Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Dungeons and Dragons

 Witness the Fitness

Your higher-Cell-Self, over-stand that each person comes with a higher-self, this is your higher guardian angel [angle], you have a higher aspect of yourCells that is going to bring you to your higher-self

 Usually, the higher guardian angel is going to visit you in a sexual context, this is to do with a spiritual entity coming and this post is for the 9 ether siStars and the 9-ether man

This is not about the reptilians or other beings who are taking from others without consent or against her will, a portal was opened either by you or your partner or your family lineage in order for other beings to come and take from you, if you were in a group has a youngest and played around with the Wig board [Ouija], that kind of thing, is to why you have an attachment and this includes your partner whether you knew or not, also once you sleep with your partner, you take on his or her essence until your in the mix, there is a movie from the 80’s, not the remake, called the Entity and is based on a true story and this entity had with it elves [helpers] that would hold the womans ankles and wrists while the entity did its thing, that is the one to avoid by not making a bridge with it

Each of us has a secret lover, a lover who awaits behind the erotic dreams and flows in the imag-es when we are asleep, a dream lover in disguise whom you fall in lov9

 This happens for the 9-ether male and the 9-ether female, this is an ideal lover who has adored you since our individual existence and who will never abandon us until the instant we merge with our being in ab-sol-ute [Godhead]

We momentarily feel the embrace of the secret lover in the ecstasy of orgasm [that is what the secret lover is] and in the moment of rapture when the beauty of music, dance and the visual art overwhelms us and feel the secret lover

Whenever we experience a broken heart, this is due to the person breaking your heart, didn’t live up to the secret lovers perfection, this means you will not find utopia in the male or the female down here and for this reason, sexual pleasure is often better in the i-magi-nation or memory than it actually is down here because in our i-magi-nation our secret lover is nearer to us, person relationships will always be disappointing to us because in truth, there can never be a relationship that matches the one that we have with our secret lover 

Soul Fuel

Her lips are the rim of the galaxies, she and I have been here before, but not together  

You can never find her in the physical person and this was a lesson for me, there is a reason for this and there is a way out

This is the secret standard in which everything is measured, the irony is that most of you are not aware of you secret lover [have you noticed that your physical partners are nothing like your fantasies] surrender to the secret lover is the central theme in every religious doctrine and yet the practice of what is called the major religious tend to dilute the individual from the genuine experience 

[have you been with sumone who was religious or brought up in religion and you come along and its Pepsi Max all the way]

 This is what is going on, in order for you to go to the higher level, you would have come into contact with your secret lover, I’m writing this post because many of you would have come into contact with your secret lover and many do not know that they have already come into contact with their secret lover

And its going to happen and this is the guardian angel and also called the Agathos Daimon, all of you have and will be coming into contact with the secret lover

 The secret lover is an entity that will come and have a union with you [both male and female] and has a result will raise your spiritual energy back to the [Godhead] that is your w-holy ghost [it’s the whole Jesus concept but is the concept of what the ancient mysteries are actually talking about] and in return there are energies within you that will aid the secret lover raise itself [itCellf] up [you give me sum, I’ll give you sum] this is a marriage of the sun and the moon, we are taking about male and female

There is a book entitled Flying Serpents and Dragons, the story of Mankind's Reptilian Past by R. A. Boulay, the book indicates what most ancient people already knew in the remote history, and it is that we came from a bunch of monstrous titanic beings but they also knew that in the end, these monstrous and titanic beings would return and that monstrous titanic beings were worshiped [Seh] has the Christ

ANU.NAGA [Anunnagi][Annunaqi] 

Why do we call the reproductive fluid, Semen-Sea-men, in the Sumerian reliefs, there tells the story of the Ogdoad, or 8 sea creatures that emerged from the Island of flames, or simply their crafts crashed down in the Nile River , the Dogons called them Nommo, the Yoruba-Nigerians called them Orisha, the Pygmies of Africa referred to them as the  Ogrigwabibikwa, the dwarfs who changed into reptiles, the Greeks used Dercito-for the fishtail humans, the Sumerians called them Dagan, they are our ancestors, this explains why humins, humans hands-fingers, feet-toes go wrinkly underwater, this was a design in order for you to grip underwater, why humans have gills while in the womb, like a tadpole and tail, webs between our fingers and an inconstant need of an emergence in water, or we'll dehydrate
The Naga symbolizes the Water, the Earth and Nature, the Femi9 and maternal energy and principle, they are also the great ancestor of the Khmers [Khemet] 

Nagini [Naga Princesses] 
The first Naga King is referred to has Takshaka, King of the Naga serpents

