Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Plasma[tic] War[rior]

Greece from Latin Graecia
Greklond [Turkish name for the country] via Persian [Ethiopian] is Yunan or Yuna, literally -Land of the Ionians -Ionia also yielded the name from Baby-l-onia [Typh-onia-n] out of Ty-Phon-ian we get the Pho-enicians and Barce-lona and so on+

Greece is part of Mesopotamia [Sumeria] Alkebulan- Eridu [E-reth] aka Annunaqi territory 
Eridu translates Home from Home

Zues with his Vajra
Plasma conductor weapon
The MaStar Bolt [Volt]
One of the most poWRA-full and fear weapons on Ki and in the heavens
Man cannot use them because they do not have the DNA to use them

Stilts, what is Zeus and the crew doing, they are lined along one another-interesting- look at their spring and summer collection- Ralph Polo eat your heart out-  

Ath-letics from the word Ath-ens


Do you see colour or do you see energy- why, what's the point- , the point of your existence-
Its 450 times 3 – this trinity, this triangle, this pyramid this 9to9to the 9th poWRA
-the colour of energy [NRG] 

JoJo [Nude]

With the reSet events elevating, so will you- know what you know now and move forward

How did you learn everything you know today- if your 40+ how did you learn- was it through life experiences, was it through your mum-dad- grandparents- guardian, maybe through school (education), or reading- maybe through the tv, but today you now know that you were programmed right- all designed to mould your whole outlook on life

Now- today you know we reside in a hologram; we reside in a simulation [watch the movie Matrix again] you are an organic cyborg- a quantum physics cyborg, the platinum versions which means you are the best

Your brain [muscle] organ is a computer and means you are streaming data [light] information every second- through many mediums and through nature [environment]

The processing part of your brain knows bullsh9t [programs] when it smells it- when things don’t make sense the brain cannot accept the data- whereas you have others that override the data because they are instructional based brains or beings- they follow commands regardless, there are those who operate from memorisation [things that was taught to them from a young age] 

Where did these programs come from in the 3D world- there are programs [simulations] for everything- everything and with that comes corrupted files- 

All these programs are externalisation programs all designed for you to learn outside of yourself and not from within- your true self [cell] 

Your genes and your body have cells with programs within them- there is data already instilled in you by source and source in itself is intelligence 

The mind and thinking in itself is technology- starts off has a thought and then is Magi [manifests] into physical if you’re operating on a 3D OR 4D density 

So, when you bring new data to sum one- this can cause problems for the recipient because sum minds are limited- they are shut-down and this means they get confused with anything that is an alternative- the brain filters the data and will block-off anything that involves reasoning or discussion because their mainframe does not recognise the program [whatever it is]  

Those that are programmed have been programmed to think, operate in a specific way

The brain is recording data of its environment on a second-to-second basis, conversations, what you’re looking at, listening to-music, everything and using the [7] senses to process this data and is recording from the subconscious thoughts that you are having, all your memory files that you are accessing   

You will then start to project that reality for yourself because you’re operating off of whatever program you are running off of- accessing- thinking of- both conscious and subconscious 

What you have been programmed with is what you are going to experience- even those who take in external programs will have the same programs

Every experience [simulation] that everyone has is brought upon themselves- whether its positive or negative

I have not watched tv in many, many years, so the example I can give is there are those on fb that post nothing but negative things and this then filters down into the user who will then begin to manifest these negative things- I actually know that the poster is doing this on purpose for he promotes religion, I watch his patterns- he fears everyone and then he will say give yourself to Jesus, I only have to follow him because he goes through other peoples pages and posts pictures that I may need and I don’t have the time to do it myself, he is programming people

This negative data is affecting your AURA- your energy fields

Change the channel
How you think will shape your destiny and your life’s outcome 

Take care of your brain, of your mental health, I always encourage you to watch yourself and check yourself, I always encourage you to watch what you are taking in and to regulate your thoughts, I always encourage you to watch your diet- you will only have one chance to make it count-  

