Gabriy'el [Gab-Ree-El] messenger of El
Gabriel is Female with a 10,000 army at her disposal
Miykael [Miy-Ka-El] Michael [Mee-Ka-El] who dares to be
like El- anyone who dares to be El [Al] the Most-Hight that isn’t [El] Miykael
will deal with- Miykael protects all energies, Miykael keep them informed with
what takes place in the universe and what took place in the universe
El comes from Bab-El [gate] El is issuing son, rank
There are many Michaels here, doing Michael’s work, there
are seven protectors of energies, each are here working through others, this is
why it says- I send my angels [angles] (of light) the angel is the spiritual
part [energy] that inspires the man [that in-spirits the mind (man)]
This is necessary for Michael to appear has a person, in
a physical form to inspire a physical man because they were living in a mystery
Michael and many others from the archangels, from the
many other positive and agreeable beings have inspired me, and influenced me in
the way I do and think and say and all this data on this page and what I know I
give to you, from me to you, eye to eye, ear to ear, cheek to cheek, I could
not do it myself, when they give me sum thing I go and read about it, research-
they show me the way, they send stuff in Istal, in dreams, in music, in people,
on the internet, and there are sum things cannot be explained in this dimension
Miykael is moving through me and many others- to usher in
the [Messiah] energy
Revelation talks about the war in the heavens, when you
look for heaven, it would be around Sirius because heaven comes from the world
haven- which is Sirius, they talk about this war in the heavens in their holy book
There was a war prior to this Bible reference- before the
HuMins [HuMans] were brought before the Serapheem
Yahweh is a ranking system, Yah is 72 positive and
agreeable beings and Weh is 72 negative and disagreeable beings making 144
24 elders
24 +24 +24 = 72
7+ 2 = 9
Ennead [9]
Nedjet [Sedjet] [9]
You need the 99 elements to explain the one [God] and the
one [God] to explain the 99 elements or formulas
Man is only on 99, there is 144
The one appointed [God] head of the Ennead [Sedjet] is
the Yahweh called A.NU, but he is a collective- one group
Elohyeem, plural of Eloh or a Yahweh, as a group they are
Elohyeem, as one they are Cherub, groups are Cherubeem, one Seraph, groups are
called Serapheem- so, one of the Elohyeem who before the Bible were known as
the Anunnaqi, or the Neter [Neteru]
There was a rebellion and its who they rebellion to that
is of interest
When Adam [Atum] Atom was brought into the equation
[Adam] was given the -Will, the will to make choices, decisions
Half of 180 is 90- those angelic beings were making
decisions but none of their questions was put before the Most-Highs divinity or
his or her purpose, because there was nothing in the heavens to question that-
when [Adam] was promised into existence- then they wanted to know, what or who
is this kind of being, then questions started being questioned, because prior
to that all they had was Serapheems and Cherubeems and both of these groups
were broken up into races like how we see with the 9ethers- but there was no
spiritual competition, there was no reason to question the divine or the
divines purpose
Man today on Ki [earth] questions the divines’ purpose-
what AM I doing here, why AM I here, why did s-he create evil, why did they do
this and do that- this is how you know the war between good and evil [bad] is
in event mode because here is a man [mind] with 360o trying to get
back to his 720o nature and he is using his or her 360o to
question things in the spiritual realm [720] when his 360 o only covers him on the physical realm- the angles in
their realm are in their 90o which is the equivalent to your 360o
so they could think, so yes there was conflict between the angles prior
to the conflict between Michael and the other dragons- because there are two
realms, another one existed, this is why the angel said, are you going to
create one that creates mischief and sheds blood- how would angels know about
shedding blood if they were just spirits or ghosts, they knew about the
shedding of blood because of the battle of the angels before, you follow
No -Will is questioned until you question the -Will of
the divine, when the angels made decisions in heaven- this did not mean they
couldn’t think or make decisions, to do or not to do, it meant they could not
make decisions based on what the divine didn’t command, but this changed when
man, the spark of nature was created and anything that was created in the spiritual
realm affects all a spiritual beings’
So when the spiritual stock of [Adama] nature was being
created to incarnate physically- the angels where receiving- perceiving that
energy, they were in a realm and this is where they started saying, who is that,
what kind of being is that, where is his destiny, are you creating another
Cherub to rule- they began to question, have ideas, it was new to them, and
this is what they feared
So they were not rebelling against [Adama] they were
rebelling against the Most-High because the essence in this question or what
the Bible says about the rebellion, because if the angels do bow, then they are
bowing to sum thing else that is not the divine frequency
So if the Most-High says do not bow to no-one but
yourself- but at the same time tell the angels to bow to the [Adamas] then you
can see where the issue lays, this is against the laws, so what happened, was