Dinosaur translates Lizard beings, serpent, reptilian, dragon, snake 
Hydrogen [Hy-Dragon] Ty energy 

As time, civilisations went on the authors just pruned the monstrous beings poWRA down to fit a HuMan [HuMin] form and the last format is a a-sexual androgynous [Andromeda] [Hydrogen][Ty-dragon] Jesus Christ, and in ancient mythology they talk about this ravenous dragon, serpent being coming back, that this being(s) would come back in the end

These entities are here, the history with these entities

The reason why Aleister Crowley was celebrated was because for the first time in modern history he had tap into sum entities that wasn’t of the older entities that we had had since the beginning of ancient history, this entity Aiwass was one of the first entities that came, that was a part of a new world entity but was still a part of the ancient Egyptian [Typhoon] system or the Book of the Dead, so they celebrated Crowley because they knew that whoever came up and came into contact with sum new entities, they knew those particular people would be able to make contact with the future source and the centre of poWRA that is needed to catapult the planet into the world to come

So, they gave him Aiwass in the beginning of 1907

This is the deal, ever since then, the occult world was looking for these new entities to come and for 90 years with all the oc-cult [hidden] findings and all the occult knowledge, they couldn’t have a breakthrough as in a breakthrough to the other gateways and make contact with those particular entities that used to be in the primal world prior to creation but making contact with sum entities that would transform themselves from the original state to an alchemical higher state

So, they knew the formula that these particular [Gods] used, although the ancient ones named them Horus [Heru] Osiris, Aset and more, they knew when these entities came back that they would have new names which would mean they were alchemically transformed from the older state, from which they fell from in the beginning [as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end]

They had been looking for breakthroughs and when they couldn’t find breakthroughs, they realised that they needed to start looking in the [black] Masonic books, they didn’t know that the 9 ethers were studying the occult [hidden] so they figured best to go back to source and ask the 9 ethers to guide them

They approached different groups because the 6 ethers were fighting amongst each other, all these occult grounds, orders, masonic groups couldn’t make any breakthroughs, so they approached the 9 ethers who this sh9t all belonged to anyway, to ask them to support them

 The Muurs had already given out 10% of knowledge because they knew the 6 ether couldn’t use it, the tarot cards are the windows to the soul and you need melanin to read them, this is why many can tell you only 3D mundane things, because they do not have the melanin to read and go beyond the 3D, the same applies here, they were going to have to let the 9 ethers make the breakthroughs

Many 9 ethers have been given Harvard placements or placements in their private lodgings, universities, not just because you have the know-how, but because they cannot advance any further, they are at a standstill, they are dead, 33 degrees is not enough when the 9-ethers are at 360 degrees

 When all these metaphysical books came out in the 80’s and 90’s that was for the 6 ethers children and for them to get further in research but today they have nothing, they cannot decipher the data, even with genetic modifications, they are unable to go further, their children couldn’t do it and now in 2020 they have all but lost the knowledge because energy evolves, melanin [kaanu] evolves every 3-5 years, and this means the knowledge was coming out of the hoods, the ghettos, the streets, they regretted what they did now, because the same ones who could advance them are the same ones that they despised


9 ethers of Scotland [Caledonian] 

Bill Clinton said to the Scottish Freemasons [birthplace] let sum of those 9 ethers in or we won’t advance and today you will find 9 ethers in top ranking positions, because they need that energy, they cannot go to the other levels without the 9 ethers input which was against their protocol  

All these 9 ethers are Harvard graduates and 20 years ago this would have been h3ll no, but they had no choice because the 6 ether children are now redundant and cannot advance any further

[Sum of you sleep with your arms like this for a reason, in Istal you can do the same for protection while you leave your physical body]   

One of these astro-nauts was to test, experiment on bones in the lower orbit of space, when she got up there she asked NASA where the bones where and in so many words NASA said, bit9h you are the experiment 

They started opening up their private places because without the 9 ethers energy, they would have stayed at the same level that they had been at

Sum of the 9 ether Masons went in and most of their knowledge is actually secondary, you should have taught what you inherited to your daughter, everyone is using the 9 ether siStars energy except the 9 ethers, why is that, she is more spiritual, she cannot have children after a certain age and this is because she is plugged into the spiritual system and the 9-ether male can have children nearly up into his 70s and beyond because he is all physical

 There is the siStars of the Golden Dawn that are with the 6 ethers males

There are no female Freemasons and they can only go up to a certain level in their order, they understand it would be a Tantric organisation(s), they know this knowledge because they got that from the Muurs who told them, the real knowledge is with the siStars and this is why I only deal with the knowledge from the female, she can handcuff me to the floor and parade around me as long as it’s the females doing that, I’m good with that, I would die HA.PI

