This is your purpose and meaning- you just have to take
the sh9t more seriously, we are in the moment, we are in event mode
Register and process- you are fortunate to be the ones to
stream into knowledge while the whole world goes crazy [offline]
Register and process on that, the greatest knowledge is
knowledge of self [cell] and the knowledge of the universe
The mere fact that you are remotely interested in this at
this particular time while sh9t is going on means that you are one of a few
that have been chosen- because you are an evolved being, you heard the
primordial call [sone] tone, vibration, acoustic, frequency
-And is to why you must process and everything that you
process- everything that you read about the [Gods] and what you admire, what
you admire about them and the heavens, the [Gods] of the universe- you must
inner-stand that its nobody but >> YOU << at this particular time
There are two realms of [Gods] one that is dead and
laying out like the body of Asaru [Osiris] and there is the one that are dead
physically as far as this physical body can go, for it restricts them as far as
they [you] were [Gods] and could do a lot more – but you are not dead mentally
because you are activating – and the fact that you are trying to understand
more, that your trying to gain in this and that knowledge, that you seek more-
you want more and this means your spirit [Kaa] is going through a ritual- its
charging up
Take any adventure story and they had to go through this
level, they had to work out this puzzle, they had to fight this person and that
person, think of the movie the Goonies and at the end of the movie they received what they are due to receive- this is what is taking place for you- in your
struggle to become [God] in the physical world that is transforming into the
spiritual [holographic] world [transformation]
We had the Mystery-system in the last days these Mystery
[MaStar] systems are now closed down and now your initiation for you to become
[God] is in your struggle –
Struggle = Activation
So, you see all them obstacles, all these struggles that
you are facing is all because you’re in the struggle to become [God] and is a
form of initiation
[written with Trinidad and Tobago in mind- you know who
you are]
There is one group that the whole world is looking
towards at this particular time, the last sphere of the Kabbalah
You must inner-stand the concept of [God] that you are
searching for – is yourself [your cells] and is the [God] that everyone is
depending on at this particular time, there are a few people in Atlanta- sum in
NY, sum in Philadelphia, sum in Chicago, most of the major cities with a few
scattered out in the rural areas and those people are the light-bringers that
you hear the New-Age people call themselves, this is what the 6ethers call
themselves, light-bringers – light bearers- when it is the 9ethers that we are waiting for,
not the 6ethers, the only war that means anything is the war in the USA, the
Eagle- no other war means anything, this is why 10s of 1000s of crafts are over
each state in the USA
Many were sent for different reasons with different soul
contracts, sum where sent to be there for a moment, for a day, week, sum years,
sum never made it to Ki and sum had been on repeat, sum came here to lose their
lives in the most horrific manner that you can think of or have witnessed- to break generational curses, alter that particular set-up, sum
were sent to set their Ki family free, sum were placed into families to change
the frequency of that lineage, sum where sent to release generational energies, maybe you lost your mind, maybe you lost everything
-you have no
idea what sum people had to go through or maybe you do, maybe that person is
Its been emotional along the way, in their Bible its says
that you would be scattered around the 4 corners of the world- with the bulk
going to the USA, I salute you in the USA, only the best of the best had been
selected and fu9k me, you are very resilient
Personal struggles are part of your own soul contract,
soul [Baa] translates strength and poWRA-full meaning how poWRA-full your energy
is, how strong [strength]- your soul is- if sum one has ever said to you,
i-don’t know how you do it or where do you get the strength from- these are the indicators of what the Most-High is looking for- this is what you are
Sum of you come from other planets that came to support
the HuMins [HuMans] evolution, solution, revolution, and on your own planet you
are a Leader, Commander, Queen, Princess, warrior- the list goes on, sum of you
had to come here for training, sum of you wanted to come and see what Ki is
