Sunday, 21 November 2021

Dragons Rift


Use your [3rd eye] which is your first eye

Moon and Sun are left and right eye and Ki [earth] is the 3rd eye aka the King Arthur story 

Dragon [Dagan][Dogan]
Leprechaun [Luperci] Roman for dwarfs who turned into reptiles [hence the Irish River-dance] also called Nomos or Ogdoad also called the Malayket Bahri [River Angels]
Ghoul [Goul]
[Nomoli] Nomos [Nommos] Nummo
Tamil Nadu [fishtail God]

Dinosaur means in 6ether Greek >> terrible lizard, the upright lizards and is a reference to the lizard, serpent, dragon, reptilian, reptile beings + what you deem a Dinosaur in your mind from what you have been taught in the conventional sense are all part of the reptile family – that includes, snakes, serpent, crocodile, dragon+

Komodo Dragons, Crocodiles, Snakes all used to walk upright until they were casted down has punishment

The dragons, the [white] and [black] dragons are the assimilation in here, the red, green, blue and yellow dragons are not- that protester who was acquitted is not about his dry ass, it is for the race war that they are trying to ignite- its been bubbling since all those 9ethers have been taken out- the right to bear arms and all the rest of it- the race war was always going to be on the cards, Lloyd is nothing compared to Rodney King in the early 90s, sh9t is coming and for many it will mean death

Marshal Law will mean many lives will be lost- those fighting against the jab, against N.W.O will all be blended together into chaos 

You are going to have to take the government out  

What you see has Sicilians, Italians, Irish, Mexico are not [white] people, Elvis, Joe Calzaghe are not [white] people, it was [1] body and you broke it up into pieces

The only [white] people in this dome with us are the Jews [Zionist] get your facts right, they are the last on the scene but will be the first out of here - they reflect the light of what is called the Alkebulan man, what is in Alkebulan is not all [black] – the body was broken up into pieces, the real dwellers here are blue, yellow, red and green children - when the [white] 6ethers went to the USA first time around they said there were coloured people there

[black] is not a colour but is the essence from which all other colours come from

Sum of the [blacks] over in the USA are clones that were from the last reSet – they came from bases under the ground, sun of them became the Muurs [Moors] and infiltrated the Nubians out here, all coming when this dome went up and trapped us all in here

This is the first reSet of this kind; we have a few others leading up to final

   If you call yourself [black] or [white] today then you are as dumb has this Matrix – these people are not your friends, you need to know the history because Robert Nesta Marley said, to know where you are going, you need to know where you are coming from – and I want to know where the fu9k I AM going

This is Bob Marley getting two political parties to join hands and come together- this was never heard of before until Bob Marley did this on stage in 1978 in Jamaica

This was big back then, however looking at this picture right now, I see [3] [white] men preceding over 9ether [KAANU] energy in Jamaica [Atlantis] nothing has changed
The only thing the British realised is that Bob Marley could cause problems with the people following him, they dispatched the CIA agent to poison him

There are brown-koppatone, black-koppatone, blue-koppatone, red-koppatone, green-koppatone+ there are different tones

You are children of the sun – the sun is radiation, the radiated man, you come in colours of energy, not [black] and [white]

6ethers [white] are malnourished from not having their elements, like the Flamingo bird – whatever they eat has its base metal they turn into – the light for the body, everything in here is for the eco-system – you absorb the radiation and emit the light from you to others- dark absorbs and light repels, you cannot be foolish all your life, you were not sent for this race-war that is coming, yes sh9t happened but nature is taking care of the loose-ends, you choose energy not colours, if you are going to lay down your life then make it count for saving sum one, guiding sum one, why don’t you save your own life or is that too selfish

MAAT is here, she is Universal Law and these Laws cannot be broken, so you either adhere or see you on the other-side, serve the body that you reside in [Macro] [Micro]  

[BLM] is bullsh9t, you are not bullsh9t

There is a simulation and situation and everybody is where they need to be between the two, when you go around changing the DNA of the plant, animal and human king-domes, raping everything with a pulse, killing and murdering, changing history, changing text, changing artifacts, framing people, changing names, places, sites, digging up the higher beings, organ-trafficking, poisoning your own soldiers, kidnapping, eating people, dumbing people down and more+ is what these clones did, not all are clones for sum followed the trends out here, everything that is coming to those who involved themselves in these things- is due, nature and ancestors are dealing with that, you don’t see this taking place in the 3D world, we are in the Judgement fields – look around you, look around the planet   

