Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Ska Chamber

The Boat Pits of the Giza Plateau

AKIR [A.KUR] E.KUR [E-Koor] translates in Sumerian [Mountain] or Far Away Mountain and is talking about the Giza Plateau

AKIR [A-KEER] also translates Lion
HARU [HERU] translates Far Away

The Giza Plateau [complex], called Giza by the Muslims and Europeans, lets bypass their version of history

At one point this Plateau was called the Babylonian Plateau and at another point this complex was known as the Rostau [Rasta][Rastar] Plateau

Rostau [Ros-ta]
Ra Star [ A star of Ra]
Ra [Re]
Haile Selassie I, original name [Ras-Ta-fari] Makonnen
225th emporia of the NTH gate

The final resting place of the Akur [Ekur] Lion [Lyra] is the translation  
A.KUR [E.KUR] [Sumerian]
MIR [MER] MA.RE [Pyramid] 
Sphinx [Greek] HER EM AKHET [KHMT] Babylonia [Baby Lion] (Sphinx) Babel
SEKHMET + BAST [Fire] plasma [spark] 
MERKABA [Mekaba] 

The Rasta are those who are from the Nazareth who the Romans threw into their Colosseum and called them the Christians aka the Christhoods [Karast] 
Napoleon ordered his troops to shoot off Aset(s) lips and ears and Ur-aeus he was outraged that the Sphinx was a she and she was a Nubian wombman
They rebuilt the face to make her look more transgender for a reason 

All MA.RE(s) are online now

Three [four] MARE [MIR] [MER] (Pyramids) and the Greek word the Sphinx, the complex was created together and sits in the centre of the planet [soular plexus]
At one point the head was that of Anubu and then was modified to Aset [Isis] on a Kats body or Lion representing the Femi9 [Feline] energy

AKUR [Giza] MIR Plateau

[7] boat pits have been located around the Akur Mir, they look like boat pits, but they are oval and rectangular shaped and only one boat was found, these could have been [7] docking stations when others came from the spirit world into the physical world, when Ra began building KHMT, KHMT wasn't even in this dimension
 These pits are carved into the plateau's limestone rock
Two pits are rectangular and had a boat stored inside, these two pits were covered with huge limestone lintel blocks sealing the boats airtightly in

One of these pits is not yet excavated or is a sssSSh, while from the other the disassembled parts have been dug up, reassembled and placed on display as the A'aferti [Pharaoh] Khufu soular boat for astral travelling

A soular boat is called Nu Ankh 

[Khufu] translates the protector 

The 1,224 [9] pieces of the ship had been laid logically, disassembled order in the pit beside the MIR Khufu ship is one of the oldest, largest and best-preserved vessels from antiquity
Measuring 43.6m (143ft) long and 5.9m (19.5ft) wide

And was sealed into a pit in the AKUR MIR complex and intended for use in afterlife
The ship was built with a flat bottom composed of several planks and frames made of tress from todays Lebanese cedar, lashed together with Halfah grass- the Muslims allowed the sealed site to be invaded

The boat is made from 1,224 pieces of wood
This type of vessel is known as the solar barge, Ska boat [Nu Ankh] 

The MIR and the four smaller ones are connected to the motherboard in KHMT, that is controlled by NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] + poles of this planet 
Neb means Lord

Khufu vessel [in main top image] was moved and so to was a lot of stuff from KHMT to a new museum 

The Great Mir (pyramid) of Akur is to be found at the centre of the planets landmass (30 degrees north, 31 degrees east) - both north-south and east-west, it is in the perfect location - at the centre - for collecting [harnessing] the planets energy

The Earth [Ki] is found to be literally alive with electrical vibrations and our ancestors worked with stone and in particular Granite which only Diamonds are the same in solidness, for Granite holds frequencies, tones, sone, vibrations, acoustics

Made of solid mass with the interior spaces being the descending and ascending passages [fibre optic cables], the Grand Gallery, a subterranean chamber, another chamber unnamed and the King and Queen's chambers [acoustic box]

