i-see u
The wrath of the divine Femi9 Armageddon energy is here
I have been losing my central point of gravity at times,
sum times I wake up or open my eyes from Istal and have to wonder which way I
am facing, lying or my position this is a reflection of the planets position or
body out of sync when returning to Ki
Downloads are streaming, dreaming all the while, learning
nu things that they send, seen so many symbols in different colours, nu ways of
dealing with things, how to let things flow and let go [Flo-jo] to become a
fluid individual – rather than me trying to control the flow which is so hard
at times, this is the same as trying to name energies and now you want to own
it- let it flow
Trust is another, letting the process be my guide, this
is a hard one, but with conformations along the way this relaxes me- trusting
in the process means you trust in your ancestors, in the universe, in your
spirit guides [you have to let it all go Neo]
Once you swallow the Red pill that is it- your in- there
is no going back and if you could would you really want to
The 5D cannot run the 3D program- the filter is getting
tighter and tighter, the planet is already in 5D+ and we are in 4D the lower
planes of 4D going into 5D+, sum parts are already in 5D and higher, we are in
4D consciousness which is on two levels with different grading, lower and
higher 4D- but you still have to match the consciousness and frequency in order
to crossover along with a particular mindset and growth- you cannot crossover
with KARMA because KARMA is this energy in the 3D- you cannot takeover the
Karma you have from pervious lifetimes into the 5D- that means do your shadow
work [dense] and get light
We have several shifts coming up, these CME(s) coming in
are for upgrades, these light particles hold codes, these waves are activation
codes for the masses, for those who want to receive, bringing you more online
and heighten your poWRA(s) takes time for you haven’t used this side of you in
a long time- even with these upgrades this does not mean your passage is
assured for 5D+ all you are getting is prep, like switching on your car after
being left in the garage- dormant for thousands of years- its just your starter
KAA translates double you- the Greeks call it Spirit
You have many different [double] superhero's Supa-HERU
There are many, many [Gods] here, Annunaqi just means these beings- the HuMin [HuMan] body is just an avatar, the 9ether body is a BMW and the 6ether body is a Ford, the head Annunaqi choose or built the BMW- not everyone is a [God]- sum of you have different backgrounds but come under the Annunaqi which means These Beings, which one- which superhero
Everyone is down here waiting for sum one to activate them, assist them or show them where to go, there are [God] incarnates down here in the flesh, mortal HuMin [HuMan] flesh, not everyone is a [God] down here, sum of you are Dragons, different kinds of Angels+ the list goes on
The radiation is making many people sick, that includes
both the 6 and 9 ethers, Corona means crown sun and the sun is sending his rays
in and with the plasma
The radiation will continue to take people out- it does
not matter if you cannot see the sun or if it is overcast or cold- the heat
[plasma] is coming from the core of the planet via the inner-sun- there is no
escaping the UVC- all you have to do is maintain your tri-system which is your
soul, mind and body- keep all three close to your heart so you can be close to
the planet, to the universe and to source, regulate in everything that you are
doing, in what you are taking in- do not dwell on things that you have no control
over, stay on point [your three points of existence]
Plasma will alter anything that is artificial,
Ultraviolet will destroy – plasma means to mould, to figure, to image- it is
also the NTH Dimension in which the [Gods] reside- Prince and Jimi both sang
about the Purple Haze to warn you- nature has been good to you- she has been
warning you along the way because after all- she cares deeply – it must end in
order to begin [recycle]
Neo- Whoa, Deja Vue [View]
Sexyback Trinity- What did you just say
Neo- Nothing- just had Deja Vue
Sexyback- What did you see
Neo- A black cat went past us, and then another that
looked just like it
Sexyback- How much like it, was it the same cat
Neo- It might have been, I'm not sure
Morpheus- Switch- Apoc
Neo- What is it
Messiah Trinity- A Déjà Vu is usually a glitch in the
Matrix, it happens when they change sum thing
-it happens when they change sum
-Change sum thing
it must end in order to begin [recycle]
The universe [Omega] is Femi9 energy and right now- she
is glowing
In order for lov9 and hate to exist, the world must come
to an end, for far too long man has had his fist over her and in your lifetime,
you are going to witness the full strength of the female and she has backing,
