High-land = higher frequency
The 99 attributes are the 99 [gods] that are pieces of puzzles
that fit together to make the jigsaw and that jigsaw is [God] its all the
elements needed to explain [God] and it actually goes up to 144, but man is
only on 99 [they haven't worked out the rest]
The pieces make up [God] and [God] makes up all the
pieces, the one [God] makes the pieces [99] and the [99] pieces make [God]
What is this great gathering
This is the 9 ethers in mass consciousness, this is not the masses in people
Those in the late 1980’s, 1990s and 2000’s, we always had conscious settlements streaming through to activate these people and especially from those who have the letter M in their name, the letter M[W] is a symbol, an electrical current, at this point I have to step back when it comes to Michael Jackson, I dislike that he molested children and the thing is, do I see the tree or the wood or the bark, do I see the message or messages or do I see the messenger, this goes against the grain for me, if I stay transfixed on what he done I will miss the messages that he was leaving, this doesn’t’ make it right on what he done down here, all [Gods] will be dealt with and Tehuhi and Anubu are here, sum [Gods] had to do what they had to do
We can go to the 1800’s and there were beings being sent and we’ve always had those aspects but when we reach back into classical antiquity, we are talking about KHMT, the Sumerians, the Muurs, the Naga [Indian] and so on that we didn’t talk about in the 1960’s+ and they knew then that this particular conscious community was those particular people and those particular people are you, you have been reincarnating over and over until now, we have 2020, we have vision now
And so, it doesn’t matter how many 9 ethers they have murdered or how many 9 ethers are struggling right now, they know there is a conscious group, we have grave problems has a conscious people and this again is prophesied and that stands to reason because the 9 ethers are coming out of problems of massacres of the soul, mind and body, so naturally the 9 ethers would have these problems and nevertheless the 9 ether is still conscious, despite all of this
So, no matter what you see around you going on, you just
have to look at this from the MaStar mind
These are tools to enrich your life for the time we have
left, many of you came online well before the official activation and you must
use the Femi9 electron energy for the duration of your time that is left on Ki
to enrich yourself
I am in the NTH level and is an observer in this field
At this particular time, you cannot be fronting and saying I am the MaStar and that you can convince everyone out here on how astute you are and what you think you know and how spiritual you are because the energy is dealing with the inner you
Sri Lakshmi [9 ether] is a [deity] over wealth and prosperity, when she came into the kingdom of Vishnu which is one of her counterparts [Lakshmi is also Venus, Het Heru, Aphrodite, IN.ANNA, Astarte, Azuli or Azule] but in this particular case, she is the counterpart of wealth, not what the New-Age associate her with, wealth in your health
Sri Lakshmi and the rest like the 99 elements are
formulas and when you say call on Sri Lakshmi, she is other avatars as well and
they are other traditions and she would have other traditions in those areas at
that time
Vishnu is a Her-u type of a Goddess that she comes into contact with but his kingdom is prosperous [remember its always a counterpart with them] whenever she leaves the kingdom, the kingdom starts to fall
Lakshmi has incense drops, one of my brothers is in NY and we got sum from there, so they are available, burn those drops for those who are in the USA for this is your material [tools] to use
Call on her
Sri is Sri Lanka, king Lanka [Lakshmi]
The Indians of today call this Lions Hill when there is nothing Lion about this monument, those are claws not paws, that is a Dragon(s) head not a Lion(s) head and that is a MIR in the background
There is a landing port also and there is interior to
this structure
Ma is Ma'other [Mother]
Venus [LAHU.MU] is a transient realm of the Great Mother
that is taking over
I’m not talking about homosexually; I’m talking about
that you are equally Femi9, you are the only ones, the 9 ether males on this
planet that is equally Femi9, you are the aggressive attribute
Left and right side, Masculine and Femi9
Lucifer is a female, so to is Baphomet whose mother is Aphrodite
Deeper studies have come out about Aset and Asaru who are
in all the major ancient cultures that we have, Gene Wolfe who was married to
Robert Masters who wrote the book the Goddess Sekhmet, Gene was Hillary
Clintons Astrologist, that book was out of print and was reprinted
The N.TU Sekhemt whose name translates the PoWRA-ful,
Mighty [She is a Akur-Ekur] Lion [Lyra]
Wolfe wrote the book Passion of Isis and Osiris and the
