Use logic and emotions and then balance- that is the reality
you want to be in
-stay with the awakened [activated]
The internet [inner-Net] signal comes from Sirius [Septet] Set- this is why the US military had it first, the signal is free and they charge you to use a natural connection-
This is the same signal that you use to connect with
Metu Netu
Natural is not Organic
Organic makes it seem natural but its not- organic is
still a copy
It must be natural or from nature
Nature [Natural] NaTaRu [Neter] NTR [Neteru] Ntchr [Nedjer]
[n T r]
There are many versions of the word NTR [n T r] = Neter,
Nature, NaTaRe, when we use Nazdiru, Neter [N.TU] it is Nature, and in Hebrew
[Habiru] its Natar, which translates to guard to cherish, from Chaldean Net-ar,
to keep, to retain, and it also exist in Arabic as Nazdiru
Na-Ta-Ra, observer- watch, look over, look at, watcher
So, the words in Hebrew [Habiru] and Arabic came from KHMT [Egiptain] Nazdiru, -watches which became Nature
Three flags that were used for the Nazdiru, you will see
the triple flags at the Iy of ASet, so Nazdir is Watcher = Nature
Nature and her forces
Organic [ENLIL] [Satan] is poising- masquerading around has Nature [ENKI]
The ROV is a machine and although the machine is emitting
man-made electricity- it is not natural, these [creatures] pick up on electrical
fields, on AURA- bio fields
The deep ocean is exactly how deep space is, space is
liquid crystal [water] as above, so below
This particular creature is very intelligent
In the first part we see the creature coasting along,
look at the symbol, when the creature is alerted to the ROV presence the creature
becomes activated [excited] the lights are sum thing else- look at the colours,
many different colours light up with rapid movement [REM] while the creature is
processing data
This creature shape shifts and morphs into different sizes,
lengths, forms, shapes, jellyfish, squid, octopus- looking
If you have playback- from 1:11 is where I had an erection
– slow it down- what is a physical creature is now like Abracadabra- you watch it
When the ROV levels out the creature is still in the
The octopus is not from this planet or is not indigenous to
this planet
These are critters and are proof of a third form of terrestrial
life, named Archaea, after the Greek word Ancient, their genetic code is 2/3 different
from what western scientists [men] had seen up until 1977, their code is alien-
What did you think of that footage, in another link the
same creature is seen and that was in 2007 and this one is 2013, maybe its
another one or the same one- this is a truly remarkable find, the footage alone
lets you know there is a whole other world down there, and that this creature is
conscious- when it came closer it was reading- scanning all data and when we first
see the creature it was coasting along on stand-by but had its sensors on
This is how the crafts that we use work, contracting and
expanding, shape shifting and morphing
These crafts are effective in the physical, with the spiritual [holographic] merging [4D+] into the lower planes of the 5D these planes will be rendered useless
This purple creature- when it detects the ROV and starts reacting, that was interesting, and when the ROV loses the creature and then finds it- the creature seem rectangular, flat- did they cut the feed-
These are in the Ska [space] the deep- sum are blue only in various blues, sum are one solid colour in different versions of the same colour and sum and multi-coloured
Orbs, and crafts, probes, scouts, these are you Angels which comes from the word Angle- Angle in which light can come in and do its works
Man has reverse-engineered UFO(s) that they shot down or retrieved or exchanged for- but we don't use those types of crafts no more, these crafts are made from light- the 4D+ is showing you
Metallic colours, crafts in tow
We will see the real Ska soon
BA[AL] in the Ska
Nature moving in
Desert [Atacama]
Whose next- London- Scotland- Ireland- UK, its coming, from Italy, then Spain and next is-
Last 48hr
Heavy energy
The soul-ar system is not the same like in 2020 and they say that Saturn was in the mix
sum thing heavy was
-the poles have shifted again and today may feel off-balanced to you physically
You should not be going to Muslim countries or anywhere you have no reason to
System collapse will also affect immigration
You will be trapped wherever you are in a moment
1989 [9] NASA spotted NI.BIRU- and knew they were on the way
2012 was the reintroduction to soul-ar system
2012 is 2021
Not everyone is going to leave- and besides- where are you going
History shows us that it is the Femi9 energy that saves all energy
