Sunday, 20 December 2020

Muscle Memory


1670s, from Latinized form of Greek dēmiourgos, literally > public or skilled worker, worker for the people, from dēmos [common people] [demotic] + ergos, work, from PIE root *werg- meaning, to do
The title of a magistrate in some Peloponnesian city-states and the Achæan League; taken in Platonic philosophy as a name for the maker of the world
In the Gnostic system, conceived as a being subordinate to the Supreme Being, and sumtimes as the author of evil [OED]

Related: Demiurgic; demiurgical; demiurgeous

A group of entities that ruled over us also called the Demiurge, there’s loads of books on these entities, however there is new material on them out there
There is nothing mystical about them for it all comes down to your ego, for your ego is what allows it [you] to be ruled either by a certain number of entities that don’t want you to rise [activate] or whether you go beyond that and neutralise the ego

 Most of us have been incarnated into Christianity and so you are trained in a certain way, Christianity still came out of KHMT has a mystery system and therefore you will identify with Christian symbols [motifs]

A book you can read is entitled the Jesus Mysteries and they have another book entitled Jesus and the lost Goddess, which are nothing but ancient data from ancient KHMT

One part that I found that was profound in these books is the part in their book that they show two circles together which creates a vessel [vesica] which also shows the fish [Pi] which is also known in metaphysics has the womb [vagina][Yoni] these are motifs of the ancient world [not Greek or Roman] that is missing from your Christianity, Islam and Judaism that is ultimately the Messiah and is a Femi9 principle and Jesus and his crew become devoid of the [Goddess] 

Y-on-i [Y-Om-i] 

A wombman comes already circumcised, it is the Male that must be circumcised 
That is her eye [Ayin] in the middle 

They took the vesica and took off the circles and show you a fish but this is a Femi9 aspect of the
w-holy union between the Fe-male and Male which goes back to [the two circles] and the Vagina are one in the same

Now we go into greater mysteries

 There is sumthing that you need to do and we are not dealing with Homosexuality, the mystery is this, the Pum-Pum [Vagina] is the Messianic [Messiah] [Masonic] aspect that has to do with the mysteries of the Male and the Fe-male 

There is data that your Egyptologists omit because most Egyptologists are 6 ether males, they saw all these records in KHMT and they omit these records but there is a woman who is an Egyptologist called Geraldine Pinch and she wrote the book Egyptian Mythology [the guide to gods and goddess and the tradition of ancient Egypt], who wrote this book in 1995 and 2002 and the male Egyptologists omitted her book and I’ll tell you why 

[Remember the Kundalini is a Femi9 principle and the 9-ether male is ruled by the Kundalini energy]

 This is what Geraldine wrote on page 178; When, why and how Osiris was first worshipped is much disputed, it has been claimed that Osiris was originally defined as a dynastic king, a primitive vegetation spirit, a [Jackal] god of early royal Necropolis, and a Mother Goddess [BOOOMBABY]

 And these male Egyptologists saw these records in KHMT and omitted these records

This is the chief Male principle of ancient KHMT and he used to be a Mother Goddess

[Now you know why the Greeks call Sirius Osiris] 

Lets break this sh9t down further, a Mother Goddess, its confusing because he is a Male entity and is with Aset who she is the epitome of the Femi9 aspect

ENKI [Osiris] and INANNA [Aset] are twins keep this in mind 

The male Egyptologists had to have known this because there is a book called When God was a Woman and that book came out in the 70’s, so they knew this all along

 These are the reasons why these so-called Gurus can tell you about the Tantra, why they are deemed knowledgeable about s-e-x, why the 6 ether women can write books on your own knowledge and teach your own knowledge back to you is because they kept this knowledge to themselves in private lodges, societies and then wrote books earning money from your own knowledge and then teaching your own knowledge back to you