like, sum of you brought with you your gifts, experience, abilities because of
this very moment- this has never happened before in the manner in which this is
unfolding, the planet is full of elite energies, superior energies [beings]
housed in the HuMin [HuMan] Kha [Khat] (body) Krishna [avatar]
EN.KI is here, so
SEKHMET, the list goes on and on, all those involved in the ADAMA [ADAMU]
projects are here, they are all here, there is over 900 war-planets with over
300 in this dimension and the rest outside of this dimension and sum you will
never see, over 72,000+ crafts are here- the sun is on 24hr guard and SA.HU
[SAH] (Orion) is also on lock-down and guarded, this is a very serious [Sirius]
and fragile phase that we are all in-
So, there are those who are struggling right now but no
life is stronger than the soul- contract, you have not been given nothing that
you are not capable of completing and anyone who took their own life before
their expiry date was sent straight back, so if I say – and your still here and
you reply- I have no choice, you do have a choice, there is always a choice,
many people simply walk away, but you still turn up and that is why many are
making you sum space- we are all being scanned [watched], observed all in
light, through y-our AU.RA, even when you are in your home, car, building, your
energy signature is speaking for you, blinking through colours while you think,
feel, your emotions, the universe is also streaming from you and to you and is
fuelling you also- the elders, ancestors, spirit guides, your spirit double
[Kaa] are all right there with you, the beauty is there are no mistakes, this
is a learning zone, she only wants the best for you, there is support if you need it
You must inner-stand the concept here and the other concept
is whatever you do as a [God] there is no punishment for what you do- that does
not mean go out and kill or sum thing else- you are here and will have to do
sum things that you never knew you were capable of doing- let go of the HuMan
mentality, and think like a [God], think like a Boss
GOD [Generator] Operator [Destroyer] is it not written in
Law that ye are [Gods] Matthew 10:34-35
There is a major hold-up and that is the [Gods] do not
realise that they are [Gods] and the real [Gods] think that the 6ethers are the
[Gods] can you believe that Monkey sh9t- after all the knowledge that had being
given in the last 20 years, the last 3 years and many still think that they are
not the real [Gods] and this is jamming the frequencies right now, this
confuses the frequencies
Watch the movie the Never-Ending Story – it is a child
movie, that little boy is reading a book of all these special superheroes and
midway through the movie- you see the other boy who was going through all the
trials- who was none other than the same boy who was reading the book- and midway
or at the end of the movie- they say- our world is falling down because he
doesn’t believe [know] in himself –
Matrix, when Neo starts to take hold, Morpheus says, he
is starting to believe [know]
Know thyself [thyCell]
Its all about you, no one else- just you, forget your
family or your children- it is only you and that is the key- I don’t have
children and this is easy for me to write about but of late I have been
thinking about what my children would look like and how I would educate them
with what I know- I could have had children when I was younger- I never met a
wombman who did not talk about children with me and if they would ask me if that
was sum thing I had ever thought of- in this lifetime I knew it wasn’t to be- I
could have always overridden this command but chose to obey the command, and at
my current age [reflection] I now know why-
Many of you will be struggling because of your family and
you have got to make a choice real soon, maybe that choice will be made for you
One of the mysteries of the world is- look for no [God]
to save you, for the [God] is within you, many are just waiting on themselves
and don’t even know it, all those that say Jesus is coming will go down, all
these crafts and NI.BIRU do not have Jesus or Mohammed or Allah at the
controls, in fact you have not heard one religious person speak aloud about
NI.BIRU or the spirit realm that is consuming this planet, let alone ask them
how the pyramids were constructed- he does not know
Your [God] is within you, the Devil [Satan] ENLIL came
down around 2,000 [3,000] years ago and flipped the script and made you think
of him instead, he made you cultivate your energy to him and not to you