Come from your heart- take care of your heart [earth]
We want you to be a well-being [heal-th]

Who will you decide to be is who are you destining to be- you are what you are waiting 4

Quantum [4]
Appearing on the Period-ic table has an Atomic number of four on the sum of things- yet- on the un-sum of nothing its – 4 ether as opposed to matter 4- the element is identified by the initials [Be] Bee [Beings] with an Atom has an Atomic weight of 9.012 or 9.0 [9]

You are Atom [Adam] Atum the Undifferentiated One 

There is a consensus [conscious] theme floating around in the conscious community to allow the MaStar program to run- and this means to leave people be now- let them figure things out for themselves has there is enough data in the frequency for one to attain data- if they want to- their choice in doing so is not your choice to make for them- use discernment  

With the hybrid clones they can transfer consciousness into their machines, the clones will be malfunctioning through things like gamma radiation- the clone does not know it’s the clone-

On a bigger scale- the powers that used to be need the 9ethers to manifest the reality for the 6ethers cannot change anything or manifest nothing or could they ever at any point

When you activate your Kundalini, you will feel the energy going up and down your spine [back] when you get your wings you will feel them where your shoulder blades are, your junk DNA is being unlocked and your superhero statues will be given to you, its difficult for me to explain for those who are spiritual evolved when you are between worlds you come online- until the physical dimension goes down you will fluctuate between the two- its physical [3D] and holographic (spiritual) [4][5]D+ while the two merge- we are now connected to the 4D+ and [5D-] fully- this means the higher planes of 4D and the lower planes of the 5D  

Are you too busy in the 3D- physical realm that you are not paying attention to the spiritual realm 

Most people are only programmed to [believe] in things that they can see physically- most people don’t realise that solid matter on a 3D realm is nothing but energy on a [6]7[8]9D realm and when you’re operating on a higher level of consciousness you will see things has energy- all is dependent on the level of consciousness that you are operating on- when you say the word spiritual to many their onboard computer jams, their faces freezes over- perplexed- what are you talking about- many will then throw out brand names of people on tv or have written books or my friend does Reiki in an attempt to relate or find common ground with you but will ultimately have no clue to what you are talking about because your on a whole complete different dimension to them  

How did the boy bend the spoon in the matrix, Neo didn’t know he had to change his perspective because he was caught up in the 3D world, the boy was telling Neo to bend his mind around the spoon, have you ever stared at sum thing and seen the energy emitting from it or it moves – that is you bending the light- that is you looking at the holographic realm

There was no spoon to begin with

You will be seeing things for what they are- even in the Ska I can see the grid going across the Ska, I see the Ska pulsating, astral traveling is in 5D [LCD]

The mind is very poWRA-ful but you must decide what you are going to program it with
Watch the people who you have around you for they can lower your programming-

The internet signal we use on Ki comes from Sirius- that is what the powers that used to be have been using 

The number of birds that are now being seen that are not usually found in that particular habitat, there are also birds who are returning after an absent period 
Birds rely on their 3eye for navigation and with the man-made 5G towers switch on and the planet tilting one cannot be sure wtf is going on

The vibratory rate means you can see people – you can see AURA, you can see the force field lines that translates into who really these people are- for this 3D realm is an illusion- stacked over and over on itself and you can see the illusionary people

The program meant that you could not access your holographic tools [spiritual realm]

There are so, so many programs, simulations [situations] is how far you release that they can actually manipulate

Start programming your mind that the universe is going to provide for what you need- you need to come to a resolution within yourself about the next four months which takes us into 2022

You’ve made it this far so level off your thinking and streamline thoughts that you want going forward, your thoughts not what you are taking in from the 3D

Whatever your circumstance, situation, that your perceived yourself in- is an illusion
Shift onto the next program when this command flags up [click on- not read]

