Sunday, 6 December 2020

Danger in her eyes

Reflective, objection, never sustain

 Ki [earth] Ta [Tiamat] Geb is a realm, and is not a planet, she is not a plan-et [plans of the E.T], she is not an object, therefore she has no edge, Ki would be easier to define as a system environment

Ki is a machine, she is a coil, the sun and moon are poWRAed wirelessly with the electromagnetic field [the Aether or Ether], the field suspends the celestial spheres with electro-magnetic levitation

Electro-magnetic levitation disproves their word gravity because the only force you need to counter is the electromagnetic force, not gravity, the stars are attached to the firmament aka the translucent dome

The Stars and Earth centres are a direct link to the very source of our spiritual [star] and material [earth] sustenance

Their duality image [manifests] and ensures our HuMin experience, their union forms our biofield providing us with a map of possibilities for our life and making us uniquely who we are

Each centre sits inside a flower like funnel of energy [Star = Blue Lotus = Earth] which acts has a two-way valve or gateway to the centre of the universe to the centre of Ki, they are connected by the central energy channel 

Geb = Earth [Kosmic Father] Green life force [healing energy]
In-between is the HuMin [you] Biofield
Nut = Sky [Kosmic Mother] Blue life force [portal]
KHMT [Egipt] Khami N.TU [Neteru] are not of an extinct forgotten tradition but are archive elements that live in all of us today 
Nun [Nu] the Abyss
Nut [Mut] the energy of Nu [universe]
Nu = vibration
Ma = mass

EMC2 = Nun = vibration H1 – Hydrogen becomes He-Helium from E1- Ether to E2-Ether two, onto O8 oxygen-liquid and E8-Ether liquid gas

A = Electrical — L = Wave Length
M = Mass — N = Vibration
Pi = Circum — Phi = Phase

 The oldest letters, Pi, Phi, M, N, A, and L, are indeed influenced by the Serpent and the Bull [KAU]

The letters M and N, pronounced Mu and Nu, represented by waves *〰〰 * [vibration] [EMC2]

 Mu represents [Mass] Primordial Water, the wave symbol *〰〰* formed the letter M, symbolic for Mass

 The Mass was Energy and frequencies, in the Kush teachings, the [NAGA] Serpent particularly known in Kemet as Wadjet [eye] is a metaphoric interpretation for intelligent energy and frequency

 The Serpent was chosen because of a snake [〰〰] coiling nature

 The concept of Nu ascended from Mu, this is the origin of the Letter M for Mu, the pronunciation of the Mu sone [sound] was developed and was adopted from the natural Moo sound made by herds of Cattle [Kattle] 

 Kau = Cow
Nu [Nun] Mu [Mut] Nut = Universe

 In fact, the etymology of the word EL originally formed the name of Ba’al, which links into the origin for word Bu'll

Before the Bible was written, Ba’al was the Canaanite Bull [God], later, when Greeks came along, because of their mispronunciation and their translations, EL became the Latin derivative of the Aramaic AL esp. Graeco ÆL

 El [Al] = Elements 

 AL is short for the consonant Aleph, Aleph was-is both in glyph and letter symbol, written in the form of the Bull’s head

In Physics, Aleph is symbolic for Electrical, as we will see, the Bull represented the Sun and the Sun was our ancestors’ primary source for Electrical Energy

 If we’re dealing with AL we must address the L which represents the Husband’s Staff, L is short for the consonant Lambda

Lambda is synonymous with the word Staff, and gives us the origin of these two words, Lamb and Lame

 [Remember the Husbands staff was used by the lame to lean on, also, herdsman and shepherd alike used the Husbands staff to guide their livestock]

 Because it’s not so easy to distinguish sheep from male or female, Lamb(da) became the singular noun for sheep, yet ironically, in Physics Lambda is symbolic for Wave-Length

 [So make an assessment, what is Moses’s staff morphing into a serpent symbolic for]

 A and L together also correspond congruently as the 1st of 11 and 12th of 22 letters of the original 22 letter Alphabet

 The 22 Letters originated from the 9 Neteru plus each Neteru dualities, the NeterU are Nature, in Physics, together A+L symbolizes Electrical + Wave-Length [Neteru] deities and the U on the end is infinite [8]

 It was written, In the beginning was the word [sone], meaning in the beginning was Logos/Nature/Physics, which is the [Electro-Magnetic] Alphabet

In the beginning was Mu, Primordial Water, Primordial Water was-is an ocean of Electrical Currents

