Double CME [Coronal Mass Ejection] from the Sun aka Re
[Ra] that at least one was earth facing, in what the western world calls solar flares or solar
flashes or CME which is soul-ar energy to the 9 ether and is radiation to the 6
The sun sustains life but he destroys non-life [artificial]
Anything that is man-made electrical is going to be
affected, anything that is connected to the man-made grid, devices and this
planet and the HuMin [HuMan] species and the animal and plant kingdoms will
also be affected, all will be amplified
EMP is due
The energy [radiation] comes in through the crown of your
body and goes right through you and you absorb through your body and chakra
system and dispense and release the energy through the palms and souls [soles] of
your feet and is to why you do not have KAA.NU [melanin] in those places
Those who do not have KAA.NU [ether] the radiation
[energy] will build up in you and will cause sum to have heart-attacks, spontaneous
combustion [exploding from within] irritation from the eyes, skin, you will
also feel sick [radiation sickness] this is why many of you have mucus
The radiation is mutating you on a cellular level, these
sunsets that are described has beautiful and amazing and wow are actually
changing you from the inside out, each colour is a different kind of energy
The 9 ether will also die from having a bad diet and no usage in their 9 ether pack, your body
is a machine and must be well oiled, there will be additional adverse effects like heart problems, suicidal tendencies, hot flushes, arguments, issues, domestic violence, violen-ce [ultra-violen-t] many will go offline and shut down and there is nothing you can do but get out of the way
The CV19 numbers will increase which is the UVC [ultraviolet], we will have waves of energy which will be classed has CV19, if we had all these waves all at once it would probably kill us, sum of you will not be able to sleep and will only require so much sleep, which is good, back pain and kidney, see pervious posts about your kidney function, lower back pain is also a sign of upgrading
One thing is that you will be on guard for at least the next 4 weeks, the 21.12.2020 [2013] will be interesting, no matter what, the energy will change
Waji [Green] is key right now, we are seeing Waji in the skies and [space] and in the water
Open your heart [Waji] come from your heart, you must tri and remain in the heart, the heart and mind are connected
Food and water is shutting down but the energies coming in are designed to fill you up, if your not eating as much this is a good sign
The planet is being terra-formed and this may make you sleepy
Sol [Sun] and Soul are the same words describing the same
thing but is spelt and has different meanings and is the very reason the KJ2 Bible
was rewritten because the 6 ether does not have a soul [Baa] and no the soul
does not weigh 21grams
This is a Soul-ar system and you need a soul to absorb
and dispense the energy [radiation] that is being emitted from Re [Ra] aka the
Sun, this is why that particular energy is called soular flares [solar]
Gravitation waves are Gamma radiation strikes, we are
dealing with charged electromagnetics
North Pole is your Crown chakra and your crown is going
off right now, your South Pole is your Sacral Chakra
Ra [Re] Ra-diation
The word radiation comes from the Latin radiare, radiat,
meaning to emit beams, from radius [ray] from whence they get the word ray, as
in the sun-rays as in Ra [Ra-y] Re
Emit [time] beams, that is what radiation means, these beams are everywhere and you are seeing sum in the physical call light pillars by the man
This was taken from Re, which is properly pronounced Ray,
written has Re, the true dark existence in which all light and chaos was born
and this radiation formed a rapidly expanding sphere called the primordial
fireball [sphere]
The symbol of the Iris of Re, the ball of fire [plasma] as the Eye
opened from the world of supreme balancement, darkness, to let in the light to
create the images
Thus, the symbol of the sun with rays or the eye of Re
This is the birth of your sun
The Cube and Sphere are both 360 degrees and the sphere can fit or pass through the Cube
The sun has always been thought of as a fireball by
western science when in actuality he is a sphere of plasma, burning and giving
off heat and light, thus its called a solar [soular] plex
The word solar [soul-ar] simply means Sun, the word plex is from plexus and means to braid or intertwine
Speaking about a complex system of nerves intertwining
throughout the HuMin body leading to several glands of which the major is in