The King's chamber (so named by Arabs-Muslims, who attempted to raid the tomb, but found it empty) is 10.46 meters east to west; 5.23 meters north to south and 5.81 meters high
This is architectural third-dimensional representations of the Golden Mean or Phi - a sacred geometry well before Pythagoras

The sides of the Great Mir line up almost exactly with the cardinal points (NWSE) on the compass, with an accuracy that only the Anunnaqi [Neteru] are renowned for, this would defy today's builders, leaving a fifth point on top

The dimensions of the planets size and shape can be calculated using the dimensions of the Mir and (pyramid) it being a scale model of the hemisphere with information on the latitude and longitude [lay lines] of the planet

Adding to this, the element of the planets pre-historic tilts of very approximately 22-25 degrees being built into the whole structure, then we have a truly poWRA-ful mathematical, precision building

The very foundations of the Mir (pyramid) also defy modern building techniques as it rests perfectly level with not one corner of the base more than 13mm higher or lower than the others
When we remember that the base covers 13 acres, we can suddenly overstand just how this was an incredible feat of the supreme, higher beings engineering

The King's chamber is made of solid red granite transported from the quarries of Aswan [NTH gate] six hundred miles away

There is no such thing as the middle-east, its all Alkebulan [African] 

In the chamber itself there is a Neb-Ankh [called coffin by the west but is a body charger], thought by Egyptologists to be the remains of Khufu's sarcophagus, nothing was ever found in the Neb-Ankh, neither was there a lid, it is too big to take out of the corridor leading to and from it, indicating that it must have been laid inside as the building was erected around it or they dematerialized the walls and brought them through after building them elsewhere, there is not the slightest piece of evidence to suggest that Khufu was ever laid to rest in this 3ton granite container and that is because none of the N.TU [Neteru] were buried

Mir (pyramid) are not a tomb(s), this architecture was brought to this soular system and all the other planets, no human intervention, these are poWRA plants, receivers, transmitters, portals, gateways, is what we are dealing with and they are under the sea, they are mountains and are on Mars [Lahmu]

The MIR is a pyramidal generator

-pyramidal shape (man-made or natural, it does not matter)
-the presence of a rock vibrator under the pyramid -the presence of an internal structure
-desirable maximum possible weight
-desirable exact orientation of the face on pole - it is desirable to compact the faces of the pyramid

Conclusion, to create an infrasonic generator, almost any natural pyramidal mountain can be used

Vibroacoustic infrasound generators on the AKIR [Giza] plateau
These technical structures were built on the monolithic plateau of AKIR during the era of the pyramids, the complex was built together
The main purpose of these structures is to generate infrasonic wave energy
An interface is a description of a way to transfer energy between objects in space
The interface should describe the generation, distribution and reception of energy in space
Information is a property of changing energy
Therefore, one of the ways to use the infrasound interface was a global (planetary) communication system

The King's chamber is a place of initiation, gateways

There are also many stories of individuals who have felt peculiar presences or had mystical experiences within the chamber
There is also Napoleon himself who actually refuses to express what happened to him in that enigmatic place, saying, you would not believe me if I told you

The Neb-Ankh itself is the centre of the process or energy vortex that the Great Mir (pyramid) was a huge geo-mechanical poWRA plant that responds to the planets vibrations or resonance and transforms it into energy

The geometric and physical design of the chamber inside the Mir (pyramid) turned it into a large transducer and has produced a highly scientific analysis of the subject
On the medical and scientific side there are amazing healing and sharpened razors, in the 1920's Antoine Bovis discovered that the heat and humidity of the King's chamber reduced the decay rate of dead animals – sum thing denied by orthodoxy still today
Bovis went on to construct a small-scale pyramid and oriented it in the same fashion, he placed a dead cat inside and found the result to be the same, following this, in the 1960's the USA and Czech researchers repeated the process and achieved the same results