[CurrenSea] Currencey 

All things are derived from water and they rise up to fire and eventually into Eternal Light, this was pure KHMT meta-physics, for Ra brought himself out of the abyss [Nun] of the primordial waters to stand upon a Ben-Ben [Bennu] at First Light [when the suns rays [electromagnetic fields] hits the planet, when the field hits the Bennu 

 This was the foundation upon which all material sciences had been established

 Pi and Phi are super special Neteru of the Alephibet [HA.PI] 

 Not only is Pi the root word in Pie, Piece and Pine for Pineal, but Phi is the root word in the number Phive and the word Physics, if you check it the scientific name for the Pineal Gland [Endocrine] is Epiphysis, spelled επίφυση in Punic

Epiphysis, what has an Epiphany 

 Stolen Legacy

 Pronounced EL in Latin because Greek predates Hebrew, and the Habiru [Hebrew] Nibiru is Asiatic Graeco], ALef (A) is the first Letter of the 22-Letter Sinaitic Alphabet

 It is symbol A is formed in the shape of The Bull's skull A

 A is for Alef, AL transliterated into Latin is written EL, because in Hebrew, E and EL is used instead of the A and AL, here is a primary indication that the Hebrew Language is, (1) influenced by the Roman-Latin and (2) is not the author of the script, dialect, language and isn't authentic

 However, classification of EL comes from the Arabic, AL giving the name 'Eli-Elijah, and the Arabic name Ali - Ali, meaning Highly Exalted, as in ELite, Elohim, Elder+

El [issuing son] 

 To be an Angel or an Ankh-EL one would have to know the secrets and mysteries of the Ankh, you would have to be a learned Alchemist

Angel = Angle [angle in which light [data] can shine through]

 In the Electromagnetic [Mdu Ntr]
Alpha = represents Electrical
Beta = represent Magnetic

 ALphaBet = Electromagnetism

 The chamber where the Ark is placed as a Super Conductor to harness the Electrical Energy conducted by the Mir [Pyramid] is described in meticulous detail in Hieroglyphics

 The Apis glyph including a Kundalini Symbol, Vortex of the King's Chamber and a Bull

 I'm sharing this post to clarify a few things regarding the Electromagnetic Mdu Ntr, and ANU from NIBIRU where we also see the El and Al being used has ranking titles

 The origin of the Phoenician Alphabet that we call Latin which is just Roman, and the origin of EL from AL via ÆL

 Study of The Bull
Aleph Logos
Alphabet and Words
Language and Spells

 The 22-Letter Electromagnetic Codex

 Alpha = represent Electrical
Beta = represent Magnetic
ALpha-Bet = Electro-Magnetism

The Apis Bull represents Electrical Power, the-ology or al-Logos etymologically means the Science of the Bull

The Glyph for Apis indicates that it is tied to the Mir [Pyramids were Physic-Electric PoWRA

The Mir [Pyramids] of Giza are Megalithic Generators, used to power devices such as wireless Light Bulbs, Ankhs and Engineering Equipment

Quantum and Atomic Planetary Alchemy, Cosmic Electro-Magnetism and Sacred Geometry, were the high science for engineering is the original Kushite Spirit Cult

 A and L together also correspond congruently as the 1st of 11 and 12th of 22 letters of the original 22 letter Alphabet

 Breaking down Theology =  The Ology

 The = EL = AL = ALpha = ALeph = EL Heffe

Ology = Science of (from Greek; -λόγος, -Logos)

 In Spain, the Running of the Bulls started in the 15th Century after the Spanish was successful at running the Moors out of Spain

The Moors in Spain were sum of the final custodians of Nile Valley Science and Messianic Masonry which is how Europeans adopted Masonry

However, the Bull has always been highly revered by Abyssinians [Ethiopians] in our high sciences

Alkebulans are the Original Cowboys, the Moors even introduced Ranching to America and Mexico, including dancing Horses that the Spaniards are proud of today and the Country Music from the Arabic name for the [Alkebulan] instrument, AL Quitar

 I felt like I left out the fact that testifying comes from men grabbing their testicles in an oath, testicles also called Balls come from the word Bull

 In the testicals where the Electrical Energy resides in the Sperm from where it is deposited in the Magnetic Uterus to incubate Life of the Fetus in Wombman

 360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive Logic9

Nubian Kau
  [Black Cow]  

Nut and Geb form an opening, gateway or birth canal through which all physical matter is born into existence, this is seen symbolically has the Kosmic Egg

Seven siStars 

The universe already has our journey planned out, you just have to pay attention, intuition, she is guiding you, things that shouldn’t be in your life will be destroyed and others things will be created

