Monday, 16 August 2021

Return to source

A wombman(s) Pum-Pum [Vagina] is a bright [white] portal- through which you made it into this realm with

You had spent sum time in a different dimension until your (Life) ended when you got sucked up by a dark [black] hole [portal] in that realm (Death) hence coming to this realm

When you die in this world, your soul [spirit] will be sucked up again by a dark [black] hole and will be let out through a bright [white] hole - portal- in another dimension

There, your soul will continue to live in a new body and then be back here and be back there and the cycle continues for infinity

Each time your soul reincarnates, most of your memory is reSet but your DNA keeps sum information for survival use, the Ghouls keep their memory

In each realm, you live a life that pays Karma(s) of previous lives in respective realms
You are your ancestors at least 7 generations removed

You live more years in alternate realms depending on how big the planet and its environment is or universe

Your soul never dies it recycles in the universe
This same rule happens with the galaxies and the universes
They all die and are reborn through black and white holes [portals] 
You are not exclusive
You follow the same pattern and laws

Black is not a colour, it is the energy [essence] that all other energies [colours] come from, you cannot have light without dark, white holds all the [7] other colours [energies] 

Celestial fire is the Dome 

Each planet is a disc that provides sustenance for you  

The planet is the centre of this universe, she is the centre of this soul-ar system- and all other heavenly bodies are attached to 54 transparent spheres rotating around this planet 
[7 spheres needed for each planet aka disc] the 7 spheres are 7 dimensions]
There are 9D and 18D and goes up even more-  

-the stars are all down here with us under the Dome with the Sun and Moon and sum of th the other planets

NTR [King] Tut's cosmic Scarab [Dub] Brooch
This was not just an ornament but a demonstration of a flying [Vimana] vehicle used in ancient KHMT
Look at it carefully and see what information the arrangement of the details are telling you about their knowledge of flight

Potter’s Wheel
NTR in the Image of KHNUM made the first HuMin out of Clay in the Great lakes
Bullet shot to his head; such hatred will have you killed
RAM avatar  

Gilgamesh [ENKI]
This is your Noah story 

They are recasting Sumerian monuments to appear Caucasian
Sumerian was 9 ether [Black], they were African [Negro] Alkebulan
The retouching has been going on since the rule of the Alexander the great, they do this also in KHMT
Most of the Artefacts displayed in the middle east and western museums are fakes stemming 1000 years of retouching

The Sumerians invented the Car long before the 6ethers emerged from their caves
The Benz sign just like the [Nazi] Swastika which both was plagiarized from the ancient Sumerian artifacts

All this was before the great flood
They invented Nuclear
6ethers just copied and modified what was already done before
There is nothing new [inventions] today- just copied 

The Benz sign was a logo for time machine among the Sumerians and for IN.ANNA- peace, love and war  

IN.ANNA [Ishtar] 
The Germans Jews adopted it
The Nazi Swastika was a Sumerian emblem for peace [??] what kind of peace- did you see what the SS did around the world
The early Hindu-Kush also used the Ethiopian symbol as a sign for Peace- not the Hindu today
Early Sumerians made machines that could move [vehicle] to be a time machine
They also had flying machines known as Vimana that you can compare to aeroplanes of today

Signs and symbols from source 

Emperor [Empire] Haile Selassie [I] of the NTH gate [Abyssinia] Ethiopia used a 3-pointed-star [two triangles] and was known has the Trinity Star

This symbolised the Holy Trinity [w-holy-Trinity] and is the name for the Emperor [that is what the Baptismal and regnal name Haile Selassie means – PoWRA of the Trinity

This means for the 6ethers it is- the Father, Son and the Holly spirit

Solomon [Sol'Amon] lineage- he is from Amon [Amun] Amen- Re 

The correct w-holy spirit is the holy trinity- nothing can take place officially until the nu energy is reintroduced, reinstated and the w-holy elect can only speak on behalf of [God] aka the Most-High, which would be Haile Selassie who was the elect- only the Most-High can this person speak for using the elect [electron] the wHoly trinity, which are 