ENKI does not want nothing, he wants the positive and
agreeable in you, he was NIMRUD and NIMROD was rebellious, he had an attitude
because he was a leader, stood up when sh9t mattered, the elders liked him
because he had balls, what is ENKI trying to portray here, what does he want to
show here, stand up for what you know is right, stand up and speak for the
people, NIMRUD off-spring built half of the ancient structures around the world-
they were architects among a huge range of other skills
ENKI wants you to be independent, to think about things, to be creative, and everything that is for the planet, the three kingdoms, he wants to
know if you are conscious and are conscious in what you do
ENKI said to ENLIL I’m going to give the 9ethers dominium
over the land and ENLIL said are you out of your fu9king mind, you’re going to
give Ki [[earth] to 9ethers [black people] and ENKI said yes that is what I
intend to do
Upon hearing this ENLIL goes ape-sh9t and tells their dad
[A.NU], however IN.ANNA likes the idea and so too A.NU but ENLIL is doing back flips and shouts- are you fu9king crazy
In the end ENKI is authorised by his father to go ahead
and let the 9ethers take command of the planet-ship, meanwhile ENLIL says, let me go
down there and I bet you I could make them go off-task, ENKI says, no they are
very solid- I can make them follow stupid things because they are stupid, I’ll
give them money, pussy, material things, and me, watch them love me, ENKI
smiles and says you smoke too much Ganja, ENLIL is adamant that he could sway them
and ENKI is intrigued, so the stimulation program is inserted and all h3ll
breaks loose since ENLIL came down here and fu9ked sh9t up
Today we wonder when is this sh9t will be over with- but yet in
the 60s [70s] 80s we didn’t have this knowledge but today we have knowledge
coming out of our ears, knowledge is all over the internet, in books, in movies, in your face
They say that too much knowledge is dangerous to the
untrained ear- this is not true, what is happening here is, the knowledge is
here, there is no more secret societies, no more high-level clearance, there is
nothing more they can teach or hold back, have you seen what is in mainstream-
its boring now, no more ideas, oh UFOs are real, is there life on Mars, buy
this, the list goes on+ all trying to keep the masses from saying, fu9k this
You can see that we are ignorant in many areas, you can
talk with sum one and they are only coming from one aspect of knowledge and
have failed to gain more, the 6ethers have it so that they can give you knowledge
but many are so ignorant that they will reject real knowledge and is to why
when you go to family members they reject the data also, and why no one seems
to over-stand you anymore, we are at the stage now where data is available but many are too far gone
Now that the 9ethers are rejecting data the 6ethers are
pumping the knowledge out because the 9ethers are rejecting all the data- the
real secret now is that the masses of the people hate knowledge, so in order for hate and lov9 to exist- the world must come to an end
In the 1990s they knew this because they watched many
reject the knowledge in the 70s and 60s and they released knowledge that they
had dug up from the last 140 years from around the world and is to why only
around 0.000001% know what is really going on in the world
When you are dealing with the Kabbala which is seven [7]
spears, seven trees of life, the top is the heaven realm- crown-consciousness- you are the last sphere [bottom]
[You know its 9] 13
All these are planetary disc [energies] are your chakra
system and is everything to do with your body
Kabbalah [Kaaba] Qaaba
All of these spheres are going to end up at the bottom
sphere – which is you and means all of energy within the universe is going to
come through you and on the [Ki] realm- which is where we are seeing these crop-circles
depicting these symbols [there are many symbols- shapes in the tree of life image]
You have seen the graph showing all the energies coming
out of the poles of the planet, you have seen the colours streaming through the
planet and you- you need the alien implants aka the Chakra system to process
the energies aka radiation
The man on earth says that the [Gods] are on high and the
angels in heaven say that the [Gods] lives on earth – this means that everything is
waiting on one group of people- no one else, just one group of people and they
are what the New-Age people call them, the Lost tribes of Israel
They were never really lost but the name ISRAEL is lost,
many 9ethers call themselves Israelite when the name didn’t exist until the
