Tuesday, 29 December 2020

MaStar Lillith


 Lillith translates [of the shadow hour period], shadow is your inner-most-self [Cell] that is the dark-side that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas brought through Star Wars that tells you, to turn away from the dark-side, when the dark-side is the supreme essence of your true nature [Neteru]

Technically your Ptah is the left-hand Ptah because you’re the only ones who have a shadow, your essence is the left-hand Ptah and your essence is the dark-side, that is who you are, the Osirian realm

This means do not go to the light for there you will come undone, stay away from the light and accept the darkness [KAA.NU]

Use your own energy in this field, you are being upgraded with energies   

Melanin works with water [water of life] that’s the connection [currenSea] the Christ stone is called the stone of water 

The cycle of life is getting ready to fade out and the cycle of death that was dormant is now becoming life, death is an alterative to life and are both cycles, however death is against the universe and the [Gods]

You see when your people die, they all go to you, they are inside of you, small extra-terrestrial civilisations that they become a part of you, that is where they are, they are up inside of you, they are not up in heaven

You must over-stand, for those [Gods] that did not take on a Kha [HuMin-HuMan body] you have to leave them, for to worship another [God] outside of yourself is to believe in a [God] inferior than yourCellf

So, all the ones up there that didn’t take on a physical Kha, leave them, this is why the ancient Alkebulan(s) said deal with the ancestors, work with the ancestors

There’s a separation, there is a superior class of deities [Neteru] that was replaced by an inferior class of deities and the superior class of deities became HuMin [HuMan]

Therefore, if they did not take on a HuMin [HuMan] body, not only are they inferior to you, they are your lifelong enemy

How does a HuMin [HuMan] worship another HuMin [HuMan], how does that work 

The higher-beings have said that they have no desire to raise them up and will keep them down here worshipping them and thinking that they will be raised up, forever, for as long as they keep thinking that we are the superior, we exist

They only exist because of you, you are turned inside out and are worshipping them and not worshipping your realm, there are two-systems or dimensions going on

You see you can ascend and go to the other different realms, planes, but what they are not telling you is that these other realms, planes, can also be different levels of illusions as well 

It’s the KHMT [KHAMI] KAMMU Egyptians knew, for they dealt with the Osiris and the Amenti [Am-enta] the underworld [netherworld] Amduat [Am-Duat]

The heaven realm is right in front of you, its down here around you, you can break through the physical Matrix for you are only breaking the illusionary form of the physical but when you go to the other realms which you think is freedom, they are forms of illusions also and to override this system the universe has to crash, system fail, that is also why they write Christ redeems the whole universe   

These extra-terrestrial civilisations are within, these extra-terrestrial civilisations are inwardly and its just that you direct outward in there and not in here [from within] the kingdom of heaven is within

You keep the other [Gods] in this realm because you think they exist and by you thinking they do keeps them flourishing

They tell you [God] lives through the existence of man [Man means Mind = Human = Humin] aka you

This planet is the centre of the entire universe

This is how you work the Tibetans out, they have been meditating for a long time and nothing has happened, they are not connected to source, they say they are ascended masters, the planet was here from the beginning, when she was called Gaia, she was holographic [hologram]

So, if the earth was here in the beginning what are you ascending to

This planet is the command module, the central location, so where are you ascending to

If you do not have Alchemy, KAA.NU you cannot go to the higher dimensions and you are only going to other dimensions of the illusionary planes, a plane of existence

There are two systems going on here, the Devas put in an astral plane which are different dimensions of existence of the known universe but keep in mind that this particular universe has an origin and is not the ultimate reality

There is no way out if you were not created outside of this universe, the universe is crashing [resetting] ascension will not be for all

The key is not to go up in dimensions, the key is getting back to what was in the beginning, because the other dimensions are still part of the illusions, they have cosmic consciousness, Christ consciousness, a mind outside of the physical realm, but is still a form of the illusion

So they are still trapped

Lillith who was part of the great mother, refused to be part of the new existence with Adama [Kadmon] and rebelled and went back to her primal station

