Thursday, 24 December 2020

Warrioress [the code-breakers]

 Let’s break bread

Heru [Horus] incarnation 25.12.2020

The roles have shifted and your children and the youth are now the non-innocent, music, movies, entertainment is all being scripted, children are much more-older in the sense of what they know, an 8year has a projected age of 16+ now, they learn more sh9t at school mixing with others and come home and pretend to be your child

 They have to grow up fast and have become hard and brittle, has soon as they can analyse, they have to become defensive and hide their emotions and many are hostile

 So, your children are not the innocent ones and this means we has the masses have to become the rational ones and what I mean by this, is we have to literally have to become like children

 You have to find whatever that innocence is where we don’t judge, that is one of the keys

Like no more judging gay people, I stopped judging the quintessential assh9les for the most arrogant of us are the most displaced, disposition of us, and are the most incomplete

 In a roundabout way, you should feel sorry for people who are obnoxious, those that lie and you can tell, those that pretend, feel sorry for them rather than judge them, not in pity, but in the most incomplete sorry for them

We are ultimately dealing with Osiris [Asrau] Heru who is the judge, that is the N.TU [God] within you, sumone used to say all the time, I feel like your judging me, well h3ll yeah I am because my spirit is telling me so

We are becoming super-huMins and super-people, if you’re on the frequency, nothing can take you out, you are unbreakable, you are immortal

Watch the movie with Bruce Willis, Unbreakable, it was actually Samuel L Jackson who is unbreakable and Wills character was the frail old bones man, they reversed the roles in the movie, however when they showed you Samuels character he was sitting in front of hieroglyphs, letting you know who they were really talking about

[the code-breakers]

Sekhmet [Lillith] Lil-Leeth]  
[Sanskrit]1610 from Sanskrit [samskrtam] >> put together, well-formed, perfected, neuter of samskrta, from *sam meaning together from PIE root *Sem-
krta- to make, do, perform, from PIE root *k(w)er- to make, form [related to karma] Kar-Ma [Ma] Maat
Sanskrit [Sem-Ma] is written by MA.AT
[Tamil writing] [Tama-Re]   

Sekhmet [The PoWRA-ful, Mighty]

Bast [Fire] 

Bes and is part Lion [Lyra] Tahites [Ptahites] and is a [dwarf god- N.TU] Pygmy

Lion bowing down to H.I.M

Mother adopts Leopard cub

 Shekina Gate

 Sekhmet is the protector and later on she is called the Lion of Judah and she is also the Sphinx [Akur][Ekur] and the Lion of KHMT

If you want her protection, visualise Sekhmet standing behind you with her claws on your shoulder and you see her teeth snarling at your enemies and you say, protect me o-poWRA-ful mother Sekhmet, see her, feel her, be her  

 The battle for supremacy

Sanskrit is from pre-dynastic KHMT and was brought to India and was written by a wombman, we are talking about a time when she was supreme, she ruled supreme, she had a mystical system that was supressed by the later on dynasties

 And although KHMT has one of the greatest wars between [Gods] Neter and [Goddess] Netert what many didn’t realise it that pre-dynastic KHMT was ruled by a wombman

 This is not just historical; this is a way of action and there is sum sh9t that you can do

 Stay on a higher plane, the frequency demands it, to become innocent you must become childlike, when you were a child you roamed innocently and this is the frequency that we are on, not naïve but rather, undiluted with thoughts, not like childlike in behaviour but rather childlike in energy, before you were told not to do this or not to do that, whatever it is, whether you chew sum bubble-gum or do sum cartwheels, body-pop, whatever it takes to recapture that part of your youth when you were young, the worst thing we could have done is said I’m grown up, at 19, 21 you thought you were the dogs bollocks, instead say you are growing

Check it, what do you really know, nothing, this is not about not serving yourself as an adult, this is a psychological thing [Psy means soul] to get back to that child when you used to be HA.PI, you became sad since you became an adult in the 3D world

 There is a mystical spiritual realm but you cannot access it with the ego and the person that you have become and it must be in the range that you were before sumone got to you and changed you and you didn’t judge on a certain level

Get back to that inner-child, that is the key and then you can work the Magi [magic] where you don’t worry as much, the outside is dictating the pace but you have the inner workings to dictate the pace

Energy flows where the Khu [mind] goes

 Lakshmi is connected with Sekhmet, prosperity and wealth comes when you stop worrying about money, follow knowledge and what you need will come forward to you

I tri and write about all these cultures because the 9 ether is more than one continent, the 9 ether is all of these cultures because this is all their knowledge and the 6 ether divided it all and while many argue about this and that, I amalgamate it all to create one structure, that includes all religions and cultures, yes its bias at times because I AM and I ‘m tri-ing to learn as I go along, and also that is because the knowledge is bias at times, being non-judgement is hard at times because I add emotions and feelings but outside of this, we have to merge with this frequency in order to reach the other side, there is no two-ways about this

The Mother of the GPS system is Mrs Gladys West

Gladys M-ae West (née Brown) (born 1930) is an American mathematician known for her contributions to the mathematical modelling of the shape of the Earth, and her work on the development of the satellite geodesy models that were eventually incorporated into the Global Positioning System (GPS)