Jews invented the word, all 9ethers are technically lost
This tribe is 12 x 12 = 144,000 = 144hz – you are part of
that tribe, sh9t- sum of you are 6ether today- all part of the MaStars plan, its a frequency- the one we are merging with
They are talking about the ancient races, the 12 seeds-
the universe is waiting on those seeds to sprout- even though they know that the
masses are dead- its that one group that are our last stand
Israel is nothing more than KHMT, it is SHEBA, Judah,
Your in that group
Sum of the seeds are in clusters and the bulk are in the
USA, there is more data [knowledge] in the USA than the rest of the world-
whether or not they take this knowledge is not important- those that have ears
to listen- will, those who have eyes to see- will see, it is down to the service user,
this is about the Christ [Karast] [Godhead] energy- if you want it
The Kabbalah [Qabalah] is the tree of life-
And that image [spheres] is just a formulation of the
Kabbalah and is actually talking about the energies in your body which is the
The [Gods] correlate to each sphere
Each sphere provides your energies
Think of everything that deals with seven [7] from the 7
siStar-Star complex to the Chakra system- you know its [9] 13
the Ancient Shining Ones by DJ Conway, this book is more
than accurate and is written by a female, the book came out around 94 and is on
Amazon for £90 [PDF it]
To activate the [Christ] energy aka the KARAST energy
which is the [Godhead] that is within you, if you want to invoke the energy, you want to activate the energy which is streaming into the KAA.NU [Melanin] aka the chemical
process aka the alchemy process- then say the following, this is a direct text, I will be going for glory in September- this is a ritual [rite of passage] choose a day and invoke your spirit activation- I will be doing this in Septet
Hear me O’ lord
Thou art the first and the last
The beginning and the end
The Alpha and the Omega
Who are the nameless and formless ones
Creator of all
Lord of light
Lord of love
Hear my prayer
Thou true son and daughter
i- ask that you look upon this ritual with favour
of the assumption of the heavenly Christ
Aid me in my becoming
I seek rebirth and thy light
Aid me in my becoming
I seek perfection in thy sight
Aid me in my becoming
Cloth me in [white] raiment
Crown me with Gold
Set me upon the throne of mercy and with the [white]
horse of judgment
Into my right hand place the Sceptre [Hiq] of rule
Into my left hand place the Sword of law
Anoint me with my secret names of poWRA
So let it be
The Christ that is to come is within you, they call it
Kristos [Christos], they call it Eshu or they call it Buddha, they call it the
White Buffalo- its all the same title- the Devil came in and told you of a
historic Christ that did not exist and this is the problem we have at the
Even today the 6ethers are asking questions, sum won’t
because it means they were wrong, all those priests, pastors, deacons, imams+
are shi99ing themselves because this thing that they advocated is collapsing around
them, sum have no choice but to uphold it all because that is all they have
left- time pushes on and during that time the gap between reality and fiction
grows deeper
Their scholars have been working around the clock to keep
this BS going, they had been trying to take the Gnosis or the knowledge or the
light away from the ancient people and tried to keep them in slavery [mental
and physical]
When you say I and I this means you and [God] the
[the Most-Highest of frequencies- God level]
When you say I, this means you alone
I = 9
Two I(s) equal 18 = 9
You are one
The physical body keeps you locked in and away from the
knowledge and the moment you let go of your body you become enlightened [Buddha]
Hexagon [cube]
Multiple shields encircling Jupiter and Saturn
Asaru [Osiris] translated He who is seen, The eye
The MaStar eye [Ayin]
[???] no details
Image is from GHANA of the MOON- oh really
Craft in tow
The Moon is going or has gone from certain parts [4] of
the planet- its already filled up or pulled up
Sum years back they said they were going to move the Moon [satellite] to a remote part of the universe and strip the former DeathStar down and replace the space with a hologram
There are no dates- just seasons
and you know what season we are in- we are in it
That signature craft has been here since 2009 and is an
[Anunnaqi] craft that is bigger than the planet
Space traffic
Un-identical twins [360] Cube and the Sphere
NASA will say this is a planet- its moving and its in cubic format
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