In the ancient Tama-Re (Egyptian) language KHMT [black people or people from the black or black house] the Mir (pyramid) was known as Per-Neter, which can be translated in two ways, House of Nature or more importantly the House of Energy, which means, Fire in the Middle [Per-mid] Pyramid]

It is interesting of course to note that nature and energy are interchangeable in this way, indicating that the KHMT truly saw the energy as from nature itself (herself) itsCellf
Not to mention that the word Neter (NTR) also means neutral, which is the position one [Mono], has to be in to gain entry into the otherworld, aka between the gates

Another title for the AKUR complex is Rosta-u [Rasta], which means gateway and is sacred to Asaru [Osiris] HERU and his progenitor, the NTR [God] of the Underworld

In the Book of Am-Duat, Sokar inhabits a dimension of the dead that even Ra, the sun N.TU [God] cannot access - this is therefore a place of darkness or black [KAA.NU], Sokar can also be seen in the representations of the fourth and fifth hours of the Duat, standing upon his mound within what seems to be a hill topped by a black conical symbol of sum sort

Sokar [Solar] translates to silence 

Incidentally and perfectly related, the only way that Ra can traverse this mystical realm is by taking the form of the snake [serpent]

The term Rostau is again a literal translation of E-kur or Ak-ur, meaning the Great Mountain or Great House [Iy] 

Ak is the first half and comes from Akh, which is one of the elements forming the HuMin being, seen as an aspect of the sun, the link between the HuMin and the luminous life force [Chi] 

The life-force [Kaa][Chi] left the body at death to join the circumpolar stars

Ur is the second half and means city and so, the location of Akur, where the Mir(s) are situated and means simply the city where the dead leave the body to join the stars or the cities of light, add this to Rostau, meaning gateway and we truly do have the Stargate

Portals, stargates 

Going up the Nile is the same has the celestial Nile, as above, so below
The spirit [parallel] holographic [astral] realm is not how they tell you, sum of you have seen and been to this realm 

Moorings comes from the word Moor [Muur] for they had the ships after the KHMT and brought with them the knowledge on how to build them 

Your Ska [Mekaba] boat is built into your vessel [ship] body [Kha] 


Built by the Muur [Moor] and was never intended to be a well, the 88ft deep well with [7] doors of choice at the bottom, one is Mason[ic] Ma + Son [Mother and Child] and another leads to a [Iy]
Which essentially that is what this well and site is- a [Iy] temple, abode, isles, coast-lands, house a ceremonial purpose 

Portugal and Porto Rico [Puerto Rico] just means new-port and Alfonso was the new [king] of this harbour [port] around the 1600s- so what was this placed called before the 1600s – how did we get Lisbon – is it from Lesbian
Lisbon 1755 - 90,000+ people killed in 6seconds and a Tsunami that reached the USA and Kanada a few hours later - that was an M9 earthquake on 1.11.1755, it would take around 9hrs if Palma went to reach Florida   

Latin name of a region roughly corresponding to modern Portugal and part of Spain
What about the Moroccan and Hannibal [Gannibal Barca connection
If this was a new harbour was Portugal not part of Spain

The original Black Spaniards, Black Irish and Black English population aka the Silures, the Iberians and the Mauris

First here is Tacitus, an eye witness who saw and engaged with the early inhabitants of Britain
Who were the original inhabitants of Britain, whether they were indigenous or foreign, is, as usual among barbarians, little is known or is it 
Barbarian [Berber] I-beria [Tartarian] Tartar] Tar [STAR] 

Red hair is Henna [Hena] we see Zues using it and his horse – many would love to point to the Germans being in Caledonia [Kaledonia] but it is the 9ethers, the 6ethers have only been in Europe and in control for only 77-years [100-years] and changing sh9t from the last 400 [512] years
Those that have been found have large limbs, red hair, on clear days you can see Alkebulan from Spain lets you know who the Iberians are, they had dark complexions of the Silures and their curly hair
Gual [Goul] Ghoul all have similar characteristics and in many ways are the same people  