concept is that Isis or Aset and Osiris [Asrau] are twin halves, we know this
because IN.ANNA and EN.KI are twins and they documented this in the Sumerian
texts, they are twin energies of the same entity, how many ancient stories have
the twins [think about that]
There is also the twins called the Akka-lion
Shiva is nothing but another form of Osiris and Heru [Horus] and there is an entity called Shiva Hermaphrodite
This is Castor Semenya who is from that gene-pool, the same beings that are the original Amazon [Ta-Amazigh][Tamazgha] warriors, Castor is a Hermaphrodite [Venus] Her is from Heru Aphrodite [Afro-dite]
Shiva, two aspects, one is his counterpart Shakti or Parvati
[Parvati is the daughter of Mountain, who do you know
that is called Mountain, or Far Away Mountain, you see how this is all
interconnected][Hara = Mountain]
When they make a s-e-x ual union through heterosexual s-e-x and they come together in unison has one entity
Does this stuff really help you or does this stuff make you feel superior over other people or over a wombman or over other 9 ethers, its 2020 and you should be beyond all that energy in the 90s right up to the 2000’s, you should be at that stage of wanting to go beyond which is the primal realm of where all that stuff came from
The soul is beyond the physical body, when you read this
post your perception is based on Masculine and Femi-Nine s-e-x level or based
on your gender roles, and you only register through culture and what we are
talking about is the primal essence of the soul [Baa] which is beyond the
physical body but certain expressions of the soul is manifested in the physical
but you’re going to have to find out what is that particular half that I need
to put together, find the esoteric data that comes from the Cosmos aka Sirius
and what happened is because you are elevated, the knowledge becomes so simple,
it’s the real simple stuff that you miss that is the key, its simple but its
sublime, simple but quite clever
Why I write about the spiritual material tools is because
the energy will take you beyond the physical, so all this that you see out here
in the physical won’t actually touch you, many will not see the spiritual because
they are still dealing with physical on a physical level in a spiritual realm,
how is that going to work
When you stream into the energy you stream into the
You get to the point you don’t argue, you’re thinking the
same things, she flows like you, you flow like she does, you give her sum and
she gives you sum, you’re the last one out and shes the first one in, you’re the
first one in and she is the last one out
The realms are merging, morphing together and for those
who do have a spiritual partner and even sum of your friends will be thinking
and saying the same thing you do, these are the aspects
Deal with the Babylonia who is a form of Kali [IN.ANNA]
this realm is a mother and siStar team
Read the Pyramids of Montauk, that book will blow the
dimensions of your mind and will give you a mindset that you need, the best
book I’ve read for over 10 years
The Babylonia plateau is the Giza plateau and after the
Babylonia plateau was the Rostau [Rasta] plateau which is the form of the
Sphinx which is the form of Sekhmet and all are a form of Ishtar
We never had that one central continent for the reason is
that the [Africans] never thought of themselves has a one continental people,
did you know that no one lived in Eden, in the nursery of Africa where we find
all the animals, we went there to visit and learn, now you have the 6-ether everywhere over there and making national parks, reserves, yeah reserved for
them, parks that you cannot go but them, charging people for money to kill them
and to go on Safari, we never had cages, we are limitless, we were never confined
to one place or one name or one energy, you were a central spiritual system
that had many components to these formulas [99][144]
Those that set up Babylon are a pre-dynastic set, the Scorpion King is based on a pre-dynastic ruler in KHMT, the Sumerian text that they call Cuneiform predates Sumeria, it all tides in and you must get out of this sectarian way of thinking, its all connected and intertwined
You are thousands of years separated from the element, you are not part of this 2,000 year cycle, KHMT is at least 450,000 years old, that area, all these cities at times are parallel, there are [Gods] in one part of history and these same [Gods] are in other parts of history at the same time in different places on the planet at the same time, there are craters that are millions of years old sitting by craters that are thousands of years old and for you to just choose one section is the same has you choosing one frame in a film out of thousands of frames, you are not just Titan or Muurs or KHMT or Sumerian or African you are the whole lot
Semktet translates becoming weak (evening boat of Re)