[1] West was inducted into the United States Air Force Hall of Fame in 2018

Mae [M][W]

All those with the letter M was sent by the NTH dimension with a current [charge] 

Its not N its M and W for the two letters are interchangeable 

M[W] is a symbol

Turn the symbol upside down or on its side

Electric symbol

MW functioned as both a bilateral, a sign representing two sones [sounds], and as a semantic determiner-classifier placed in a group of signs to indicate what the word was expressing a concept involving water [liquids] electrical charge 

Aten [Iy] (Temple) isles, coast, abode
All part of the circuit board in KHMT connected to the motherboard  

Weaponised Music

The word Music comes from the word Muse, Mus-ic comes from Alkebulan and comes from the scales

Muse means to reflect, ponder, meditate; to be absorbed in thought, from Old French muser, to ponder, dream, wonder; loiter, waste time

From Old French Muse and directly from Latin Musa, from Greek Mousa, the Muse, also Mus-ic, song, ultimately from PIE root *men- to think

Muse is the archetype

Think of all the words that begin with muse, like museum

In Greek Mythology Music [Muse] is talking about inner microscopic organism or what you call Melanin [KAA.NU]

Its call Photonic by the Greeks meaning; photon; unit of electromagnetic radiation, from photo- light + -on [unit]

Photonic also means underworld and is not talking about under the earth but is talking about the deepest part of the subconscious mind, so Music does not come from the heavens, Music comes from the underworld of the unconscious mind

 So, for the mere fact the scales came out of Alkebulan [ancient KHMT] and comes out of the Wisdom of Tehuti [Thoth] and anytime you are dealing with the Wise-dome of Tehuti you are dealing with KAANU[Melanin] your dealing with Alchemy [Al-K-ham-i] and by you dealing with Alchemy, we are talking about sumthing that is inner

So therefore, if the 9 ether produces sumthing from inner to outer then they produce that particular aspect as a form of healing based on what type of situation you were in at that particular time

 Now think of when Jazz came out, it saved those people’s lives because they were all going into the great depression, de-pressuring of energies

Any of this Music that is coming, is coming from inner, the word Muse which is coming from the Greeks that many associate the word with fairy, fairyland, is not literal at all and is talking about deep components of the alchemical body which is talking about Melanin [KAANU]

 So to produce sumthing while at your lowest state [like during the great depression] and the premise was you produced this Jazz or Rhythm and Blues at your lowest state means its bad for you when you produce Music in the Classical era when you were on top, what you must keep in mind that while you were at your lowest state you emitted sumthing, like say hormones that heals you, do you get it, Music is Medicine [sone], it heals the soul, the inner you, not like this Mickey Mouse Music you have out here now, you produced this stuff when at a lower state to heal yoursCellsf, and you used to get healed by this alchemical process

Funk is a form of chaos Melanin, the spirit knows this and with tell you what it needs, what mood are you in for listening to Music, we are dealing with an Organ

People play certain Music because they like to stay in a certain vibration, they like the loop, repetitions, sad songs that will make them cry or take them to a memory and this does not heal them at all 

33bpm is 3+3= 6
45bpm is 4+5 = 9

You can still listen to sad music but at a number 9 tempo, Music is programmed now to get you to kill yourself, kill others, degrade wombmen, you want to be listening to soul Music

 Yes, it came out of KHMT [Alkebulan] but where did it come from, it came out from the wisdom of Tehuti or Hermes or Her-metic [same thing Her-U]

 Jazz also comes from Juju [Ouija] [French word Voodoo in New Orleans] and what is Voodoo energy, shadow and when you hear the word shadow that means Melanin [KAANU] its shadow Magi [Maji][Magic] and shadow Magi is nothing but Carbon and Melanin sits in Carbon [Ka-bon]

 Think when you see people who are drunk, that is the time that they stream into the subconscious mind, they say what is no their mind [Khu]

 This is the time when you are really streaming [tapping] in and even the ancients used alcohol [spirits is another form, name for alcohol]

Al-Khul [Alcohol] from the Arabic term Al-Khul which means body-eating spirit and is the source of the word Ghoul [Al-Ghul]

And was used to reach certain levels and just like with anything that you used and you misuse and consume on a daily basis then the whole therapeutic or esoteric aspect is lost and then becomes an addiction [drug] even the word Melanin in Persian means drug

 It is the stuff that when you are challenged is the most potent energy, Jazz is higher than the classical that was produced in KHMT, why, because its coming from a synthesised people, the 9 ether has KHMT, Dogon, Yourba, Muurs, Atlanteans, Lemuria, Titans, Tama-Rey and more is in your veins which is all alchemical and makes the 9 ethers the most unique energy [people], the people in the diaspora and all they did was mix all the 9 ethers together producing a potent strain

We are talking about a people who created a synthesised science for healing that manifested all over the world, everyone knows Jazz, everyone knows Nora Jones to Alice Coltrane to Pharaoh Sanders to Lonnie Liston Smith, you also have Jazz-funk, Funk-Soul, Funk this and funk that, Jazz House, Jazz Soul, what is Soul music for and called Soul    

