Sunday, 22 August 2021

Subject 13

There was a group of European people that discovered a portal in 1700s and left earth to go and form a civilization in a different realm

Those Europeans that remained now form the secret sect that governs this new [old] matrix

They inherited sum of the secret knowledge and performed a great reSet around 1850s and most of the constructions that the earlier Europeans had made were demolished

Between 1700s and early 1800s there were vast empty cities deserted across Europe and no one knew where everyone disappeared to

Have you ever wondered how sum of the tall and intricate buildings in say Russia and Eastern Europe were constructed without a crane and heavy-duty trucks

Have you seen the vast images with a few people in these cities- huge cities but no people 

A campaign to demolish those buildings took place worldwide but many were left standing, like in older parts of the US such as New York, Washington, Belgrade, Sofia, and Rome+

This was the most recent civilization to evacuate earth after the Indian one and the Mexican one that left great mysterious temples and ornately curved buildings

The beings here could only go part in reality in their reality only- and change things from their reality only
Their time-machine allows for 10mins which is 10 years

Within this scheme, we can look at the work of a NASA scientists who disclosed that everyday portals open and close every day

Such gateways can be found within Earth’s magnetic field, falling in a direct line to the Sun’s atmosphere 93 million miles away [which it is not]

NASA hasn’t tagged them as portals, instead opting to call them boom-tubes, electron diffusion regions or ‘X’ points, their existence being due to magnetic resonance, these are tones, energetic frequencies

It’s truly a real shame, scientists are paid to dismiss their presence in our scope

These boom tubes are, places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun and in turn the earth with you [tri]  

This electromagnetic energy is a heartbeat from the source, to the sun to the earth, to you, the heartbeat of life OM style Ommiuniverse

These portals can be elusive, however, if one were to be utilize for space travel, they would have to be an expert in space geography and mathematics to time them correctly, knowledge, precision cannot be obtained without knowing the centre of the Universe, Ommiverse, like there is one by Saturn and when it’s there, it’s there and when it’s not, it’s not, is this planet not the centre of the universe

The military underground subdivision possesses the knowledge to perform time travel through stargate portals for almost 40 years+
This is not new technology

Bending time is the same principles of colliding atoms to produce new forms of energy, necessary in bending time
To speed up the distance of the upper perimeter, to the cloned body, which results in the particle arriving at the upper perimeter, point of origin, before the particle of the body can complete its journey through the clone to arrive at the same point
Thus, time can be reversed and traveling in the past accomplished

As long as the two particles or beings that are the same do not come into physical contact with each other, if they do, in this case the same particles would be occupying the same place at the same time yet, from two different time references

In the case of a humin being, his or her zero-time reference, that is the point of his-her origin in this frame would cause his-her counterpart to merge, turning inside out

It would also eliminate all and every created, thought and people who came in contact with the being or person

In dealing with energy, same principles, by altering the vibration levels can be made to facilitate the same space at the same time

Atom has an atomic weight of [9.012] or [9.0] or [9]

So, the ancients knew to separate by referring to one, as an Atom [Atum], and the other, as Adam, the same, the final product of these 2 stages became the Helium Atom or Atum, a composite of beings into one, Aten, and its heavenly host, or Neter

This process, by a grand series and a chain of reactions, re = again actions = events, re-occurring events, changed more hydrogen to Helium and Crystallization of the Helium took place; thus forming a solid sub-stance in which the atoms are arranged in a definite pattern

DARPA have a project called Pegasus (1968-1972) the military had successfully achieved Tesla-based quantum teleportation and time travel in the time-space hologram, initiating the U.S. program of time-space travel called Chrononauts, sleeper soldiers, avatar-soldiers

Since the 1970s, the military has been crossing worlds, and for more than 10 years, about portal-based time travel, many already familiar with the famous “Stargate” series

Advantages of research done within Project Pegasus is the capacity to use teleportation in order to deliver troops to the proper place on the battlefield

Radiant energy is a form of energy that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space

Nasa; while passing through this veil of energy, you would enter a vortal tunnel that would send you to your destination, the other teleportation devices include a “plasma confinement chamber” in New Jersey and a “jump room” in El Segundo, California