When you see the Neteru on boats they are not going down
the Nile River on sum fancy boat trip or for a cruise, this is a ship as in
vessel as in a craft and the Nile represents space travel, the Nile is the Milky
Way space highway and they are going celestial traveling, they are going to the
galactic centre and then they can go beyond [you can do this from your home,
its call Istal – mediation, the final frontier is in between your ears] these
boats are alchemical-components that is in your body and you can call on these
ships to take you, you have over 190 major chakras in your body which means a
whole civilization within the HuMin body, these boats are registering inside of
you body right now, all you have to do is find out which entity lines up with
your organs in your body to board that ship
Like Seker or Seket is Semktet which is Sekhmet [Sanskrit]
MAATET [MATET] is a form of Maat, that is another ship and
translates Morning sky boat of Re
Set is the primal N.TU of all time, when you omit Set you
are dealing with the most primordial N.TU of all time, Osiris is a later
composite of Set, although Set is the enemy in the realm of Amun, Set Typhoon
[Shayth][Shiyth[Sheeth][Shaytaan] that is used to be attributed to the
pre-dynastic set that went into Anubu, Tehuhi, Osiris and Horus, all they did
was break them up and make them into newer deities [Neteru]
You have to come from you heart and be honest, your sincerity
Merge with the frequencies, it’s a new wave and contains
the primal frequencies that is resetting this planet and anything that falls
short will be destroyed, you are not European so whey do you think like him
If there is no more human physical earth or the physical
body which is only the illusion then in so many words, no one did anything
really wrong, think about this, this does not mean go out there and do you
worst, its says in their Bible, this heaven and h3ll will disappear, that means
you are not going to h3ll or heaven because wherever you are going, its already
in your soul [Baa]
Sumerian text is old Persian text which is old Ethiopian text, the Greeks called it Cuneiform which described the method is creating these symbols [writing]
The Sumerians [Mesopotamian] are the Alkebulans [Africans] aka the Abyssinians [Ethiopians] the NTH gate
There are two kings lists and one is 241,000 earth years alone and your Jesus story is 2,000 earth years old
Abyssinian, Ethiopian, Aksum, Lablibela aka the NTH gate
Who is on repeat here, the loop has expired
The 9 ethers built these places, the Tartarian empire is the Muurs, same thing, this is Siberia, this is Russia today, when the flood mud came in they dug these places out, but they never built them
M7 see how deep that was, reaching all those interconnected bases you have over there, Indonesia will also take the burnt for their also involvement in PNG and organ trafficking, these are Annunaqi off spring, lineages
So, when you see places getting systematically battered, know that star-family are balancing out the equation
That little girl’s energy is still innocent and she know that guy is a Biden in disguise
When they go live that crafts are here or that aliens are here, watch yourself and check yourself, you are to remain focus and grounded, you are already on the higher frequency and will disrupt the frequencies by coming down to talk to those who remembered what you were talking about once
These are like the Dogon Ka-naga masks, the gateway in, you made them
The name of Jesus is mentioned 25 times in their Holy Qur’an; whereas the name Muhammed is mentioned only 4 times
One of the shorter chapters in the Qur’an is named Muhammed so that makes it 5 times
Mu [Muur] K-Ham-I
Below are the short passages in the Holy Qur’an where Jesus’ name is mentioned
(The following information is from http://www.Islam101.com)
**“WE gave Jesus the son of Mary clear Signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit”
“O Mary! G-D gives you Glad tidings of a Word from HIM: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary..”
“Christ Jesus the son of Mary was an Apostle of G-D..”
In one verse, he is described as an unlettered Prophet sent to an unlettered people
The one thing that distinguished Muhammed from his fellow
Arabs, even before he received any of the Revelations from [Gabriy’el]; was his
kindness, his compassion, his truthfulness and his honesty towards everyone
The majority of the Arabs during that time were very
savage and barbaric, they were slave masters
They waged years-long tribal wars against each other for
no sensible reasons
Who is this Muhammed really
Bilal was Nubian, the first person who the Albino-Arab first saw call his people to prayer
You are energy first, a sphere of energy, shine on
They say [God] works in mysterious ways, no she doesn’t she works in specific ways
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