Monday, 22 November 2021

Below the Radar

Last 3 weeks have been really heavy for me and a test of how badly I want this

All this data is material that came together in the last decade- in the last 3 years, that had been given unto me, things that I also went out of my way to learn about
I started pulling this information out in 2009 and onto a media platform in 2014

I had a lot of sacrifices to make, even the girlfriend, either the life with her or this life, she has now had twins and is married and I often wonder about her, she has been flaring up in my dreams, thoughts, what I lost with one hand, but yet I gained with the other hand- Kachina the FEMI9 [Red Kachina] is forcing the energy [reflections] 

Once I had made up my mind that this was the passage for me, I had to let her go, its her birthday in two months’ time – she will be 45

Things came my way because of the passage that I choose that enabled me to pursue my passion, the universe and full crew gave me what I needed from 2009, again in 2011 and in 2012

This ticket is from 2003 and fell from where I had put it- now 18 years later, to the day 

My name comes out has Yah’Son [Yahson] Jahson my house sign is Mason [MaSem] (Virgo) I was told I was going to be a navigator, I thought a ship, yeah, they meant vessel [MEKABA] you will learn, navigate through the data [light] information and present your findings, there will be many like you, this is why its called a Mystery, its MyStory, MyStar-y, not HiStory

I would like to write more, but not everything is meant to be spoken about, but if you are struggling, please know this is part of your test – it is what is necessary

MAAT translates balance and this equation is balancing out and so are you, take your positive experiences, what you learnt, take your negative experiences, what you learnt, see the examples, face off with the inner-standing and shut and file those files away, take time and festa in those thoughts
know why and not how 

You must be stripped of everything from the 3D and all those who will not be able to serve you will also be removed – you have to shed old light [3D]

When you make up your mind like that- it’s a calling, its not about you making a choice for a career move – this is when your suffering begins to test you to see whether or not this is what you’re supposed to be doing

This old program is still working for many; however, many were called in 2009 and 2011 and 2012, this particular batch responded and we have had wave after wave into 2021 [2012] [looping back on itself] now with many more hitting the higher vibrations

If you are going through things and it is relentless, please know that the run in will be like this, how much do you want this and are you actually doing what you’re supposed to be doing
-we are in Karma fields [you are being judged on this life and not your previous lives] so there is energy that you are burning through for sum of you also 

Need I tell you that the [Gods] like you, they keep on giving you more because they know you can complete where others will fail- sum times these things are to keep us rooted, its hard remaining on task, so sum times Nun [universe] sends things to keep us on our toes- just don't add to it 

Don’t be discouraged, this is a soular-Ptah-way, a spiritual journey and one must complete y-our soul contract, you choose the calling, the calling [tone] has been sounding since 2012- we have come full circle [360] it is 2021 [2012] now, many will be called, few will be chosen, you have to choose the frequency [Om][144hz] it’s a vibration that you must attain and stay there if you are to make it through to the 5D, you have to want this, this is where you fit in, you won’t need to get in, you fit in, this is your frequency, your vibration, your sone [sound], your tone, your acoustic 

Red and Blue Kachina [MAAT] will be reminding you, asking you, asking many if they want the 3D or the 5D, asking many do you remember, can you see the illusion- this and more+
it is you that is to activate and others activate from you  

We are going to be losing all the New-Age, commercial based followers, their time is over – many have seen in visions the devastation- this is common – they have their people on the 3D plane as well, what is coming is obvious now

Go undercover, go within, talk to your ancestors, talk to your spirit guides, the frequency has been separating us for the last 2years and 11 months and 22days, year [3] is coming 2022 is [222]
Be still, enjoy the quietness, observe, step back- sssSShh be still, keep quiet, don't get into things that are not part of your Ptah-way  

Know your poWRA first before you start mouthing off to others because no-one is going where you are going, no one is going when you go, no one was sent to save another, know thyself [thyCells] first or how will you be able to guide others or even yourself [yourCell]     

I won’t be posting until around Thursday or Friday of this week, anything that comes up will be posted in this post until Thursday [Friday]

No more 359o [reverse]
You want 360o [forward] = 9
Netherworld, stay undercover, finger on lips sssSSSh

Around the world [3D] the ignition is coming 
Sum are here for the physical war [3D] and sum are here for the soul war [5D] we are confident in good over evil [positive over negative]

Dennis Brown, fight the right revolution this time...

