Stay grounded and focused, where the mind goes the energy
will flow, stay away from 3D events, what you see taking place in the 3D world
for you will manifest [i-magi-ne] those things facing the 3D world for
yourself, remember what you in-put into your mind you will receive [manifest],
so stay grounded in your thoughts, connect to source, sun-glaze, watch your
diet, learn sumthing new, read, watch an animal, nature documentary, National Geographic
channel upload, anything that creates sumthing new to the mind
Stay natural in all ways possible, reduce or keep your
company at zer0, make space for you to think
Those creating in their mind [it’s the Aquarius -Age
which is technology, data] are creating nu creases in their organ [nu ptah-ways
as in new connects] raising into the higher frequencies, taking you into the
[4D] and the lower planes of the 5[D] and so nothing will affect you from the
third dimensional world
Your reality does not consist of what you see in the 3D
and if you are being affected then this is the reality for you, the Matrix has
It will be different for everyone; for me, I follow the
energy, see what needs doing with it, I take sum and engineer it in my own way,
adding to the flow every cycle [24hr], you see what is on this page allows the
user to let go of the 3D world, this kn-Owl-edge allows the user to become
You have outgrown the 3-dimensional
I know now, i-know the truth and I AM satisfied and
because of this I go in peace [If you can keep your head when all about you are
losing theirs- Rudyard Kipling] and let peace guide you home
I'm not thinking of the future at all, its never crossed my
mind, so that only leaves the past and the present in which I’m participating,
I’m flowing where Kaa is guiding me
To guide you in your thoughts and to receive what you
want you can give sumthing up, like if you drink, smoke, gamble, watch tv, if
you have negative thoughts, bad habits, sumthing that you are meaning to do, fix sumthing, reduce sumthing, start of small, or go feed the ducks, give sumthing that you
have an attachment to that you know you need to let go of, it can be a mindset that you
change about you, all this and more+ can be used has trading commodities, the
universe will give you exactly what you ask for, she listens, reads those
thoughts, she wants you to do what she knows you can do
We are connected to the universal mind, sumthing small or
large, give it up, trade with her, this allows returning energy to you
You know your second thought is really your first thought
and are the ones that get birthed, she reads all your thoughts with you in real
KHMT the online library with models, found in [Egypt] they say its 5,000 years old, which is about right because that is when the library was built
Kattle rearing, not for food or to sell [lesson plans] agriculture
In the 3D world you are under the Julian [Georgian]
calendar which the date is 2020, however, under the Ul-mec [Olmec] Mayan device
and the Ethiopia [Abyssinian] it is still 2012 [2013] the NTH gate Nu-year is
April 1st this year and the next year are still one in the same,
does this matter, we will see
Radiation [chakra energies] beams [ignore dashboard from car in red]
Sumthing affected the camera, energy is heavy, lots going on
El-ectrons from the sun [this will be the 3D (cv) but it will be uvc], check the colours on the graphics You have 6 electrons, this will be heavy energy
Red [root] radiation [chakra] north and south
M9 type range
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] on the left
Crown shield
Sphere in shape image is two months back
Triangle crafts being seen
Dark patches are crafts
Hamborg [Hamberg]
Ham [Muurs]
Castles is a Ethiopian word from Kastle, meaning dwelling
in the sand
Last two images from the top are Kastles in Ethiopia
[Ham]Burg is a German word for fort, in reference to the moated castle
And the say (perhaps) the first element is perhaps Old High German hamma, ham, back of the knee
in a transferred sense of bend, angle, with reference to its position on a river bend promontory; or Middle High German hamme enclosed area of pastureland, (in a transferred sense of bend) ok then
Ham is from K-HAM-I and Moated comes from Moor [Moorings] Muur
Notice the satellite dishes and wi-fi receivers
How much cable, shield equipment, communications, its
hidden capacity
Who built todays Europe
Take into account the mud-flood
They were 40-50 years in front of the world
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