 So, this is not new research, they were omitting the ancient knowledge 

The key here is, what are they talking about, O’ser or Osiris also has the Djed [column] pillar which is also the Kundalini and the Kundalini is a Goddess in Indian [are you putting this together]

The Djed is referenced has the back-bone of Osiris and is also the Red-sea parted and if you look up on you back you will see blood vessels, the Rod [Waas] of Moses [Musa] parts the Red-sea for you to go into the promise land, this is the Kundalini rising up the blood vessels on into the pineal gland and that is called the Djed pillar which is pronounced Sed [Shed] [Zed] and translates Stability  

Jesus [shed] his blood so that you could be free [Jesus Djed his blood so that you could be free]

 The Kundalini [Djed] energy is a Femi9 energy and means in actuality that Osiris is the epitome of the Nubian man and that the Nubian man and Nubian wombman are the only ones that have the complete aspects of or the complete function of the Kundalini and pineal energy

So, this means the mystery of the Nubian man is that he is the only HuMin [HuMan] on Ki [earth] that is not just Male, he is Fe-male and this also proves that there is no such thing has the Masculine in the original form, the Masculine is nothing but the phase of the Femi9 form, basically, there is no Masculine, there is no Male

 It is only the Femi9 and the Femi9 has a Masculine aspect [full stop] and that is the mystery

 The 9-ether male is known has the greatest lover, if he isn’t following bullsh9t religion, these religions were created to put her down and for you not to connect with your wombman

Oscar Pistorius murdered his girlfriend because she was about to leave his dry ass because she had made the s-e-x with a Jamaican 9 ether and the energy stayed within her and she wanted out and in, the 9 ether can charge the 6-ether woman but the 6-ether cannot charge the 9-ether back, its 9 ether to 9 ether [9 to the 9th PoWRA of 9 [universes energy] 
He couldn’t bear the fact that she would give it to sumone else 

The Passion of Isis by Gene Wolfe which is Hillary Clintons Astrologer, she works for England and they must be well versed in their cult, in Genes book, and even in Shiva and Shakti [Parvati] are nothing but two halves of the same entity, they are two halves of the universe, Isis [Aset] and Osiris are nothing but two primordial halves of the same entity and two portions of the universe and this is why in the mystery systems you get the snake [serpent] biting its tail and is called the Great Round

This image with the Turtle, the shell is the dome
Hemisphere Hemi in Latin means half as in half a sphere [dome]

The snake is the penis and the snakes’ mouth is the vagina and we are still talking about the same connection and the only thing your doing is connecting with your own fu9king self [cell]

Its stands to reason that the mystery is, if we came about in a world that was prior to this particular universe and we were in the beginning has two halves of the same entity, then it stands to reason that in these latter days that in order to reconnect back to the particular world that we came from because the circle has now returned and is now all dependent on the connection of the Nubian man and the Nubian wombman

And this is why the separated you from your wombman, let me ask you this, when is the last time you saw a s-e-x scene in a movie with a Nubian man and wombman, in reality they have separated you by class based on economic status, locking you up [14million 9 ether males are in jail in the USA right now, 14million 9 ether males] 

You are supposed to eat the 9 ethers Pum-Pum, that is the food of the [Gods], this is what the Nagas are depicting in this image called the Churning of the Ocean of Milk, that is your milk and honey 

[Alkebulan men]

That is the snake [serpentine] Kundalini that they are getting ready to [cum]
You have to stay on the Ptah that you are on because its two halves of the same entity 

Anal sex between two males, in the contents of normal flow of energy, the Kundalini rises up into the pineal gland and is connected through s-e-x [Sacred Energy X-change] but with anal s-e-x between two men the Kundalini comes down, anal s-e-x opens the backdoors [portals in energy] anal s-e-x brings the Kundalini down instead of the energy rising and is to why they need to s-e-x all the time because its just the function that is making it enjoyable for them but there is no energy at all, sum heterosexuals men are the same way, they are promoting metrosexual from Hollywood under lifestyle choices and in Porn, the Pum-Pum is getting infected with this type of practice and most of the time she doesn’t know that he has put it in places where he shouldn’t have

