Always make sure you’re not missing no points, that your
always on point, how do you do that- always create your own point
Always create the point- on why you’re doing what your
doing- when you create the points of what you are doing- then you don’t set
yourself up to fail, then you don’t set yourself up with expectations that you
cannot meet, you create your own point has to why you’re doing what you’re doing
Know your limitations and
your boundaries aka knowing where to see your point or points [3] at, aka your
point of reference, your point of awareness- do not be trying to create an outcome
that is way to far out of your reality or sum thing that may not cater to you
in sum way shape or from
Always make your point of reference within your
limitations and this means you will always reach that point
-So when people question why your doing what you are
doing- you will have your own point of reference and that is all that counts
and not to others
If that point is not beyond your limitations, then you
know that you are going to reach that quota- anything else would just be an add-on
because your main point was all that mattered in the first place
If its within your limitations then you will not miss the
point – and you will receive forms of satisfaction – and with that comes energy
and you need that kind of energy to Magi [manifest] anything that you are
creating [manifesting]
So, when [God] was creating [God] and said; I create in
my own image and after my own likeness this creating [God] would have to have
the poWRA of [God] to create other [Gods]; thus, the perpetuation of [God]
eternal was in the original creation of [God]
All [Gods] have a bellybutton and means they all have a mother, we go to source- mother
Manifest is i-magi-nation [image][imagery] Magi [Magic]
We do not see man-in-festation [nature] manifestation
This is how it was, and this is how it will be
The frequency is heavy, negative, many are tired, sleepy
or zoned-out and those receptive to the lower frequencies are going offline,
killings, domestic+ sum weird-sh9t going on out there
There are frequencies that are
affecting your physical body through the mind that they are altering many
peoples’ brainwaves with- meaning that people are doing stuff to one another- they are going insane in the mem-brane [brain]
The organic frequency is doing the total opposite
NI.BIRU is magnetic [magnet] and is very poWRA-ful and is the size of Jupiter, this planet has also expanded, stronger magnetic connections with the sun being electrical [electron] he is charging this magnetic energy
Frequency manipulation such has HAARP [weather affects
moods = emotions = energy] and EMF, and MK-Ultra+ are in full effect- and for
those who still have a tv 5G cell phones+, these affect your AURA shields- your brainwaves
You remaining grounded, focused and on Ptah is important
to you navigating through this minefield
While the 3D crashed around you- you already knew this
was going to happen, your staying prepared not getting ready, the days that you
feel heavy in the mind- take a step back, take a knee, do not allow your
natural rhythm be compromised
The program they are putting out is subconscious
frequencies- that means go back to sleep, the organic frequency is conscious
and means activate, you may have lowered your frequency recently because they
have been using their machines
You have to remain unplugged in their Matrix and be
reborn outside of their Matrix, do not dwell- know your poWRA and remain in
your poWRA- by doing this you stay out of their frequency tone, because you are
not on their wavelength- enrich the soul, mind and body
This is the physical warfare being waged against your
psychical body- tune in with your emotional body and spiritual body and stay spiritual -soul
Do whatever you have to do to be with nature, to be with
nature is to be one with her
Stay natural
Regulate what you are taking into your mind
Stay away from those that are no good for you at the
Stay balanced- it’s a Jungle out there
There are over 122 HAARP weather modification systems around the world, both on land and in water, there are using these machines to manipulate the weather,
weather affects your mood, mode of emotion, the machines also manipulate your
AU.RA shield
AUROROL is in the title for HAARP
Auro is from Aura
Your brain [computer] gets fried
5G is on
Nature versus Machine
Mathematics book published by
Liber De Coloribus Coeli, Accedit Oratio Inauguralis De
Deo Mathematicorum Principe
- and depicts a curious flying object called a UFO and those with a spiritual connection called a craft
Flights across America are backing up because pilots are
refusing the mandatory jab, they already knew this is going to happen, soon you
won’t be able to leave apart from Denver
Remember its holographic [hologram] program up there, you can see the grid going around the sun
Crafts sitting around the sun
On guard
There is shape, geometric and vibrational signatures
Sweden, there is a plasma ray, strike, current inside the cloud tunnel
KHMT [Egypt]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
2000+ year old Olive tree, reduced to ashes, 2000 years
old is about has old has your Jesus story
Where life ends, life begins, the Olive tree will be back
Between Nature and Man, its all coming down