These are mothers, siStars, aunties, grandmothers who are going to make one stand against man
This image with or without the chain many women around the world will resonate with this image, he looks too weak to control her, look at her eyes, her eyebrows, she bright- light- she's got poWRA and the one beside her- maybe they are all acting, the real action is coming
This is not about wearing what you want or for freedom or to be accepted has an equal, this is about the dismantling of the male energy
We offer poWRA, strength and guidance, i-want you to be successful- i-want the same outcome that you want
She has spoken- and when she speaks i-listen
Apology: Accepted
Trust: Denied
This is another ancient Nubian Queen Mother Candace [Kandace] slaying
Negro sell-outs that had been captured fighting alongside the invader - against their own Nubians and Kushites
Look at the relief carefully you will see that she held
the captives by their deadlocks- hair- ready to smite them with the [El] Khu-
the Flail
Kandace is wearing the double winged [El] Khajur- the Apron
Look at her height and the AKUR [AKIR] Lion at her feet
She didn’t play
Ramses the same but he is using the
the Axe- sum body is about to lose their head
Pont being the level of violence will be ultra
All these three images are showing the same thing, however these are stills and there is 24hrs in each cycle, so at least 12hrs will be daylight and we can see this and in footages and stills, images
Primary colours [energies] also merge, mix and can be concentrated in a region of the dome- electromagnetic field or over a country+
This is not from fires, these backdrops are coming from sum thing else
Key craft [left] centre
Crafts are triggering the sun
Purple Haze
You can see two crafts side by side
Plasma charging [huge voltages] epidural
There is also distortion of sum kind on the left
The next horizon
Serpentine energy is Kundalini energy [Femi9 energy]
The word Kundalini or Khudalini(s) is a Naga root word
that was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and called
[Osumare] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami and called the Uraeus and then
transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El], this is from the
Seven siStars- the Great Mother [Tiamat] aka Leviathan- there are [9]
The Cobra is a symbol of the Ghoul [Nomos]
Watch your emotions out here- stay in the middle if you are not sure- its uneasy out there
That girl has got soul
You are part of a thought
[God] had a thought
That thought is a sone [sound]
A sone is a frequency
That frequency is a wave
That thought is you
English words are twisted Kinyarwanda words which they
took from studying ancient secrets drawn from Khemtic priests [SEMU] SIMU [SIM]
The English acquired and reserved all that hidden knowledge
which went through the Greeks, the Romans, the Germanic, the Norse and later
the English
There is a great deal of similar Bantuic Europeanised Etymologies
in French and German as well
KINYARWANDA is the mother of all Bantu dialects and was
left by the Abamannuka who many know as the Sumerians
Language is the Goldmine that historians and scientists
have yet to explore
Everything you need to know about the history of EARTH
and especially of the Alkebulans is in Bantu languages
The English language is full of
Bantu terminologies twisted about with
Sanskrit [Tamil] is written by Maat and Sekhmet
How exactly did the council of Nicaea come up with names
that form the Bible books
Which names did they plagiarize and twist-
LUKE [Skawalker]
Taken from the term KULU- in those days, elders were a
great source of divine wisdom, the term Kulu is -Elder- in Bantu dialects
Mathew- MTW [from MTW NTR]
David- TWT (Toth) twisted from Toth and Toth's emerald
star rebranded star of David, letter D and T was interchangeable and V and U
and W were also interchangeable
John- Yn, Ani [Scribe Ani] can also be A.NU
Mark- was at the same time made into Malachi- which
referred to Malayika meaning Angel- through the same term, the name Lamek was also
There were no Apostles, they are a product of creative
writing fiction- but the originals do have a source
The word ADAMU appeared as MUNTU
Eve was IWI and Nekaybaw
These are project names and not just Adam [Atom] [Atum] and Eve's [Lil'Eve] Lillith - they were seeds
There were several Adam and Eves because the genetic
experiment was to bring about a perfect copy of the Annunaki that was minute in
physical structure but with near similar intelligence to the Annunaki and was refined
over and over, there were many set-backs
In the early process, many Lares [Simians] were used
until the first Twa was made and named Muntu