 As above, so below, that includes this planet, what is artificial will be destroyed and sum things will be created, in order to create one must first destroy Shiva [EN.KI] Naaga [Naga] Nagara [Kali] Maat [IN.ANNA] Destruction and Creation [Chaos and Order]

Now you know why Spain does the KAA.NU KAU like that

Atheer and Aset both wear the Horn Crown which symbolise both Masculine and Femi9 NRG

 9 Puat [NaTaRu] Neteru [Sedjet] Ennead

 The symbol of the 9Puat NaTaRu [Neteru-Nature] which is the also the original 9Re centres or Chakras, the Greeks call this the 9 Ennead

Ishtar is IN.ANNA, she is also known has Venus, Isis, Aset, Aphrodite, Lakshmi, Kali, Rhiannon, and to the Hebrews she became Esther

 IN.ANNA deceives her great grandfather Re [Ra] into giving her his secret name, where she poisoned him with a snake, until he told her his sacred name, his small name was Elul, which yielded the name EI, EI EIoh, Allah, El-ohyeem, Al-lahumma, and became the suffix of the angelic beings as in Miyka’el, Gabriy’el, Rapha’el and Uri’el

 She became known as the goddess of war, hate, and love, all in one, the goddess emotions (Isis) energy in motion, the sun as a star, this is the light that bred the chaos or confusion, confusion, against unity, that star [disc] is here 


  It is Ishtar who renders all decisions, [Goddess] of all that occurs, lady of the heaven and earth, who receives our supplication, who watches our thoughts, who listens to our thoughts

 She is Ishtar, Supreme Female elite member, oppressing all that is confused, holding full powers of judgement and decisions and destruction 

 Even though this war will be started by man, it will be the female [femi9] that will determine this outcome, it will be a Supreme Being, Female, that will end man(s) domination, that will end this confusion and restore order, once again-

this is how it was and this is how it will be

 2011 saw the eye of Re give Inanna his authorisation in which the female [femi9] poWRA was to be restored to its rightful place, Inanna was allowed to call on her fellow siStars to-gather, all divine females and combined the female NRG for this moment

That poWRA is consciouness

  Inanna is ANU(s) guide, she is his eares and eyes and she will direct NIBIRU, ENLIL and ENQI and the Annunaqi, the art of war will be re written  

 Ishtar, who we may also identify with IN.ANNA, Ashtoreth, Aphrodite, Astarte, Kali, Sita, Sea-goddess Mari or Miriam, Venus, is the evening Star, Ish-tar [Star] 

 If you look real close at the word disaster, the word star comes from the word dis-aster, aster means star, the word star was taken from Ishtar, because she caused many wars and disasters between the sons EN.LIL and the sons of EN.QI, Ish-star, as in female star

 8-pointed Star, she is here now [Inanna is the 8-pionted Star]

 Inanna, beloved of ANU, ENQI(s) twin and lover-all the way Lamashtu, LasAnu daughter of ANU, she is chief of the Annunaqi IN.ANNA- Sumerian, In-An-Na, translates beloved of A.NU

 ISH.TAR becomes the high priestess of the temple of Ishtar; she is now the universal mother [MA.AT] of all living things

 Ishtar also Isis (Emotions) she is the [Sphinx] in Tama-Re(Egypt) which is Aset, the seat-throne of consciousness, and also, Lakshmi, Rhiannon, and Lillith, and to the Hebrews she became Esther, note: in the Bible or Torah the book called Esther is the only book that does not contain the word God anywhere in it, it is a re-written play of the story of Ishtar, with Hebrew (Haribu) inserts, Ishtar was the seat of redemption between King Ahasheroth (Ashtoreth) and the Hebrews

She is also Maat and Hathor [Atheer]

 Ishtar also becomes known as the goddess of War, Hate, and Love, all in one, the goddess of emotions (Isis) energy in motion, the sun as a star, this is the light that bred the chaos or confusion against unity

 We go down as she goes down, those are the rules, we follow her underground, Inanna who dies to become whole- and deep calls deep, the veils drop by on our way, as s-he passes through the gate, with Inanna as our guide, we find truth in deepest night, and deep calls to deep

This is what Inanna(s) 7-gates [chakra] to her realm looks like, you may have seen them

You have a MIR [MER] Merkaba [MARE] pyramid 

 IN.ANNA is consulting with one of the IGIGI-wise elders, Inanna is about to kick Murduk(s) arse for killing her son, Dumuzi or Dammuzi faithful son 

Inanna(s) symbol, the 8-sided Star in background

Notice the Akur [Lions] think about the role of the femi9 Lion in nature

She controls men in their place, walks with thunder, powWRA-walk, incredibly beautiful- extremely, smart, patience, methodical, calculated, she’s got game, she dislikes the sons of her brothers, ENLIL and ENQI, especially MUR.DUK