They sent three people after Lillith but they didn’t have the poWRA to override, overthrow Lillith because she is higher than [God] because she is the great mother and her son broke away and created this particular universe and is masquerading around has lord and master 

Lillith is the most primal essence of the great mother and later known has evil, that is why you must become evil [eve’Li = star] primal star or primal planet which is the earth in her primal essence
They say that she is evil, is she, all she is that, you cannot underestimate her wrath, don't play with her 

This heaven [Zion][New Jerusalem], whatever you want to call it, and for the 9 ethers is called [Amenti]

The Rosicrucian(s) have a word Chrisamalla and Chrisamalla is born from a condensation of a Nebula and Nebula is the bother of Lamb in Revelations 
The Lamb represents pure Melanin which is also called condensed Chaos and this is a primal element that existed before this particular universe that doesn’t exist no more, only in you

And the element being condensed for so long give rises to the Crystallisation which is your Christ word [Christos] Karast [KRST]

Yes Christ came to that particular part of the universe but that many moons ago, it fell has the Luciferian element and that which falls can only rise, that is what resurrection is and resurrection can only take place based on a fall

It is the Luciferian light that fell, in the Kabbalah and Hebrew [Habiru] is says never curse Satan because he too will be raised up as a beacon, vehicle of light

They say that Metatron is in heaven and he is also on earth, so in order for him to be in heaven and on earth means he had to fall, so Metatron is the same Lucifer

 Many are talking about ascension and that is nothing but New-Age people trying to get off the planet, many think that ascending is reality

 It is [God] that creates Maya [Illusion] and man is duped by it

 In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it says, Man [Mind] is enlightened when he realises the unreality of existence [this means you are enlightened when you realise that this sh9t is not real]

When you get this, that is your way out and you need the Crystal-Adama primal substance [melanin] that existed before the illusionary universe came into existence, for many who do not have this, you will become the fabric of the universe, as energy can never be destroyed 

 It is the ancestors that we should be connecting with for those are the people who represent that aspect of the ones before who had a physical body and means they came from the realm before creation and that was the only thing that was real, the African [Alkebulan] Gods would say, they were once HuMans [HuMins] like we were

The HuMins are the one true [Gods] of the prior universe since this universe is built on universes that existed before this one, on composites and those composites are elements and those elements are inside you, those universes are condensed and is called condensed Chaos

 Two realms, one is a holographic realm and the other is the one true light, the dark-side or dark-light, the universe was divided and was separated between day and night, where do you fall

The Devas are the angle-angel of light, those realms, the astral realms, the other realm is created at night, those are the night beings, nocturnal beings because Melanin is a night hormone and is because of that hormone that you can live beyond the daylight that is going away because its only a light that had been casted eons ago

 From purification comes illumination, that is the only light that can take flight  

Don't be afraid of the dark, for that is where you dwell, of the shadow hour, only you have a shadow

Queen protects King 

Lillith is also Sekhemt

Aset [Isis] always rescues Asaru [Osiris] 
The Femi9 principle is always there to save us, but you must come to source 




Sunday, 27 December 2020


Stay grounded and focused, where the mind goes the energy will flow, stay away from 3D events, what you see taking place in the 3D world for you will manifest [i-magi-ne] those things facing the 3D world for yourself, remember what you in-put into your mind you will receive [manifest], so stay grounded in your thoughts, connect to source, sun-glaze, watch your diet, learn sumthing new, read, watch an animal, nature documentary, National Geographic channel upload, anything that creates sumthing new to the mind

 Stay natural in all ways possible, reduce or keep your company at zer0, make space for you to think

 Those creating in their mind [it’s the Aquarius -Age which is technology, data] are creating nu creases in their organ [nu ptah-ways as in new connects] raising into the higher frequencies, taking you into the [4D] and the lower planes of the 5[D] and so nothing will affect you from the third dimensional world

 Your reality does not consist of what you see in the 3D and if you are being affected then this is the reality for you, the Matrix has you…