There was also sum kind of “holographic technology,” that allowed them to travel, both physically and virtually, the manmade construction, along with the negative and disagreeable who man has intrusted in, incidents do occur during which one of the young chrononauts was teleported without his legs

The technology that NASA are dealing with seems to many humans or man, that what they have described could solve a lot of mankind’s problems, but it could destroy them just as well

Collectively, man still doesn’t know what time is, why it is or why it flows the way it does

The humin mind finds it hard to wrap around concepts like time travel and the paradoxical consequences of altering past timelines, but then again, there is nothing in Einstein’s general relativity that can sink the notion of time travel, Einstein dies not innerstanding

They had cell phones back then

Yes- time traveller 

Another system is joining onto this system, called the Big-Dipper, all four are connecting and will rotate in a spiral number 9 which means life  

Craft with beam and scout in tow 

Craft nation 

How does nature do that 


Full chakra energies 
Red is inside the field
Full Moon
Quakes incoming
Water and heat continue to devastate
There is no snow on Mt Shasta for the first time in mans recorded history  
Weather systems continue inbound 

We have not seen the true Ska since 2001

around the world much is taking place- yours is coming 

Purple lights 
Why do they need to see in Ultraviolet [9D] Gods Level 

same bike
same couple

What NOAA gave as to the reasons to those frequencies was lame, there was a pattern to sum, it made sense, whales and dolphins equalize the harmonics of the planet, what role do they play in these codes- is the planet talking
listen on your headphones  


The two most impressive structures here are the five Yácata Ziggurats [pyramids] and the grand platform on which they rest on, slightly different in the constructure
There are smaller [Yacata] pyramid-type structures underneath  
This site also contains a large plaza and several buildings, this place doubled up and was also used as a defensive fortification
At the front of the platform, facing out towards Lake Pátzcuaro, are five Yácata pyramids in a row roughly from north to south
Unlike Aztec or Ulmec [Olmec] or Inca pyramids, these structures are rounded, not square
The five structures are roughly keyhole shaped, linked together at the back by stepped pyramidal platforms
The core of each of these structures is piled-up with stones which was then faced with stone slabs decorated with spirals, circles and other geometric designs and petroglyphs
These fitted stone slabs are similar to the masonry used by the Incas in South America and there is no mortar holding these stones in place
On each of the Yácatas was a temple holding area was made of wood, in which the most important rites of the Purépecha people took place, including astral traveling, of which about sixty have been found
Only two of the Yácatas have been reconstructed and reminds us that these five [pyramids] were purposely destroyed so that it couldn’t be used again like the Giza [AKIR] complex- you can see one of the MIR(s) was taken out
This is a landing, departing site+


Mt Kenya [Meru] Heru 

Kiri Nyaga [Naga]
Mt Kenya is Mt Meru [Heru] 

Bantu [Twa]
There were 10 clans [12] that all- had at one point been named after wombmen and this is a direct indication that the Ki-Kuyu was never patriarchal
In 1895 is when Britain took over and everything changed- they wanted access to the Nile River and they wanted this region, so they walked through and took Kenya and Uganda- the British built a railway and brought in Coolies [Koolies] to work [Indians]
The Kikuya rebelled over and over

[Ya’aqob] Jacob  
Yah spoke to Abram [Genesis 12:3-5 about giving him the covenant and unto thee Yah would give them blessings [Genesis 35:10-12]
Yah told him his name was to change from Ya’aqob to Yisra’el
Ya’aqob [Yisra’el] had [13] children [Lions]
Ra’uwben, Shim’own, Leviy, Yahuwdah, Dan, Naphtality, Gad, Asher, Yissakar, Zabuluwn, Diynah, Yowcephy, Binyamiyn
Rachel [Le’ah] [wives]
Bilhah-Zilphah [maids]
Conceived them all

They are Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin aka the [12] tribes of Israel
Joseph’s brothers sold him into KHMT [Egypt] 
This region is also the place called SHE.BA [Sheba] and are the [12] chakra energies

Israel is also Is-it-real-ly
Isis + Ra +El

When the Romans or 6ether Greeks tried and build sum thing- it was destroyed by an earthquake, when you read through the history- you will see that most places were destroyed by an earthquake, which is what is happening now- when the Romans closed the [Iy] temple of Aset- Europe was plunged straight into the dark-ages- the list goes on and on 


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