many of these crafts above us are being maned by females, this planet is a
femi9 entity, the universe is femi9 [Omega]- why would you send a man to do a
woman’s work, Venus is femi9
Payback was always going to be a bit9h, however with a
[bitch] zitch [witch] Wicca [Hika] wombmen- there will be no let-ups, we will
start to see the females start to merge, siStar energy, women around the planet
in this 3D world will begin to step up- not for man but for the siStarhood
For those who are naturally creative the energy is here
for you, and at the same time those who are not adapting to change or those who
do not contribute to the planet or the 3 King-Domes- will be deleted
Re [Ra] is letting off CME(s) like the world was ending
and he has one in the chamber facing the planet- these soul-ar flares,
ejections, storms are activation codes, all designed to awaken the masses, the
6ethers don’t like soul-ar flares because they can only handle 7.89hz- many do
not have a soul and so this energy fills them up and makes them go offline-
Those that are already awakened or activated the soul-ar
energy is designed for your ascension
The wrath of the divine Femi9 Armageddon energy is here
and men need to start watching their backs, for sh9t is about to hit the field
Individuals are about to get exposed- the femi9 energy is
hunting those down that did the female wrong- and children, the two go hand in
The energy will expose individuals- people will be
exposed in the public domain
Feminine is in divine creation- you cannot have creation
without her and all those who opposed her in the last 6,000 years will be dealt
with in this energy field
H3ll have no fury than a wombman scorned
We will start to see man have a hard time- sum will be
your partners, brothers, father, uncle, son- they may not know that this is
taking place- I bet he doesn’t even know that the femi9 energy is consuming the
planet, but they will come to you and you have to bypass them or the femi9
energy will drop you
We are in the public arena and it is in the same arena
that he is going to get exposed
Even those who opened portals using Ouija [Maji] without
the correct sacrament are in trouble
[Try not to be out at night, stuff is taking place at
At 3am the spirit world connects- where all things meet- until Re(s) rays hit the planet
Any of the female deities that you can think of- all
those wombmen who were murdered over the last 400 [512] years- all those
9ethers and 6ethers who were murdered, burnt alive, raped, abused- in all of
the examples that you can think of, there are Arabian Princesses right now
forced to beg for bread- now you will beg for your life bi9ch
When they do dog-fighting they would use the female dogs-
because she fights to the end, when the male dog has had enough, he relents-
she doesn’t, she will fight until her last breath
Find your own example of when you have seen when a woman
loses it- she goes for it all the way
Witches [Wicca] women are going to start working on many
men, women will be banding together to work on your ass
We are in Venuses transit full stop, there is a lot of
femi9 energy surrounding this planet
She is going to have the last word
She is going to take your mind first- the trend is now on-
man will lose his mind first
Until they submit- its on
We are in such a serious [Sirius] time right now that you
cannot play with energies no more
There are men who have mummy issues, there are men who
have to do shadow work, men are just the aggressive part of the femi9 energy-
there are men who cannot express any form of emotion [sex does not count] there
are men who should never ever have been allowed to have children- ever
He makes mistakes- which is alright- but what is not
alright is he continues to make the same mistakes and that is where the
confusion comes into play- he is also imbalanced- in what, everything that
matters- he develops patterns, he repeats the same sequences-
There is no more time to mess- up anymore, if you see men
going offline- best you walk around them, make a mental note and move around
This is all part of Judgement and Accountability, whereby
people are going to be made accountable for their actions, we are in the Karma
[KAMA] field [MAAT] right now- so Karma is being dished out in real time- many are being forced to Judge themselves
So many people are waking up online, things are changing,
data is streaming in, timelines are merging, creation is speeding up or time is
speeding up [NIBIRU bending light], the resonating frequencies is over 100hz+ for the longest- we are
being kept at that frequency to then hit 144hz permanently- that is a huge
amount from 7.89hz to 144hz [7.89hz for 1000s and 1000s of years] and now
144hz- many cannot function under anything above 7.89hz- they are not built to
go to that range
We also have plasma and radiation pouring into the planet