 You have two halves of the universe within you and they will do anything for you not to connect

 The key is, it’s the conscious people that are connecting with this thing, what is written is the physical connection by coming together, there is the spiritual side that is where we are at the moment  

 This is going down to the Female and Male, Osiris and Isis [that means you] Solomon and Sheba [Shiva], Shiva and Shakti, wherever you see these counterparts, Krishna and Radha, it is coming down to that same aspect [you do not need a physical partner to play your role] 

[You do not have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend because you can connect with a [God] in the spirit world if you know what you are doing and are from source, this is a communion, also when you take on the s-e-x with sumone you take on that person’s essence] 

[This clip is 1:44] 
Y-Om-i serpentine NRG [XTC]

They had a great push to find the Merovingian bloodline [the Frenchman in the Matrix] they are trying to find the Merovingian bloodline, they know that the Jesus thing is fake and copied from the Coptic Egyptians of Gnosticism, they know its from the post-dynastic Gnosticism movement that came out of Coptic Egypt [Gnostic means later day Egyptian] and these are the people around the time of the Roman empire that produced the Coptic material, the Romans stole it from the later day Egyptians and then killed them off, but the ones who survived travelled up into Europe, has an Egyptian group called the Calvers [Cathers] and their last settlement was in France [the Frenchman] the Cathers were the Merovingian's and this is where the word Cathedral comes from [because they built them, sumtimes referred to has the Muurs] 

So they knew that the Christianity was fake, the Roman induction of it, and for over a hundred years the KHMT Aaferti [pharaohs] knew that their system of Metu Netu would be lost soon, so they took their papyruses from the places like the temple of Denderah, Isis, and more and translated these texts into Greek, Coptic, Aramaic, Latin and Arabic, all of the existing languages of the later day, so this stuff is Metu Netu but carried on into a new Mythological style and form of the Gnostic aspect and Jesus so happened to be an Egyptian name that the Romans borrowed which is a form or Horus (Heru) Osiris, Dionysus [the Osiris and Dionysus complex]

So, in so many words they are trying to trace the bloodline of Jesus Christ [Merovingian] and this is why in the movie the Matrix, the Merovingian is holding the key-maker because he is holding the key

 There is fake Christianity from the Romans which is a continuation of Osiris-Dionysus Horus [Heru]

 So, the last time these people existed was in France

The Mythology changed from Isis to Mary Magdalene, so there was a push to get Jesus’s girlfriend, they couldn’t have Jesus running around solo, so they tried to weave in his girlfriend because for the occult people they need a Solomon and Sheba, an Isis and Osiris, Krishna and Radha they needed a counterpart, they couldn’t have this lone-ranger image

 The 6 ethers in their mind were trying to say that Mary Magdalene and Jesus would lead to the Albino [Caucasian] European people, but yet the Merovingian bloodline has everything to do with the 9 ethers, the French have everything to do with Caribbean slavery, American slavery, so the bloodline is still Osiris and Aset, Mary Magdalene is a Mythological character but they are trying to make her a historical figure, she is not a historical being, its not even talking about the bloodline based on Jesus because even the Jesus of Gnosticism was talking about the ancient [Gods] and not this historical person, the Merovingian bloodline is talking about the KAANU [melanin] bloodline that travelled to the Americas, it went past the middle passage, anything from the Caribbean on up 

The Goddess Isis by the Greeks who is Aset, who the Greeks also call Sirius who is Osiris has taken over this whole realm and you need to be coming from the heart chakra this is how all this last phase is going to work, the New-Age use the words unconditional love which sones so beautiful but the European love is not the same has your lov9, you are spiritual, remember when people would say

I’ am unconditional and in actuality it was sumthing they read sumwhere

[you are coming off of the back of slavery, your lov9 is different from the 6 ethers]