the centre of your system called a soul-ar plexus [chakra]
This is simply a sun in the centre of your chest, that
fuses and gives off heat to warm the body or overheat the body
The sun has always had the atomic number 8, which is
oxygen and had a symbol of a circle [circulatory]
Plasma [Khaybet][Purple] translates to mould, to figure,
to image, this is where energies and gasses are moulded into images, called
etherians [ether]
Khaybet is going to be charged to a certain frequency,
you will also be charged, Krystals in your body hold the charge and your cells
begin to multiply
Plasma [Khaybet] you have this within you [anti-gravity]
is the next step, you are the most advanced organic technology on this planet,
Khaybet is being charged and so will you
Re is giving off codes, higher levels of poWRA, the
frequencies [vibe] vibrations to activate your plasma and you will begin to vibrate,
plasma is vibranium, plasma has its own brain
375 rare metals
375 minerals
375 crystals
3 x 375 = 1251 = 9
The [144hz] is within us
The Wadjet [eye] is in the shape of a diamond and is made
of solid Quartz [crystal]
6 electrons, 6 neutrons and 6 protons [18] 1+8 = [9] we
are in kode9
9 ether hair, 9 ether skin and 9 soul and spirit] [27] = [9]
Use this and the Universal kode [9] and now you have 9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA [MAAT]
[you get it now]
Enhanced Being, the frequency is changing again, you need
the conductor, Nubian = Nub = Gold = [Melanin] 375 rare metals including gold,
[your 9 ether skin is metallic exoskeleton] 50 are rare golds and 50 are rare koppas
You need that liquid metal called Karbon [KAANU sits
in Karbon] and is made up of 375 rare crystals, your ether9 skin, the 375 are
Kosmic metals and the enhanced being is
a tesseract, the metals within describe a tesseract which is a metallic object
that comes from the Kosmos, even though the metals of this planet feed the
metals that are within us, the metal that you have is not from this planet, you
do not possess the direct metallic structure of this planet because your body
was made of Kosmic metals, 375 is the first part of being an enhanced being
The second part is the ones who possess the rare minerals
that comes from Kosmos, Kosmic minerals that are made up of 375 minerals that
are in our muscles that gives us our abilities, our strength, giving us the
abilities to absorb, giving us protons, minerals are your neutrons, there are
also 375 rare crystals within you, within your blood, the crystals are designed
to hold the energy as well as expel the energy, the crystals within our blood
which is known has plasma [Khaybet]
Sekhem or ether inside of us which are known has
electrons, the crystals hold the higher energy than the minerals and the
metals, you need those two parts alone to be able to transform, transformers,
Naga in disguise
Transform into fire [plasma], light or nature [Neteru] or Inner-G [NRG] energy,
these are the attributes of being an enhanced being, these energies are coming
in thick and fast and is going nowhere, they are spraying everywhere to block
out the NIBIRU system but also to deflect the codes, the vibration, send the
energy back into the Kosmos, come on now, be real, that is not going to work,
Aluminium is not going to cut it, it’s the light of the sun that they are
trying to send back, they are trying to send back Kosmic energy, nope with no
hope, the energy is still coming in, you cannot stop the energy, energy is
still spiritual, even when they create the deadest of the cold we still collect
energy because energy is spiritual and you cannot stop it, there’s no stopping
us red-light does it better, no matter what they do the process will complete,
the 9 ether will go Lucy stage that much is assured
Metallic beings >> with the increase of plasma
Komsic ray’s NRG that is already here and getting greater by the day we
continue to draw in, you are getting closer to full transformation of y-our
soular sCellf
6 ether, 20% of you have KAA.NU inside you, regardless if you do not have brown eyes or ether hair or skin, you can pull off the great escape
The energy will be building for the eclipse
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive Logic 9
This image as taken by your own NASA camera called the SECCHI that shows the earth,
what colour and shape is the plan-et according to the NASA satellite
One plane
The Dome is the electromagnetic field
That is Gold [Nub] around the outer rim
When the electromagnetic field is breached the energies [radiation] looks like this, all colours are not random and are in chakra energy signatures