The sun is blinking in footages [Morse Code]
Rainbow without no rain
Sphere of energy [frequency]
Australia [portal wide open]
Captured a year ago, no details apart from its moving up and flipping on its side
Purple colour coded Ska
We are in plasma apocalypse mode, apocalypse means reveal [to reveal]
Ultraviolet is the NTH realm
Plasma means to mould, to figure, to image- this is [Gods] level
Ultraviolet [Gamma] X-Ray [Purple]
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] = Ultraviolet light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] = Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [KAA.NU] -light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
AKA [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Read data [colours] in energy, you will go further
Red is inside the field and is not a good-look for the
6ethers- this is the energy they fear the most
Green, Blue, Yellow with primary colours merging
All are chakra energies for the planet and you
Soul-ar energy is streaming in
CME due- EMP is due- be wary out there for Christ [KRST] sake
Same today
White absorbs the most radiation and if you cannot
convert the radiation into energy- it will kill you from the inside out
UVC [UVA] UVB is ground level
It is a mutating wavelength, CME(s) are ripping
through the upper fabric of the atmosphere and filtering down, look at people [whites] of
their eyes and you will red, their eyes are blood clotting and is why many are
wearing shades [sun glasses], reptilians will be going crazy
You absorb the most radiation through your eyes, hands
and feet, through the biggest organ on your body which is your skin [9ether]
You need to convert the radiation into energy or food if
not you die, excess energy dispenses through your hands and feet
All 6ether races are wearing sun glasses
UVC is a germ killer, a mutating wavelength- CME(s) are
incoming more and more frequently and is penetrating the Ozone layer, EMF, Van
Allan-Belt, Dome [same thing] the 6ethers need the EMF or they are going to die
Radiation poisoning, CV19, Flu and Ascension symptoms are
very similar- all is coming from the sun and our anatomy is changing- you are a
mini sun and you are exchanging data with your bigger sun- while your Godfather
[NI.BIRU] is magnifying the exchange
Do you love your soul or do you love your vessel
Do not trade in your soul for the vessel
Red sunset, no fires in this image
New jersey
Aurora Arc
When the [EMF] goes down this is the result
Who is bending all the light
NI.BIRU is using its magnetic poles to control the planets poles
Right side is the sun side, you can see the soular energy [orange-yellow] streaming in
Look at this, Green [Waji] and Yellow, now look at the Red- this isn't normal at all-
they call that the Bow shock- the planet is moving- that is why the red bends, curves, bow-
Coming from the Crown
Look at this energy streaming in-
Check the colours
Man made electricity [satellite] radio signals+ keep devices on the other side of the room, all will be affected
This was in the early part of 2021
The moment when a volcano is activated in Indonesia
Green [Waji] energy signature
Sum are crafts
Comets, meteorite, asteroids [a-star-oids] = camouflaged crafts
That is one huge Mothership over Utah [USA]
One plane
Is it war or just noise, most of China is underwater and
they have been asking for international assistance, the world bank has collapsed
– so there is no funding- all these adverts on the internet to save this and
save that – all to raise funds for this war- but you have to deal with nature first- she will shut you down
that was a nice touch in Crimea
China holds most of the world assets from the USA to the
Caribbean to Africa- this is a ticking time-bomb- at one point all the worlds
wealth was on the Titanic- and look what they did with the Titanic
China consumes everything in its path, there is another
organism on this planet that follows the same pattern, all Cancers to this
planet is being deleted
China will be coming into the USA when everything goes belly up
Water, heat, all weather anomalies+ earthquakes are still taking place
Storms, hurricanes, tornados are all incoming, another system formed and went straight past Jamaica, Jamaica will go down as well, they cannot take another weather system without collapsing- these storms are amping up and forming without being seen on radar
IDA will be the mother of all mothers
Sum thing made by man is coming up, sum thing extreme- keep your eyes peeled [open]
This planet is now reaching the 400 mark and this
means we are close; it means we will also have major disasters starting-like it