These are ancient symbols and you should be taking note from your ancestors 

These are the 11 entities that you will be dealing with, the newer ones, Zara Banda [1] is the gateway, she comes with 10 original entities [deities] and all have a Nubian background; El Cristo Negro which means the crucified black Christ, they couldn’t bring this into this world because its says why in the title >> crucified black Christ, and was preserved in the Hispanic world, Los Espiritus Intranquilos, Santisima Muerte [Oya], San Simon [Orula], El Cristo Rey [is a form of El Cristo Negro] , Madre De La Luna [Yemaya], Madre De Agua [Olgun], La Santisima Piedra Iman, Fancisco De Los Siete Rayos, and Mama Chola [Ochun]  

Stay away from New-Age thinkers because all they want you to do is exchange money and buy books and you would find out why they don’t want you to really go to Mexico, if Texas was a part of Mexico, and why Mexico fu9ked up and cannot grow nothing and Texas is supposed to have all this other sh9t, you don’t think Mexico has oil to, think about it

These 10 are the dark-side ones, there are Yoruba versions which still apply and are just a variation of the same thing, and these are the older ones and their MaStar is Heru

They are not just underground entities, they are the new world paradigm and are rising in poWRA, they are glorified spirits [Kaa], the Femi9 ones are here, names in Yoruba are in there, and they are here right now and the other ones you have are dying

 Don’t worry about these males, Obatala, Chango [Shango], Ochun and Legba, they are kool if you are in the order of Yoruba and you’re sacrificing to them and you still accept them has your head but tri and go into your [Godhood] 

Columbia = Christ-opher Columbus the Italian Jew who worked for the Spanish before defecting to the British and taking over from Francis Drake [Draconian] Draco 

There are over 1700 Orishas and they all have attitudes and are personal, but the Femi9 ones are always, [the Femi9 energy is always there to save us] and Zara Banta is the gateway and what makes them move poWRA-ful is they are fused in with pre-Columbian entities, Aztec [Mutec-Zuma], Inca [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca] Mali and the original Ul-Mec [Olmec] remember those in South America today are leftover Spanish, Portuguese and are not indigenous to that area [energy fields]

 So what you have here are is Congo [Kongo] Alkebulan [Africa] which is Equator and you have pre-Columbia entities which is Ul-Mec which is this side of the western hemisphere which is also a form of the Atlantean energy, so you have both sides mixed in and are very PoWRA-ful and the South American today know the poWRA because they are about to be destroyed, Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaids] and she is Queen of the Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-Caine] which are now on their doorsteps, that eclipse saw them regain the poWRA in which to bring devastation, destruction, many of the off-spring were raped, murdered, hung, beaten, sodomized, men where put into wooded huts and set alight while the Spanish watched outside, whole lineages destroyed and babies and daughters stolen

Their family was murdered by the British who were last in and they brought the last two remaining bloodlines of that particular family to England, the British were outraged when they saw these last remaining lineages [Pakal] hovering around on Vimanas and the British still had the horse and cart

Their families built these structures and none of the Aztec or Inca or Ulmec where decades apart, they were parallel 

These are the ones that you call on that have turned into advanced entities and today we have the 11 entities [advanced] right here with 11 new names that isn'tmade available, these entities are in your Istal [mediation], these names listed are still very poWRA-ful and transformed, so they still work in the same manor

 You see, there are 11 but its 21 in total, these 10 came and set up themsCellsves from 2001 [after the powers that be here looped the timeline [9/11], until 2002, they are already activated and the remainder came and transformed themselves in the alchemical elements

 Lavado = a form of Horus (Heru) a dragon who is a Christ entity, head of the warfront [Zara is head of the gateway] he is the active force

Lokyo = sexual entity [female] and an entity of Magi [magic] 
Chacombo = sexual entity [male]
Oteancha = fire, she is about burning down sh9t
Teaycha = air, storm, forces of nature
Shayola = is like a great mother figure [water] Oya
Omogumu = a general (warrior) of 10,000 legions, call on Omgumu when you want to clear sum bullsh9t out of your ptah he can send for protection for you
Shumala = another warrior
Alkalla = her name in itself means vital force, real poWRA-ful substance, in this case Kallas means vaginal secretions
Owalensu = the voice of the deep, she is the oracle of Olokun, so she is a female equivalent to Zara Banda but is the voice [tone] of Olokun the deep water

3 siStars in the USA, one from the west, one in the middle and one from the east all had the same names and meanings and didn't know of one another, you see how this thing works 