 When you are your lowest state you will do sum of your best thinking, at lower states it’s called created physics

Read Glory Evans Meham [Meh-yam] Mayhem 

Pomoda Ndyhu is scouting the United States of America for an impending invasion by his race, the Meh'yam
He begins his surveillance in the predominantly black, historical town of Eatonville, Eatonton Georgia
Pomoda is an extra-terrestrial vampire who is disguised as a handsome, African businessman
He lures his victims into a sensuous trap with his irresistible luminous eyes where he devours the very melanin from their skin and feast on their pituitary glands
He leaves behind a discarded, horrific, mummified sacrifice for the world to see
He is utterly ruthless
Pomoda's dastardly deeds doesn't stop there
On the mummified body, he deposits a mysterious orange, foam-like being which marks his victim's as his kill
This same orange being will kill anyone who disturbs the withered corpse
The first persons to die from this frothy, sentient being is the morticians at the local hospital
The mysterious deaths lead to the FBI and the Centre for Disease Control becoming involved in the case

Glory puts this book in code and you best know who she is really talking about

 You will know the end when there is in-fighting amongst the elite, Clinton, Trump are not the elite, the elite is the secret societies, do not fu9k with the 6-ether occult because they do know sh9t, and will go out with all guns firing, scouts where sent out from 2000 to find Nubian Masons to save them, they wrote books on this

 I got this off the internet; the 9 ethers are the heirs to the earth and the only ones who can stop the illuminati are the 9 ethers in the USA, there sole [soul] group came from Sirius B and polarised with the light and have given up the physical bodies and one of their goals was to initiate to the dark-side

 >> Who do you think they are talking to, they had been looking, do you see how much spiritual stuff is out there, even the religious minds are in limbo, even the followers of Ashtar Command are 50-50, I see people post stuff on NI.BIRU and still say, Jesus is coming, there are adverts on Youtube with the Pleiades talking about the Mekaba, everyone is talking about spirituality, its very key right now and the 9 ether wombman, they want her in their systems

The Kaanu [Melanin] use to evolve every 3-5 years and now its every 7 days, the 9 ethers are right on the edge [cusp] of getting up out of here, Richard King has even said this about the 9 ethers

Amino Acids are popping up everywhere [as above so below], the Nebula explosions that we see in space are the same as the DNA structure and are the Amino Acids, this is daily and this means the Melanin is evolving into sumthing new, and this means the 6 ether cannot change you because your Melanin is changing every 7 days   

 Read the People of the Secret, by Ernest Scott > the suggestion that both biological evolution and human history have been directed by a hierarchy of intelligences, the lowest level of which makes physical contact with mankind, is one found in both sacred and profane cultures

It is generally assumed that this process and its agents are screened from human eyes < but this book suggests otherwise

 One of their goals was to create a non-Alkebulan man, based on the texts that the Muurs brought up and left behind and they were working with the Alchemical to create a hybrid [there is a difference between mutants and hybrids because mutants can be a natural occurrence] the 9 ether are mutants because they have mutated and this is what the Melanin is doing it is mutating into a new species because they are seeing these new Amino Acids popping up 

[A-min-o comes from the word A-min-eral]

The western science has fields and fields of the data but doesn’t know where to start and call that junk DNA, recently a space capsule was collected with data from an asteroid [meteorite] from Japan in a vain attempt to work the 9 ethers DNA out, the 9 ether is made from space dust

The Muurs [Hermetic text] was data on how to Homunculus the 6 ethers, Aleister Crowley Moonchild talks about the Homunculus which is really Homo-Mon-key-clus, and in his novel and a new take by Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson] the Homunculus is literally a little man, and to do with western Alchemy and is an actual child that can be engineered and reared within the Alchemical vessel and serve has its womb, the child was reported to be perfectly formed in all its states, similar to an ordinary infant but more fragile

All this information they have had since the Muurs  

Five-year-old girl, Lina Medina, with her child

The mother refused to breastfeed this thing, they killed the original fetus in the womb and injected this thing in there, thats how they do these experiments  

how old 

Frog baby [Amphibian] 
Most of these things die off 

There is an island called Plum Island where they impregnate women with all kind’s genetic experiments, and mix other animals and things, all kinds of things wash up 

They had been creating a new race of men, the corpus Hermetica which was taken up into Europe which says that the KHMT people said, their biggest problem is the 6 ethers creating another man [man means mind] its in Walter Scott(s) book

Remember that Hermes Trismegistus never existed and is Thoth who is Tehuti and is who the Greeks and plagiarising from, the Greeks when the KHMT found them only could grunt when they answered and never had a language let alone fire

[Image is the passage of Venus] 