Protect yourself at all times 

Hitting 100hz+ 

Today my ears felt like they wanted to pop, like when your on a plane at a different attitude, where is the planet

Time and dates are pasting by

Moon out and is still nearly full mode
Orange tint 

It doesn't matter how cold it is, they can never stop the transmissions of energies, make sure you are sun-gazing, with human eyes open or close- it is Technicolor up there, see for yourself when you look directly into the sun- this tops up your eye and soular body 

Salt Lake in Utah is completely drying out leaving millions of people and animals in suspense

Powerful thunderstorms bury Saudi Arabia desert in thick layer of hail [hail is frozen water]
[El]Ghor is the original name for Arabia

Scotland [Freemason] receives fourth earthquake in seven days- who is at your door waving the four four 

Russia have 92,000 soldiers sitting at the Ukraine border  

NASA are getting ready to test their ground base defence by shooting at a craft [asteroid] 

Read all data against your Chakra system which are alien implants
This is a soul-ar system and you need a soul to receive the soular energy 
Soular [soular plexus] orange on the right streaming into the plant in the middle, hitting the planet and you, you absorb these energies 
Red is HERU + MAAT combined energy [FEMI9] NRG 
Behind is the serpent [Kundalini] of NIBIRU who is collecting all the energy and sending it straight back into the planet- see he holds her in the mouth 
Red all colours in Chakra language
Soular energy for a soular being, no matter what the weather is outside or how cold it is, the energy is always there for you  

The arrows on the left of the planet all turn around and head back into the planet, NI.BIRU is doing this 

[Red] MA.AT Femi9 Electron Energy + [NEB HERU] [HERU] NIBIRU = destruction

Zenith means Ptah [vortex] this is coming from the deep, abyss [Nun] frequency change with NI.BIRU at the helm [Neutron Star] this is danger for the 6ether and a huge bulk of the 9ethers because they will not be able to process the energy, red and pink is death [destruction]

Tribu month [Nova-mber]
Tribu name [Gad]
Tribu colour [Red]
Body part [Reproduction Organs]
Tribu function [PoWRA]  

Blue Hue 

Red Hue 

Every thing that is a lie, the artificial wave is being removed, anything that Mankind made will be deleted because Blue and Red Kachina are in the Ska

The Moon was also out with the Sun, the Moon is at 180o and is titled, and the main part of the Moon is facing the Sun, also the Sun is not setting or rising in the East- check its position, he is in the south-east 

All taken in the same day and time, if you have one of them cell phones, film the sun or take pictures, move the camera position and look back, the camera picks it all up through the various filters

[Red] MA.AT Femi9 Electron Energy + [NEB HERU] [HERU] NIBIRU = destruction

Zenith means Ptah [vortex] this is coming from the deep, abyss [Nun] frequency change with NI.BIRU at the helm [Neutron Star] this is danger for the 6ether and a huge bulk of the 9ethers because they will not be able to process the energy, red and pink is death [destruction] 

Seen through wielders glasses 

Activity by the sun [portal]

Signature craft 

Looks like the shuttle- its not alone 


Light craft- this craft is made from light [angel-angle] same word, angle in which to shine light [angel] angel of light – the 5D or 5G is holographic and is not physical which is [3D] – we are in 4D right now
You can see the shape; this craft wants to be seen 

Texas- watching you 

Huge crafts shut down Chinas airport, not sure when this was 


Four spheres overlapping [portals]

That is you in the middle [Geb] Nun above you 

Ashu [prayer] these are [9] positions [portal openings] that the 6ether Muslims stole from the 9ether 

 We must not fight against one another - this is how we got into this mess
How did they sack Rome- because when Hannibal 'Barca saw other 9ethers fighting with the 6ether Romans, he walked away, it was not in the 9ethers nature to fight another 9ether, how times have changed and how time will once again change
-history is set to repeat itself to those who do not know it 


Found in todays Denmark in 1902
Sun disc being pulled by a 6-wheel Chariot
Bronze and Gold  

Galactic disc, rotates in a number [9]
I wonder how this device worked

The Ulmec [Mayan Moon goddess] and her Bunny companion
How does INANNA [ISHTAR] become connected to Easter and her name becoming Esther 
What is Easter-Island
Why do we have Bunny [Rabbits] at Easter
Bugs Bunny
Burro Rabbit 
Roger Rabbit


The whole of Europe is built over ancient history, in 2015 during reconstruction in Russia [Prussia] Kiev, a quarter of ancient history was discovered at a 7-metre depth area if the postal square

A huge concrete slab was placed over several crushed wooden structures, crushing these wooden [Iy] on purpose, there were other various buildings on the banks also 

You can see the pillar of the square where the developer planned to build a multi-level shopping mall with underground parking, the works were suspended during archaeological inspection because a poWAR-full cultural lay buried beneath the modern Russians feet

Real ancient streets with bridges, was also discovered, sum one wanted to bury a town, why, we know the mud-flood came in and buried Tartar because the 6ethers were spilling out throughout Europe, there was also a shipping port nearby, there was an economic structure here [eCommerce]

There was also an ancient [fortresses] discovered, indicating that one of the lines of defence of ancient Russian Kiev was held here

Two people were also found inside a burned building, they were murdered

No matter where they dig, how deep they go, the more she reveals, she reveals the ancient ones, reminding us time and time again- the true history of this planet and her inhabitants

The 2015 find serves has a warning to the generations who find these types of artifacts, they are not arts, but indeed, they are facts-, sum thing happened in y-our history and all that is hidden shall be revealed in these last days, that was what was written by Tehuhi – he said that the occult which means that which is hidden oc[cult-ure] its hidden from you, why would they want to hide like Adam and Eve

All dimensions are merging 

Many Lares [Sasquatch] died and were wounded
he said 144 people
sum thing blew up - what were they doing up there 

It is the end of the world [3D] which is the illusion, but not the end of the planet
She will be here after forever and ever Amen

It is the end of the world but not the planet, learn the difference 

Stay woke

let the spirit move you..