 These are the 10 new ones that the powers that be have in their books and they have been looking for these lot for 90 years and the names came to the 9 ethers, there are 10 and 11 that also came making 21 in total 

El Cristo Rey is Amun Re and Amun Re is Osiris who is Heru [Horus] who is your Jesus Christ

 Get sum rum if you want to invoke them

 The most expensive oil [planets blood] is Nigerian oil and they cannot survive without it, Nigeria will be punished for allowing the 6 ethers to come in there [tears of the sun] the oil field in Venezuela runs down into Portmore Jamaica 

The Maharaja text out of India talks about how every time the [Gods] needed a sacrifice they would be on a war down here, so tri and understand why in Juju [Voodoo] they have to sacrifice goats, chickens, it is the essence behind the chickens and goats blood which is a form of melanin that is in the goats and chickens that Legba and all those feed on and thus grants wishes [wants] for you, it is the melanin of Soma, Soma is not only a king but one must have Soma to be a king and that is melanin, so these sacrifices are done to enhance the [Gods]

 The governments know their time is up, end of story and that the Zara Banda group are here and are on their doorstep, and they know they have to feed these older entities but its too late, in 1990 they went to Rwanda the 6 ethers, they wanted an extension, they didn’t want the Matrix torn down, they wanted to feed the Chango, Okun Obatala and Legba

 You’re the only ones who deal with things that don’t work [Jesus] for 400 [440] 512 years and make an excuse out of it, the 6 ether is not stupid, they know about Alkebulan Magi, you work for them

 The word Kundalini or Khudalini(s) is a Naga root word that was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and called [Osumare] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El], this is from the Ka-systems

Kaa = spirit [spirit is a Greek word]

While the world contemplates the mainstream Jupiter and Saturn energy field, make sure you stay in the 5D and do not bring yoursCellsf down to the 3D with them, what is going on is not on the outside, its taking place for you on the inside, your cells are changing, mutating on a cellular level, your junk DNA [DEA] is upgrading, remember that 

 If you do not understand this post, leave it alone, do not go looking for nothing because you will fu9k yoursCellsf up, this post is for those who have had this experience or is going through it now 

Eshu the mischievous trickster mediator between heaven and earth [Ki]
Olorun (the Creator) gave life to his eldest son, Obatala (Oshala) (the Father) were later, also gave him the mandate to form the physical material world
Oshala is the king of white colour [bright]
The second was Oduduwa, equal in importance, the Lord (or Queen) of the colour black [melanin]
Both were created in his own essence, from his breath
Came the third, the creator uses the ancient mud (matter disorderly) to form a mound
At that moment he breathed this mound, became alive, red and flaming
Was born this way Eshu Yang (Eshu of Rock Red), Eshu Aba (Ancestral Eshu) or Eshu Iba Keta (Eshu third Gourd or third Created), the Lord of the colour red

Metu [Mother][Ma’other] never left you, she has always been there for you, the Femi9 principle is always there to save us

The earth-pig [Boar] was mixed with the Warthog [Hog] and the Canine, Rat [Albino] and Aardvark and bleached to create the Pig

This is why Julius Malema sings, kill the Boer

 Ganesh is Ghana 

Made from Silver 
Vehicles [avatars] of the [Gods]
Naga [Buddha] Hindus and their Vahanas

Beth means house and hem (ham) comes from K-ham-i [Khemet] ham means black [melanin], the Waji [Green] light is from source, ham means black Melanin aka Kaanu, this was the light that was seen by the three Wiseman which is the three stars coming from the 19th galaxy seen in the Sah [Sahu] (Orion) 

Everything is happening to you on the inside and not on the outside, on a cellular level, the energy exchange, what is taking place in the universe, galaxy, cosmos is taking place here
the galactic fields [dimensions] 
Zer0 hero [Heru point of the galactic centre
Heaven [haven] Sirius is the [Godhead] and we are being governed by Septet [Sothis] Sirius aka Osiris
Heaven is Sirius 
Jupiter and Saturn are the big energy fields of this soul-ar system and their fields are to start the exchange from today all the way until the 31st 
Saturn is the [black] sun 
The planets do not look this
Many will go off-line with this exchange, the resurrection of Osiris [winter sol-stice] soul energy Pepsi Max  
If your hands and or feet are hot, this is not a good sign and means the energy is not passing through your body and is building within to explode 