We also have the 666 changing, moving into the nu Carbon
being with the DNA activating- the DNA that was locked down with the low
vibration [7.89hz]
MAAT and HATHOR [Atheer] = HERU [Warrior energy]
MAAT- Justice, Order, that which is Straight, Balance-
order is being restored [the Red field]
As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end
The next house sign is Libra which is the scales which is
MAAT and right now, all the great mothers, siStars are coming together- they
are merging together and will take different forms- like ether birds- they will
drain the AURA from the crown and these things are going to start to happen
Be aware of your surroundings, they are travelling in
weather systems which you know about- IDA will confirm if these systems have
been pumped up and this will mean the femi9 energy is now expanding, as we go higher
in frequency you will start to see these things, sum of you already have the
gift of sight and can see them- they look like black birds, huge, many of you
can see different things already from your 3rd eye- you have seen
things flying past you, in the corner of your sight- things that in the moment that when
you look over there is nothing there- they are coming through these storms,
these purple- pink plasma storms- which is the 9D level
MAAT is Universal Law that every being out there
throughout the Cosmos knows are set in stone and they had been broken – Ooops a
Daisy- transferred and brought down to the earth plane and divided the people-
confused them all- so NTR and full crew are on the case
With all the data that is out there- if you are confused
right now that is because you want to be confused – you won’t be able to say
you didn’t know nothing because data is everywhere
You were incarnated with technology, so you know the
difference between right and wrong, you know when you are doing right from
wrong- even if you do not admit this, all those secret thoughts, feelings,
emotions, what you really keep in your heart is all registered, how you really
feel about sum thing or what you said under your breath is all recorded, you
may have fooled yourself [yourCells] at times but you never ever once fooled
her- she knows, she knows everything, even if you don’t
Denial is the most predictable of all HuMin [HuMan]
Females operating out of their masculine energy will also
be dealt with – sum of the things that men do or are renowned for- she does
them also, whether she was influenced by her man or father does not matter
because you always had a choice, which is the difference between right and
I have done sum things that float up like a bi9ch and i-know
I’m going to get into trouble for it- I AM a working progress- i-still have
work to do, its ongoing, so don’t think me all good, the posts are for me as well
A lot of people are coming back because they have work to
do on themselves, sum will start at the 1D and sum in the 2D and 3D- they need
more training, you will lose things that inflated your ego, car, body, money,
whatever you focused on you will lose and have to start from the beginning, sum
men will get a female avatar and everything that they did to a female will be
given back unto them, sum of them will have defected avatars given to them on
purpose, it gets deeper- but you are in real big trouble
All off-spring that benefited from the last 400 [512]
years are feeling it now, countries that benefited from the last 400 years are
now beginning to feel it now, lock down is just that- lock down
Those in the USA were told 20 years ago to leave and many
stayed, the ones that wanted to fight stayed- many went to Alkebulan and the Caribbean-
sum were ordered to move others to another state- but whatever the reasons you will
be where you should be
The higher beings have to use the tools of the 3D world
because that is all that many know- the 3D world, everything must be revealed
first and will be in the public domain which is the 3D
KARMA is instant, not the next lifetime- it is now
When you raise your hand, it is to ask a question or to
touch the Ska, not to rule her with brute force
Many men and women are going to go down for abusing her
and there is nothing that you can do to change this- get this thought, you won’t
truly know why sum one is struggling, but sum one does, you are not to intervene,
you will know because their AURA will repel against yours
A huge number of portals have opened up over this world
[3D] and many are in concentrated parts like over Europe- USA and Asia
[Thailand+] with one and two dimensional being coming through these portals, a
lot of evil beings have come through and are in major cities, they have been crossing
borders, they are in HuMan avatars, and in A.I and blend in, they must be in
every state in the USA right now, sum are Indian Gurus, Shamans who are just