9 It is symbolic for heaven [haven], creation and birth

 9 Ether is a combination of all existing gases in nature
9 Is the most potent poWRA in the universe
9 to the 9th poWRA of 9 [999 = 27 = 9]
Benben [Bennu] stone >> top of the Mir (Pyramid) >> Not to be confused with 6 Ether >> which is a perfect combination of the 4 Elements this creates the 6th Ether <> essence, sense << after this is only the 9 [3 6 9]
9 in movement makes a spiral [coil] like the 6 in an opposite direction together they create the Yin-Yang >> Male and female principles << Above-Below >> the root number of 9 is 3 [3+3+3] which is symbolic for dimensions
Hika-Heka >> Adobe of Mortal
Sia >> Adobe of Eloheem [these beings]
Huhi >> Adobe of most high >> a 3 in motion, if you would trace the outlines you would create a Flower > Rose [like the orbit of LAHA.MU (Venus) which is the above image] 
Alpha = Electrical [Mu = Mass] Masculine
[Nu = Vibration] Nu [Nun]Nut translates, the abyss, the deep, vibration
[E = MC2] in the equation, the increased relativistic Mass [M] of a body times the speed of light squared [c 2] is equal to the kinetic [Kamatic] Energy [E] of that body
Omega = Magnetic [Femi9] Electron

Uplistsikhe is an ancient rock-hewn town in eastern Georgia, and Georgia is the cradle of mankind and looks similar style of building to the Dogons


Puglia Trulli

Gnome >> dwarf-like earth-dwelling spirit
Tahites Ptahites Pygmy people [TWA] Aba-twa, Abathwa or Ba-twa [Ireland – Leprechaun] the Twa [Tutsi] Hutu
Te-huti [Hu-ti]
Tut-ankhaten [Tut-si]
The indigenous Nubian HO.PI [HA.PI] tribe of the Americas do an identical dance ceremony to the Dogons, even more interesting, the Irish have a dance called Riverdance, are they one in the same, Maur-ice dancing is Moorish [Muur] dancing  

Leprechaun [Luperci] Roman for dwarfs who turned into reptiles [hence the Irish River-dance] Nomos or Ogdoad also called the Malayket Bahri [River Angels]

1600, from Irish lupracan, metathesis of Old Irish luchorpan, which traditionally is explained as literally a very small body, from lu >> little, small (from PIE root *legwh- not heavy, having little weight + corpan, diminutive of corp >> body, from Latin corpus body (from PIE root *kwrep- body, form, appearance

In Hawaii the Twa are called Meneh-un-e [Leprecha-un], in Indonesia they are called Hobbits, the Philippines called them Negreto [Negro] having come into to contact with the Spanish [who mated with the Philippines

 The Twa spread out to India and surrounding Islands, namely the Andaman [Andamese] of the Andamans Islands

 Dogon [Hogon] Mali
Nommo [Nummo]

Bes [Tahites] is the child of Obatala

Bes is also found in India to the South America = Mayan [Ul-mec][Olmec] device [calendar] with his tongue hanging out like how Kali is sumtimes depicted 

Nomno at the front 

Fingal Cave
Isle of Staffa
This is a tree [Tower 5G] stump that linked to Ireland [one land mass back then] 


Son does not mean the Son of a man or a young-man like how the Bible states, the word was Sone in the earliest translations when the Bible discusses sons [suns]
The early translation does not say Son but it said Sone, Sone does not mean son, it means sound
When you read back it says, in the beginning the word was with (God) and so on+, many did not innerstand what they were talking about in the Bible, the Son in the Bible was never a person, it was a frequency, and that if you were able to pick up the frequency of (God) [OM144 AUM sone of life], the vibration of (God) you became (Gods) Son or (Gods) sound [sone], you resonated with (God) >> Sun >> with (Gods) Sone or sound

 OM from the sun 

The first meaning (etymology) of the word Son, is not a male child, the first meaning is sound, so many words with Son in it for a reason, songs, sonny, sonic, sonata, soneto, anytime you look at the word sound you’re going to see the word Son [Sone]
The Son of (God) was never a male, it was any person that re-son-ated with vibration of (God)
KHMT Science is built on acoustics, tones, frequencies, vibrations
We did not believe in gods or a god or do we worship a god, we called them Ntchr and gave acknowledge to the higher beings [principal gods]
Deity is a Greek word for God and God [Dog] is a Roman word
Ntchr [Ntchru] being the plural form, the U is infinite, in fact, the etymological origin of the word Nature derives from the Kemetic [KHMT] word for deity Ntchr [Neter] Neteru Metu Ntchr [Metu Netu]
We overstood the supreme beings thru the study of Nature, we do not separate HuMins [HuMans] from nature, we are the ultimate expression of nature [Ntchr] on Ki [Earth]
There is no word for (God) from where you are from, you are the (God), the word you are looking for is NTR [Neteru] or N.TU or Orisha because you are Nature = Ntchr = Neter = [NTR][NTU]
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive Logic9
1440 is beyond HuMin [HuMan] comprehension

 Aritu [Chakra] means wheel

The seven souls of Ra [Sephek Ba Ra] un-i-versal poWRA(s), seven but there are nine and thirteen 