Now here are those Silures, and the Iberians that Tacitus saw in his time
The pictures have been sourced from different museums in Spain and they can easily be verified on the internet
Ancient Iberians are all 9ethers 

Mohican [Moh-ican] Ican [Inca] Mandinka [Mand-inca] Mo [Ma] 

The Portuguese come in with Catholicism and you had to accept it or die, those that did were called Cabocles [Catholic] in Brazil [Brasilia] Brazillia  

In the Rio Janeiro regions, they are called the Caboklas [Cabocles] and these are those Indians who accepted the Christian faith and made the first step towards enlightenment with the Catholics – they believed that they were rescuing them from their [wild] state without mentioning the Greys had been in there also fu9king sh9t up
Little did these Cabokla [Cabocle] know that they were being domesticated to sell horns and clay dishes or collect the post of carriers and boats, while others serve as rowers on foreigners, serve food, washed+

These Mohicans are specialist weapons experts, they may have arrows and bows but they also had access to laser guided weapons, sum of the infrastructure was built not to withstand arrows but laser and metal penetrating weaponry 

Their strength and art are second to none and their knowledge of bows and arrows impressed many that came into contact with them

It means nothing to lie on your back and in this position to let an arrow shoot so far that it disappears from sight, for this thing, the Cabokle always chooses the smallest bow; then, for contrast gets up and straightened, lets the arrow up, right above the head, so when climbing high, it falls back to the ground at the very feet of the arrow, in a circle drawn on the ground and in the centre of which the Cabokla itself stands- now that is precision

These surprisingly slick arrows are very useful to travel naturalists, whom they accompany on travel through impassable forests, thanks to arrows, their science is stocked with rare animals, and the caravan has food

According to the western mind, everyone was wild, animals are wild and that the Europeans were the only ones who were sane
As in Russia, as Patriarch Kirill spoke about, before - enlightened men, Kirill and Methodius, brought the light of Christ's truth, when the Slavs [Slav-ery] were the real barbarians and almost beasts  
It's clear how Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Plutarch, Hypathy, Pythagorus, Archimedes, Euclid and others who had nothing to do with Christianity

All Catholic missionaries and officials following Francisco Pisarro tried to destroy records of ancient Inca beliefs and their culture, including the kip archives concerning astronomy

The main authors who brought to the western mind, knowledge of Incas about astronomy are;

Ciesa de Leon
Juan de Betansos
Juan Polo de Ondegardo and Sarate
Cristobal de Molina
Valera Bliss
Pablo Jose de Arriaga
Francisco de Avendagno
Francisco de Avila
Pachakuti Yamki
Fernando de Montesinos

A wide range of astronomical concepts are also presented in dictionaries of the late XVI - early XVII that they had obtained the data from the Mandinka [Inka] Inca  

For Incas, time was combined with space, as expressed in the very word in the language of Quechua [Pacha], meaning time and space (length, width and depth) simultaneously, that is, in one word, the meaning of four dimensions and statistics and dynamics- these are cardinal points

This synonymy between time and space indicates that the first was shown specifically and projected into geographical space

Pacha's time was divided into: present - beginning, and past-future – [Nyavpa-pacha]
-And it shows up walking in circles: like backwards, this means the term [Nawpa pacha] [Nuwpa] - past time, so forward, because this same word means future time and space ahead
Close to the term Nyavpa were >> Urin - an ancient and invisible zone, and Khanan - a recent and visible zone

There were three worlds in the presentation of Inca >> Hanan Pacha, Kai Pacha, Uku Pacha

The horizon >> in a mountainous area, it was not only a horizontal line, but also vertical and any other << was called Kinrai, in turn the alleged land over the horizon, and not visible to the observer, was called Kinline

Origin, the beginning of the world was called - Pakkarik

Spatially north of the Incas was at the bottom, and the south was at the top

In the ancient Inca world, where time is shown specifically, the concept of [zero] does not correspond to the concept of [nothing] as our [zero] but relates to sum-thing specific and subject matter