[1] Statesman (Stateswombman) 
[2] Lawgiver 
[3] Priest (Priestess)

September [Septet] will be a poWRAful period, the Femi9 electron NRG is merging into this planet 

Seal of Solomon

Order of the Queen of Sheba
SHE.BA is a place, region of 12 areas, the Queen(s) name is Makeda
She [Femi9]
Ba [soul]
Femi9 energy

Ni9ga means Sol [Sun] and means the blackening stage, read the book; the Book of Lilith by Barbara Black Koltuv and she also has another book called Solomon and Sheba

Sol and Amun [Solo’Amun] Solomon [Sulayman] which is the hidden sun aka Amun Ra which means the black dot [Sol] sun and Sol’A’mun which is the hidden sun = Amun is Oser or Osiris [Asaru]

Solomon [peaceful one] from the root Sol [sun] Om [Sun] On [Sun] the three suns or triad = Amun, Atun and Atum, Oser in his illuminated form is Amun

Sheba [Makeda] the Negustit [Queen] of the NTH gate [Ethiopia] and she is Maat, Sophia, Aset (Isis)+ and this is a story that got out of hand and they tried to make the story historical

In Barbara’s book there is a story about the blackening stage that makes Kaanu [Melanin] black is called Sol’Nigga, the black sun 

Lilith is Nubian and is the mother of Kadmon [Adama] with Amun being the father, I for a while have thought that she is using today, the albino avatar to which I think [my own thoughts, is the Queen of England] Lilith hates Ra 

Lilith [Lil-Leeth] Lillith translates of the shadow hour period

Nigga [Negus] Neteru [Naga]+ this is an ancient word and when you say this word Nigga, you bring on ancient poWRA and these are words of poWRA that can kill

Today the word is used causally, and when the European called you a Nigga, that was the spiritual part, the word Nigga is an Alchemical term which is Kaanu [melanin] using the word Black which means poWRA anyway and use the word Nigga which is Black Sun [Son] and Sol [Nigga] or Amun Ra, no one is African or American or Jamaican or West Indian, none of these words means nothing because they are European names  

When you read history, you will see that the 6ethers did so much to the 9ethers and yet when you delve deeper- you find out that the 9ethers also did to their own kind

Africa [Alkebulan] initially fell because of the 9ethers from Asia, way before the Caucasians and Arabs come onto the scene- they were in decline for a while - getting cocky  

I thought that was a rebellious Ulmex [Olmec] who had his head removed for his troubles- he may be a Habiru [Hebrew]  

The Initial enslavement of the Iru (General Negro) began when the Nordic bloodline (Caucasoid) took over ASSYRIA [SYRIA]
That's when the Negro began to face mistreatment in near east and North Africa
This is a relief of the Assyrian invasion of KHMT and capturing Irus and taking them as slaves
Guess who was guiding them-
Look at the feather [Shu] in their headdress – who are these people, there are not 6ethers at all during this period

These invading 9ethers from the north and east of the Mediterranean Sea usually got caught and punished and deported back to Asia

Asian 9ethers were one of the first to come up with corrupted and immoral minds
At this period, KHMT was not dealing with 6ether Caucasians or Arabs
The enemy was black [9ether]
The entire Babylon and Akkad was 9ether, in fact the entire planet is 9ether 

The birth to the Caucasoid and the Arab, sum one did because I have researched like a Hawk and found that the 6ether had always been in the background, the planet was not in certain areas of the universe that they had the right ingredients to make the 6ether- nor did they ever have the right ingredients  

9ethers of that time, were playing to the ramifications and shockwaves of the great battle of the Ninurtite and Murduk war that had taken place in Asia and Africa well before KHMT was established

Until this day they have never explained what a Neanderthal is
There was no such a humanoid called NEANDERTHAL
Neanderthal is [TYPOLOGY] for either tall-white, Nordic, or sum sinister alien entity called EN.LIL
Besides 9ether people were created by the ANUNNAKI
HuMans [HuMins] whether original ones or creepers are of ALIEN origins