 Each chakra has an energy point, root charka has 4, still connected to the spine, it deals with 4 energy points within your body
And the sacred has 6 petals, or 6 energy points within the body, the plexus-core has 10 energy vital points, the heart has 12 energy points all within the body
Throat has 16 energy points, now, the 3rd eye [Wadjet] has 96 energy points, 9 and 6 is infinite that is why they chose it, you see all, the 3rd eye is connected to 96 vital points within your body
Vital points, energy points, spiritual points, petals <<whatever Trevor>>> same thing
The 3rd eye has 96 vital points, put the 9 and 6 together [merge][69], to-gather and you get 8 which is infinite
The crown has 1000 vital points because the crown is connected to all, to everything, add them all is 144,000 vital energy points, which is a frequency [144hz]
At this level, they call this Christ consciousness, which is Karast [KRST] consciousness, basically the highest level of conciseness, when you have 144,000 vital energy points working within your body
How you make your chakra spin [rotate] is down to you, at 144,000 your chakra spins at 360 degrees, 360, 3+6=9, is a 9 being [E-anna], a 6 being is a 33rd degrees being 3 + 3=6, low being, you are the other way around, breeding confusion, when you have all 144,000 all lined up you agree within yourself, self [cell], [self-mastery]   
So, examples; you could have your crown chakra at 360 degrees, but your eye is spinning at 33rd degrees, the other way around, you have to get all of them lined up and rotating in the 360 degrees which means you agree, this means your stars are aligned (chakra)
When your stars aligned all your stars (charkas) are spinning at 360 degrees, now if you are scared of sumthing, you haven’t faced your fears or you have fear of sumthing, your root poWRA star is vibrating at 33rd degrees which is a 6-being, but you could be an out-spoken person so your throat star is turning, spinning, rotating at 360 degrees [agree], but you see your stars are not aligned
So, you’re not at the full potential of consciousness
When they say that 144,000 will be going to heaven, what it means is that once you achieve 144,000 that is consciousness [144hz], god level, that’s all, because we are all going to heaven anyway and heaven [haven] is Sirius, the god-level
144 together 1+4+4 [9]
The 144 are a frequency, your avatar cannot go with you
Never look outside yoursCellsf, we are dealing with you, nothing is outside yourself, all is inside, to innerstand what you’re looking at, and you look at yourself every day in the mirror

This great celestial convergence is designed to enhance everything about the 9-ether as the original people of this planet

While our enemies are stuck on 3° of knowledge, and our brothers are only focusing on 33° of knowledge, this energy is building us to supreme levels of knowledge

Innerstand that we are to gain higher dimensional knowledge during these 7 days of this convergence 

 Make the 33° of knowledge, which is broken knowledge become 36° of knowledge and make that 36° become 45° and expand that to 54° of knowledge, all the way up to 360° of knowledge, the knowledge goes higher, 450, 540, 630, 720, 810, 1080, 1170, 1260, 1350, 1440 and the degrees of knowledge continue to build, knowledge is infinite

 This is where we are supposed to be going, not just in this stuck mindset that mankind wants us to be, once you break the barriers and see that we have been kept back by methods of pure deceit, we then can see the ptah clearly and move into places where mankind cannot travel 

 Expanding your knowledge is a multi-dimensional event, causing you to look at everything around you in a totally different light

Nature, the movements of mankind's mind, the cosmos, the spirit realms, this is how you expand Because what mankind knows is that true poWRA is the knowledge of sCellf and nature, and nothing ever stops growing, nothing at all

 Istal [Meditation] is the beginning and from there, you listen to your spirit and build, your spirit is literally the essence of the cosmos within our bodies, this is how you expand

The perfect black [KAA.NU] Osiris [Sirius]
Asaru daughter
Chaos the divine Femi9 Lilith the absolute is nothingness but everything
Asaru [A-SAR-U] SARS

The [black] substance starts off in KMT has Asaru [Osiris] Oser or [God] of the prefect black, and from that Kaanu[black] the phoenix rises up from the ashes and his soul returns has his son Heru [Haru] Horus, purified [light coming out of blackness] yang coming out of ying 

The chief of ancient KHMT is Amen [Amon] Amun and yet all the Christians and Muslims say Amen at the end of their prayers

Amen the Hidden

All that is hidden shall be revealed

HuMan [HuMin] size leaf from the Amazon 
Tamazgha [Ta-mazagh] = Amazigh

The Djed is also the Kundalini energy rising, which is taking place for the 9 ethers, that is supposed to be the fictional Jesus Christ at the top of the Djed, Christ is the Karast energy, aka Osiris aka Heru, the 9 ethers are coming online

The Vatican 2020 Christmas Nativity Scene [they know] 

The ancient pineal gland will be opening up for many, men will dream dreams, this is occurring now for the ancient eye is opening
There was an avatar that incarnated in the 1990’s whose name was John Pineal and is not a person, it’s the inner nature of the 9 ether

