Pay attention to the sky, they wrote in the Hermetic text
that there will be a time that the people will not look up at the sky
They are living energies that we are accessing everyday [cycle]
Automaton meaning; used in comparisons to refer to a person who seems to act in a mechanical or unemotional way
If you have sum type of consciousness that means you’re on the right Ptah, the cells are mutating and the cells are going to another level, you have been trans-mutating every-day and you are mutating mentally, physically, psychologically, physiologically into those unbreakable beings, there are stories where many were involved in accidents or illness and they still here when they should have been dead, there was a report of a man near Miami in the sky without a jetpack on, reported by flight attenders, many more X-Men stories are out there for you are mutating every cycle [day]
You will also see many take-on these certain
characteristics, like certain characteristics that wombman go through you will
also feel these cycles and vice versa, they will become prevalent and this is
because we are going back to duel beings, the frequencies contain codes that will
create these thoughts
All wombman are Aset [Isis]
Read Isis [Aset] Magic [2001] by Isidora Forrest, this
book is sooooo good, really good and she talks about the KAA.NU Aset
When we hit the millennium in 2000 the 6 ethers thought they weren’t going to be here in 2000 and did a ritual and when they realised, they were going to be here they had to reverse the ritual that he did, they blew up the towers and went to war and since then they had been arrogant
Red and Black is also Mama Bridget and Baba [Papa] Legba colours also and Azulus colours
Watch A Man Apart movie, Luecro is Legba in the movie,
the drug dealer, and he was wearing black and red and they had candles that
were black or red throughout the movie
Sleep is for the KAANU[melanin]
Sleep deprivation and dehydration are government
strategies, you can hear the humming, the low rumbling baseline, one of the
cells in Kaanu [melanin] is H2o
They don’t talk about the KAANU [melanin] in books about
the Kundalini especially after the 80’s and water is H2o
There is sumthing in your kidneys and this is why they
have you on kidney-dialysis, they must keep you dehydrated, sodium and salt
dehydrates you
You can get the Flu from Chemical-trails [chem-trails] and
you can also get Flu from the Flu-shot
Do not take the Flu shot under any circumstances, save a
life and watch out for the vulnerable, the older ones, kidney shut downs are
purposely taking place, go to these kidney centres and you will see nothing but
9 ethers everywhere
This tells you they have made a product that is made,
wrapped with lactose intolerant ingredients that is automatically anti-melanin
Children started dying and they said that the Flu was
made up with three different strands of Flu and this means this is not an
antidote for the 9 ether
Their Flu goes into your body and kills all the enzymes
which would make you allergic to bacteria in your body, that is the first
thing, and the second thing is the kidney shutting down
Do not take the Flu shot
If your kidneys fall to 15% you have to go onto dialysis
No sugar and no salt, watch your diet and plenty of water
The water [Aquarius] has changed and this means the
KAA.NU is opening up in the 9 ethers and all this has to do with the Equinox
that we are in right now
Now Babylon is two words wielded together Baby from Babel
and lon from Elohim which means these beings, there are two meanings with the word Babylon which is modern day authority, and the other is the ancient meaning
Entities are here from the middle passage
Nomos is written that he shall rise p out of the water to
subdued his brother
The energy is in the kidneys and comes out when you go
pee and they know this hence why they want you on dialysis so they can take it
for themselves
The kidney and liver, one produces Plutonian and the
other produces, the Gallbladder is connected to the pineal and pituitary gland
So this means they are talking out your Gallbladder
before you can get to the [God] level, there is nothing in your body that you
don’t need
The stones are produced, the Galls, and in alchemy, the
production of the philosophers stone which is melanin [Kaanu] and this means if
the [Gallbladder] is producing stones down there and is linked with the
pituitary gland means it’s a pineal type of bladder and means the bladder has
sum type of function like the pineal gland and is directly connected to the
pineal gland
The prostate gland is also connected to the pineal gland
and pituitary gland and this is why pants, briefs underwear is a no-no for the
9 ether to wear
The Gallbladder being taken out stops the production of
the stones going to the pineal gland
The Sickle Cells are an attack force made from melanin in
the body and can be called the Osiris Cell and when you change your diet the
Sigi [Sickle] attacks anything that is abnormal or foreign in the body
Sickle societies exist to track those with Sickle Cell in
the body, they are not interested in the cure
Everything that we are dealing with now is on a
molecular, cellular structure, including the water
And the kidneys, everything that is on the inside, this
war is from within, the Apocalypse comes from Persia and is really talking
about alchemy that is going on within the body, the inner-aspect
New Spirit Naturals
Colon cleanse will stop working after a while
They do not care about their own people [6 ethers] they
are only concerned about you the 9 ether
They killed many through wars, viruses, diseases, kidnap