 It is the heart chakra [Hanuman heart] that is key to the step forward on how this all works, it is the [Goddess] Isis [Aset] that has taken over this realm

There is a book entitled Isis Magic and is a long book however in there they talk about Isis and in there they talk about Black Isis, the book is written by M Isadora Forrest and there are 6 volumes to that book, there is a whole chapter on how to open up the heart chakra

 What this means is that there is a dual nature in us that we have to surrender over to and the Femi9 half and has nothing really to do with the social aspect has in you copying a woman, washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, changing nappies, cooking, whatever you think women do, its nothing to do with that

 Isis is a Greek name for Aset and what Isis means is emotions, we are dealing with the energy in motion aka emotions and thought, its giving away to your opposite because its both Male and Female that we are dealing with and the heart chakra [3]

Feeling Orange but sometimes Blue

First part he sones like Nat King Cole and the second part is all his, this is one of the reasons they had to take him out

I had been listening to these artists to open the heart chakra, find what you need to begin to open the heart, get in-tune with what your mother, siStar, grandmother, aunty, girlfriend had to endure over the last 400 [512] years, all ancient pain is held in the womb, many of you use your children has a bargaining tool because you hate her now, this must stop right now because the Femi9 energy is not playing, don't mash up creation 

 The Southern Faces of Darkness, traditional Typhonian Magic [Magi] the Typhonian existed before your Egyptian monumental era which is the pre-dynastic Egyptian [KHMT]

So, you have Set [Sut] who is the pre-dynastic [God][NTU] of all time [read Gerald Massey]

 Set is the primordial [God] of all time, Set is [ENLIL] Set was a Jackal-headed deity [NTU] that after the dynastic era, his attributes became Osiris [Asaru] and Tehuti [Thoth] and Anubu [Anubis] the Dog and a Jackal became attributed to Anubu, sumtimes you see Tehuti with a Dog in sum aspects, Hermes is another Greek word for Tehuti like Thoth and hence why you get the word Hermubus [Anoubis]

 Set is the adversity to Osiris, for he was the prototype for the pre-dynastic era that all these other [Gods] came from  

Whatever happened to Set which would be the archetype of all [Gods] N.TU that later travelled up into India has Shiva and Shiva is a composite of Horus [Heru][Hara], Osiris [Asaru] any Messianic form you’ll find Shiva

 Shiva is the complete entity to survive in the modern world, why, because he is the only one that deals with the combination of the sexual energy [although Osiris did, all that is in fragments] [we get Horus (Heru)] but he is devoid of all that and we don’t see him with the Female, were not talking about the later stuff because that is just all assimilation] we are talking about the primal myth, we don’t have enough on Dionysus who again is a composite figure [Shiva and Dionysus are one in the same for Dionysus is based on Osiris]

But the one who gives you the complete form is Shiva [Chi-va]
Chi = life force energy 

Shiva is also Set [Seth] which is Sut or Suth which is where you get the word Sh9t from which means excrement which means sumthing left behind, when you see these words in religion; unclean spirits, that is good and that is talking about the 9 ethers and does not mean you are unclean, it means you are alien to the physical world and it means you carry a primordial substance like Andromeda strain

Its unclean because you [9 ether] carry a primordial substance that is in you that existed in the primal worlds, this world is built off of seven other primal worlds that existed before this particular universe

 In the movie the Matrix Neo: You haven't answered my question, the Architect: Quite right, interesting, that was quicker than the others, Neo: What others, the Architect: the Matrix is older than you know, I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the sixth version]

 Its seven actually, even in their Bible it says, seven days 

Those particular primal worlds that existed were torn down and this universe was built off of the ashes [energies][kaanu][melanin] off of the primal worlds and is inside of you, you carry the leftover substance of the primal worlds that was left behind after this universe was built

