Thursday, 18 November 2021

Returning Star

This is the return of the space cowboy

The return of HA.RU [HE.RU] destruction [warrior energy] 

The allegory [story] of ASARU [Osirus] is the earliest recorded story of a [god-man] who was symbolically crucified, resurrected from death and reigned eternally in heaven
The people of the Nile Valley knew if they lived rite-ously, in harmony with the teachings of ASARU, they would inherit eternal life [Chi]

In the Nile Vally, ASARU became a poWRA-full symbol and was associated with the physical and spiritual rebirth of man [mind]
ASARU is also associated with the eternal element of nature, which represented the physical rebirth [renewal] of vegetation 

This concept of a [resurrected Christ] KRST was the prototype for the numerous [religious beliefs] which later surfaced into the 3D world in which they also created    

The title of Kher Sesheta and the rit-ual called Krst [Karast], are both at the origin of the word Christ Therefore, it is the followers of this teaching that Saul [Paul] persecuted and that were, by abuse of language, called first Christians

ASARU walked the planet, he was a real person- sum of you are going to meet him, his wrath is also with him 

Read from November 2020 last year – the energy has been in waves while the equation balanced out 

Sum men and homosexuals, muslims, hate women, did you know that she already hates you 

No NTR [Queen] sat on any thrones, show us the thrones- she sat on the seat of consciousness, she is the pulpit- the Khu [Mind] of the masses- collective consciousness

NI.BIRU or Neb HERU [Neb means lord] is also the throne [pulpit] BIRU is from BIRD [3rd eye]

The Buddhas of Bamiyan were two Buddha [Bantu] carved into the side of a cliff in the valley of central Afghanistan- not there anymore because the Muslims cannot have any [God] before man  

Your ancestors introduced spirituality in East Asia
Pure Bantuoid [Buddha] ancestors

Not only is the handwriting [Hieroglyphs] on the walls of KHMT, but also the 9ethers face is on the walls of KHMT – do not bow down to nothing that is below you, you are from source and you shall return to source
The symbol under the face is the symbol of KHMT and NI.BIRU 

ENKI is known as Quetzcoatl in Aztlan [South America], he clearly looks Bantoid
Pre-Columbus means before 6ethers
ENKI has over 15 names and characterizations [avatars] in ancient cultures at the same time, at different places all over the planet 

Tiyt means welfare and is talking about you [connection] 

ENUMA ELISH appears on Sumerian Tablets as IJWI RYIMANA

Return of the Djed [Sed] [Zed]
Kemet KHMT Egypt
Djed [Stability] Antenna 
The backbone [Kundalini] of Osiris [Asaru] (Wesir)(Wassir)
Evoking light, dispelling darkness and disorder
Djed + Waas [Staff] [Wassir] electrical power source
Used with Ankh and Sceptre [HIQ]
Waas [Wassir] [Wizard] using the poWRA of HEKI [HIKA] [HEX] = Magi [Magic] MAGIK
[HIKA] WIKA [WIKKA] WICCA WICKED [BI9CH] ZITCH [WITCH] the original Warlock [warrior energy and sum of them had locks], Witch, Medicine Wombman, Wiccaman, Wizard is the Fe-male, she was taught first for she was on the planet first- well before man was created- this is why the Muslims are quaking in their sandals   

Electron Chi poWRA
Device of the ancients
Resonator of poWRA – all of [Ki(s)] natural energy 
[AC Milan, I have to watch your page sum times with a second glance, haha, nice one]

KHONSU translates the Traveller
HERU translates Far Away and MONTU [MENTHU] translates To fix or to combine
Khonsu looks like Heru- body double or triple with Montu for they all use the FAL-CON avatar 

Real Mongolians
Negroid [Mongoloid] Caucasoid

Xuan Di translates [Black] Emperor
The secretive state for many reasons 

They remind me of the Ulmec [Olmec] guards in Mexico, why does Mayan and Myanmar sone and are spelt nearly the same, why do we find Naga statues throughout [Asia Minor] and [Asia Major] in Russia, India and China+ Europe is not a continent
See the key [for stargate device] or weapon [laser] in their hands  
NAKI[NAGA][NAGI]PAKI all comes back to the A.NUN.NAGA - no matter how the word is spelt 

Tell us the data before 1830 
What beings used this place, even the floors were high up, what giants  

A watch, made SS-witzerland, incorporating a TV, radio and calculator
20th February 1976
The lead connects to a battery kept in the pocket
They know that using black and white photos and films+ places the mind in an altered psychological- black and white photographs were done on purpose, thy had colour all this time, even the movies
Psych means [Baa] soul [saul] sol [sal] 
All technology being used today was used in yester-year

An electronic robot regulator stood and worked on the road on Mira Avenue in Chisinau (Moldavian USSR) in 1970s

Leda what are you doing sweetheart with the Swan
Is she a man or is she a tranny- the Swan looks really big or is s-he small
Zoophile [Zoophila] sex with animals- which still goes on today, huge cases in Houston 