for KAA.NU research which is the only thing they study in medical science, stem
growth also comes from 9 ether babies and the wombman only
All medical breakthroughs all coming from the 9 ethers
body, the space shuttles cannot even go to the planet’s low orbital field
without melanin on the underbellies of their shuttles
Plasma ultra-purple-skies, this is a higher force in
lighting coming down in many places, the charging of this planet continues
Volcanoes speaking up, this one gets a little help in activating
Spiking for the last 72hrs [9] near enough the same patterns
Earthquakes were low and this means pressure is building
Schumann for the Italians and Russians have not been updated, blackouts are still occurring, Re is still firing
Had that been earth facing then BOOOM, that was a warning
from Re, that would have been a straight EMPath had that been earth facing,
fortunate that it was only temporary black-outs in electrical appliances
Dead sea
Appearing sumtimes when planets come real close to one another and the two interact and its when they equalise themselves out that the poWRA reduces and can cause these holes, vents in the ground and they are not random in areas that we find them
Turkeys grain storage goes underground, nature is not playing, no one is going to eat from her for free
Nature is talking back her resources for a reason in this season
Serious [Sirius] times lay ahead
Russia, snow out of nowhere on natures orders
Sprite [Elves] Blue jets
Sprite comes from the word Spirit and these are intelligent
[A.I] natural intelligence, space should be viewed as a deep ocean and all that
dwells in a deep ocean will be found in deep space
The ocean is getting closer
Mt Hood [couple crafts]
The French government can see these crafts on radar and there is nothing that the French can do, 400 [512] is a long time and during that time [foreign policy] cost many lives
All European countries involved in the slaughter of the Annunaqi off-spring are going to be punished
Full fleets are sitting over major cities earmarked for destruction, this is how it will be
Watching you, watching me
Germany gets a M5
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
Same images
Iran is part of Mesopotamia [Sumerian] which is Utnafishtim
which is part of Alkebulan and so is Greece, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait, all of Saudi
Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Oman [Omen] Amen, Afghanistan,
Is-real [is it really], Bulgaria, and has a whole place
was called e-reth [e-ridu] Ard = [earth] ea-rth, this was the original name
from the Anutu [Annunaqi] and she was called Tanen and when the Annuanqi landed
on the planet in the Persian Gulf
Eridu translates, a home away from home
Earth was also referred to has Tiamat [Ta] Tiwawaat [Tawa]
During the Iraq war thousands of USA soldiers died
through a disease that was covering the land, a reporter who was there taking
pictures of the USA soldiers in mass graves and ended up getting killed for his
That land Iraq is Annunaqi land, Saddam gassed the [devil worshippers] the Hyzeti tribe or Azetti tribe who belong to A-Wass, they were called Kurds but where Awass lineage and Awass [Angel] is a form of Heru [Horus] and is the Peacock [God] Melek-Taus and Melek-taus who gave the book of Law about a 100 years ago
She is the sexual aspect and is the [Goddess] of spiritual prostitution [if you overstand her teachings around high melanin and those siStars who produce high levels of KAANU
She is the promiscuous N.TU and this is why we worshiped
the siStars that were the most promiscuous in societies, the patron [Goddess]
is Ishtar which is coming from this word Babylon which is Persia and in 1945
was called Iraq
The USA declared war on Iraq during the spring Equinox
and then they came down with this mysterious disease called SARS and in the
KMHT recordings another word for SARS is Osiris
[O-SAR-IS] Asaru [A-SAR-U]
They found SARS in Kanada, Atlanta
SARS means Osiris and whatever it is has sumthing to do
with microscopic organism inside of us and has sumthing to do with the rising
of Osiris
This is when they told you to get the Flu shot and then a
week later, they told everyone to get the SARS shot, whatever was in the Flu
shot had sumthing to do with shutting down the 9 ethers energy
After the war they said that they could isolate SARS with interferons and interferons comes from the testicles of 9 ether boys, the genitals of Nubian children [from the Atlanta child murders] people paid millions for a bottle, interesting how child soldiers in the Congo where near enough the same age, 7-11 years old, you see how this thing works, they tell you now that interferons cure muscular scoliosis and meanwhile when these soldiers were dying in Iraq they had symptoms like muscular scoliosis that destroys the molecular structure of the body
There is a Castle sumwhere in Iran but the bridge is still there called (Ghal ' eh) - a castle
There are Muslim structures mixed in with the original architecture
Persians where the Ethiopians
At the depth of two and a half meters, a complex of iron objects that constituted the protective armour of a warrior was discovered, surprisingly reminiscent of the shape of a bike or was a bike and a dinosaur [lizard being]
ENKI and INANNA are twins
IN.ANNA [Ishtar] is Aset [Kali] Maat [Aphrodite] Lakshmi [Rihanna]
We are in the Femi9 realm and you cannot hold her down
for we are in her realm now, you cannot tame her, so be her, you need to work
with the Femi9 energy and not tri and own her, but MaStar her, you have to become one with her
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