There was a guy in France who was working on magnetism and he came into sum information while working at the Louvre, and came across sum fragments of Nostradamus and in those fragments Nostradamus [Nostra means Cosa Nostra, the Mafia in America, Italian, literally, this thing of ours, and also means province, the southern part of Gaul is that Ghaul or Ghoul] 
Anyway, Nostradamus said that the 9 ethers in America and in Diaspora will come into their own, and that also in the last days the empires will be turned into [black] this is what he said, and that America will not be able to fight no war between two rivers, which is two seas, they will fear a mighty [black] military hand, and that America will be vexed [charged, war] by an Alkebulan [African] fleet [not talking about a Navy or ships, yes ships but space ships]
The ancient Kundalini is rising in the ancient people, but within the 9 ethers is only a small group that is actually conscious, like a really small group in the USA, none of the 6 ethers in the USA are conscious, and everybody else is living in a robot culture, the USA is a great experiment of secret societies
Many 9 ethers have nothing on their minds let alone the 6 ethers, Nubian people don’t have nothing on their minds with people walking around like its 1920, its so rare to meet a conscious person, especially where I AM
This cannot be all down to mind control but rather the clones, there are much more clones on the planet that what you think, much more, I mean like billions on the planet and there are only a small number of real people out here
The book of Exodus in the Bible is only a page long when there are half a book(s) worth and your just getting a fragment, Israel will go down and it mentions that many people will go to Israel to bring them down

I don’t follow Elijah or the Nation of Islam, but Elijah was accurate in what he spoke about and the craft, he said before he ascended that it hurts him to know what they are going to do to your people and he was talking about the Israelis and he ascended in the late 70’s

 George Lucas started writing his books in 1973, the Clone Wars, they could clone people with the force, which was melanin, remember Hitler had already found the cloning blueprints, this was from 1945, its later that they were able to clone people with melanin

 Why is this, because they must neutralise the rise of the [KAA.NU] black Messiah, the Bible tells you that the son [sone] of man will be in the west [west is the USA] the Kabbalah talks about the great mixture in the west [mixture, you have all of African in your veins] the word Osiris also means west, Amenti also means west, west KHMT is the USA, Amenti [Amenta] is supposed to be the underworld and is to be lit up by Horus [Heru] Heru goes to the west and liberates them in the west [Heru is you], even in the Masons they know that the Christ is going to be in the West, the Muurs have that in their works that the Masons put in their works also because we know that because the Muurs work they turned into Highlander which was all Muurs works and talks about the great gathering in the west

 Camelot was supposed to this great place but was talking about America but when the British conquered Ireland and Scotland they took the mythology and made it British, they tried to establish royalty that goes back to King Arthur [Arc-thor] [Arthur is Osiris] but the British were cavemen and was talking about the Moorish mythology and Camelot means new lot of Egypt [Kham-lot] or new Egypt, its in Ernest Scott(s) book People of the Secret, and is talking about America, in the Hermetic text it says, there will be an extension of KHMT in America in the last days, this is Tehuti telling Imhotep, so we know its talking about the 9 ethers, even Elijah talks about the west and even they wrote, the Nubians are the heirs to the earth

 In the Gospel of Thomas it says, when your eyes are open you will be troubled, you are the suffering Messiah, those who have become conscious are troubled, finically, all of it that you can think of struggling, that is the day you got into consciousness, that is the day you were troubled and you started suffering when you are troubled, but it also says, rejoice because the kingdom is at hand 

 What Lies Beneath the movie, in that movie Michelle Pfeiffer character had to go to the sleeping dog because the girl is giving her clues to find her killer, the Sleeping Dog is a reference to the DogStar like the Sleeping Buddha, and at the side is the alchemical symbol in gold [Nub translates Gold = Nubian]

Dreamscape, that movie can tell you what you can do with your dreams, notice the poster is in purple

We are in the NTH dimension [Purple]
Looks like the Bull [KAU] Hathor [Atheer] 
a-ether-s contains Purple [Ultraviolet] UVC

 Many people are being and will be killed off because you are devices that are coming online and if you come online you will destroy them, if the slave goes to war, they will win

 The Kundalini energy is a latent device that is being activated, Jupiter and Saturn is going to bring you online, their combined energy is going to change the frequency to bring you online, the 21st was the start of this transition is the frequency change, the 6 ethers are waiting on the timeline and they do not want to kill the wrong 9 ethers because if they do it quickens the timebomb, all they are interested in is controlling the masses but the masses are crazy anyway, they want to control the outcome but you cannot control [Gods]

Venus [LAHAMU] is standard in this energy exchange because we are in the Femi9 realm, Venus is Femi9 energy and Saturn who is also Femi9 energy, Jupiter is also in the mix and are the Bethlehem star their Bible talks about [Beth means house and Hem comes from K-Ham-I which means black] the house of the black sun [melanin]

They won’t take out code-breakers because they need them to find out what is next, they are only interested in controlling the masses, can you imagine when the 6 ethers find out that they were lied to, that their own people have been lying to them, they are going to go apesh9t and they cannot have that, according to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 325,574 of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II are alive in 2020, that means they have trained operatives still alive today, all they need is a gun or knife, that is ww2, what about all the other tours, wars they have that are not in that statistics that their own governments have left to fend on their own who pledged their life for, those veterans are still trained, this is about the control until the very last days   

 Kundalini is also instant genius and they give you Einstein, this Kundalini means you become an instant genius, the word genius comes from the word genie and also the word gems, Damion’s, Amun(s), and takes us back to melanin

Kundalini is Femi9 poWRA which they are trying to stop, they said that there was sum Syrians from Sirius C and the Femi9 Syrians took over the Masculine Syrains [Sirians] and the Femi9 Sirians are evil, and they are trying to tell people to rebel against the Femi9 energy, and have you seen the siStars today, many are offline