Then when the Igigi rebelled, a much stronger specimen of the Muntu was created
This new appearance was similar to the Senegal wrestlers
and that was the first prototype of Abantu or what we call general Negroids- most
of which we see in Sub-Saharan Africa
ENKI [INKI] ENQI set up on LAHMU [MARS] with his laboratories-
which is why NASA wanted to set up a base there because ENKI(s) creation tools
are there- NASA have 26+ probes at Lahmu, with at least 20+ taking pictures and
s few land probes- that is a large number of machines looking for water
This breakthrough excited the Annunaki and to others within
the Annunaqi- this brought resentment which led to others that venturing out
and setting up labs on different parts of the earth creating Abantu
A group of the Annunaki set camp in Lemuria [a former
chunk of Madagascar and Siri Lanka]
Others set camp in the Antarctica and Australia
Others set camp in the Americas
There were also template groups set up
A lot of these ventures collapsed at the height of their
civilizations when these Annunaki engaged in Nuclear warfare and superhuman
magi-c warfare- that caused super rains and destruction and desertification of
the earth at that time- this is before the 10,000 bracket
The T.WA are Kundalini specialist-
There are 9ethers that lost their pigment [Melanin] KAANU-
it was taken away from them
During ENKI(s) return, most of the mainstream 9ethers
will be destroyed along with the Tamahus [Tama-Hu] [Hu-Man]
Mixing between 6ether and 9 ether resulted in a hybrid
Mulattoes [Mu-lattoes] are the off-spring of the Muur
[Maur] Moor [Mu] breeding with the 6ethers in Europe for over 700 years
We also get the Mulattoes through ancient KHMT during the
Romans and Greek intermixing [raping] with royalty and after the emergence of
the Mulattoe Arab and Mulattoe Mongoloid
This is how we get General Alexandre Davy de la
Pailleterie, also known as Alexandre Dumas, Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, Queen
Charlotte [North Carolina] and more+
The Twa will be spared because they have for the most
part genetically remained un contaminated, many have already been taken to
Most Diaspora 9ethers are on average 40% hybrids between
Igigites and Abantu, sum where mixed on purpose and sum had to take Tama-hu
avatars because of this recycle
Most Kushites will not make it either
It will be so bad for both the HuMins and HuMans during
Nyabiru [Nibiru] presence
Who were a Pygmy race of people also called the Tahites
[Ptahites- Ptah is their father seed] who are the Kundalini specialist aka the
Serpent people [Serpentine energy]
The Chaka system all alien implants graphed into the
9-ethers from their celestial parents
These fragile people [Twa] are the snakes that western
history is referring to and were wiped out to make way for man-made religion,
the Twa [Bantu] predate your Adam and Eve story by 10,000 years
The Twa journeyed to Northern Ireland very early in
western history conception
One of the cultural influences the Druids [Ghouls] got from the
Twa was the fact that they wore a Fez or head cover that depicted the Alkebulan
[African] symbol known as the Uraeus, which is the same snake image you see
worn by the Neteru in ancient Khemet [KHMT]
So, when you hear people tell you that he was made a
saint because he removed the snakes from Northern Ireland, it's really
referring to the Uraeus head garment worn by the Druids and the Twa and the
Leprechaun myth comes from the short [Tahites] 9-ether men that were murdered
all in the name of religion, they are the Kundalini [Serpentine energy] specialist
Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi, Lebanon,
Greece, the whole top of North Africa all come under the Sumerians, which is
Mesopotamia which is Alkebulan before the 6ethers and called Sumerian
Kamu [KHMT] is not older than Mesopotamia [UT.NA.FISH.TIM]
The Original Kushite [Ptahites] migrated from out of the
Hopi- HA.PI-Nile valley civilization straight out of Kamu [KHMT] Khami into
Mesopotamia and set up the first 7 Ki-Nd-Domes which are
[1] Lumera [Lemuria] [2] Salan [Heru-Salan Jerusalem] [3]
Mu [4] Kadesh [5] Napar [6] Elkebalon [Alkebolon] Alkebulan and [7] Tuwa [Tewa]
Tawa [Twa]
Jewel of the Nile
So, we go to the Jews, there are different Jews within
the Jews, Hitler murdered other Jews, why-
Why were the so-called Jews who were Caucasoid in
appearance added alongside 9ethers and other minorities and other Jews killed
Why are Jews today so Nordic Looking
The K-ham-ite [Khemet] KHMT or Ham-ite are descended of
the CWEZI- this term is transliterated into Jew
The Khamite had a special role that the Caucasoid were
interested in