Universe is Nun [Nu] and means abyss, the deep, and the energy of Nu

What is this energy, it would ultimately be called the Greek word Melanin and the KHMT recorded the name KAA.NU [Kaanu][Kanu]

 Sumthing left behind, that is the unclean spirits called Sita Hara [this is the most-evil thing in the universe in the Herbrew [Habiru] text] 

Sita Hara is the epitome of Satan, the Devil and all that is evil this stuff called Sitahara, but Sita Hara explained in the Kabbalah has being the substance in Alchemy [Al-Khem-y][Khemet] and Blackmagic [magic is Magi] and in so many words this substance is KAANU [Melanin] [Ether]

So, Melanin and Satan are one in the same and Satan is also known has the Shekinah in Kabbalah which is the Femi9 face of [God] in the ultimate Femi9 mysteries

Now you can see how religion can keep you from the essence of what you need to be dealing with because your scared of all this stuff

Sita Hara is the core of what is behind Alchemy

Sit means black and Hara is from Heru

 Siddih-akash in India, where you get the word A-kash-a (Akashic) same word in the Queen of the Damned and Queen of the Damned is Ishta has in Ishtar and this links us back to Babylonia which is a form of Ishtar who is IN.ANNA who is Kali [are you getting this] 

The return of Babylonia is the return of Akasha, in the movie Queen of the Damned, they killed Akasha and put a 6 ether woman in her place and they took the blood and said, you taste the most ancient of things, that was the blood of Akasha

Ann Rice encyclopaedia vampire and in her book, she said she got the name Akasha from a book called the Lost Cities in Ancient Mysteries of Africa and Arabia and Akash means black substance, Siddhi-akash = Akash = Ak-ash = ash = melanin = kaanu

 In India there are loads of 9-ether tribes, especially in Yellapur and the Indians of today say that they were leftover from slavery, now they never had slavery there and what it is, is these tribes where already there

Shiva [Sh9t] the one most intact is the one in East-India, they built these temples in many places in India and one set was in Elephantine [Elephanta] were they are having all these orgies, a lot of these materials that we see was a part of pre-dynastic KHMT but they had a kind of dispute because the dynastic or what they call the monumental phase of KHMT [Egypt], they knew they had to build all these records [the online library] because they knew we were going off-line, we were losing memory, that we were going to [fall] in frequency, aka that Alkebulan [Africa] was losing memory

 The 9 ethers files were being deleting so they built all these monuments in KHMT and wrote on Papyruses, they used Granite because Granite holds frequencies knowing that we would be activated [online] in time and that the records would was also available through the Akasha records and through our zip-files [Akasha is a melaninated computer that the 9 ethers have only] [20% of the 6 ethers have Melanin] 

   We didn’t need to do that in the pre-dynastic era because we had detailed files stored within the brain [organ] muscle [kannu computer], which is also why you don’t see the same structures, monuments in the rest of Alkebulan and in building all these monuments they could see prophecy

They knew that people would be coming into Alkebulan and it was in religion, that if we had kept all the sexual themes like that of India, then they would have torn down all the temples, when the Taliban come across artifacts, they smash them up 

The Taliban are Muslims and Muslim men are very insecure and insecure about women, these Buddhas in Afghanistan would TNT these statues out of here by the Taliban, not just Muslims, under the Vatican is a 6-mile warehouse with tons of material, in Belgium they have millions of Benin artifacts, everywhere they dig up the planet they find 9 ether material, they found Shiva in Russia, the KHMT spent all their time building artifacts, paintings, sculptures, statues, monuments, papyruses so that you would know who the fu9k you are and where you are going, we left a back-up file 


If we had built the sexual temples in KHMT the Islamic(s)would have gone fundamental and blown them up, the Europeans smashed noses, lips, arms and heads when they realised all these statues where all Nubian, so we had to be mindful of where and what we put the back-up files

 This is what USA-today wrote; A common cultural belief in ancient Egypt was that once a body part on the monument is damaged it cannot perform its purpose anymore, therefore a broken nose causes the spirit to stop breathing 