will increase
September is on the horizon and means there will be amplification
The poles are being controlled- so don't keep the estimated figures in mind- they said that it will be 1.5million years for Australia to reach Vietnam- yet the ancient seabed in Vietnam is already above land- it will be 1.5hrs to move Australia
Fukushima to release 1 million tons of ‘radioactive
water’ directly into the ocean via undersea tunnel
No -sorry- Japan is to admit that they have already
released over a million tons since 2011- and is actually 13 million tons of pure
undiluted toxic waste into the ocean
US farmers ordered to destroy their crops and dump oil, under the guise of "Climate change" US farmers have been instructed
to destroy their crops rather than harvest them- N.W.O
The images are in focus but around the [rainbow] the
images become distorted, you can see that there is sum sort of interaction
resulting in energy being emitted and we can see the result
Kalifornia- nature is at the door waving the four-four
Joey the real deal
1606 [1818]
Alexander Macedonsky was not a 6ether [white] was he and was that his real name [sitting down]
The Blonde hair- Blue eyes is ENLIL(s) greatest creation- his own words
Check out all the Blue-eyed people - you will see a common trait
This is what ENLIL has given his off-spring by way of hope- or joke because he does not care about his people at all
Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light
Miykael [Michael] is Ethiopian
[RIZQ] Annunaqi [led by the Neteru on Ki] and the Galactic Federation
Ashtar are on this planet [trapped] and their fleets are over by Area51 and over on the Himalayas [China]
Orb nation
4D [5D] merging
they are intelligent
In the valley of PERU [HERU]
The Aztecs, Incas, Ulmec [Olmec] and the Maya in Aztlan
The flight specialist
A helmet-shaped visor
ENKI took many avatars and came and stayed on Ki- he
wanted to prepare you for your existence on Ki, he wanted to ensure that you
were taught correctly- doesn’t that sone like sum-one who cares deeply about
each and everyone of you
Hindu [Kish] Kush
Sargon aka Nimrud is ENKI
Four underwater towers in the Korean Sea, near the
Japanese island of Okinoshima
An excerpt from the book entitled the Ancestors of the Gods-
Lost Lemuria Civilization by Joseph Frank
Another find, not less picturesque than Yonaguni
underwater monument, but not so widely known and thoroughly researched, was
spotted in the Korean Sea about 30 miles west of the coast of Japan, Japan is a
part of Nepal
Its author is Shun-Ichiro Moriyama, local fisherman and
diver and in the early 1998 he said he had seen giant ′columns near the
deserted island of Okinoshima
After learning about this, Toshihara Arizumi, a
television producer from Western Japan, gathered a group of underwater
photographers in hopes of getting shots of a sunken structure
Overcoming strong underwater currents and poor
visibility, photographers accompanied by Moriyama descended to the location and
were pleasantly surprised to see eight real towers, not columns, at a depth of
110 ft- each of them reached 90 feet, the peaks were 20 feet under the sea
There was a spiral staircase around one of the towers
During several dangerous dives, Arizumi divers carefully
measured the steps of 12-15 inches wide, 3-4 feet long
The age and purpose of these huge structures remains
unknown, let alone their builders, and will probably remain secret due to the
Koreans that are there today, the Asians do not want to let the world know what
they already know
Nevertheless, thanks to the praiseworthy perseverance of
divers, Arizumi received the necessary video material that was demonstrated in
April by shocked TV viewers
Unfortunately, the representatives of academic science
did not show enthusiasm for the discovery that threatened a complete revision
of their perceptions of prehistoric development of humanity
If they were interested in them, they would start putting
up fragments of the archaeological puzzle scattered over 900 miles at the
bottom of the ocean from the Korean Sea to Taiwan
There will certainly be new fragments such as Okinoshima,
Yonaguni and others to recreate the picture of the sunken kingdom long lost in
distant times, but reopened by fearless researchers using modern technology and
ancient devotions preserved in the memory of the natives across the Pacific
The more you dig her up the more she will reveal
The Ethiopians [Kush] made the Koreans with the mixing of the Ani
people and the Japanese and is to why the Sumerian and Korean language are so