The clones come in all colours, there isn’t that many humans on the planet

What is in the Crystal skin, Lucifer is Lu-Cell-fer [amber] come with a blue and green tint, Lucifer is not what you have been taught out here and does not really mean what you think it does – the green and blue tint appears [white], you are part of the Dragons family – do not fight yourselves [your cells] 

Use discernment 

Day 5 since we had energy upload, all is calm
its dead outside, even on the radio many are playing old school music


tripped out - rebooting 

Images are from Spain
The moon [projection] hologram 

They spoil the second last image, clearly you can see sum thing maybe a structure in the hologram
There are at least two moons out there or one and the hologram
whatever- the moon is not the same in the four corners of this planet

They are warring by the sun [heavens] – no one can leave unless they leave through the sun or SAH and both are heavily guarded 


The sun is going out, this is what he looks like right now, its the plasma that is making him seem bright

Venus [LAHAMU] beauty, is in nature 

Speaking of Venus, this lady looked away when this picture was being taken has she was in the background, Venus is in beauty

The annual explosion of gold from a 1400-year-old Ginkgo tree located within the walls of the Gu Guanyin Buddha [Bantu] Temple, in the Zhongnan Mountains region of China

Tano Bora Cheetah coalition 🐾
Male Cheetahs similarly to Male Lions can form coalitions as pictured above giving strength to securing territory and mating rights and bringing down prey

If it wasn’t for the Russians building the Chinook, the USA would be fu9ked – this is how you know Russia and the USA and all the rest are in it together
Chinook lands on water or just above water and rescues the men
Yeah, this impressed me

Vietnam, decade war, the Vietnamese lived underground for a decade and kicked the USA back home, the Vietnamese beat the USA- so called primitive people, the will to survive, there are lessons to be learned from their wars  

South Africa is really North Africa – the planet went offline when the dome went up, she flipped over, Pluto is sitting on its underbelly
The spiritual poles have already flipped, and it is the physical poles that we are waiting on, the sun, moon and soular system is at an angle- the planet must go back into factory settings, reSet and upgraded into the 5D, she is already in the 9D and was moved there sum years back

Look at those arrows, those are Wi-Fi antennas 

You would be walking on the right, so who is walking on the left, all leading to crafts
We had to leave at 7am to get up there for 2:30pm 

Natural Electron NRG 


This is a landing craft-park, there are huge deposits of Mercury in the grounds, which this place also was a fuelling depot, Vimana(s), flying machines also used this fuelling station 

Stone cubes
Which they say was carved by hand
Precision engineering
There are [8] or [9] cubes 

Mtw Ntr [Hieroglyphics] Nu translation into Kinyarwanda then English
These writings were introduced by Thoth with the purpose of recording instructions for those leftovers after the great flood

For the Annunaki (Ibimannuka), the Khmetic (ancient Egyptian) Kingdom was supposed to be the centre of earth rule and all humanity were supposed to be ruled from KHMT or at least earth rulers were supposed to descend form the Nefer (Ifura) bloodline
The Nefer or the Infura were the sanctified hybrids of the Annunaki and general humans

They were the Pharaohs [Aaferti] when the Annunaki rule ceased

These writings were not a spoken language but codes just like computer programming language such as HTML, or Python even Emojs

Fake Egyptologists have assigned phenetic alphabets to these codes and created a fake language that they are spreading around claiming to be the speaking what the ancient Egyptian [KHMT] spoke

These Pictographic codes were called MTW y' NTR
Medu Neter but in Alkebulan reference and was stated as MATWI YINTARE meaning codes or language for the [ears of the AKIR] Lions

This supports the fact that these codes were put forth by Thoth as the writings of wisdom for the [ears] of the [Kings] and [Priests] to guide HuMins and Mankind

In ancient times, [Gods] and [Kings] were known as AKIR [Lions]
In Bantu African languages, a Akir is an Ntr or an Intare

This aspect is still very hidden to many Egyptologists claiming to know what these codes were Especially that they look at them with complete disregard of the Bantu people in the puzzle

Now you know why they do the AKIR like that, circus, game, skin, caged – because your blood runs through the AKIR, the darker the mane, the darker the 9ether, the Barbary AKIR is kept in cages on purpose, they slaughtered that particular breed into extinction, Ethiopia has its own breeds found nowhere else in Alkebulan- the Kat [feline] family [KAMMU] Khami