Already in itself the symbol [zero] in the Inca and Ulmec [Maya] is sum-thing tangible, it's a cord without a knot for Inca, a Ulmec [Mayan] sink and a corn start for Aztecs

In other words, the beginning of sum-thing

A new analysis of Aymar [Aymaur] language and signature by American scientists, Indians present time the other way around >> the future remains behind them on an imaginary spatial-timeline, and the past still remains to be seen

[HERU] Peru's views in the XVI century, time-space was endless, as the historian Cies de Leon's questions to the Indians >> did they realize that the World must end, they laughed <<< in response

From the vocabulary of the XVI century, Quechua the name of the planets - Hatun Coyllur [Quechua Hatun Quyllur) > literally >> the highest, big star

Inkam were known planets like Venus, Jupiter and Saturn
Mercury and Mars were also observed by the Incas, but we didn't get accurate information about it, their modern names [Qatuylla = trade], [Awkakuq = warrior] are the meaning of the names of the Roman gods of Mercury and Mars [???]

The original names of the planets reached us allow us to conclude that their observation is because they have been there, that sum are from these planets, that they had the technology like binoculars and powerful telescopes, they also had knowledge and watched other celestial objects, like comets, meteors, asteroids+

All found in their Codex 

Stone poles
Measurements were carried out on the hills and hills near Cusco poles or stones that had two east of the city, and two to the West
The sun came out and set through them when it reached the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn
Two stones, which were determined by the beginning of winter, were called Pukuy; two others, which marked the beginning of summer, were called Chirav-
Jose de Acosta mentions 12 poles
Antonio de la Calancha gives information about 8 poles from the east side and 8 poles in the west

It seems that in the mid-XVI century, after the Spanish conquered, these poles in Cusco were abandoned because they wiped the Aztlan people out –
Mayan is a name for their writing [text] system and was taught to them, who was their teacher – who taught the 9ether Indians

And what did the Catholic -enlightened- colonizers bring to the Indians besides other people's religions, infections, reservations in unsuitable farming places, exterminating bison and Indians themselves in huge numbers, they wiped these people [tribus] out, raped them, children and women, they took men and trapped them in huts and set them on fire and watched – this was not Dancing with Wolves with a nice touch, they beat, whipped, tortured the people into taking their Bible, and taking what they gave them- there was 14million in Atlantis [USA], so what number did we have in Aztlan [South America]

Shame on you

Mass burial of Indians in Wooded Ni, South Dakota [USA] Atlantis, there are many more 100,000s like this, many lakes have 10s of 1000s of 9ethers in them, these 9ethers are being raised up and will bring the fury in the rage 

They killed over a million Bison to force the natives to come to them, by killing the Bison [Buffalo] they fu9ked up Kanada, the land is barren in places and they also fu9ked the wolves over there, they introduced cloned Bison to breeds in a bid to speed up the recovery, one cloned Bison wiped out the whole natural herd

Payback is going to be a bi9ch 

Ulmec [Olmec] architecture
9 cities 


Atlantis [USA] Stonehenge
All these rocks are not held together by mortar- each placed accordingly 

New Hampshire near the Massachusetts border are a series of low stone walls and cobbled rock chambers called America's Stonehenge

