Sunday, 1 August 2021

Waiting for you...

Issachar [August] Tribe colour [Yellow] Body part [Hands] tribe function [Zeal]
[Zeal means great energy- renewed energy] 
August is going to be very interesting around the 11th and then into the next weeks after that date 

Are you fed-up yet, are you frustrated, frustrated with your own circumstances- that you just literally do it yourself
Don’t wait on people you do not know, do not wait on what the audience is doing- there is no validation- from nobody, you don’t need it
-that is not even your audi-ence [audio] 

You are what you are waiting for 

 There are a group of beings that are waiting for you to get onboard with yourself, waiting for you to do what you are supposed to do

Do your internal work- so that they can see that you can do the internal work and that you know how to do the internal work, they need to see this- you don’t realise that you may not know 100 people today but that you have 100 people supporting you right now

Behind the mirror are your celestial parents and in front of the mirror are your physical parents

I used to know so many people- I only know around 3 people physically today

Outgrowing people has you expand is bound to happen, they cannot hold your vibration, they only know you from this space

We have separation taking place because the energy demands it, many people have been removed from your life and you have also removed people from your life- who would be dead weight in this field right now

This is why sum people cannot be around you and for sum people they cannot stand you and vice versa- and in this field this counts for a reason

You are not losing; you’re gaining more access to your true self [cell]- all you are losing is dead weight aka you are losing the energy that is keeping you stagnant- you are losing the perception that others have of you that is stopping you from growing and advancing to the next level- this is what is happening, even has the Schuman resonating frequency grows stronger- the frequency is way too conscious for many, its making many go offline- stay out of the way or get out of the way

 Many people can only accept you if they can see you- if they are comfortable with you living on their level, so when you choose not to go out or join in with this or that or do this and that- all you are doing is choosing to vibrate higher, after all its all about choice

ENKI chose the Choice [you] and this is what A’aferti [pharaoh] translates [the Choice] this translation is talking about you 

Make your choice and stand-by it, stay there in that space- for you, sh9t is increasing and it will get heavier for a great deal of dead weights- do not hold onto sum thing that is familiar- growth is not in the familiarity- growth will be outside of the comfort-zone

Brain [computer] command aka circuit breaker- resonated and synchronized with my being 
[say this to yourself (your-cells]

 Bruce Lee — It's like a finger pointing away to the moon- don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory

[9] we have connected with heaven [haven] Sirius 

Rotation- spiralling [9] 

Show these crops circles [messages] to people who follow Jesus or Allah and ask them if their God did this- when they say no- there is yours and their answers 

This soular system and the ones next door, this universe and galaxies are all connecting and are going to merge and rotate as one 

See the North Star, you have that- your minds-eye 
Everyone is on there but not the Ethiopian who this original symbol belongs to- I wonder why all the religions and nations leave out the NTH gate 

Those four connect and rotate or spiral in a number 9
You have one also encased in water in your brain [???] its called- 
[do your homework- the answer is in many other posts] 
As above, so below 

Greeting you at the gates [NTH] of  Lalibela- is the symbol for consciousness

Protons- Neutrons- Electrons are hitting the planet 

Waji [Green] is the ruling energy [radiation] however we have many colours from the Chakra system-


The Schuman resonating frequency is getting stronger every 24hrs, its off the charts
We hit over 100hz- well over- and its everyday- 

We are hitting 14,000- 18,000 that is coming outside of this soular system and is banging on the door [dome] and its coming out from the core of this planet 

Sleep will be a luxury for many
We are in event mode

The vibration is increasing and NI.BIRU is the magnetic disc [sun] and is magnifying the frequency, a lot of the energy is coming from behind the planet and at night its very dense- heavy  
We have three signals and they are all way over what this planet has ever experienced in thousands of years

The frequency has amped up to the full 4D, we had been in waves, and it is NI.BIRU who is magnifying the planet 
4D means that we are also on the lower planes of the 5D and 6D+ 