Did you know that the dollar and pound is over, so why else would the Jews allow you to control the input and output of the planet’s [Alkebulan] minerals
I was reading how Floyd Mayweather owns 7 or 8 skyscrapers- really, does he really think he owns those steel mountains, why would they let him own skyscrapers- I wonder if Floyd knows that he owns nothing, does he even know that the dollar has expired- can you eat metal   
If you haven’t invested in your Kaa [spiritual] energy, then you are in a world of sh9t, skyscrapers cannot fit into the 5D and we are in 4D right now – he and many are still plugged into the 3D

A Maasai man walks into a bank in NAIROBI and asks for the loan officer
He tells the loan officer that he is going to DUBAI on business for four weeks and needs to borrow 5,000
The bank officer tells him that bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Maasai man hands over the keys to a brand-new Mercedes Benz S class 500 parked on the street in front of the bank
Produces the log book and everything checks out
The loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan
The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Maasai for using a KSH 15 million Mercedes Benz as collateral against a 5,000 loan
An employee of the bank then drives the Mercedes Benz into the bank's underground garage and parks it there
Four weeks later, the Maasai returns, repays the 5,000 and the interest, which comes to 150.41
The loan officer says: 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business & this transaction has worked out very nicely but we are a little puzzled
While you were away, we checked you out & found that you are a multi-millionaire
What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow 5,000?'
The Maasai man replies: 'Where else in NAIROBI can I park my car four weeks for only 150.41 and expect it to be there when I return?'

[This image is from the London Underground, this is the Northern Line that takes you to where that arrow is at that is Camden Town- London] 

ENUMA ELISH [IJWI RYIMANA] was in my dreams today, and the EMU [ENUMA] bird

Deer-shaped bronze incense burner on wheels the by Etruscan who are in Italy and Spain

Spanish fortress of Porto Santo Stefano, Italy
Etruscans [Muur] Carthage

First king after the flood, he is the first king of Shinar [Susa] Sumeria which is Turkey, Syria [Assyrian] which is part of Mesopotamia [Eridu]
Nimrud real name is SARGON and is the father seed for Ethiopia
Turkey = Turkish [Kish] Kush [Cush] 

The gold Tiara of [Queen] Yaba- who used [3] Iy] temples, houses, isles, coastlands, abode
The other [2] [Queens] are Banitu [Bantu] and Atalia
Yaba, Banitu and Atalia are Aset, Atheer and Nephthys

Why are these images in black and white

The Muslims break into the [tomb] [Iy] of NIMRUD and steal the [treasures] in 1989- these are NIMRUD(s) wives

There are no bodies found and all these places, and are not for burial but rather for astral -travelling and for traveling the planet – this is why we find the Neb-Ankh [sarcophagus] in all [3]

There is no such word has Assyria or Syria only in the last 512 [400] years [77] 100 years when the 6ether Muslims come onto the scene
If the 6ether Muslims had any direct connection then they wouldn’t break into their own peoples chambers
Nimrud [Sargon] is ENKI and his mould sits on the border of Syria and Turkey which is Mesopotamia [Eridu] 

Yaba, Banitu and Atalia are Aset, Atheer and Nephthys

These fine jewellery pieces were created by the Phoenician, the Etruscans and not the people there today  

 Gold bowl with the common Sumerian flower symbol, this is a toning bowl, gold is a conductor of energy, look at the rim, the arrows going one direction- 

You see those statue heads, the Romans added that way later, look in the background, you see that mound, MIR, that is Sargon [Nimrud] this image is from Turkey and Syria border
Sargon is a 9ether, he is a Ghibbore [Gibboreem] Mighty Ones, Giants 
The Turkey people [6ethers] know this and they know he was a giant- this is an Alkebulan man 

The Eunuchs of the Topkapi Palace Harem, Konstantiniyye

The Eunuchs [Castrati] captured as boys, brutally castrated to eliminate fulfilment of sexual desires, the Harem Eunuchs were devoted to the odalisques and concubines who lived within the Harem Friendships flourished- all captives and slaves, their devotion and loyalty to one another provided comfort 

Suleyman the Magnificent and her formidable and steadfast Eunuch guard, Aziz, interesting read  
Suleyman [Saleyman] Solomon [Sol'oAmon] 

Taken a year or so ago
Huge craft sits in the Ska
Many crafts are here

ISON came in with two SHAMS either side and two probes and a scout probe [crafts]
2021 is 2012 

in you i-trust 










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Smiling Faces

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