 It will be different for everyone; for me, I follow the energy, see what needs doing with it, I take sum and engineer it in my own way, adding to the flow every cycle [24hr], you see what is on this page allows the user to let go of the 3D world, this kn-Owl-edge allows the user to become wiser 

You have outgrown the 3-dimensional

 I know now, i-know the truth and I AM satisfied and because of this I go in peace [If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs- Rudyard Kipling] and let peace guide you home

 I'm not thinking of the future at all, its never crossed my mind, so that only leaves the past and the present in which I’m participating, I’m flowing where Kaa is guiding me

 To guide you in your thoughts and to receive what you want you can give sumthing up, like if you drink, smoke, gamble, watch tv, if you have negative thoughts, bad habits, sumthing that you are meaning to do, fix sumthing, reduce sumthing, start of small, or go feed the ducks, give sumthing that you have an attachment to that you know you need to let go of, it can be a mindset that you change about you, all this and more+ can be used has trading commodities, the universe will give you exactly what you ask for, she listens, reads those thoughts, she wants you to do what she knows you can do

We are connected to the universal mind, sumthing small or large, give it up, trade with her, this allows returning energy to you

You know your second thought is really your first thought and are the ones that get birthed, she reads all your thoughts with you in real time 

KHMT the online library with models, found in [Egypt] they say its 5,000 years old, which is about right because that is when the library was built
 Kattle rearing, not for food or to sell [lesson plans] agriculture 

In the 3D world you are under the Julian [Georgian] calendar which the date is 2020, however, under the Ul-mec [Olmec] Mayan device and the Ethiopia [Abyssinian] it is still 2012 [2013] the NTH gate Nu-year is April 1st this year and the next year are still one in the same, does this matter, we will see 

 Radiation [chakra energies] beams [ignore dashboard from car in red] 

Sumthing affected the camera, energy is heavy, lots going on
El-ectrons from the sun [this will be the 3D (cv) but it will be uvc], check the colours on the graphics You have 6 electrons, this will be heavy energy

Red [root] radiation [chakra] north and south
M9 type range
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] on the left 

Crown shield 

Sphere in shape image is two months back

 Triangle crafts being seen 

Dark patches are crafts 

Hamborg [Hamberg]
Ham [Muurs]

Castles is a Ethiopian word from Kastle, meaning dwelling in the sand
Last two images from the top are Kastles in Ethiopia 

[Ham]Burg is a German word for fort, in reference to the moated castle
And the say (perhaps) the first element is perhaps Old High German hamma, ham, back of the knee in a transferred sense of bend, angle, with reference to its position on a river bend promontory; or Middle High German hamme enclosed area of pastureland, (in a transferred sense of bend) ok then
Ham is from K-HAM-I and Moated comes from Moor [Moorings] Muur 

Notice the satellite dishes and wi-fi receivers
How much cable, shield equipment, communications, its hidden capacity
Who built todays Europe
Take into account the mud-flood
They were 40-50 years in front of the world 

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Sentient Oil

The Dark Bird
Black Waters

Very large diurnal raptorial bird of the genus Aquila, from Old French Egle, from Old Provençal Aigla, from Latin Aquila, black eagle, fem. of Aquilus, eagle, often explained as the dark coloured bird; see Aquiline

Curved like an eagle's beak, originally in English in reference to long, hooked noses, from Latin Aquilinus of or like an eagle, from Aquila eagle, a word of uncertain origin, usually explained as the dark bird; compare Aquilus, blackish, swarthy, of the colour of darkness, but some suggest the colour word is from the bird
De Vaan writes, it is possible that 'eagle' was derived from Aquilus 'dark' when this had received its colour meaning, it may not be the only dark bird, but it is certainly one of the biggest and most majestic of them
As for Aquilus, the Romans derived this colour from aqua 'water', which [Etymologicum Magnum] rejects because they cannot i-magi-ne water being black [yet there are black-waters all around the USA]
Meaning "pertaining to an eagle" is from 1650s; that of "eagle-like" is by 1742
There is no such word has Eagle