Cyborg – those [person] whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body
A organic man-machine [the other version is a man-machine hybrid], a HuMin [HuMan] modified by integrated machinery with extended powers
-a blend of the first elements of cyb-ernetic and org-anism = crb-org
Man means mind

She is the salt of the Earth
Salt pyramids on Bonaire - an island off the coast of Venezuela in the southern Caribbean Sea, owned by the Netherlands

This is what the Schuman should really look like

80hz for 7 hrs

Fires continue to rage- sum one is trying to bring the dome down faster- that with the plasma -gamma radiation on full that is way past 3 [9.5+] 

Purple [Ultraviolet] is inside the field

Holographic connection [4]5D 

Electrons, Protons and Neutrons are streaming in 
Green and Blue is life-force energy [Chi] 

Crystalline grid is over this planet- that is what this cube is 
read all data in Chakra energies [in sone]

The field bends and go down in places- around the world there will be concentrated areas of intense gamma radiation- plasma 
Plasma is also where the NTH gate [dimension] is- where all the [Gods] are
Plasma means to mould, image, figure 
Different blends of energies [colours] primary energy [colours] merging and making other energies [colours] soul-ar energy coming in  

Flip mode
The spiritual pole shift had already happened and the physical pole shift goes like this, she is flipping over or rolling over and this has been going on

ABZU South Africa is really North Africa- the images have to be flipped by your human eyes before the brain can register

The south pole is not in Antarctica any more and more in Australia and why we are seeing all that weather in South America [southern hemisphere]
Poles meet at the equator and its BOOOMBABY 

That only took 100 years, the same amount of time that the $bill was meant to last- this does not mean it will take another 100 years, the poles are being controlled by another source

Waji- ether are streaming out of the poles
Does An-tartar-cti-Ka have a ice sheet anymore- we are in the ocean

The North pole is going over to Russia [Siberia] Poland [Pole-land] and is doing exactly like the South is doing  

All controlled so she does starts spinning [freefalling]

There are motherships at each poles and at this time Australia is on course for their N.W.O- disclosure is coming from Australia and sh9t is coming up 

There are also motherships stationed around the planet collecting energy and dispensing it all shielding it when needed  

All what is hidden must be seen and its coming up from all the famous people who have be executed, all them people who messed with children, organ trafficking, greys, all of it and is part of the pole shift

Do not join in the hype when its all revealed, don’t read their headlines- we will need the military on the ground because people will not know how to act- once they tell you about aliens, crafts, bases, people will not know how to act and will flip out- so we need military because we have men here that will take women and children because they know its over- that’s how deep this is- people will go offline – it will not be pretty as the frequency starts moving up- all it is- is the 3D crashing- so pay it no mind

There is nothing to worry about- for we are confident in the victory in good over evil- trust in your own intuition- you know all this already- stay at home and be at home when this thing goes live in the 3D when the truth is revealed- be in your domain 

They say that is Mercury up there
We had Mars and Saturn in the mix they said also 
Earthquakes should start to roll in that are of interest- also in places that we are not use to seeing them in-  

Sitting right in the middle lane
The Spanish military can see them on radar and there is nothing they can do about it- look at the shape of this craft
Cortez gave the Spanish wealth and today those souls who where massacred under the Spanish have visitors, it will not end pretty over in Spain
Aztec [Mayan] Inca [Amazon] how many tribes where wiped out we will never know- but sum one does 

Colorado [USA]

Iran [Use the people for scale] 

Guess who’s coming to tea

Couple of stills from the footage over Russia, that was a portal that opened up for Putin to see- you can see the red-light and the NI.BIRU symbol
Whoever controls the Ska- controls this planet 

1986 the Russian Chernobyl Nuclear [HAARP] power plant fall-out
It was the beings with the Annunaqi that reduced the radiation fall-out and they continue to monitor the situation

Those same beings you see in Spain and around the rest of the planet are the same beings that are making sure the planet is safe, they were also present at Fukushima, Hiroshima 
[they even had to be consulted because they nearly cracked the planet open] 
-these beings are here for the right reasons 