Ancient, old cast-iron casting in [Iy] temples, especially
in Russian architecture which is former Tartarian architecture
The official version about cast-iron casting only goes
back centuries when Europe went through its many periods- Demidov factories
became the main centre of cast iron production, most casting came from 1702 but was from the ancients
Fort San Lorenzo, Panama
Casillo [Kastle] Castle
They were not always Forts
Piccadilly Circus
Where that fountain is used to have Eros-
London was 13,000 and Cambodia was 750,000 population at the same time
Big Ben [Bennu] Benjamin Banneker
All you are taking with you are your memories
Reminds me of Drogheda
Look at all that Green [Waji]
Found in 2013
Neb Ankh [sarcophagus] carved from red quartzite weighing
60 tons
There is an absence of inscriptions and the actual Neb Ankh- so not sure how they know who this belongs to, they say its A’aferti [pharaoh] Sebekhotep [Sebek-hotep]
And that Sobek [Sebek] is associated with this site
Mastaba [Iy]
If you still believe [Baal-Eve] Lil’eve and not know-
then you’re in big trouble- Aquarius is the energy of the knowing
You either know or you do not know
For a start take those sh9t plastic nails off and start losing your ego
Ascension process
Many people are bailing out of here, keep them in your thoughts, you want them to have a safe passage- you will always have the connection- never lose sight of this
The spirits can leave you, think wisely about things that
you are doing if you work with the spirits, pay attention to what they ask of
you, what they advise you to not do and what they advise you to do, repetitive
styles from you will have you working on your own, you don’t want that right
now- trust me
Winged disc of HERU [Horus] EDFU disc is KAANU [Melanin]
the symbol is the [KAANU] dot, the [black] dot which is talking about the
If you didn’t have the dot [Melanin] they would cut off
your head back in the day, the [black] dot, circle, sphere+
The bloodlines of the Kings, this is recorded in the
legend of HERU, that includes the KAANU, the Kundalini and Chakra system
There is a reference about Seth [Set] and Heru [Osiris]
who is ENLIL and ENKI- they talk about an ancient trial, and the trial is
between Set and Heru which is the trial of the 6ethers and 9ethers
In this ancient trial the Devil losses but wants a second
trial – which he-r ends up losing anyway
The consciousness goes beyond you just being [Gods], many
[Gods] will not awaken, many [Gods] are not going to make it, by you being
conscious means that the 9ethers have a chance, the overall outcome in NOT dependent
on the 9ethers consciousness
So for those who are conscious we have to commend
this feat- it is because of you that the race has a chance
Shawshank Redemption
Everything will be redeemed- that is already prophesized
and in the form of redemption of us going to the higher realms and the place
being redeemed, there is a group of people that were sent down to be the
guardians, to be the helpers, ENKI chooses the Choice- the ones who he knew
would not give up
The ones in consciousness, you are one of those people,
the reason why the frequency is delaying or gets pushed back is because there
are many getting in the way- that is the best way I can explain, they are jamming the signal
Instead of feeling good about your career or your home,
car or handbag, and whether you have enough money or have enough credit – that
is all superficial sh9t, idiots have money, that is their wealth
Those that have received wealth [knowledge] on how to get
the masses out of this sh9t have the real knowledge, have the real wealth which
is spiritual wealth and that is you
This is so important, people are slipping off, we have to
constantly remind the people who they really are, even I became stagnant, even
I become flaky, I have to watch others, especially females YT uploaders who are
on point and are constantly reminding us all- it is a process, these females are real good at what they do
I AM the Christ which is yet to come [say this to
yourself- never forget this command] the Holy Kabbalah tells you that you are,
the Kabbalah is 9ether records and nothing to do with the 6ethers Muslims or
Do not bypass data that you receive, material that alters
your viewpoint- you cannot be part time and take only what you want- you have
to go there and filter it all out, register it, digest it- process it-
Sum one wrote this;
Dear FDA-
Thank you for telling us the risk of #coconut oil and
recommending GMO #canola oil instead Synthetically processed oils over natural
God given coconut oil. Whew! Close call! Almost ate something healthy, there!