NI.BIRU must be present for this to take place, on its way in 1989, reintroduced in 2012 and in the last [3]years the star-station drew closer into position in the October months- the 144hz were guiding the Mekaba into its final position

NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] has been spiralling or spinning or rotating around the planet and the magnetic friction coming off of NI.BIRU has been affecting this planet- hence why sum of these sink-holes have been appearing because two magnetic forces have been colluding while they come real close to one another and while they equalise themselves out- Ki [earth] has expanded and is the size of Jupiter

All this is to allow the planet to reverse on herself and start to spiral in a number [9] which is life and is the opposite direction- counter clockwise, those using the spiritual vessel [NI.BIRU] will know why time [emit] is all over the place- this is also why the planet has titled and why the water is flooding places around the world 

This soular system is merging with the one next door and this soular system- the universe and galaxy are going to intertwine and rotate in a number [9] vortex

Is the universe expanding or condensing 

The dome will come down and we will see the real Ska and all the true colours of the AURA [Auroras]

NIBIRU is travelling with crafts and satellites that Western science calls meteors which are crafts- so are comets that are holding data that you need and will be released by these crafts has they come over the planet, asteroids are the same thing and will give you codes that you will need

Fault lines are created by you
-the planet has a central nervous system- she has a Chakra system- lay lines 

 The Alaska [M9] and soular energies [flares] CME is letting you know that they are setting off the Cascadia subduction- when she goes- she goes in a specific order and is to why you can work out what is coming up, she does this order so that you can prepare- tell me that isn’t caring

When Alaska got hit- the energy then travelled down to the Juan De Fuca fault- which is the lower part of California- where all those hurricanes are forming

From the Fuca fault- the energy goes to Yellowstone the energy leaves there and goes to the Madrid zone and will hit in 3s [trinity strikes] an M9 brings on thousands of other earthquakes- Madrid zone is at least 10x bigger than the Cali zone- which is so big that the USA can be split in half with this particular zone [Cali] with water, through places like Oregon into Illinois, Indiana and is to why retired navy veterans who already know about this have purchased homes in Missouri [Arkansas- Ozarks]

The earthquakes go along the American cartons, places like Illinois, Indiana are fu9ked [I’m only writing this because you asked me- and I’m telling you based on what we have been seeing in the last 3 years+] the USA will go down and is the only destination where all things will meet- the 9ethers over there have been given the most knowledge- energy

The USA is one of the wickedest places on this planet to-date, shame on you for what many have done, the UK is second and is to why sum thing special is being lined up for their exit, a monumental war is brewing with beings and HuMins [HuMans], you told us that you are a gangster number one- we will see- where men get shot and cry out for their mothers- sum piss themselves- all that talk will be brought in this domain- do not bypass women and children- do not leave them behind, have a mental note of where vulnerable women and children are- do not leave them behind- don’t try and just save your life- you have to lose it anyway to get out of here- so why not lose it saving another- do not leave women or children behind, you are being watched- 10s of thousands of crafts are right above you, motherships are above you- they are scanning the planes- sum are already on the ground, many are underground- they will back you and make things possible- your connected now to them and the universe- do not leave the children or women behind

The war in the USA is going to be the mother of all wars- we have to have this war to end and begin- there is no negotiation- we are fighting for the planet- not for fu9king freedom- womens right or a reduction in taxes- we are fighting to take back the planet from those who do not deserve her

This war is taking place at the same time we have a reSet- many other beings have turned up for the planet- all angles are covered; logistics are in place- it’s the final countdown [Europe- it’s a song] they are just waiting on you

One wave will become a domino effect- you are part of that wave 

  There is no need for fear- the matrix must crash and if this is what is supposed to happen- then let it be- this process will complete with or without you- best you get onboard and be part of the majority

Do not take matters into your own hand- no matter what it is for we are in the Kama [Karma] field and Karma is being dished out- energy is being returned to the owner- whether good or bad- its being returned to the person- or to their love ones [read that again- to their love ones] so do not get involved or you will receive what they are receiving