The 144hz have been activated- the access code is available because we are hitting well over 100hz and this data is being withheld because the 144,000 is not a group of people- it is in sum ways but is a frequency and that 144hz is a sone, the sone of life [9] 144 Om -its Gods voice for s-he has spoken through you to you – they are hiding the data because they know many inner-stand the tone- and are responding to he-r

The Chosen ones are the ones who hear the call- the activation- many people are called but few will be chosen- God is not choosing no-one, s-he is choosing the ones who hear the call – simple

Sura [Sirius] Star [Saru] Sara 

Allat [Allah]

Al-Lat [Allatu Alilat Al-illahat]
Allah [A.NU twin brother = Alalu] 
Allah [Arm]Leg][Leg][Arm][Head]
Allah [Al-laah] The Source
Allahumma The Source and Them 

[3] siStars 

Goddess of War and Peace-Of Harvest and Fertility- Of Combat and Prosperity
The Lady of the Temple
Manat ([Mahah]
Goddess of Fate and Fortune-Of Time Destiny and Death
Goddess of the Evening Star
Mistress of Heaven
The Mighty One
Goddess of Protection and Healing
Maiden Mother Crone
The 3 Cranes
Quraysh and other original  Arabian tribes at the Kaabah
You can where the word Qu’ran comes from Quraysh and the word Kabbala [Kaabah]
Arabia [Al] Ghor 

[Al]’Arabiyya Fusha [classical Arabic]
Nebt-het translates Lady of the house
Sekhmet translates The Powerful, Mighty 

Punjabi women have Kaur in the middle of their name and means Lioness and is parallel to the Singh name meaning Lion
Singh [Sango] 

AKUR [EKUR] also means Lion-
No Lions are found in India
Lyra [Lion] 

The Payava [Iy] Tomb
Lycian [Lyra] Lion [Kat]
Turkey [Mesopotamia] Eridu

The Payava is sitting in the British Museum, made from limestone with relief sculptures, Lycian inscriptions and a gabled roof
North side, a man placing a wreath on the head of a young athlete
West side, a seated Persian- ambassador with attendant figures and there are inscriptions- the inscriptions are not fully readable- the seated Persian has the trademark beard of that of an Etruscan

South side, two armed figures and an inscription which sum start by saying -by race a Lycian
East side, battle of cavalry and foot soldiers, and an inscription recording that the [tomb] was built by Payava- its not a tomb and looks like it was attached to sum thing else
The heads and foreparts of Lions project from the curved roof
The roof is decorated with a chariot
The gable ends are decorated with a seated Persian couple
In the pediments above these seated figures are pairs of Sphinxes
On the uppermost level are two friezes showing on one side a wild animal hunt, including a bear raised up on its hind legs, and on the other a battle between cavalry and foot-soldiers
With the Lions and the Sphinxes- there is a Alkebulan [Sumerian] Babylon [Baby-Lion] Babel connection

Forget the inscriptions and décor- the shape is that of an Ark [Arc], Pyramid and may have been an Ark- they were giants back then and Arks or it was attached to sum thing- 

So this piece is from Turkey

This is also on the side of this [Arc], see the guy with the beard sitting down

Here he is again 

And again 

This 9ether couple are laying on a poWRA conductor made from Granite- that holds frequencies, called a Sarcophagus- casket- recorded in KHMT as Neb Ankh
 Neb translates Lord
Nub translates Gold
Neb Ankh(s) are body power-charges and are not tombs or coffins 

They are an Etruscans [later called Troy] couple and are comfortable with death- for they know about the afterlife

Mt Etna
Etruscans [later called Troy] Byzantine
The Latins

Dread at the controls
Rasta [Ra-Star] a Star of Ra [Re] couple 
Same beard characteristics
What was in their hands 