Double sphere and the chakra colours, dimensions are
coming together, we are reaching the higher planes, we are all being pulled up to Sirius [Sothis] Septet through the trappist system
Read all data in energy, you will go further
Radiation means emit beams, radiation is energy, chakra coded energy, this is out of lov9, look at the colours, second image is with the contrast and shadows turned down, same image, don't you think the dimensions on the right differ from the left image, like the beams are more forward in the right image and all that was changed was the contrast and shadows reduced, why are the orange beams now red, called light pillars by the west, it is what it is, radiation which means to emit beams
The dimensions when completed will be sumthing else
[5D] and the lower plane of the [6D] is where we are heading
The beams are coming from heaven [haven] which is Sirius [Septet] the [Godhead]
We are in the trappist system
Light holds lov9
Russia [Prussia] is sitting on Tartara
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
We are being pulled up to [God] Sirius [Septet]
This was taken a week or so ago and shows the KAANU
[ether] feeding the planet with all the chakra energies surrounding this planet
There is a plasma sphere at the centre of the planet where the heat is coming up from the ground also
The Schumann isn’t worth the time looking at, its not a
true reflection of what is really going on out there, this is a photograph of the frequency that is translated into this graphic
Earthquakes and the weathers systems continue, China is becoming a huge sea, the usual is still taking place
Green is Life-Force and Healing NRG and Blue is Life-Force NRG, Ultra is Purple and will go Green when the energy hits the planet
Cut out the meat and all dairy products, drink alkaline water, purchase Activated Charcoal, at least this will give you a head start, many people are dying, this is true, for many its time to go home, for sum its poor diets and you need to be strong for this phase, the air is thinning out and we have radiated skies, many people will be bailing out of here
The vaccine will be tide to benefits, grocery shopping, stimulus, water, things that you need, you might take the vaccine because you are over 40+ and you have lived your life but what about the children, they are planning to vaccine the babies and children, maybe you have children and don't have any contact with them, do you give a sh9t, your good to go because you have lived your life, stand up you bit9h and fight this fight, maybe you don't care about your own life, do you
-be real with yourself for once in your sh9t life, do you really know what is taking place
Find the like-minded, find the genuine people, the real ones, star-family are scanning us in AU.RA colours, you should do the same
Fight the right revolution [evolution] this time
The three suns of the planet [RIZQ] were known in time by three different names, the most common being, Atum [Atom], Atun [Aten] and Amun [Amen], referred to as the Re [Ra] (rays)
the Sumerians called them Utu [Hu], Afsu [Huhi] and Shamash [Huwa] the etheric counterparts to the netherworld or your underworld or the subconscious-world
Atumre and Amunre are Asaru [Osiris] aka EN.KI [INKI]
Nothing is random or is just taking place, there are higher beings orchestrating the desired outcome and you have to match that outcome [frequency]
We never worshipped the sun or any of these higher beings, these higher beings are principle N.TU and they teach us, guide us, we never worshiped the sun but gave homage for rising and setting everyday whilst providing sustenance
There are etheric beings who are able to personify
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-RayU.V. – Gamma X-rays
-and are 3 forms of
Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under
[1] PROT-on [6]
NEUTR-on [6]
[3] ELECTR-on [6]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves [the [3] hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being
blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and
above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays] the 9ethers can absorb this radiation
Together they make One [Neo] eye, there is only one seeing-eye [that is the Bennu in the middle]
Wearing mans version of the All-Seeing eye
European and Muslim [Arab] presiding over the past, which is now the present and is your future, digging up the resting and selling them to the highest bidder means that you have invoked the wrath of the ancestors, all Muslim and Arabs states [including KHMT-Egypt] and European states will have much to give up, Asaru [Osiris] watched you when you broke into KHMT, into [Iy] these eyes are cameras and are inside structures, on artifacts, in HuMins and most importantly on you