 There are 960 Charkas in the body or 96 vital points in the body, the Chakras are alien implants and this is an extra-terrestrial invasion, the Kundalini is the reptilian [serpentine] energy, there is a [Goddess] called Kundalini, Leviathan is the Hebrew word for Kundalini

You have to watch out for the 9-ether male because he will be against the 9 ether wombman and vice versa, it’s the times that we are living in

 The coming race will have a poWRA and that poWRA will replace mankind, this Super-Heru status, this X-Men poWRA is coming in and is what Hitler was looking for and is nothing but the Kundalini energy, above the serpent is a dot and is nothing but the pineal gland, and the Kundalini is invoked in the 9-ether male and fe-males and we are still talking about the Femi9 energy

Krishna comes to save the world from materialism [material is an aspect] but he comes to save the world from materialism, this globalisation and is based on thought [Thoth] whether you go to an Alkebulan [African] bush or you go to Asia its still a European thought, it’s the same thing 

Work ethics, how is work ethical now, it’s a cliché based on mind control

Sum of the girlfriends I had, I had to let them go, just because I was going into another dimension and they were staying here, I never knew this until I did an inventory, only when 2009 and 2011 and again three years ago I was on autopilot or GPS tracking me home, but at times I couldn’t buy into certain things

 Police officer, I want you to put your life on the line for a salary, you don’t question nothing and just do it, I say, I want you to put your livelihood on the line by quitting this sh9t, you can get another livelihood but you cannot get another life

We are talking about mind control

My marriage makes you legitimate in life, that is what he says, if you have a baby and my system marries you, then your baby is legitimate, then your life isn’t real if you don’t, what kind of concept is this, this is mind control, its their science

 You never challenge nothing and you have to challenge you own mind, too many of these girlfriends where totally dependent on the system and I wasn’t going for the system

Krishna is here to save the world from materialism and he has a magical flute that he memorises these wombmen by, before, earlier it was Shiva, we find back has we go back that s-e-x was on a higher, advanced spiritual level and the magical flute of Krishna was the magical penis of Osiris, Dionysus, and Shiva, what this also tells us about Christianity being fake, is there is no s-e-x involved

This is what Heru looks like 

People like Gerald Massey identified Horus [Heru] has the KHMT Christ, we know this, the powers that be locked down this stuff on Heru [Horus] so we don’t know much about him accept that he destroys, he is destruction, you have to go to Nagalan [Indian] and deal with Shiva, this is what I did, and in the Naga recordings we find the keystone to all this Sacred-Energy-Xchange

 So the flute used to be Osiris [Shiva] penis and becomes Krishna(s) flute, the Vedas system is ancient Typhonian [the Buddha teachings are completely different and there is thousands of years separating the two] the Vedic system is ancient Typhonian or pre-dynastic Egyptian mythology [myth does not mean folklore] that travelled up to the Indus valley by the untouchables which was Typhonian Egyptians [not the Muslims or Arabs, it is the Nubians] which were pre-dynastic KHMT people or what you would call your Ethiopians or your Kush [Cush] Kushites, so this is Egyptian mythology when you talk about Shiva and co [when we built KHMT we couldn’t put the s-e-x knowledge in there because we knew the Taliban [Muslims] were coming and they hate wombmen let alone s-e-x] as time went on a lot of the sexual aspects starts to get supressed and by the time it gets to the Buddha or the Krishna material there is hardly no s-e-x involved and s-e-x is key to the alchemical [Al-Khami] [Khami][Khemet] Khem[ham] means black [melanin] and also means the liberation of the 9 ether wombman

 There is a reason why they call you a freak in a patriarch society and that is to shut down your poWRA(s)

We find the origin with Dionysus is a form of Osiris, Dionysus has the Christ, Osiris and Shiva [who are one in the same] Dionysus is also identified has Hades and we can see that Satan and Christ are one in the same, Hades is supposed to Satan, he rules the underworld which means this is Osiris, Dionysus is also Dacula, because they were close to Greece a lot of the data was turned into Dionysus, Dionysus has the divine lover, Shiva has the divine lover [you see it]

These are aspects of the same person which is theme in all the cultures, a counterpart 

Shiva and Osiris penis [lingam] is also referenced has the universe and the Yoni [vagina] is universal energy and both are two aspects of the universe, on the Yoni you can see the Ayin [eye] which is the eye of the universe 

The modern man doesn’t understand death and this is a big problem that we have out here

Dionysus sits over madness and this madness is when the spiritual world merges with the physical world and there is war because the spiritual world is alien to the physical world and are not conducive, so you have this madness

 Shiva [Chi-va] is also the [God] of madness and of sleep and melanin is sleep, Shiva is the [God] of sleep and Morpheus in the movie Matrix is the [God] sleep and Greek mythology

Awaken state is the present, dreams are past, sleep is the future

When you are in deep sleep you are able to activate things, your body is asleep but not you, its not how much sleep you get, its what type of sleep you get, deep sleep is healing properties, deep sleep is the Kundalini energy