The entire complex covers about 30 acres of hills and woodland, around which extends a collection of walls interspersed with tall, triangular–shaped standing stones
The site's central feature is situated on a single acre, which contains 22 stone chambers which can be characterized as dolmens, plus other megalithic features
Immediately surrounding the central site are upright stone monoliths aligned to predict prominent astronomical sightings
In the central section are several engaging features
The centrepiece is a T–shaped chamber with internal structures similar to a chimney and hearth, as well as a seating sculpted seat-ish right into the living rock
From the seat, a pipe–like a funnel, a frequency tube ascends to the surface and runs directly below an enormous rock table weighing 4.5tons
The tube was used by the Oracle, the tube distorts voices when heard from below, whoever used this site either sang, spoke, hummed, sum sort of sone  
The table above reminds me of the Neb Ankhs in KHMT-
Surrounding the Oracle Chamber are more than 20 stone chambers of various sizes, which may have been used as shelters or potable teleportation hubs, or were utilized collectively as sum kind of [Iy], a ceremonial centre
There is evidence that the entire complex is built over a natural cave system and that the only way to access them was through this site because no entrances have yet been located, but its there Instead, deep well shafts have been discovered, and the most intriguing pit leads not to a cave, but to a natural fault where a cluster of quartz crystals were recovered by archaeologists
The crystals may have been mined nearby, or came from afar with the inhabitants and were ritualistically placed into the well to indicate the site as a power point
The hilltop position of the megalithic beehive chambers suggests this location was used primarily as the site doubled as a celestial and astronomical observatory
The Summer Solstice Sunrise Monolith is situated where the sun rises over this upright slab of granite
The top of the stone is uniquely shaped to match the landscape on the horizon where the sun rises 
The place to make these sightings is in the middle of a stone circle, where other astronomical computations can also be made

Nearby the stone circle there is a tall rock, which was determined in 1975 to have lined up with the pole star Thuban [Draco system], and is on the main central axis from which other alignments can be calculated These alignments include the annual summer and winter solstices and seasonal equinoxes as well as specific soular and lunar events of the year
Several of the low stonewalls also indicate true north–south and east–west alignments
It is interesting to note that all astronomical sightings at Atlantis Stonehenge were in a position to accurately predict their events
However, due to the planets changing tilt over several thousand years, called the procession of the equinoxes, they can no longer precisely predict astral movement events, there is one in ABZU called Adams calendar and is out by 2-degrees, they call it crust displacement, meaning the planets curst had moved, so either its crust or axis movement because the higher ones didn’t make mistakes
There are suggestions that these stone chambers might be up to 4,000 years old – when they are well over 10,000 years western bracket 

[Tama-ssos] in ancient Cyprus [Kyprus]
[1] out of [9] or [10] King-Domes
Acoustic chamber with sone proofing

What lies beneath 

touch you physically and spiritually, protect yourself at all times  

= Shango who is an Orisha [Osiris] in India and China 

This Zulu village is a major Glyph in the term KHEMET
It's a Kraal [Ikiraro] in the language near the Equator
This was brought to Europe to train the 6ethers to keep their animals in a barn because we had German Measles, Chicken Pox +


A Wombman's anatomy in many ways is a mimic of how [God] sees itself [it-Cells]
[God] is a FEMI.9 first then masculine

The 9ethers Wombmans Buttocks for instance houses’ the portal or the canal through which all life travels through, the Yoni road to come into this realm
It was revealed to you that the Universe and everything natural came from the will of the heart and not the Brain

The initial though or the [I] was Lov9
Out of Lov9 came everything
The Original woman's butt was phenotypically shaped like a heart on a woman's lower part of her wonderful body, for that reason

Our structure is a Divine language

Through the application of Lov9 and through actions that happen between the butt-cheeks is when life is reproduced

The action of conception always takes place in the middle of the heart or the middle of the butt cheeks

The middle is always where the truth lives
Raise your consciousness and Elevate
The language of the Divine is Lov9
It is why most people cannot define it
Love is [God] itself [it-Cell]
It is the reason why there is nothing sweeter than what is between a woman's legs
It is the closest you can feel the essence of the Divine

Protect her at all costs- without her- we will die 

Your entire life [Chi] could come down to your last 5mins of your life on this plane

Uluru [Ulura] Ul-ure 
Your going home soon

Deep walkway in India [Nagalan] the walls are craved out of a single stone and no additionally built constructions, columns, walls or sculptures are done
This is not sum fancy well or a fort has described, this is access to the sub terrain below- this is a Castle [Kastle] in India aka Nagalan   

Dom does more that what Jesus does, look how many people he gets, old and young, look at the young ones, I hope they clone #Dom 

Nu beginning, planetary shields [halo] aka AURA(s) are now permanent and means we are higher in frequencies [4D+] 

