH gate [Aswan] KHMT




Key hole wells 

And the beat goes on until the break of dawn 

Rockin' you eternally
Nothing ends, it only ends to begin... 

I keep getting [9] just now [15:33], and yesterday, and days before, universe is not going to contact me on silly things, I cannot connect with her yet because I haven’t made the connection- I don’t know what it is, I know I must be in-line for sum thing, positive or negative, so that is what I am taking with me for the moment   

If you ate today and when you wake up - give gratitude, give t-ankhs, the small things, be humble with peace, be one and stay whole, let things go, follow through, with each cycle that you are present be whole with that moment, one day you will wake up and the world outside would have changed while you were asleep

strength [protection] guidance 
1:44hz [pm] 











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