There is a chamber that you can go to where you are looking out of your body, your body is asleep but you are looking out of your body, you can do this in deep sleep and in Istal [mediation] D-istal

 None of these posts are about improving your life, its for those who sacrificed their life so you could be here and to deal with this end phase, but today we have all different types of people, groups, organisations all just looking for followers, when you’re the one supposed to be researching and bringing the way out of here to the table, you are the heirs to the earth and you are only here to get us up out of here [to break the Matrix]

Go through his videos and he breaks down the beings that are actually residing over there 

Don’t you think this looks like the Yoni and the [Ayin] in the middle 
[That is a cube platform with huge statues, really huge at the front]  

Wahanee Golden City [Grand Canyon] in west KHMT
Mt Kail-ash [China] 
The three Ayins [Eye]
Sitting on a 720 cube of consciousness
Landing platform
Iy [coasts, Isles, abode]
East and West [one land mass]
China [Shi-va] 
Chi Force 

Shiva on Google earth Mt Kali-ash [Akash]

Mahatma means good spirit, and yet Gandhi said in 1907

Kaffirs are 9 ethers

This brown Jew helped the British leave India with todays value of $45 trillion in looted resources by getting the Indians to adopt the non-violent approach, which meant don’t fight the British

Under Churchills food program all the darker Indians died in the millions, under the British the Tamils [Tama] where wiped out to the brink of non-existing so that China could build this $1.4billion port

The Indian thing is nothing but the Ethiopians aka the Kush people, Kushites, their father seed is Nimrud, those Cauc-Asian people in India today are not the original people from that land, it is the Ethiopians, whether these people call themselves, Sri-Lankan, or Pakistani, Indian, Bengali, Goa, whatever, it is all Kush[Cush] people and you will be making way soon 

 Shiva and crew will be destroying this and more in a payback that will be a bit9h to many   

The darker Indians do have melanin, you can see it but its no good, this is why the powers that be wanted the darker ones destroyed

The caste system was introduced by the British and does not stop at the tone of your skin, this is the way they think, where did they go, these 17th and 18th century people, they are today the global elite that rule you today   

Vanity Fair, Sense and Sensibility, these are their mentality, all these Edwardian and Gregorian people are only 5.5ft, they are short people and are still here, when you watch these programs this is how you get to see the world of the sociopaths, their mentalities, this includes murders, whipping people and more+ and all that they do, and as long as they can justify it in their mind they are good with that, but what many fail to get is that we are talking about a whole race of sociopaths, its inbred, everything that they were before is still present in this century, they see themselves as the head of authority and every other culture is a subject

 When you research this allows for progression, because its there- there is progression, and things started to happen, you become initiated and in 2000 the [Gods] started to wake [activate] up, because you did, its inwardly and now 20 years later, sh9t, all of the [Gods] are activated with the waves of the consciousness among the 9 ethers 

 The spirits are here and they want to be with the ones who are conscious and those from the diaspora, they are not just from Alkebulan, they are coming from Japan, China, India, Mexico, Africa, and these entities are coming and want to dwell with one people that are the head of the snake and that is the 9-ether consciousness on the planet, so you have double back-up with entities that want to commune with you and guide you


Kuan-yin who is the [Goddess] of compassion, she was killed, went to heaven and was resurrected on the third day, does that story sone fimilar

Kuanyin does the same thing Jesus did or Osiris [Heru] did, not sum Jew boy that came thousands of years ago after Heru [Horus] did it, Abraxas did it

The Greeks, the Romans, the Alkebulan all say that one of the Messiahs will come through Music [OM], that Messiah is you and by the way, there is about 20 Messiahs that are coming, the ones to take charge of this monkey sh9t

Marvin Gaye was taken out, but there are many cubs in the fold

 They tell you in the book, that the ancient ones, which are the Nephilian which is you the 9 ether, the ancient ones, the ones that ruled the world, the ones that mated with the daughters of men, those daughters where the Dogon wombmen, they say, where are the Nephilian now, they said, you will find them in jail, because their soul doesn’t rest, until now, they are so bored, they are tired of it, you’ll find them on the street, you’ll find them drinking, doing madness     

VishnuSree Padmanabhaswamy temple [1 of 108]
Iy [coast, isles, abode]
Seven floors
Nub [Gold] is a conductor
The sun rays align with each of the seven floors during certain times
All Iy around the world are sitting on ley-lines of this planet
Gold [Nub] stores energy [conductor]
Healing centres
The vault has no keys, its sone [Om] that can only open the gates

 We’ve come to far to give up who we are, so lets raise the ba-r and our cups to the stars

War is coming but we have reinforcements, we are not alone and never was alone, the Femi9 principal is always there to save us for energy can never be destroyed only renewed, recycled and that my friends is all she wrote


Oh, how superior is the Eye of Horus [Heru] to the Mouth of Isis [Aset]

I, Horus, son of Osiris [Asaru], claim the throne of the heavens as my birth right, he shouted

What was once mine shall be mine again
Is there anyone who would challenge me
The gods flickered and glowed
-Aleister Crowley 

Resurrection position [statue] 




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