Talk to your guides if you are being targeted- ask them if they will go and handle that- let Mother Ki and Karma [MA.AT] do their job and handle sh9t

Return all malevolent energy to sender  

Golden rule; they cannot manifest anything until they put it in your face- you are the original manifestos, nothing will happen unless you manifest it for them- let them put things on the world stage- this is not our reality or your world stage- you are bigger than the world that they created 

Non-player-characters in the matrix simulation are characters who are already pre-programmed to do exactly what they are doing- so we cannot fault them or blame them for doing what they are doing, they were coded in the simulation to do what they do- even challenge you in this matrix to aid you to evolve, this is trail and error- sum just didn’t evolve

During this time- many have walked away from the world stage- we are not going back to the old- ever, know your passion and follow in it

We are not creating or giving life to anything that is dead
You always had a choice- we all had choices
You have a choice- remember that 

See the force-field [cube] around this planet

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light [Purple]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma ray light
[3] Amun Re = X-ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts being;

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Arrows on the left of the planet means NI.BIRU is collecting all the energy [radiation] and is sending back into the planet- the night-time pressure is more extreme at night 

Europe set to roast- its their turn now
Kids are not playing out in the sun, at night its quiet, dead outside, people staying in, they said that it would be so unbearable that you will not be able to come outside and we are already seeing this before we have really started to see 

Orisha, Oshun, Ogon, and Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaids] [Ogdoad], and Queen Her-i-cane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-Caine

Hurricanes are ready- this time they are not following the slave routes, they are forming in Pacific inside sum weather system- the Pacific is on the other side of the Atlantic
This is unprecedented, California would be the first point of contract

The Kabbala says that the war will be fought between two oceans- that means the USA 

The storms in the southern hemisphere are huge and are spiralling clockwise and could well be cyclones which don’t occur in the southern hemisphere
They are snow storms, plenty of snow storms forming in the south- is this because the pole down there has moved

So between the weather wars [HAARP] and NI.BIRU- sum thing is brewing 

Buckle up, its going to get heavier 

Storms are amping up, so will the earthquakes, year on year we have seen systematic increase

Tornados are appearing in places not known for tornados, but energy finds energy, tornado hits Saudi Arabia
45 [fire balls] over the USA yesterday, sum over Turkey
These are incoming- personnel- equipment, shuttle pods- Annunaqi mercenaries- logistics
Sum of these places hold ancient sites- technology  
Camouflaged crafts 

The Moon has been out at the same time the sun is out and at times its rotating in the same spot or is in the same spot- the planet has tilted so this will affect the position of the Moon 

Many images showing the Moon and then sum say its the Sun and then sum say its NI.BIRU 

SunSet- that is interesting

[is this image even real] 

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]

In Virgo [Ma-Sem] MaSon] Mother + Son
Holographic image of NI.BIRU
the Red-Dragon 
Virgo means pure energy
Sirius sits in Virgo

Georgia [USA] 
who that in the middle 

Plasma distribution is hitting the four corners of the planet
This image is stacked but what is that curve running through the image 
Electrical surges [EMP due] 

signs and symbols in the Ska 

Dimensions are right beside this one

China is going to get smashed- real slowly
Huge motherships [3] supercells up there 

The Annunaqi are coming to you, Putin was warned

No need to read it all- they are confirming what was already taught to us
Deep space should be treated has an Ocean and in the deep Ocean all what we find in the deep Ocean we find in deep space
Water is Crystal [holographic] water 

These are stills from the link showing the sun blinking- this object comes up for a second or two

That region always has crafts sitting over there 

This craft has been about for the last 2 days and NASA said there are asteroids inside the field or do NASA means huge crafts are in the atmosphere 

They say that planet is Mercury
This is the main craft that has been here for over 5 years- and is used by the Most-High

Russian cosmonauts enter new ISS lab module Nauka [Nuclear]
Both Russia and China are going to fight the Galactic Federation- Annunaqi- Alliance and Allies
The ISS and Chinas SS is armed and ready 

Vladimir Putin
Is the King of the North in their Bible and is Reptilian Commander