The war between black and white is very hard to win because it is a genetic war- if that is your level 

Seek knowledge and you shall be free

This is not artificial or man-made 

The Persians are a delegation, ambassadors from Ethiopia who were based in what is called Iran today

 Dam-Kina and ENKI

This Goddess is known in Sumerian records as the mother of the Gods and Humans and she is widely known as Damkina, Damgalnuna or Ninhursag in western translations
The most important letters of her name Damkina are DMKN

Once you get the stem letters then you can get back to the original arrangement name before the Europeans tried to decipher it
Most of the names have been Europeanized in a way due to the 6ether were the first to attempt translations of the original tablets
Originally letter D was pronounced as T
In most cases What began as T became D by Europeans
Tawt became DAWD or Toth- Damkina would have been Tawaret
In the case of DMKN other parts were ignored from the original Sumerian inscription
Just like in Hieroglyphics, letters M and N often worked to represent the same syllable or even concept which was motherhood, water, energy, life+
N often read as Nya, M as Ma [Mu [Nu]
I was Y
80% of Sumerian Tablets phonetically translate in Bantu dialects than any European or Arabic language
This Goddess was the wife of ENKI

Her egg was used to produce a hybrid between an Umunyabiru (God) and an ape [Lares] forming the first HuMin known as Mutu or Kintu

Damkina also ruled as a Queen on earth [Tiamat] for a long time, in her relief- she is seated on the throne with a staff in her hand and a crown on her head

Attention to detail will get your further 
[where is the ear lobe] 

Dogon Priestesses of Mali dressed as Higher- Beings aka Alien-God's
The siStars taught the Dogon where they are from aka the knowledge of Septet [Sirius] Sothis [Set] B The Dogon called the Nomos, also called them Ibimmanuka- in attire, sum still come and visit Ki 

There is a difference between the Nommos, Chitauri, and Annunaki, however the Ghouls, Nomos, Kat and Reptilians are all cousins

The Ile Ife narrative hints at the Anunnaki and if so then the source of west African 9ethers is Sumer as well
Lets remember that the Shona of Zimbabwe cite Sumer as their source of origin via an Annunaki giant known as KYAMINUKA
Ile Ife is Yoruba’s oldest city
Ile Ife is the place where Yoruba people know their earlier civilization begun, and where the gods have come down to earth
Essentially the name Ile Ife means place of dispersion
In the creation of the world, Ife was created by the deities of Oduduwa and Obatala according to Yoruba accounts
Obatala created the first HuMin beings out of clay whereas Oduduwa was the Yoruba people’s first divine King- 

A typical member of the traditional illuminated society of [A'biru] looked this
Such an elder was a walking Encyclopaedia
He would be highly enlightened in philosophical and spiritual terms and would also be able to (being an oracle and seer-hood aka SEMU [SIM][SEM] aka Buddha
These types of elders were the first targets of annihilation by the Germans and the Belgians- because they held the files to their peoples knowledge 

There were five locations on earth [Ki] that were known as INDA by the Zeptepians [Abamannuka] Annunaki and there were

[1] Inda in the central Africa (Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kivu, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia)
[2] Inda (Tigris and Euphrates)
[3] INDA (Ile ife)
[4] Inda (Indus valley)
[5] Inda (Amazon)

The word INDIA come from INDA and INDRA
The word EDEN is also mis-arrangement of INDA- EDEN comes from EDIN and was also called Gan and means the incubation place

All these places were a centre for the incubation of the Twa and Iru peoples to help the Abamannuka settle and implement their plan of planting heaven on earth

The Ulmec [Olmec] writing system [text] called Mayan [Maya] which is a form of pictures [symbols] Hieroglyphics- It took them 200 years to decipher the data
Even a 12-year-old child was brought in to decipher the codes
It was a guy from Chicago that translated the Meta Netu
-and no one ever questions how a Jew Zecharia Sitchin could be the only one in the entire world that can read Cuneiform aka old Persian text aka Ethiopia text- and no one asks him who taught him- no one asks who taught Angelo DaVinci how to paint- they all just woke up and said fu9k it