leading their followers to the slaughter house, there are old women on the
internet talking about spiritualty, guys talking about meditating who you can
see they are part of the agenda
If you feel that you cannot breathe when your around sum
one, 9times out of 9 that person has no soul and they are draining you, sum
people were reincarnated without their soul and you need one to make the full
ascension and those without are here to stay for a lot longer-
Soulless beings can be anyone- you’ll know who they
are- just don’t override the warning lights when they activate on to let you know
Look at the eyes and see that dead look, that is another
indicator, that staring look- dead staring look- the same look that
cold-blooded killers have, no windows to their soul because they have been
issued without one, issued with no emotions
Those who have children with the soulless will only
create other soulless beings, and many will be a Karmic child, and Karmic
children are not supposed to be here, there are many children that should never
have been created and I can see why nature is going to destroy them- this is
not out of hatred but they serve none of the 3 kingdoms or the planet- normally
these Karmic children will not have anything to do with you and will be always
in direct opposition to you at all times, they are their own being, no matter -
you will see that there is sum thing going on with that child
Another way to check if a soul is present is look for the
dark circle around the eyeball, the darker it is the purer the soul or KAANU
If you have a soul and a [demon] is using you has a host-
if you have a soul then you can get out of that, no soul and you have a [demon]
don’t call me again – it’s a RAP
There are a lot of beings that don’t have souls, but this
is a soul-ar system and you need a soul to be here because it’s a KARMIC realm
Let go of Hate for if you Hate sum one and they transition- that Hate will go to you- and even more so in the MAAT field it will come to you regardless- so let it go whatever it is
What can you do- use discernment
You have your senses, your experience, quotes, emotions,
chakra system, what you know, your tri-system, your spirit guides, ancestors, access
to the mainframe [recorders, memory files, data+], your common sense = logic –
reason, you have your own thoughts, take a knee and really think about what is
going on, what resonates with you, take it easy and be good to yourself [yourCells]
Earth facing- one on the trigger- two incoming
X-flare in the chamber and facing the planet
Soular energy is what is coming from these strikes which will either activate you or activate your ascension or the energy will make you go offline
This is a soul-ar system and you must have a soul to make the transfers and to be in this soul-ar system
Sol [Sal] Soul
from 36,000 feet over Australia and they told you that the sun is 92million
miles away
-everything is under the Dome with us- the stars, moon and sun are all under the Dome with us
Explain this- if that is the sun [bottom] then where is that extra-light is coming from, what is on the nu horizon
White core- Yellow rim, Orange-Red emitting rays
Mexico [USA]
who that
All colours are very important at this stage- match colours [radiation] with energies
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
All these images are showing the same thing- energy seeping through the EMF
Red in bed
Red, Green and Ether is coming out of the poles
When you see this, this may be a rainbow to many or they
will say rainbow colours, you must also realise that this will kill you because
its radiation- you need a Chakra system to process these energies [radiation] the
Chakra system are alien implants
Huge craft over the moon with scouts- probe crafts in tow
Clouds are lower or is heaven getting closer to Ki
Land moving- land sliding
Field collapses overnight
Minnesota [USA]
Stay ready
Man and machine [HAARP] or ancestors or both
She is here
When they say Jesus is coming, it should be IDA is coming
That is one huge Mothership, how else are they able to
track the system and know its destination, how do they know IDA will turn like
that if she wasn’t a solid mass showing up on radar
This storm is beautifully structured- spiralling in a
number 9
Ancestral energy fuels these systems
Will IDA be the one to start the ball rolling-
NORA and IDA are wearing heels [you better back-up]
Con-spir-acy is to Con the Spirit
In-spir-e is to be in-Spirit
How come the production date is 2018 and the virus comes out in 2019
-Meanwhile we are in 2021
This craft can shut down the planet- cut her out- the
craft is about the same size as the planet and is about over the last few days+
And this one, there are three lead Motherships that we have seen around the sun-
This is a 24hrs operation- she works through the night and day for she knows this is the only way...