All that is artificial will be removed from this planet
Adolf Hitler went to South America and so did the Japanese and SS with him, the Japanese scientist continued their genetic splicing from Plum Island
The SS continued in South America [and you wonder why you have so many hybrids, half human and half creatures over there] the greys also set up many bases over there- mainly in Argentina
Sum of the HAARP facilities are also in Argentina 

It was the greys or Hitler reversed engineered crafts that aided the British when they went to war with Argentina- who had a better navy than the British and should not have lost over the Falklands Islands
Argentine federal police finds works of original arts from Adolf Hitler behind the wall in a bunker in Argentina and the owner was identical to Hitler
Hitler sold out the 6ethers to the disagreeable and negative beings

Jim Henson, many will use the words time traveller rather than that they had cell phones or I-pod back then already 

Amazon leaf from a plant 

Cart ruts in Agrigento, Sicily built by the Muurs- they are in Malta and other places+ are they cart-ruts, all that work for carts- me not sure- sum thing was being powered 

Ancient advanced is still advanced 

Global network
KHMT in Nagalan [India] 

Partially submerged tilted Shiva [Iy] 


Set [Seth] Shayth [Shiyth] Sheeth [Shaytaan] 
Sut [Sutukh] Su-tookh 
Set [Seth] Sothis [Septet] Sirius 
translates- He who shines, majestic one of the south 
South KHMT [Egypt] which would be Sudan [Ta-Nehisi] Nubia
How would you describe Set [EN.LIL] exactly like Mr T from the A-team or how Mr T is really like in real life- Set is NOT like ENKI, ENKI is soft compared to ENLIL- ENKI [Asaru] Osiris 
ENLIL translates -rule of the Ska  

Away in a Manger 

The Magi saw the guiding star from afar and travelled to worship the Christ Child
Three Wiseman, who brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh 

The [3] Wiseman or kings is a representation of the [3] glands called the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the pineal gland that are in your brain, the [3] Wiseman are also a representation of the [3] stars that go across Sah [Sahu] (Orion)

Those three stars are coming from the 19th galaxy and not this galaxy the 18th 
There are [9] stars and you can only see [7] these seven stars are also beside your main eye in your brain

Magi is a type of spiritual-system and the Europeans made the word Magic out of the word Magi and as a singular Magus, they also used it to call their Wiseman in man-made Christian tradition, the Noble pilgrims from the East who followed a miraculous guiding star to Bethlehem, where they paid homage to the infant Jesus as king of the Jews Matthew 2:1–12

They continued on to Bethlehem, where they worshipped Jesus and offered him gifts
Jew is not mentioned in their Bible at all- but the words chosen-ones are mentioned 2,500 times, the Jewels of the Nile are the Ethiopians [Kish] Kush who have 81 [83] different races 

Bethlehem [Beth-le-hem]
Beth means House
Hem comes from [Khem] [Kham] means [black]
[Black] KAANU house
The [black] house in Khemet means Het Heru [dwelling house of Heru] in KHMT

House of Heru, house of Hathor, which means mother of [God] the great womb because Hathor is a Cosmic entity and Mary represents the physical entity because Mary is also Ma-Ra [Ma-ry] [Ra is pronounced Re or Rey or Ra or Ray] which is Ma’at and Ra
You have the physical Isis and the Cosmic Aset aka Het Heru aka House of Heru [Horus] or House of Hathor

The Black house means Black womb which means the Black-hole, the house of the Black [God]
This guiding star is called the North Star which is Sirius

There is a Waji [Green] comet [craft] called Halley’s comet which is from Haile Selassie [Haile comet] – is the Jesus story not really about Selassie’s incarnation
Christ is from the word Karast [KRST] and is a type of [higher] energy, a Godhead energy or a Godhead figure

Christmas Day
Karast-mas Day  

The [3] Wiseman are not Arab or any kind of 6ether, these [3] Wiseman sone like A.NU, EN.LIL and EN.KI [IN.ANNA]- in any case they would have been 9ether 