there a different set of laws in the heavens at that time, man wasn’t create
yet, the dimensions change because we don’t have all the recorders, but the
answers are out there
Michael was never asked to bow down because of his 720o
of knowledge
Azazel and his son Samuel fell from the [9] archangels and
they were Cherub, he also contributed to the war in the heavens, he resides
among the 9ethers now and also caused everyone to be casted down to earth and
h3ll be created
These 9 [archangels] are a later composition of the 9
from KHMT
The forming of ADAMU [ADAMA] body – when Jibre’el [Jabrāʾīl]
was asked to go down and collect the substance to make the body, Jibra’el
didn’t do this, the Most-High sent another, the same thing and then Azazel was
sent and he did it and took the body form of ADAM
But because he didn’t have any compassion [Azazel] for
the forming of ADAMA body- he shall be at the forefront of collecting souls,
this was not punishment because this was the manifestation of his nature
Gabriy’el [Gab-Ree-El] has been coming to Ki [earth]
repeatedly and she is referred to has the Angel of Revelations [Angel or Angle
of light] and Michael has also been continuingly returning to Ki because he is
a defended, a defended of energies
These angels were asked to so sum thing that was not in
their nature and all this was before there was any kinds of HuMins [HuMans] on
the planet but this was what they were destining to be because each of their
names tells you who they are destining to be
Jibreel [Gibreel] means brings forth, one who brings
Jibreel [Gibreel] is Geb [Gib] Jib [to bring]
Michael can speak [el-ect] on behalf of the Most-High, his name
translates- who dares to be like El
Each one of these beings is what man would encounter
after the Most – High’s creation, the angel of death, the angel of Revelations
and the angel of defence- this was all set up- I know what ye do not,
everything that the Most-Highest of frequencies as a meaning, a purpose, they
do not do what we do and then figure it out later, sum times mortals don’t understand
this because its above us- but that’s ok because of this being divine
In the beginning the Most-High or Heavenly Father created
a state of nothingness- say you’re a
potter and you make plates, cups, you make a product, and this product- say a
cup is designed to hold water, contains, what you created is in an absence of
space, a nothingness, the area where the water is to go is the cup and the cup
before its created for where the water is to go – is creating a state of
nothing and once that space is occupied, then that space is no longer
nothingness and now is sum thing, the sum of nothingness
The Most-High created the state in which creation could
happen where molecules could be drawn in together [to gather- not the same] and
explosions could happen, cells could breed and multiple
Atom [Adam] are the same thing, when you break down an
Atom is breaks down into molecules
Atoms are a constructed amount of molecules moving at a
specific speed forming a certain amount of density, when all these molecules
are constructed, they become an Atom [Adam]
The real Qu’ran has answers to the book of Revelation
that are not pretty – there are parts in the Qu’ran that is too truthful for
the Bible
Both are sweet to the mouth but bitter to the belly because
of how the world [not the planet] ends [begins]
The Sunni Muslims do not have a copy of the real Qu’ran for
it was burnt a long time ago, the other Muslims have an original
-the British version is called the Koran
They have mistranslated and made their own versions and
they thought they had the original and burnt the original before they could
recheck what they had copied- to make sure it is correct
Allah just means the source and so does [El] Eloh – the
source [El] can mean the word The
Staying with Revelation, the chapter talks about two
types of death, those that are resurrected and those that will stay dead
Spiritual people know that they do not die, they know
there are other realms, they know their soul goes from dimension to dimension
Those who are [evil] people their soul [spirit] burns out
You were to rekindle your soul and those who didn’t will burn
If you line up your spiritual body and your physical body
you can go to these planes, you can make that translation like Kha-Nowk [Enoch]
The 6ether can also do this however he will go to the
lower realms and cannot go up to the 4D realm, this is why you must not take on
what 6ether psychics, yoga- healers tell the 9ether for they are both dealing
with two very different realms
Psychic [Psy = soul] [Chi = energy]
He can only astral project downwards, you upwards
Sheriff comes from the word Sharif which means Noble
[Mu-ham-meds family name]
-the Sheriff’s department was set up with the Klan [KKK]
to enforce
The 9ethers are not supposed to forgive anybody, the
Most- High is the one who is to forgive
If you attempted to forgive, you would still be leftover
with forget, you wouldn’t forget
The Jews don’t want no forgiveness from the Germans, they
are still hunting them down today, so why would the 9ethers forgive or forget
what took place
There is a passage between the history that will never
ever be fully understood- a bleak period that is still present today, nothing
has changed or will it change, only awareness
Acknowledge your ancestors so that your days will be long
Sum of the ancient Anunnaki [Annunaqi] Anunnqgi
[ANU.NAGA] ruins can be seen all over Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa
Zimbabwe certainly got its name from the numerous sites built in stones that are found there
Zimbabwe literary means [ZIMBA ZA MABWE] or the Houses of
Stones)- read Michael Tellinger works if you want to learn how old the stone
ruins of southern Africa functioned, for example there is a [calendar] there
that western science called Adams Calendar- this is a portal belong to ENKI-
this compass, device is out by 20 which is not a flaw but that the
planets crust has moved
Sum of the stone structures go back to thousands of years
although colonial writers attempted to make people think that they are very
There is a 2billion year old natural nuclear reactor in
Edin [Eden] Gan is the entire continent of Alkebulan,
there are many gardens, nurseries
This is the Sun
And this is the Moon
[Full Moon due]
Night time is busy
Daytime is too quiet- like data is being withheld
And the beat goes on, CME(s) are being unleashed, last three days
It rained in Greenland, at the highest point in Greenland, never before has it rained there and at the same time temperatures climbed above freezing for over 9hrs, and a day after the ice started melting, the added rain that was iced over then started melting the next day, like sum one filled up the water [ice] and then released it, all 7billion tons of it- yes now that is sum thing to think about, poles have shifted once again, rain- floods have been on-going with more and more places filling up, and tons melting from the North, the planet is becoming weighty
15 bridges taken out [infrastructure] via Fred and the rains in North Carolina
Red, Green, Yellow, Blue
Look at the poles
Mixed colours- all is energy for soul-ar beings, chakra energies
Blue- Green [electron] flux
Check out the colours [energies]
and the force-field going around the planet- this house is sealed
Utah [USA]
Missouri [USA]
Battleship GalactiKA
Soular minimum for 11 years- they said, the sun is being triggered and is letting off
This signature craft from the other day- does not travel alone, always under arm-guard, scouts, probe crafts in tow
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
NI.BIRU is behind the sun [top]
what is beyond the horizon
Florida images
There is a space-complex in the bottom set of images- couple light sources
Can you see the triangle shape in the background
This site is part of a circuit-board
Meteorological station in Athens [Greece]
The Octagon Tower is built of a marble
The tower is installed on a three-stage podium
The facets are oriented around the world
In antiquity, a marble pyramid roof was crushed
The top of the tower are allegorical images of [eight
winds] blowing from the side of the Octagon - Borea (north), Kekiya
(north-east), Apeliota (east), Evra (southeast), Nota (southeastern), South),
Lipsa (southwestern), Zephira (western) and Skirona (northwestern)
The images were accompanied by explanatory inscriptions
that allowed to determine which wind is blowing at the moment
Under the figures of winds there is a marking of the sun
The Roman architect Vitruvius in his description of the
tower gives other names of eight winds: Austria (southern), Solan (eastern),
Favonius (western), Septentrion (north), Eur (south-east), Africa (south-west),
Cavre (north) - western), Aquilon (Northeast)
These figures cannot be valid, it should be the planets-
but we will go with the [eight winds]
Inside the tower was arranged a water clock that
nourished water and was charged, in one of the older images you can see the
connection from the aqueduct is disconnected to the tower
Inside the tower, doors were leading from the north-east
and north-west sides
In front of them there were small two-coloured porticos
with triangular frontons
Only the lower parts survived from columns
The walls inside the tower were dismantled by cornice and
had small colonnades, there was no trace left of them
From the south to the tower was adjacent to the tower,
through which the water from aqueduct passed nearby- which is disconnected
This was a Etruscan masterpiece, many other come in like
the Corinthian order
The four columns of tower portions, they did not survive,
but there are graphic and voluminous reconstructions
You can see the architecture of the KHMT [Egyptian]
Columns do not have a base, which is characteristic of the Etruscan
Religion came in and a bell was added, under the Turkish
they buried the site and the whole tower was only discovered in the early 19th
This is in Sevastopol [Crimea] and has the figures and Octagon shape
This temple [Iy] is sub-terrain, the Iy has been stripped
and is now empty, there are still images on the walls of daily life and martial
arts and there are 39 rock cut rooms
Lots of records on the walls, warfare, and records of
many who astral travelled
Stone- Masons
Noses busted and hands smashed off
Found in Mexico
Duct tape that will protect you from the vacuum of space- ok then
Be carful of who you uphold and who you stand-up under-watch your spiritual energy, do not put your spiritual energy against the wall [back]- their life is not yours, especially when you know how predictable they are- remember many were always destining to fail, they were always going to go under- do not let them take you with them
You are a central sun- and all the planets in your orbit are the ones in your gravity- your gravitational pull- you hold all these planets [people] because you put them there
-the energy is filtering out what the energy does not need- you should be doing the same..
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