To black, to strong

 Here they replaced the nose with a European nose [look closely] 

Muslims in KHMT have even repainted walls, made figures lighter in colour, they scrubbed all the paint off of Sumerian 3D layered work, same in Indian, they cleaned all the paint off because the colour of their skin [9 ether] would confirm who the elite on this planet are and were, they chiselled out faces, shot bullets, smoked out [blackened] arts on the walls, in a vain attempt to conceal the truth

 [all these monuments and temples are going, we will be destroying all of it, the other lands beyond Alaska and Antarctica are being readied, we have br’others and siStars over there, Antarctica is currently at war and has over 50,000 quakes and the ice is melting, we will be leaving this side of the planet to move into the 5D while the rest stay here in the 3D and will look like Pompeii Pepsi max, all these man made buildings are going, its artificial and nature or the 9 ethers didn’t build them]

 If we had built the same in KHMT we wouldn’t have none of these materials to be translated into what they call Egyptology today, so they can look into the future and say, we need to preserve a certain amount of history, so if we bring all these sexual material in here, which is still divine, the other 6 ethers won’t get it or they will be insecure about it, then they would deface or destroy these Iy [temples, coasts, abode, isles] libraries, those temples in India became more isolated and Indian is a huge place and is to why they are preserved, but in KHMT, KHMT was the centre of the world and would be more viewed by more people over a long period especially with the cultures that were to come, so we had a way of looking into the future and how it would be

 There are dates that the KHMT left that we were not to do certain things on, July 29th is Set(s) birthday, the festival of Isadora and Isadora is another name for Isis and this is August 24th

Isadora and Isis are Greek words and her name is Aset

There is more, but we don’t have time, but these dates and more was for you to do things on a spiritual level on or if sumone is getting on your nerves or in your way, these are days to do them on and reverse the energy

October 16th is the slaying of Osiris [they held the million-man march on this day] you can go back in this timeline and see the sh9t that they did on these dates and more]

El Cristo le Negro apolo [where they get Apollo Creed from] I think he is around the 16th also, and he is also worshipped in Puerto Rico, Negro means black in Spanish  

The date the Set rebelled against Osiris was March 22nd which is also the spring Equinox, regardless, these things have sumthing to do with a metaphysical level so you have to deal with them anyway   

 In the year 2000 it was Aset that took over this whole realm, she is the [Goddess] of 10,000 names and all 9 ethers are the prototype of Aset [Isis] Kali, the Great Mother, and so on, no wonder they brought out AIDS[HIV], abortions, mixed race children, all the 9 ethers daughters are Aset, the throne, the pulpit, the seat of consciousness

[The gateway is between your legs]

There is a book entitled The Yoni by Rufus C Camphausen and another book entitled the Phallus by JA Allan, which breaks down in more details, the Yoni book also has the different shapes of the Vagina and can tell you what kind of wombman you are, a Pum-Pum to sum men its all the same, is it, when you know what you are looking for you will go crazy knowing that you have found the right organ, sum wombmen might not look like Eva Mendes or Mearg ‘’Magi’’ Tareke but their Pum-Pum does

Kundalini key 

Have you notice the fingers that a wombman uses to touch the rainbow, those are sacred symbols the way she uses the fingers, they are Mudras 

There is a huge difference between the 6 ether and 9 ether, and its not just the 3 degrees of separation

 This guy Rufus is a Dutch man, its not like he knows, you have to keep in mind that the Dutch, French, British, Belgium and more are in India or Alkebulan stealing the works left by you for you and is teaching it back to themselves and today to you, they might seem knowledgeable but they were first taught by an Alkebulan and that Alkebulan was and is a Mother, a 9-ether Wombman, they were in caves and didn’t have fires and where eating themselves, they couldn’t speak and could only grunt, they have mastered what you had sum 10,000 years ago, let them have that for the new paradox is on the horizon, don’t hold onto the 3D for you are heading into the 5D[6D]