There was never a Jesus but there was Tafari [T-Afar-i] a Godhead energy [Karast], there were many Godheads  

Manger [Cribb] Womb 
The story of Jesus and his birth and workings all came from KHMT records and it is Heru [Haru] Hari [Haru] [Greek Horus] that is incarnated on the 25.12.4000 [Karast-Christ-mas] 

The Karast [Christ] story is based on Kish [Kush] Lalibela [Abyssinia] Ethiopian accounts, in the Kish empire there are 81 [83] races alone within the Ethiopian lineage

Let’s take the Sasanian [Selassie] or Sassanid Empire, which would be called the Empire of the Iranians- who wasn’t even around to be called Iran or Iranian
Persians are not Iranian- they are a delegation or ambassadors from the Kish empire, the Persian imperial dynasty before the Muslim invaded

The Persians are Ethiopians, Cuneiform is old Persian text

Persian AKIR [Lion] 

Griffin Persian

[3] Wisemen
Shamash [Utu] Afsu
later known has Atum [Atun] Amun 

Afro, locks

Shapur II

Frontal view of the rock relief of Sasanian king Shapur II at Taq-e Bostan, also known as Taq-e Bustan which is in Iran [Eridu] and is located near Babylon, carved in a rectangular frame, the relief is symmetric, with the King standing at the centre

At the left side is Mithra [these will not be their real names] emerges from a Lotus flower, crowned by a lightning sun aka crown, holding the Barsum - symbol of divine poWRA
On the right side is Ahuramazda wearing his classical crenelated crown, the King holds the Farshiang- ribbed ring symbol of royal poWRA

Under the feet of the King, lay the dead body of the Roman emperor Julian, who was
defeated by Shapur II, the depiction of Julian by the artist gives the lacking of attention to his presence in the relief is non-existence- meaning they did not give a fu9k about the Romans 

Under the feet of the King, lay the dead body of the Roman emperor Julian

Lotus symbol
Only the Sumerians and KHMT use the Lotus 

Only one group of beings used stone and are MaStar Masons, precision, 3D laser-printed, layered images

This is the best that the British could come up with 

The Kings list is 241,000 years old and there are two- that is even older- which they don't like to advocate because the years take them further and further away from their 2,000 [10,000] Jesus bracket 

You know who these people are- Iranians- big shut-down after the 1900s 

Real Arabs

1800s and the early 1900s saw a complete shut-down of the Nubian races 

Ruler of Ki [Earth]


Their off-spring are both at war- however IN.ANNA and A.NU are about an agreement and the long term plans for KI 

Dumuzi the Babylon [God]
They choose Koppa, Nubian avatars because of the sun

Ziggurat [MIR] MARE [MER] (pyramid
Iraq [Mesopotamia] 

The city contained a Ziggurat and temples [Iy] dedicated to the Sumerian [Annunaqi] elite along with palaces
Saddam would then go on to rebuild Babylon buildings, he would rebuild the Ziggurat which is the ground-based portal to the Star-gate above this particular area, there are three main portals in total with additional portals that only the Annunaqi can see 

Niffur [Nippur] Nif-foor is the [Iy] for EN.LIL and was also known as Nibru-Qi which translates Earth place of NI.BIRU and would be the place that the [Gods] would assemble when they visited Ki [Earth]
Saddam and his people rebuilt Niffur which worried the USA

All (pyramids) are online 

This architecture was brought to this planet and is on all other planets [not the Moon or Sun] 

Sone-proofing [studio] 

Not air shaft- spirit shaft to leave and go astral travelling

Orientation of the pyramid to the cardinal points can double the transmitter poWRA and make the radiation pattern circular

Vibro-acoustic infrasound interfaces are intended for broadcasting energy transmission in an elastic medium (water, soil)
They are actively used by marine animals (whales, orcas, dolphins) to communicate at distances over 1000 km (range 18.30zz) and is to why we find them beached- they are only stranded because the militaries know they provide the equalizing of the planets harmonics
 The maximum distance recorded for the blue whale was 1,300km