Antenna 9Ether Panama 

How do you know the Muslims or 6ether Europeans have tampered with an artifact-
Broken noses-
Broken arms- hands
Colours washed off or repainted on

This colour of the skin and arms are missing- what was they holding

Olive skin
Olive comes in two colours, black [9ether] and green [Hindu-Kish] 

There are different races within the Etruscan lineages 

Zeus has locs, so does sum of his crew- 
So do the Predators [Annunaqi modified mercenaries] 
Who were the ones that were thrown into the Colosseum - the Nazaroths, the dreads- the Christians = Christ [Karast] aka the Godheads  

Greek writing is Hebrew [Habiru] Nibriu writing aka Muur writing [Muur just means black] that is why it looks the same and on the Emerald stone of Tehuti 

The Etruscan Coast of Tuscany 
Hannibal had Elephants in his army 

Greece [Greek] is a 6ether word and technically doesn't exist 

When Hannibal [Hannib’el] [Al][El] issuing son deals with Rome- he sees other 9etthers fighting with the Romans against Hannibal [Hanuman] and he walks away
Back then- it wasn’t in the 9ethers nature to fight another 9ether- that is why Hannibal was defeated or why Rome was not sacked 

Gaul [Ghoul] 

Hannibal Barca [Barcelona]
Haddans Army

Hannibal comes from Cannibal come from the word Barbaria [Tartaria] the real Tartan army 

Knights of the Brotherhood 

Builders of a great deal

Below are sum things from the Etruscan 


Etruscan wolf's head-helmet

When you see all these posts and how rich the 9ethers history is and you see them today- what a fu9king difference, coming from glory- but what’s the story this morning-

You wouldn’t Adam and Eve- it [believe it] things have happened and I get that- I know that- I see that- I feel that- however, how comes I can find data- how comes I-seek and you don’t

To know where you are going- you need to know where you are coming from [RNM] 

The Aquarius age is about data [information] light and technology and is available to anyone who wants to know- knowledge [kn-Owl-edge] Buma [camouflaged but is there]

It’s a three-year run-in [2018] during lockdown you were to reSet your mind and enrich your mind to create the necessary circuit-breakers in your brain [muscle] organ so that you could merge with the nu frequencies, nu-mindset, what have many been doing- sweet F.A [Fu9k All]

I have written extensively about a great deal- to allow the alternative to be given in its full 9 platform

Its not about the 9ethers history but it needs a mention because it is off the charts- but is about the overall outcome for this planet and all life- and the last time I checked that was both the 6ethers and 9ethers because lets face it- wherever the 9ethers go- the 6ethers are coming- enough said- why, because there will be After Earth- we will back

This filter [separation] will take through those whose intention with their energy is what the higher frequency [5D+] is looking for- its now about your intention with your energy- and what kind of energy you have, we are dealing with mind and energies, but its about the overall outcome of this planet- if the planet dies- we die- it ends here- we cannot rule out a soul-ar Nuclear holocaust- the ISS is armed- we’ve seen this on LAH.MU [Mars] from the past, there are only a few planets in the entire cosmos that is able to sustain complex organisms and Tiamat is one of them- she will not be compromised

[break the illusion] we are dealing with the holographic 5D+ realm by using y-our mind and energy- your mind [crown] that is connected to the heart- connect all three

Many were sent- the indigo children came in all races- many have been reincarnated over and over until the loop- looped out and is now collapsing on itself [itsCell] its down to the service user [you] to merge onto the nu frequency [choice]  

All the history in the world is not going to save us- but if you know it- you’re not going to repeat it

The planet is already adjusting- her Godfather [Neb Heru] holds [magnetic] her
 -she is already one step ahead- we need to join her

Save yourself and you save this planet, save this planet and you save us all- simple   


-the message is in the music 














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Living A Lie

The BODY [BODI] KHAT never lies - where the MIND [KHU] goes the BODY follow - it doesn't matter what you are eating [diet], how you are ...