Only mentioned from 1490 
Cave system, water tanks, landing pad
Looks like the Wall of China [Shiva] and PERU [HERU] because its the same architectures 

Easter Palace 
Bottom floor is missing 


Quote-Harpy, in Greco-Roman classical mythology, was a fabulous creature, probably a wind spirit
 The presence of harpies as tomb figures, however, makes it possible that they were also conceived of as ghosts. In Homer’s Odyssey they were winds that carried people away. Elsewhere, they were sometimes connected with the powers of the underworld. These early Harpies were in no way disgusting. Later, however, especially in the legend of Jason and the Argonauts, they were represented as birds with the faces of women, horribly foul and loathsome. They were sent to punish the Thracian king Phineus for his ill-treatment of his children; the Harpies snatched the food from his table and left a disgusting smell- Unquote

Tomb figures, [Iy] this may be the symbol for the Baa [Ba] Soul
There is an Eagle also called the Harpy and is the strongest out of the Eagle range  

100,000 Monks [Men] are praying for the world right now [ok then] 

Melanin [KAANU] and represents the inner-consciousness, which in KHMT they symbolise with the child and finger in their mouth which is the most potent part of the Melanin [un-manifest]

You are controlling this outcome [Khu] [Mind] 
NI.BIRU moves when you do, the planet releases energy when you do
-as above, so below, as within, so you are never without, as the universe, as the soul 
[use your soular energy] 

Think carefully on what you are doing out here, you are being observed 
Come from your heart [Chakra] space its WAJI [Green] 

The Monks have no poWRA at all, last year or the year before Thailand had 1million children praying for the world- the 3D world is going - the planet will be staying, learn the difference 
There is nothing that man can do 
Please tell me the last thing the Monks have ever done 
Even he knows his power is in the physical 

The word Labyrinth means Maze and is talking about your inner-ear that is shaped like a number [9]

The word Labyrinth came about in the late 1400s
-a series of corridors 
Found under the MIR (pyramid) complex 


New Zealand is leaking 

Rebooting shows up on the Italian model 

The Russian model shows activity 

Red [FEMI9] has expanded and is inside the poles 

Red Hue that changes, the SUN is blinking [Morse Code]
Blue Kachina at the 1'o'clock position
Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah = MA.AT 

The Ozone-layer [Dome] EMF [Van-Allan-Belt] is being removed, is coming down, is being dismantled
The SUN is rising in the south-east and not the east or setting in the west no-more- both the SUN and MOON [MONO] are on a 180o angle

 [Red] MA.AT Femi9 Electron Energy + [NEB HERU] [HERU] NIBIRU = destruction

Zenith means Ptah [vortex] this is coming from the deep, abyss [Nun] frequency change with NI.BIRU at the helm [Neutron Star] this is danger for the 6ether and a huge bulk of the 9ethers because they will not be able to process the energy, red and pink is death [destruction]

HERU which is the double Horus – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST energy and all combined is a form of MAAT

Ruwty [Rawty] means double headed lion or double SEKHMET energy

MAAT is also the holly Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah

Re Harakhahte

Robin [the Falcon or Hawk] or any type of bird represented the manifested which would be Re Harakhahte which is two forms of Christ [Karast] and those two combined brings on MAAT

MA.AT is also the holly Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah, she is here and they say she has not revealed herself- look up in the Ska, i-think she has if you look carefully

HERU [HORUS] with double crown [MAAT+HERU] double energy and the wings [balance] of MAAT combined energy = warrior energy [Red]

MAAT wants to see if you remember, she wants to know what side of the energy you are, she wants to know if you want the 3D or the 5D worlds 

MA.AT [Metu] [Mother][Ma’other] never left you, she has always been there for you, the Femi9 principle is always there to save us but you must return to source

Blood the word is recorded AMARASO meaning Rays
This is because our ancestors knew that Blood just like fruit juice, and Chlorophyll are liquid sunlight and both contain memories [crystal files] 
Sickle cell - you need more Koppa- you are Nomos [Nommos] 

She sent many envoys, you are what you are waiting for 

-remember, everyone is incarnated a female first - its takes 9 weeks before you either have a willy or pum-pum- everyone is female for 9 weeks - everyone 
Masculine is just the aggressive part of the Femi9 energy 






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