Thank you for recommending Frosted Flakes over #fruit! Of
course, dead food in a box coated in sugar would be healthier than enzymes and
fiber rich, #nutrient dense, delicious #fruit.
What was I thinking!?
Thank you for the blessing of #artificial
sweeteners! We now know of their #toxic
effects on the brain and ability to cause #cancer. Man, if we would have simply
stuck to all natural God-given #sweeteners, the pharmaceutical companies would
have gone out of business. Can’t have
Thank you for processed dairy loaded with #hormones and
#antibiotics! It does a body good...
even the 7 year olds with breast buds and behavioural issues..... we thank you!
Thank you for Red Dye #40 and Yellow #5 linked to cancer
and proven to cause #hyperactivity in kids... we mom's especially thank
you. Big hugs on that one. How else
would our kids eat their food if it wasn’t brightly coloured?
Thank you for all the #synthetic #preservatives,
#additives, #BHT, #palm oil, high #fructose corn syrup, #TBHQ, and so many
others... so that our food can last on the shelf for up to 20 years. Awesome!
It feels soooooo GOOD to have a government agency that is
NOT influenced by special interest money, that simply looks out for the
“greater good” of America and the #health of the people. 🤣🤣🤣
Eat up America!!!
Chemical crap storm for everyone!!!
The Femi9 energy is always there to save us- but we must go to source, we have to go to her-
It is A-Set that saves Asaru from Set [Seth] and Aset is IN.ANNA
[7] siStars
Aid me in my becoming
Misfiring hat es in sich. Vieles, was auch mich betrifft. War auch nie verheiratet, und konnte meine Neigungen nachkommen, die ich heute, nach all den Versuchen, verstehe, nachvollziehen kann.Das Leben, so wie es ist, hat für mich genau den Sinn ergeben, wie es für dich war. Die Aufgabe, die sich entwickelt hat, war die Erkenntnis: Wer bin ich. Ich bin heute an dem Punkt, dass ich verstehe, das ich hier bin, weil ich genau das erfahren wollte, was gerade geschieht. Der Mann aus dem Wald, der die Natur liebte und sie als Arbeitsplatz benutzte, unwissentlich, aber jetzt versteht, warum er dort war. Alles was Du schreibst, ist für die Menschen, die wissen wollen, von großer Bedeutung. Es ist die Arbeit eines Menschen, der die Entstehung seiner Spezies verstehen will und auch versteht. Danke noch mal, für deine Arbeit. Rolf Great Wolf. Misfiring is tough. Much that affects me too. Was never married either, and was able to follow my inclinations, which I understand today, after all the attempts, understand. Life as it is made exactly the same for me as it was for you. The task that developed was the realization: Who am I. I'm at the point today that I understand that I am here because I wanted to know exactly what is happening. The man from the forest who loved nature and used it as a workplace, unwittingly, but now understands why he was there. Everything you write is of great importance to the people who want to know. It is the work of a person who wants to understand and also understands the origin of his species. Thanks again for your work. Rolf Great Wolf.
ReplyDeleteHaha, es war schwer zu schreiben
DeleteEinverstanden, Selbstverwirklichung - Reflexion - Ausgeglichenheit, du bist an einem Punkt angelangt, an dem du innerlich stehst
Du wurdest Rolf platziert, du kommst aus diesem Wald - du weißt es so gut - Zuhause, Hausmeister - Wächter
Teilen ist fürsorglich – wir treffen uns in der Mitte, ich HA.PI, dass Daten bei Ihnen ankommen, Gleichgesinnte, wir haben einen gemeinsamen Nenner, das berührt mich, dass Sie eine Konformation haben – was auf diesem zerklüfteten Weg, den wir Leben nennen, so wichtig ist
Immer Rolf Großer Wolf
Von Herzen – im Herzen
guten Morgen Bowban! Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort und ein wunderschönes Wochenende für Sie. Rolf Great Wolf :)))
ReplyDeletegood morning bowban! Thank you for your answer and have a wonderful weekend for you. Rolf Great Wolf :)))