The area now known as the middle-east starting from Suez
to the fringes of Pakistan was known as the LEVANT
This area was occupied by a mixture of pure 9ether races
from around the Nile Valley to Euphrates River
There are many 9ether races and it that region, there
were in categories- and there were 9ethers descended directly from the CWEZI
Abyssinia is a gate, the NTH gate and is not just the
area you see today, this gate stretched her arms from the whole of North Africa
right the way down to Sudan and had at least 81 or 82 different races alone
The word JEW came from JWEZ or CWEZI
Cwezi alone are controversial and this term stems from
the Annunaki [Neteru] RIZQ [Gods]- we have NIMRUD who is the father seed of
Kush and Aton [Atun] Aten whose people are the Abyssina [Ethiopian]
Sum say they were a people that disappeared but they are
filtered into the masses today, they are still Annunaki [Annunaqi] Neteru
offspring- they did mix and are the children of HAM [GAHIMA] to name one group-
who were spread from the Nile source to India and Turkey
The 9ethers that descended from Cwezi always claimed
royalty and they exercised authority over everything
They owned valuable knowledge in everything
Their children were often the princes and kings, princesses and queens
The coming of the Caucasian from the mountains of the
Caspians [Georgia] eventually led to admixtures between 9ethers and the
Caucasoid the 6ether races
In the area of Iran, it didn't take long the Caucasoid
began war and slowly annihilated or drove the nomadic royal Cwezi back to
inhospitable places in India and back to parts of Africa [Alkebulan] like the
Horn of Africa and Yemen
Most of the people who are Jewish- are to a large extent of
mulatto people that descended from nomadic 9ethers of the Levant, there are
dark-haired 6ether people around the world of many races who have 9ether DNA
and are of 6ether
The Cwezi breed of 9ethers in the Levant were so noble
that every outside race- like Caucasians, and the mulatto Arabs that came about
as a result of Caucasians mixing with 9ethers all fight to claim their essence
These races of the so-called Jews [without 9ether
bloodlines] today are nothing but the Great Pretenders and they themselves genocide
those that they claim to be
So for Hitler his family linage is the Ashke-nazi [NAZI],
there are the Mizrahim and the Khazar Jews are mulatto or sum times pure Caucasians
that claim those attributes of the original people that they annihilated from
those regions
Peru [Heru]
Complex built into Limestone cliffs
Cement is made from Limestone
This complex is way above sea-level
Constructed of rock and adobe, plastered and painted pink
and cream, they look like little houses and did serve has a home like base
Special symbols and carvings and colours
The height of the houses is a little more than one meter,
just enough to deposit your body for teleportation or for your exit- you would
be in the foetal position, wrapped-
Rectangular floor or two floors, instead of a front door,
they have side doors
The cliff-side forms the back wall and the cave- cliff
was the roof, the walls of the mausoleums also include the artfully crafted
niches and consist of representations in the form of a T, crosses in low relief
and in rectangles
Is this a tomb, then where are the bodies, these places
will always be a type of Iy and can still be a tomb- but first show us the
bodies, history tends to lean on the death card, that they were obsessed with
dying- when in actuality they astral travelled and beings, people came and went
Death is the holographic realm and is not has dense like
the physical world- its light, pure light
Granted these sites could well have been looted a long
time ago
Many left in the last 10,000 years because of the recycle event that we are in right now, so the prestigious and powerful, elite would have
gone to inner-Ki and sum transitioned and sum left and a huge amount remained
Many monuments in Russia that were said to have been built
for the memory of those who fought in the war of 1812
Russia has many monuments that do not fit in with modern
day Russians
They say that this monument temple was built in the XIX
century in memory of the warriors who died in the siege and took Kazan in 1552
under Ivan IV (Grozny)
However, this monument and the rest where not built by
Russians today and this particular monument was not built by Russians
Russia [Prussia]
Look at the height difference, the smaller one has ankle bracelets- maybe slave- prisoner- he is dark skinned when you zoom in-
Where are they going, they are inside a portal, Tardis
Look at the horses leg for scale
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