See footage
M4 experimental explosion was recorded off the coast of
Florida and was their third and final explosive event that wraps up the full ship
shock trials for the USS Gerald R. Ford
There was no depth meaning in was on the water or at sum
thing that they can see only using radar+
FEMA will test National Emergency Alert Broadcast Systems
on August 11
We keep an eye on what they are doing
This whole aisle is empty but instead vinyl prints were
placed to look like it is full this is in Kroger Ohio [USA] and the other image
is from London [UK]
Heat coming to Italy and Spain- record breaking heat
CME inbound
Demonology is against witchcraft
What is witch-craft, witch [zitch] bit9h [witch] = wicca
[wiKa] Hika medicine wombmen, because that bit9h knows her sh9t and she is good
at it, she knows her craft well for she was taught first
Demonology is against wombmen
When you read Demon-ology, use the Buddha finger, use
your 3rd eye
Read in reverse
When I was at primary school, I would ask a girl if she
loved me and she would say no, then I would say, no means yes and yes means no,
then I would say, do you love me and she would say no and I would say, that
means you do love me- this would end in two ways, she will either say yes I do
love you and I would then say, you do love me- I would win each way or she
would say, whatever- and end that right there, what is real and what is not- a
feeling will confirm, not words, trust in energy- it won’t let you down
Emotions are always positive or negative- the rest of the emotions fall
When you read sum thing or gain sum thing new your brain
will produce a crease in your brain with all that data, the data resonated with
you and so the more you read or take data in, you evolve, when you revisit sum
data and have new data to add and you fuse it all- because now you know, this
resonates and elevates you- to higher states, it doesn’t matter the data- it
matters the will to know more, to expand, to expand your range of thought, when
you really get sum thing, this is felt in the universe- you vibrate and so does
the universe
The realm is called satanic, one side is angelic, the
other side is demonic, which is just positive and negative, the two are
interchangeable for you can do sum thing that is negative that will result in a
positive outcome and vice versa, you are to know what side to be on or how to balance
the two
Don’t deal with the modern-day version [Bible] of what it says Demon
[Amen] Amon [Damon] Diamond means, they can’t even get the name right, don’t be
afraid of your own poWRA, own it- its yours- use it wisely
How can James reside over Femi9 energy and he is
a homosexual- same with Constantinople, the Femi9 energy sits over Femi9 energy
not the homosexual energy
The first word [SONE] ever uttered for the first time by
mystery at the beginning of everything was OHMN [OHM][OM][AUM]
Again, this word is IMNNN
It is the name of that which we can call [God] but is not a word but rather a sone [sound]
This same word helped man to identify self with as the
English language and adopted it when one has to say IAMN [I’AM] Bow [example]
Basically, you would start by stating your [Godhood] and
then your given name
Its like saying my [Godhood] is Bow
You are inherently [God] and then your name
Notice that IMNNN is from IMN which is the name of [God]
in ancient KHMT [Egypt] and Rwanda
Then becoming AMEN and adopted in Christianity, Islam and
The Buddhist of today chant OHMNNN or Ihmnnn when
meditating but have no poWRA at all
Literary Imnnn means that- I AM WATER
-this tells us that [GOD] is WATER
The KHMT [Egyptians] used a feather [SHU] to represent [I]
and zigzag [current] [M][W] to represent MN
This means that; in the beginning there was word on water
or sone [sound] on water, currenSea, charged water by sone
That word was divine and light hearted
The SHU represented a spirit with no heavy heart and no
MA.AT holds the Shu, these are the laws, principles that
were installed from RIZQ and held by MAAT has the 144 laws of MAAT or negative
and the positive [which no one has seen] confessions- this is Universal
Sub-Saharan cultures have for the most part-maintained
practices that remind them of ancient times
The Ostrich feather [Shu] was a sign of [Goddess] Maat
who in ancient KHMT [Egyptian] records represented universal order, righteousness
[that which is straight] and harmony [balance], order, justice
The Shu also represents IMN's [Amen] name in a short form
whereby name Imn stands for i-am the MN or I am he who stand on water [MN]
A KIKUYU wombman [not this image] with a MAAT feather [Shu] stretched
earlobes with Jewellery, and 20 dots tattooed on her face
The dots represent milestones in her achievements from
[dimensions] constellations that she has MaStar-ed, initiations, wombman-hood,
Wicca [witch] Hika achievements
Many people do not realize that the Kikuyus too stretched
their ears and not just the Masaai [Nagas] Buddhas+
The Maat feather was represented with the letter [i] or [y]
This letter does not miss in [God] name [Imn]
The letter when taken away from the concept of feather as
symbol of Ma’at means the individuality
When we decipher [Imn], it is [God] saying that [I] AM
water, MN represents water or life and comes from Un [Nu] which brings in Nun