They trying everything to revert what is about to happen to them
Desperate- but they don’t even know how time really works
The 9ethers are the computer and use the Crystals- when they are able to find the right frequency- they can change reality
The 9ethers have 375 crystals in their body, 375 gold's, 50 are not from this planet and 375 minerals
375 x 3 = 1125 = 9

You know what is taking place, these are warnings for other beings that are here- good and bad beings

Sepetember [Sirius]
October [NI.BIRU would come closer in the October months since 2012- year on year] its 2021- lets see what takes place 

Italy is displaying that they are not in the occult no more- Italy fell under Military Martial Law, parliament is suspended, senators arrested mostly, the rest are searched nationwide
Germany, Belgium too and France will also fail- so the domino effect valid throughout Europe is simple
In the picture you see the White Hat signal, that is, the global military alliance that is designed to free the Kabbalah countries
We will see how far this goes for those in the 3D

two people fall from plane leaving Afghan 

What a joke 

The Flintstones have returned 

The USA have fu9ked the Afghanistan people in the ass without no Vaseline, after 15 years of the USA protecting the Poppy fields, they have had enough on their return [money]
The Afghanistan fought against the Taliban [that the USA funded] and against the Russians in the name of democracy and lost a million women and children and the USA didn’t even rebuild Afghanistan- that’s called you got fu9ked by the British  
Afghanistan is part of Alkebulan [Sumerian] Mesopotamia [Ereth] and should be levelled
And now the DHS have issued an alert
DHS issues national TERRORISM ALERT ahead of 9/11 20th anniversary
The USA are carefully planning ahead because they control the narrative – dumb ass people will make a reference to the Simpsons and say the Simpsons predicted whatever it is, have you seen that before, that a cartoon is predicting all future events and its nothing to do with Jews only the Simpsons and controlling the narrative- 

This is a code red for humanity [a kind of man] time is alluding you

A[Khat]Aton [Aten]
The City where the most High(s) dwells

Jerusalem the temple that the 6ether Jew use, must be destroyed and will be, the Palatines and Jews are there to bury one another, this land will be levelled
Israel has expired now – all those who believed that there is an Allah or Mohammed or Jesus or Jesus Christ or Lord or whatever the fu9k you call these people- it must have been good- but its over now

Georgia is where the Caucasian Mt is [cradle of Man-kind] 

Grace is on her way to Hati and means they are going for broke
Was the earthquake a natural occurrence or HAARP and now Grace is on their horizon
If its war- then its war that many will get, it has to end in this era

Russia is getting battered 

Fred and Grace, Linda, Felicia are all getting ready

We never had hurricanes [tornados] even rain- this planet is a tropical [Dendera] planet and we only started having these types of weather systems when slavery started and ended- which is where these weather systems follow, the slavery routes- starting and ending routes

Each year [year on year] they have been increasing so expect sum serious damage

All these systems contain ancestral energy 

Everyone has their own battle to win-
Lets get to it 

We've seen this over the last couple years, at times looks like a man 
There is sum thing coming from the centre of the sun
Full [7] light-tone-sone frequency 

Portal wide open 

Sum thing in the Ska

Red and Blue pill

Red, Pink, not always the sun 

Colorado [USA]
Yeast rising 

From Hong Kong to Uruguay, London and Turkey

Over Europe
That is one huge MF 


This is how the sun is being set-off- another craft up there is sparking the plasma

You can see objects around the sun- everyday

Match the colour against the graph-bar on the left
-Electron, proton, neutron flux

Read all data in Chakra energies for your [666] and Chakra system 
Look at the force field going around the sub 

Red, Green, Ether are all coming from the poles 

Read all data in energy [radiation] you can process the radiation

9ethers can absorb this radiation [energies]

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Check out all that Green
-this graph would not surprise me that the vibration is being hidden by NASA  

All these bottom sets of images are reflecting the same thing 










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