The MIR(s) are;
Electrical radio transmitters
PoWRA generators
They also allow the elite to travel to other dimensions and to Lahmu [Mars]
 These are ancient infrasonic generators powered by sone [sound]

Russia and the USA especially use the water [ocean] to counteract the wavelengths 

System- Zeus- Russia- 82hz
System -Seafarer- USA-76hz

Russia and the United States were able to build transmitters in the ELF range (3-30Hz), but this information is extremely secret and the cost and size of such transmitters is enormous
Radio signals of such frequencies easily penetrate the water and ice, which makes them indispensable for communication with their underwater objects anywhere in the world and at any depth of the ocean

Infrasound transmitters are very effective because the speed of sound [sone] is much less than the speed of an electromagnetic wave

Although Russian engineers failed to build an infrasonic broadcasting system, we can describe the principle of operation of these ancient poWRA plants

NIBIRU [Neb Heru] travels at the speed of light- which they control the main motherboard
Light is sone, tones, vibration, frequencies and acoustic- the higher beings are changing the sone of life [Om] 

Found off the coast of Sicily [Itay] in 2017- which was a Muur, Carthaginian, Etruscan’s stronghold, billed by those who found the treasure in a shipwreck called it the Atlantis-gold that is near a former Etruscan Greek colony    

Two Etruscan helmets, archaic amphora, a flask from Massalia and 47 ingots of Orihalka
The ship and its cargo attracted public attention back in December 2014, when archaeologist raised the first 39 bars of metal, which considered the legendary Orichalka - in Atlantis, according to Plato's description, this nugget alloy, by its value only yielded to gold
Atlantis Gold eclipsed all other finds
There is little information about the ship itself and its load
Etruscan helmets as part of military equipment and indicates the military were onboard, this vessel was going to Marseille [Muur-seille] in southern France which was a colony of the Etruscan Greeks  
o date, the Italian archaeologist have raised 86 Orihalka bars from the bottom and the ingots vary in shape, size and weight

Orichalcum or Orihalka [Orihalk] from Greek Oreíchalkos where Hóros - mountain and chalkós - copper, that is, mountain copper- this particular alloy only comes from these metal specialists - the mysterious alloy is too often mentioned in ancient texts

The first known mention of the Orichalka is in a Hesiod poem >> Shield of Herakla - empowers the hero with bellows from Orichalka - translated by O.P. Tsybenko - from mountain copper

-Having said so much, the shines of mountainous copper - the gift of glorious Hephestus - around put on his shins-

In addition, another early mention of the Orichalka - in one of the Homer's hymns dedicated to Aphrodite
Translated by V.V. Veresaev, the Orikhalka turned into gold-med

She was crowned the eternal head with a subtly work, a wonderfully beautiful crown of gold and into punctures earrings made of gold and valuable gold
Despite the fact that all the works are poetic, the authors clearly mean sum really existing metal known to contemporaries
In Homer's works neither in - Iliad nor in Odyssey - the Orichalka never mentioned what is strange about metal valued on equal footing with gold
Is it possible that during Homer- Orichalk [Orichalcum] did not exist yet or it was not known to the 6ether Greeks
This metal is only found in Atlantis and only give its value away to gold, Orichalcum is blasted all over Create with silver and gold and ivory in buildings
The main confusion with the names was created by the Romans- Plinium, Plavta, Svetonia meets Latin form Aurichalcum [Orichalcum], from the word aurum - gold, literally translated – gold
This gave sum historians reason to believe that the ancient Orichalk was a copper and gold alloy, but this point of view is no longer supported from serious specialists
Orichalcum could just be Brass

Why did they raise this vessel, what else was onboard that required the Etruscan military to be present 

Etruscan military
The 6ether Greeks were created by Zeus
Zeus is EN.LIL and is your Jesus [Ze-us] Jes-us 

Alpha Female 

The Jamaicans broke her record last-night 

Listen to the lyrics 
Purple is also being used in this upload for a reason 
Alpha Female
Omega and Alpha 







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