[Nu] who came from the primordial water [you get it]
So, when you say that I AM- you have actually started by
stating your [Godhood] then your earth name
[God's] name in other words is I' M [I AM] I MN, letter M
and N were the same [interchangeable] in ancient KHMT and meant water [Moya]
Dog in Mesopotamia called the Mastiff today by the French
The [KHMT] Egyptians spoke a general Language that was a proto-Anu-ic
language which was the original Iru dialect passed down by Nibirians while on
earth during Zep Tepi
All the lead, pioneer civilisations parallel at times during history meaning there is no disconnection
There is ancient knowledge we lost on the way as we
advance without us, how we managed to be here on this Earth, the ancients were technologically
advanced and able to teleport from one place to the next, into far galaxies and
the cosmos beyond, visiting other dimensions, expanses
[you can also do this right from your home]
The ancient ones were sages of their own kind, they knew how to maximize their third eye aka pineal gland to pass through walls, see far and beyond by using their psychic levitate mind- to command elements and natural laws to work for them [bending light]
Look at that bird, breathing apparatus, and is it on a hoover-board type machine, what was the air like or was that for high altitude, what kind of technology is this at that era
The Annunaki are MaStars of Genetics
When the Annunaki [Gods] landed from Nyabiru, they came
with a type of Chimera being or a type of Human-Dog -Monkey-Leopard hybrid
It was like a combination of Human-Monkey-Dog- Chimera
This being was a satellite [pet] and was used in many
expeditions and operations like wars, spying, investigating terrain, and
fighting, reconnaissance missions and could shape-shift
Only the [Gods] like ENKI held the Chimera(s) leash
The Chimera had capabilities of a monkey, a leopard, a
dog and human to a minimal and spoke, communicated with the language, symbols
and understood commands and communicated back Human hands, face and lips is all
This being was taken back to Nyabiru with the Annunaki
Splicing is going to shock many when gamma radiation breaks
them down their molecular structure
This genetic anomaly stems from Rhesus [Rh-shot] monkey
factor which stems from the genetic manipulation and creation of the 6ether by
the fallen groups among the Annunaki
Human-animal hybrid experiments are taking place away
from the media spot light
This human-Elephant hybrid was recently born to a woman
in Norway, if this was India they would say this is Ganesh incarnated
All offspring of the former [Gods] if you like- are here
on earth, no one left, sum went to inner-earth and many remained [reincarnated]
on Ki to guide the HuMins [HuMans] through to this phase using the 3D
construction that they had available to them- sum these [Gods] are you
Turn the tv off and wash your hands
Tut was killed on his shuttle [chariot] on his way or
coming from LAH.MU [Mars] there is a twin Atlantis base on LAHMU that aligns
with Bagdad in [Iraq]
Tuts shuttle was shot down and he was killed
The full wrath of the Annunaqi was unleashed in a
backlash, this was a devastating blow to the 18th soular dynasties on Ki [earth]
One legacy from Tut is that his DNA is in nearly all of
the 9ethers in the western hemisphere, in Aztlan [USA]- this is for a real big
Where life ends, life begins, this rule cannot be broken for its perpetual
This is Sagittarius or the Secretary Bird and can only be
found in Africa and those are real eyelashes- thank their [God] that the world
is ending or Sagittarius eyelashes would have been the next big craze
Secretary Birds [look at Kims left eye]
What if they figured a way to GMO all women and this was all that was left- what if that was now
Mirrored [inverted]
Lighthouse [Benu] Ben-Ben
the last mud-flood covered the land, look how much they had to peel back
Excavations in Turkey, 1911
Tartar [KHAZAKISTAN] Sumerian
Plug on the right
They rebuilt her face because her face is that of a 9ether wombman
Sum of these bricks are Romans bricks added later
The Sphinx was ANBU or ANUBU and remoulded by the Neteru [Annunaqi] into Aset on a feline [Kat] body Femi9 energy
There is a twin version of this complex on LAHMU [Mars]
Kat body, Baby Lion [Babylonia]
When the Babylonians and the Typhonians left KHMT and
they travelled up into the Mesopotamia area and named a city [gate] after the
Typhonian [Goddess] and called it Babylon [Babel] Babylonia was the new name
The Babylonia plateau is the Giza plateau and after the
Babylonia plateau was the Rostau [Rasta] Roota plateau which is the form of the
Sphinx which is the form of Sekhmet and all are a form of Ishtar
Giza is a Muslim name, this complex was built all together
Lion is called AKUR [AKIR] EKUR [EKIR]
You see all those stone monuments in South America and in India, sum have moving parts and many of them are transformers, when they plug Aset on- things will never be the same again
NI.BIRU controls the motherboard
You exalt the symbol of Death and Demonize the symbol of
Everything you believe in is upside down
Mum is old school and is not playing- they don't make grand-mothers like that anymore- even though she is her mother
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