Tuesday, 29 December 2020

MaStar Lillith


 Lillith translates [of the shadow hour period], shadow is your inner-most-self [Cell] that is the dark-side that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas brought through Star Wars that tells you, to turn away from the dark-side, when the dark-side is the supreme essence of your true nature [Neteru]

Technically your Ptah is the left-hand Ptah because you’re the only ones who have a shadow, your essence is the left-hand Ptah and your essence is the dark-side, that is who you are, the Osirian realm

This means do not go to the light for there you will come undone, stay away from the light and accept the darkness [KAA.NU]

Use your own energy in this field, you are being upgraded with energies   

Melanin works with water [water of life] that’s the connection [currenSea] the Christ stone is called the stone of water 

The cycle of life is getting ready to fade out and the cycle of death that was dormant is now becoming life, death is an alterative to life and are both cycles, however death is against the universe and the [Gods]

You see when your people die, they all go to you, they are inside of you, small extra-terrestrial civilisations that they become a part of you, that is where they are, they are up inside of you, they are not up in heaven

You must over-stand, for those [Gods] that did not take on a Kha [HuMin-HuMan body] you have to leave them, for to worship another [God] outside of yourself is to believe in a [God] inferior than yourCellf

So, all the ones up there that didn’t take on a physical Kha, leave them, this is why the ancient Alkebulan(s) said deal with the ancestors, work with the ancestors

There’s a separation, there is a superior class of deities [Neteru] that was replaced by an inferior class of deities and the superior class of deities became HuMin [HuMan]

Therefore, if they did not take on a HuMin [HuMan] body, not only are they inferior to you, they are your lifelong enemy

How does a HuMin [HuMan] worship another HuMin [HuMan], how does that work 

The higher-beings have said that they have no desire to raise them up and will keep them down here worshipping them and thinking that they will be raised up, forever, for as long as they keep thinking that we are the superior, we exist

They only exist because of you, you are turned inside out and are worshipping them and not worshipping your realm, there are two-systems or dimensions going on

You see you can ascend and go to the other different realms, planes, but what they are not telling you is that these other realms, planes, can also be different levels of illusions as well 

It’s the KHMT [KHAMI] KAMMU Egyptians knew, for they dealt with the Osiris and the Amenti [Am-enta] the underworld [netherworld] Amduat [Am-Duat]

The heaven realm is right in front of you, its down here around you, you can break through the physical Matrix for you are only breaking the illusionary form of the physical but when you go to the other realms which you think is freedom, they are forms of illusions also and to override this system the universe has to crash, system fail, that is also why they write Christ redeems the whole universe   

These extra-terrestrial civilisations are within, these extra-terrestrial civilisations are inwardly and its just that you direct outward in there and not in here [from within] the kingdom of heaven is within

You keep the other [Gods] in this realm because you think they exist and by you thinking they do keeps them flourishing

They tell you [God] lives through the existence of man [Man means Mind = Human = Humin] aka you

This planet is the centre of the entire universe

This is how you work the Tibetans out, they have been meditating for a long time and nothing has happened, they are not connected to source, they say they are ascended masters, the planet was here from the beginning, when she was called Gaia, she was holographic [hologram]

So, if the earth was here in the beginning what are you ascending to

This planet is the command module, the central location, so where are you ascending to

If you do not have Alchemy, KAA.NU you cannot go to the higher dimensions and you are only going to other dimensions of the illusionary planes, a plane of existence

There are two systems going on here, the Devas put in an astral plane which are different dimensions of existence of the known universe but keep in mind that this particular universe has an origin and is not the ultimate reality

There is no way out if you were not created outside of this universe, the universe is crashing [resetting] ascension will not be for all

The key is not to go up in dimensions, the key is getting back to what was in the beginning, because the other dimensions are still part of the illusions, they have cosmic consciousness, Christ consciousness, a mind outside of the physical realm, but is still a form of the illusion

So they are still trapped

Lillith who was part of the great mother, refused to be part of the new existence with Adama [Kadmon] and rebelled and went back to her primal station

They sent three people after Lillith but they didn’t have the poWRA to override, overthrow Lillith because she is higher than [God] because she is the great mother and her son broke away and created this particular universe and is masquerading around has lord and master 

Lillith is the most primal essence of the great mother and later known has evil, that is why you must become evil [eve’Li = star] primal star or primal planet which is the earth in her primal essence
They say that she is evil, is she, all she is that, you cannot underestimate her wrath, don't play with her 

This heaven [Zion][New Jerusalem], whatever you want to call it, and for the 9 ethers is called [Amenti]

The Rosicrucian(s) have a word Chrisamalla and Chrisamalla is born from a condensation of a Nebula and Nebula is the bother of Lamb in Revelations 
The Lamb represents pure Melanin which is also called condensed Chaos and this is a primal element that existed before this particular universe that doesn’t exist no more, only in you

And the element being condensed for so long give rises to the Crystallisation which is your Christ word [Christos] Karast [KRST]

Yes Christ came to that particular part of the universe but that many moons ago, it fell has the Luciferian element and that which falls can only rise, that is what resurrection is and resurrection can only take place based on a fall

It is the Luciferian light that fell, in the Kabbalah and Hebrew [Habiru] is says never curse Satan because he too will be raised up as a beacon, vehicle of light

They say that Metatron is in heaven and he is also on earth, so in order for him to be in heaven and on earth means he had to fall, so Metatron is the same Lucifer

 Many are talking about ascension and that is nothing but New-Age people trying to get off the planet, many think that ascending is reality

 It is [God] that creates Maya [Illusion] and man is duped by it

 In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it says, Man [Mind] is enlightened when he realises the unreality of existence [this means you are enlightened when you realise that this sh9t is not real]

When you get this, that is your way out and you need the Crystal-Adama primal substance [melanin] that existed before the illusionary universe came into existence, for many who do not have this, you will become the fabric of the universe, as energy can never be destroyed 

 It is the ancestors that we should be connecting with for those are the people who represent that aspect of the ones before who had a physical body and means they came from the realm before creation and that was the only thing that was real, the African [Alkebulan] Gods would say, they were once HuMans [HuMins] like we were

The HuMins are the one true [Gods] of the prior universe since this universe is built on universes that existed before this one, on composites and those composites are elements and those elements are inside you, those universes are condensed and is called condensed Chaos

 Two realms, one is a holographic realm and the other is the one true light, the dark-side or dark-light, the universe was divided and was separated between day and night, where do you fall

The Devas are the angle-angel of light, those realms, the astral realms, the other realm is created at night, those are the night beings, nocturnal beings because Melanin is a night hormone and is because of that hormone that you can live beyond the daylight that is going away because its only a light that had been casted eons ago

 From purification comes illumination, that is the only light that can take flight  

Don't be afraid of the dark, for that is where you dwell, of the shadow hour, only you have a shadow

Queen protects King 

Lillith is also Sekhemt

Aset [Isis] always rescues Asaru [Osiris] 
The Femi9 principle is always there to save us, but you must come to source 




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