Both the cube and sphere are 360 [720] stand on your cube of knowledge 

I is writing these post to expand your mind, nothing is just happening, nothing is random, there are entities, beings that are orchestrating the desired outcome

When you are on the most-highest frequencies nothing can touch you from the 3D, know who you are and you know thyself [thyCells]

We are on the cusp of sumthing truly remarkable and these posts are designed to let you know that you come from sumthing so profound that your minds dimensions are going to blow wide open

 You are spiritual and was placed in the physical and this is not your realm, you have no idea how HA.PI the higher beings are because you came through the simulation, in a world of sh9t and are still here despite what the recessive genes have done to you, its noting to do with your pride or ego, its your energy, it can never be broken, it can be bent, but also bent back into shape, yeah your jaded but when you look back you will be proud of your achievement and so to your celestial parents who are behind the veil [mirror] and are awaiting your return home

Osiris is looking for the choice, the Aaferti in you, the One [Neo]

 Everyone including the 6 ether will get another chance once again, maybe sum of you will swap places, sum of you your energy will be transferred into a plant or animal, energy can never be destroyed, there is a satellite planet that still has the trimmings of this planet where those who didn’t make the grade get to tri once again, so don’t dwell on others because they are not dwelling on you

You are two halves of the same energy, embrace your Femi9 electron energy

 Sum, if not all these books mentioned are available on PDF, if you know sumone who has a Kindle ask them if they would let you borrow it, download these materials because it could change your mindset 

Balance the energies within you 

You have done your bit for society, you are accountable for your ownseCellf and you must complete your ptah-way, do not for a minute think that we all will be singing Kumbaya around a fire and it will be alright, there will be much taking place and you must serve yoursCellf first for we have reached the end of one cycle and beginning another cycle and sum simply won't make it, this is the or their reality

As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end

 Neo, wake up 

The light is in all of us and at the same time, in none of us 

Go in peace and let peace guide you home 

3D things 

Marvin Gaye [whats going on] 

Re is blasting out Om frequencies 

NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] Nabara
This is a spiritual craft [Mekaba] and is the MaStar-Key
This craft is here to destroy all that is artificial and this means the 6 ethers [recessive genes] will be destroyed, that means everything that is not 9 ether, many are getting confused with the Mekaba and its purpose, the craft is controlled by the Annunaqi who have returned for this planet and their off-spring, the Nagas or Niggas 

Over 72,000 crafts have assembled in and out of this dimension along with over 900 war-planets with sum that you will be able to see, they are part of the Galactic Federation and Alliance and Allies and governed by the Anunnaga [ANU.NAGA] led by the Neteru 
There will be a big wake up call for many who think they are here to save them when in actuality they are here to destroy you 

The frequency is getting ready to go Pete Tong [wrong] for many 

Look where the arrows are on the left and are going straight back into the planet because NI.BIRU is right there 

His wife was born a man and he is into Children 
All those who have broken their leg are under house arrest and Epstein is not dead
They are all going down, sum have already been executed and it is the clones that are out to keep the public at ease 
tic toc 

If a Nuclear reactor explodes leaking millions of tons of man made radiation into the ocean poisoning all marine life for over 9 years, the Japanese just put their thumb up their ass and leave it 
Japan endorse the slaughter of the Whales and Dolphins for the last 100 years but bind a tree roots to build a road, Japan is part of Nepal and will be destroyed 


Structures [castles] in the sky

Guardians of the galaxies, ok then, this is your C-RAM used to intercept mortars, this is your weapons against 9D beings, ok then 

Seen over Russia, call it your DNA upgrade of the 9 ethers but this is also the spiral passage of Sirius A and B, the Annunaqi warned Putin, step back or your people will be made for food and taken into slavery, Jupiter and Saturn will be upgrading the 9 ethers DNA 

This DNA symbol is also 

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