What is that red line running through the middle 

Rebooting, ReSeting, different frequencies, the system tripping out - hitting over 100hz+

Couple reSets over the last 25hrs
Dreaming all the while 

Chakra energies [radiation] signatures + soul-ar energies + UV 

from the USA to France 

Shame this image is out of focus because who the fu9k is that on the right
Always read data in energies- the spirit realm is holographic and uses colours, the canvas is Ultraviolet aka triple blackness 
Primary colours are primordial energies 


Water [currenSea] 

California will still go dry, no more water, that bomb-cyclone last week may actually be from HAARP – man cannot fight against nature – she is wearing heels and hair is in a bun
Indonesia area gets a M7
water is coming in all around the planet
Australian government is confiscating back-accounts, properties, licenses and businesses - while rats, mice tear through the land, huge amounts of crafts are over there - I wonder what the Aboriginals are doing, spirit guides will be with them, I wonder how they are preparing for their great escape from this world that has been so sh9t to them 

Find that Braveheart in you 

New Zealand 



RUSSIA [TARTAR] Crown Chakra

Arc of warrior energy, the one that man fears the most, this is the energy [colour] of order, destruction [chaos], that which is straight, balance, justice

MAAT + HERU combined energy- man should be worried when you see this radiation-band in the atmosphere  

Serpentine energy 

Both are from Australia with crafts 


Last image is from Missouri [USA]
in formation 

Las Vegas
Crafts have assembled over doom states around the world, while the world carries on has normal, has if nothing is happening 

North Carolina 

The sun is a multidimensional portal and has a docking station-bey and city and is fully guarded 
and is the only way and with SAHU out of this dimension or you leave on your last breath 

Sum of you were incarnated in the era of the cartoon and your visions [dreams] are in animation [holographic]


Sol-Om-On the [Neb] Lord of the Rings
Many names are in actuality titles and codes, everything is coded
We exist in a living-natural mathematical algorithm
When you possess the ability to create computer programs, applications+ you are considered a coder or one who can write code

The Lotus Flower of Life – the planet beings
Everything is Math [Maat]
The Avatar is a great cartoon, whether a child or an adult, we use the word adult loosely
Many truths are hidden as cartoons and are in comic books, in books and movies, cartoons are geared towards children because the 3rd eye is wide open, the 3rd eye is functional  
Most adults sadly possess a hard calcified rock, where there once existed a mystical organ, gifted to them by the creator and was either shut down or switched off indefinitely
 Sum say this is Shoshenq

Haile Selassie I was crowned on November 2nd 1930, at Addis Ababa’s Cathedral of St. George
Haile Selassie I’s coronation was a lavish event attended by royals and representatives from all over the world
This is the Solomon linage and Selassie is the 225th emperor – to the RaStar we are looking at at [God] (or Jah) incarnate – the redeeming messiah aka the anointed one
KARAST [KRST] Christ-hood 

Head of 54 states, over 81 races, the only one to hold the wholly trinity
Annunaqi, Sumerian, Persian, Alekebulan 
Halley's comet is Haile comet
Hail Cesar or Hail Hitler or Hail Zeus all come from Haile [Hail] 

The NTH gate

The Dibaba siStars from Ethiopia they are the only siblings in recorded history to hold concurrent world records and have 4 Olympic gold medals, 2 silvers, 3 bronze and 15 world championships
They are the fastest family on Ki 
#Stunning-steady on the top left
[they better be real, skin bleaching, plastic nails, and hair extensions or weave means no-no] 

Collect moments [memories] 

Make me [believe] know in you - show me your lov9 can be true
[come from your heart -WAJI]

 Go in peace and let peace guide you fu9king home 

For HuMins your centre is your inner-self which is the heart
If your essence emanates elsewhere other than your centre [heart], Nature and her will- reject all that which you are trying to have her do for you, you will not be able to connect to source
Nature strictly responds to the language of the heart
As above, so below 

The same = as above, so below 
Chi [Spirit] Kaa 


















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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...