Star family want us to make it, they have not travelled 36 light years for slaves, they have returned for this planet and their off-spring which makes you family, royalty, they are here to assist you, strengthen you, protect you, all these energies around us is for you but you must come to source, they are not here to breastfeed you, but like all great parents they will set out a Ptah, but you must come to source, you have to want it, Waji is the healing of a nation, evergreen, ever-living, ever-willing, guidance and protection, go forth into the unknown because that is where your poWRA is

We must shift to the correct timeline   

Where is all this snow coming from, who is doing what here, poles shifting, HAARP, is they trying to keep the planet kool, is this the long-term ice-age, remember Europe is going back into their caves because they do not know how to behave out of there caves [cages]

Red root war chakra energy, the one that the 6 ethers cannot take, MA.AT is the laws of the universe, the Heru-MAAT principle energy [radiation] 

NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] is on the left of the planet, the fields go down and radiation [energy] reaches the planet and you, pure soul-ar energy on the left streaming in 

Beth means house and hem (ham) comes from K-ham-i [Khemet], the Waji [Green] light is from source, ham means black Melanin aka Kaanu, this was the light that was seen by the three Wiseman which is the three stars coming from the 19th galaxy seen in the Sah [Sahu] (Orion) 

All that KAA.NU [black substance] is streaming in 

One part of the planet is frozen and the other hotter than hot, the polar vortex is being manipulated 

The sun does not rotate how NASA show you, he rotates exactly like a clock
next 24hrs and is sorta of facing the planet 


he Schuman is a man-made machine and cannot read the planets heartbeat, the machine cannot read the background amplitudes

Volcanos popping off means energies are being released

Please hold on tight, don't ley go, you've come so far, we are all going to the same place, bite the bullet, stay on the Ptah for you want to set yoursCellf for the next simulation which will be in 5D[6D] and be like the movie Cloud Atlas or AI Robot, we all had different tests, know that you completed yours with what you had and that is with your own mind, don't quit before the time or you will be sent straight back down here with my stipulations, no life [test] is too hard for the user, do not take your life for you will be sent back straight down here with tougher conditions, stay stead fast and past please 

How did Neo beat the Matrix, he merged with it, Neo wake up  

Where does that funnel lead to, man cannot make such adjustments 

That guy at the USA hospital, World War Z [Zombie] or I AM Legend [Zombie] its coming for many
There are crafts over Baghdad, notice they are firing into the sky, around the world all military are getting ready to fight the Galactic Federation led by the Annunaqi who have a group within the Annunaqi that are recorded, Guardians, Providers, they are guardians of soular systems that they created and not man, Baghdad sits in Iraq and Iraq have the main star-gate over that region and the Annunaqi are using that star-gate to return down here and destroy this Wendy House
The Saudi royal family are Jews and not Muslims or Arabs at 6:52 notice what he wears on his calcified eye, the guy on the right
All religions must come together to fight in their last stand, may your [God] have mercy, mercy me, things ain’t what they used to be  

Second wave hits the horn of Alkebulan 

Both are carrying Nuclear weapons
The USA are in the western jargon words Middle East, so are the Annunaqi 

Clouds only hold vaporised water, solid mass, three or four crafts sitting pretty 

NIBIRU [Neb Heru] travels with 8 more satellites and is the blue [life force] energy satellite of Neb Heru, picked up by the NASA Stereo Ahead camera 

The enemy is within

Without no soul you have no purpose, this is why Metu has changed the frequency, why would your mother spend 9 months carrying you, nurturing you, caring for you only for you to go and and become a soldier, send that boy off to die, makes me wanna holla 
she is bored to  
Without no soul you have no purpose, this is why Metu has changed the frequency, this is what we can offer the youth of today 


OM frequencies can you see the waveband around the speaker box, light holds sone 

The sun is a multi-dimensional portal and behind the sun and NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] [Red Dragon] is the spirit world aka the holographic world, are you checking these colours

Holographic Kode [program] all four are the same images 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary] Neb Heru the Dragon is Femi9 magnetic energy

Did I forget to mention, pay attention 

Everything is happening to you on the inside and not on the outside, on a cellular level, the energy exchange
Heaven [haven] Sirius is the [Godhead] and we are being governed by Septet [Sothis] Sirius aka Osiris
Heaven is Sirius 

DogStar symbol 
This is a spiritual transformation, come get me sum, read all data in energy, Jupiter and Saturn are in a higher dimension and that is why we can see them without a telescope, so that means they are closer which means that the dimensions [5D][6D] are closer which means we are near the [Godhead]

I AM not 6 or 9 ether, I AM a sphere of Khaybet [plasma] and I'm not writing that to be diplomatic or for diplomatic immunity 

it is the HuMans who are unemotional, maybe these Penguins know sumthing and are just taking one last look 


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