This means she hates men [ENLIL and ENKI(s) sons] are the Albinos and Nubians 

Remember it is only her, no other Fe-males [Femi9-males], she fights for you and you must in turn fight for her, which is the Femi9 N.R.G, she is the twin of ENKI

 Ishtar, Inanna accuses Murduk for the death of DU.MU.ZI, and sentenced him to death in the E.KUR-MIR, called the great [Giza] pyramid, where he was buried alive, EN.QI pressured Inanna to relent and she agreed to release him

 Inanna was summoned to the council of the great ANUN.NA.GI, for all of her wrong doings, she apologised for all of the conflicts that she had started between brothers and sisters, and promised that she would not deceive her family again

Ishtar was granted forgiveness

Thus, she became worshipped as a great deity [N.TU] and her symbol was that of love, war and peace [3] 

 Moral of the story, don’t fu9k with her

Brahma = A.NU
Vishnu [Krishna] = EN.KI  
Shiva = EN.LIL 

Lakshmi = Inanna
Kali = NIN.LIL or IN.ANNA  
Durga Nimah = Atheer [Athyr] (Hathor)

Atheer = Nephthys = Aglimiya and Lubuwda 

Tri-murti translates sacred triad [3] 

Naga then Buddha, the Kama Sutra was written by the Naga and not the Hindu of today, we know this because you don’t have a football team, we never see you in the Olympics, you don’t have stamina, nor endurance, who plays hockey and cricket, you didn’t write the Karma Sutra

 Wonder why sum Sanskrit words end in Ra, Naga(s) and Buddha(s) come out of Alkebulan, (Africa), Sanskrit was written by a woman, namely Ma’at and is old Tamil writing 

They are all from Alkebulan, they are all Nubian [9ether]

Brahma = A.NU

The [U] on the end is infinite form, meaning Supreme, the root in ancient Hieratic is [Na Ta Ra] or 
[Na-Ta-Ru] and means, a guardian, a protector, one who looks out for others
Neter [NTR]
Nature [N.TU]
Neteru [Supreme Being] Greek is the word deity and deity means God in Roman  

Its simply a Tama-Rean Egiptian [KHMT] way of saying god

The femi-nine of which is Netert and the masculine is Neter, plural of course is Netertaat and Neteraat who are the Annunaqi [Anu-Naga] 

You came to this planet to learn how to be a man [Man means mind] 


 To confess that there was time, people and animals existing before a specific group of people recorded stories that became the general consensus

 Pre simply means before, and History is from the Middle English histoire, from Old French, from Latin historia, from Greek, from historein, to inquire, from history, learnt man [mind] 

Simply before the acquisition of knowledge and these are western words

HiStory, his-story, the 6-ether man had to learn his story, who’s, Asaru [Osiris] 

 And Archaea after the Greek word for Ancient

Archaea translates Critters

Law of One

That man on the right hides behind his sunglasses, his helmet and visor, his body protector, his star badge, his rank, his uniform, his baton, his gun

See that female, she is protected

Her hand is not clinched in a fist nor is she holding a gun, she holds the Shu, the weapon [symbol] of the ancestors

The only female recorded to wear the Shu in her headdress is Ma’at

 The A’aferti are all measured by Thoth on their ability to lead a dynasty, to lead the civilisation, and to uphold the values that are set out, that’s why the name A’aferti translates The Choice 

Osiris [Asaru] did not just choose anyone from the Annunaqi, when he sets up Tamare, they had to be the Choice, they all had to uphold all 144 great principles of ancient Ilm [Illyuwn] aka the 19th galaxy and handing it to you as a feather called Shu 

9 to the 9th poWRA of 9 [MA.AT]   

Ma’at translates justice, order, balance, chaos, that which is straight

Universal Law [MAAT] 

You should be emotionally unstable right now and that is exactly the right signs, the energy is in motion [e.motion] and we are all over the place, cry if you want to and don’t know why your doing so, the feelings of a people, its alright, its the right field to be in  

We go to source, call on any of the Orishas, call on MA.AT [she is here] call on Kali, call on Ishtar, call on Aset or Isis, call on any of the Femi9 energies for we are in their realm now, the Universe is Omega [Femi9] this planet is a Femi9 entity

All [Gods] have a bellybutton, navel and this means they all have a mother, a great mother, behind every man there is a strong wombman 

Come to source, ask her to guide you, the Femi9 principle is always there to save us however you must go to source


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