Many are bored- entertainment is coming
As above, so below
Cave in Spain does look like the inside of a Stomach
The above is written Europe, Asiya (Asia) (Syria) (Assyria), and below in
the circle of Perm Hibernia
Pyramidal cap and is made from [black] stone, man [scientists]
have failed to grasp what this is, the components that made up this stone are
not found on this planet, the ingredients come space- this is ether- KAANU-
this is made from a meteorite or asteroid [which are the same thing]
The [black] Iron stone is very hard, extremely difficult
to shape, cut or break and is to why laser guided tools were used that man
cannot replicate today
Cut with supreme accuracy, pinpoint angles, engraved, polished,
refined, precise inscriptions
The ingredients allow the transmitting electromagnetic of
PoWRA source
They cut this down from Guatemala and was taken to
Ul-mec [Olmec]
They took seven in total
We see what represents a scene that seems related to the
evocation of a soular deity that is emerging from the sun portal being held by
the Kundalini- serpent- energy or is that NI.BIRU
One of the men are holding sum-thing up- like a device
Why did they cut the top off
Mongolia [Sango-lia] Sungo [Shango] Chango [Shang] Hang [Hung] Sun [Oshun] Oshu
In this 1890 photograph it is observed that the top did
not have angled corners but rounded and the central gate was different as it
was rounded at the top, among others that you can see that when they rebuilt they either couldn't be bothered or did that on purpose
Morocco [Muurocco]
1953 is this side of the centaury- only the last 100 years have they been in control
the Sultan here is still 9ether with the 6ether Arabs are waiting in the background
Its Carnival weekend in London [cancelled] which probably
was the last Carnival known to mind
Sparked by the transition of Kelso Cochrane-
Classic Soca [Soka]
The primordial call
He slapped the horse after- when its him that got in the way
The conscious community
Corbelled ceiling [Hexagon]
These are like fingerprints- they play a role in the frequencies
Granit holds frequencies, they are built like the structures in ABZU
Out of the Ulmec [Olmec] we get the Muur- the Ulmec are pioneer builders- so too are Nimruds [Sargons] offspring- Stonehenge in the UK was also built by the Ulmec- which is at least a million years old-
18 in total with 17 smaller satellite mounds
Not all of the satellites were built at the same time and there is evidence that this particular structure was here around the same time of the MIR(s) MARE [MER] which makes them very ancient
See the symbols- they react like the lines on your palms of your hands [fingerprints] same thing
Circuit breakers
Intel processors
All part of the overall AKIR [Giza] plateau
Water damage maybe- the Sphinx doesn’t have any water
damage at all meaning it was never submerged and is to why is that pillar eroded at its base only
What are the slots cut into the floor
That is sum workmanship - whether it is solid stone
Black stone
Was that treasure hunters or a cat door for the temple
Who would make a beautifully constructed block wall with
that anomaly-
That needs explanation - is it a modern repair or did the
builders pour concrete into a cavity lined with boards which were later
removed- clearly this place has seen HuMan invention
There are [false] doors here or secret rooms that the elite would use their technology to dematerialize matter and walk through walls-
The [AKIR] is the motherboard that is controlled by NI.BIRU
The Matrix is trying to survive, it knows of the threat
and is trying to survive- so it will send people to you, it will send programs
to you- it wants to survive- the threat is real in the field
Think [speak] from a place of divine poWRA but now think [speak]] from a place of lov9-
HA.PI [earth-strong] September- do you remember
[Your eyes are too big- wtf are you looking at - at night]
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