Rape has gone up 10fold, many drinks are getting spiked - 

This structure is in India [Naga-lan] and looks like a docking-bey, the foundation on the right side is missing, look at the arch and the other side which looks like where they docked their crafts, Vimana(s) carved out of the side of this rockface, attention to detail 

Blue Kachina 

The sun is tilting, on his axis at an angle, the sun is not rising and setting in the west, the sun is blinking – the sun is getting ready to go-out

The white light we have is coming from a generator, the planet is a space-ship that travels the constellation which is why they tell you that the sun is 93million miles away [9+3 = 12]
Everything is under the dome with us 

12 Dendera [Zodiac] signs [12] DNA strands [12] Chakra [energy points]

We have docked and are back home

These lights acted like generators and now we have returned the lights will go out and the only light being emitted will come from the Red Sun – which was how it was in the beginning 

the sun is being triggered 

signature crafts seen yesterday 

And today 19.11 


2hr and 30mins is missing data after that [meteorite] craft came in and they also covered sum thing here unless that was sum thing cloaked that showed up 

Its too quiet out there 

Look at his face 
Plasma is hitting the planet big times 

The sun has gone dark, that is one huge opening 
No wonder they are hiding the data 
The sun rotates exactly like a clock and not how NASA show you

We have been in darkness for over a year  

What is that line going across the sun 


California [Kali] 


There are [3] dark spheres up there and a Red hexagon 
Huge Battle star galactic craft

 Loads of crafts and there is a holographic face in there
Mediterranean Sea 

What is up with the Moon 

Moon phase
They say as not taken place for 580 years- 580 [512] 400
February 18th 1440 
3hrs – its already started
NIBIRU or Red Kachina will be in the mix [there are other heavenly bodies up there]
Where are the heavyweights – we will be in Venuses [FEMI.9] transit all the way
This is the one to watch in 2012 [2021] I thought it was around the 27.11- how do they know this
7] Chakras with [8][9] being the galactic Masculine and FEMI9 energies [10][11]12 and the [13] is hidden – hidden energy 

This full energy marks the end of their 77 [100] years rule [century] 

The [5D] is beyond [Meta] the physical, we are not dealing with the physical, we are dealing with the spiritual [holographic] parallel [astral] realm [world] which is controlled by the mental aka the mind [Khu] you cannot take things from the 3D into the 5D with you for it will not fit

Come full-circle [360] 

The moon is not the same in all four quarters of the planet  

Heavy distortion 

Chakra coded rays 

Chakra energy 

Kanadian storm-floods take out Grain- Wheat supply - what are the chances of that happening 

India is going bye-bye with China 
what happened in Tanzania 
That wasn't Uganda 

Now you know why China built those ghost towns 

Rotterdam Netherlands
We see the protests around the world, however your government get-out-clause is Marshal Law
These are only police in riot gear- they have not unleashed riot personnel  

Russian fleet en route to US to help battle fuel crisis
The USA went from energy independence to begging for oil
Really, they are telling us they are going to war with one another, oh but here’s sum oil-
Many refineries have been taken out- maybe they are giving them sum oil- maybe there is another things in the vessel 

Taste it- what kind of being are you 

Red is the order of the day 

Green and Red and Yellow 

Last 24hrs, she is bubbling
Papua gets M7
There are plenty of M4 [M5] M6's hitting the planet
M5 Missouri 
M5 Oklahoma  

Biden is undergoing into surgery because the clone is glitching  

Water is consuming the planet, but it ends this time round with plasma [fire]


Triple blackness [womb]

SAURID is a Greek name 

GOA [before the Portuguese] 

With just under 5,000 years to leave the stone libraries around the world, 5,000 years seems like a long time given the advanced cutting, 3D-laser layered technology they had back then- and 5,000 years is Ki years, they say that Australia will be moved and this will take 1.5million years, which is 1hr and 30mins, we have animals found frozen over with food still in their mouths and stomachs meaning the process is not in hours, years or decades, centuries, it can be done in moments

5,000 years can be 5-days- KHMT wasn’t even in this dimension at one point

The scribes left detailed records, manuals, why would we need to leave records – where were we going

Slaughter house [Kattle rearing was a big thing in KHMT and not for consuming- they had a special KAU that the Belgium killed off, the domestic Cow- not the one today that was introduced, but before that they drank milk from the special KAU [COW] but did not eat meat let alone the Cow for the KAU is sacred
Planning, mapping
Farming [agriculture]
Beer [Baar] brewery
Storage [Barn] 

RA [RE] takes an Afar child who came walking towards the MIR-Craft and RA used the avatar [Afar] just like how they showed you in their movie Stargate

Its interesting because RA is a lead NTR and the rulers or messengers are called Malaa-ikat and A’aferti [A’afar-ti] Afer [Afar] which means Pharaoh [Aa-fir-tee]

The Afar tribu are royalty

If RA took a AFAR child then this means the AFAR were already on the planet 

Watching you, watching me all the way...

he watches, she waits..






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