the two eyes of Re [Uteti]
watching you, watching me all the way
Egypt and Sudan are one
There are rules to this sh9t, I didn't write the booklet
How many mum(s) are waiting for this
This guy is a representation of the most-highest of frequencies with the same frequencies to the right
If you do not Istal [Mediate] pay attention to your dreams [visions] numbers and symbols
This is not an invasion but a reintroduction, they have been assembling from 2012
Locusts are here to destroy the genetic food
Those three brands [one owner] also own the last remaining water holes [Australia water is owned by the Chinese] and they have started trading water has a commodity, forget the plastic naming rights, you need water because your organs will start shutting down after 48hrs without water
With the vaccine, who cares if you cannot go to the cinema or leisure centres without it, they are really getting ready to say you cannot go to the grocery stores without the vaccine, you cannot go without food for a number of days, there are people who go for weeks, your body will shut down without food
Madagascar has so much palm oil trees that was planted on their land for the western world, no wonder they don't have food, tables will be turning soon
The USA deploys its military off of both coasts of the USA
This got to me, if your child could be half this boy, you'd be HA.PI
he healed that lady in a moment, which she will carry with her when she gets home and while she ponders on her day, watch her face, she wasn't expecting that at all, he's got a really good smile, eye salute you young-man, you made my day, poWRA to you
Nagalan [India]
Remember this site is cut from one bedrock
Shiva wearing the Fez, the original Fez not the Muslim copy
Mystic creatures, there are no tv's or magazines back then, so they only interpreted what they saw
This is a teleportation illustration
The ancestors wouldn't have created a site so close to the sea, this indicates how the landmass has changed
Ask a Priest or Rabbi or an Imam how this was constructed and he will not know and this lets you know that man has been cut off from supreme knowledge
Femi9 Electron NRG
The Ogdoad, the Dogons called them Nommos [Nomos], the Yoruba
referred to them as Orisha, the Tahites [Ptahites] aka Pygmies in Alkebulan
[Africa] referred to them as Ogrigwabibikwa [Dogri] the dwarfs who changed into
Also called Malayket Bahri
The Greeks used Dercito [Draco] Dragan, for fishtail
HuMins [HuMan], the Mesopotamians use Dagan, half man half fish, the East
Indians say Takshaka, king of the Naga serpents
The Indians in India today, whether they say they are Goa,
Pakistani, Indian, Bengali, whatever they call themselves are an invading
people and are not from this region, they are Caucasian as in
Cauc-Asian [Asian]
Sanskrit is old Tamil text and the Tamils [Tama] were nearly wiped out because they held the knowledge and were too dark for many which is the KAANU
It is the Naga and then the Buddha [this is not their
real name or spelling for Buddha] and then the Hindu [not the Hindus we have
The Muslim kills the KAU [Cow] and the Hindu worships the
Granite hold frequencies and all structures around the world are sitting on the ley-lines of the planet and are healing houses, wi-fi, data libraries
None of these structures were built by them, it is the
Nagas work that you have claim has your own
All these libraries are going, the 5D[6D] world will be
the greatest project to date, there are young children walking around right now
with the blue-prints in their head to this new world, all these ancient structures will be going
and were only left here for you to remember who and what you are and where you came
from and where you are going
Is only inherited and passed down through the Nubian 9 ether Wombman only, the only way for spirits to come down here is through the 9 ether Wombman, this planet was completely KAANU for at least 3 million earth years, we all came from the Ebony Mother
Bow down to the most ancient energy in the world and beyond, Lupita predates race and this means if anyone owned this planet it would be her kind
This does not mean play Bob Marley or locks your hair, it means back-up and step back,
fight the revolution this time
Anunnaqi [ANU.NAGA]
Her celestial parents are here and are extremely pissed off
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