Large, ferocious bird of fable, from Arabic Rukhkh, from Persian Rukh
Mentioned in Marco Polo's account of Madagascar, modern use is mostly from Arabian Nights Hence roc's egg, something marvellous or prodigious
Roc comes from Rook, Rut and Rath meaning Chariot, Roc is the English version and the Indian is Rut and Rath
Rook, Roka, Old High German Hruoh Crow, possibly imitative of its raucous voice, compare Gaelic Roc Croak, Sanskrit Kruc >> to cry out
Rukhkh [Rukh] = Roakh [Roo-akh] soul or wind, breath
This is why its good to Etymology a word because, meaning, definition and Etymology are three completely different things, Crow is just the sone the birds make
Chariot = vessel = craft = avatar, all birds have a 3rd eye and use the ley-lines of the planet
 Ba-uz [Falcon]
Bik [Hawk]
All birds are raptors
All animals that are black are conscious and work for the conscious community 

Sentient Oil
Black Goo; the stuff of dreams
The last days

 The primordial substance called KAA.NU by the KHMT and Melanin by the Greeks that means black also Khemet = Ham = black, the substance looks black but we don’t have a word for black, this primordial substance that destroys the evil and abnormal law of material matter and is consuming this planet

 Aiwass being a pure KAANU Angel and a current, both Aiwass and Heru equate to the number 418 [13] which is the number of the great works which is melanin [Kaanu], this is the key, 666 and the mark of the beast means the devil on the physical realm and the mark of the beast also means melanin, it’s the devil to be

Aiwass [Melchizedek] is called Lucifer in Hermetic, the devil who you have been cursing is your [god] was your [God] and you were the fallen ones of that [God] the devil is in the shield of Sirius and Lucifer means light bringer [lu-Cell-fer is amber light] which means your [God] is their devil, and melanin is the stuff that cane kill them because Kaanu [melanin] is the triple darkness of space

[Devil = d-evil = dark live = dark love] which is in the dark holes in space and this universe is being pull off of space into this [black] substance which is melanin and neutralises anything of an abnormal field and this means that black stuff in space holds all the stars clusters together and is the same stuff that is in you which is cosmic ether which is Kaanu [melanin] 

This particular chaos that they are talking about is h3ll and is called the Amenti [Amenta] and is the black dot and the h3ll which they say is up under the ground, is also your heaven and the Amen-ti is also in your head aka the black dot and when you go through the AMEN.TI [AMENTA] you go through Christhood, and those who have a calcified pineal gland, they meet the devil, that is a mutant, that is your [God] as above, so below and that is in you

 Lucifer means light bringer and is Aiwass, Mega-tron, Melchizedek, God, Allah, all of that, and the [albinos] god and they tell you this in their metaphysics, the Arm [Arm] the Leg [Leg], the Head =

A-l-l-a-h and that means you are the devil; you hide him in you

 The following comes from Papyruses and sum were written 5,000 years ago and might not make sense in reading in sum places and sum are from extracts from western scholars and their books

Jesus took all his followers and transported them into immediate space and in winds behold ships manned by fantastic beings, in the ships they can even distinguish the dangerous [this was from a Greek Papyrus and is talking about Jesus opening up the heavens in this particular mother-ship] 

The HuMin [HuMan] being can only be reborn again and led back into the primal material which is the black substance [which is the melanin] out of this he comes forth according to the acclamation before the son of man can be exalted he must be humbled [like those in Africa who are the most humbled] [and even the 6 ether placed you in slavery, even though they placed you in the h3ll of North America and this lets you know that you are still a humane people] before he can ascend to heaven [Sirius] he must walk three days through h3ll [this condition is the alchemy blackness], whose central darkness extends relate and extends three days and nights even in the total darkness of 40 days, even Jesus must remain 40 days in his resurrection on earth before he ascended into heaven, therefore you must go through the gates of darkness before you can attain the paradise of rites >> which is the great rites brotherhood aka the crown chakra [which you need melanin to have] which is a alchemy substance that turns base metal into gold and turns man, wombman, child, baby, animal into one, and what it means is this; 

The number 19 represents the Sphinx and the Sphinx is in the middle of the earth, which is Heru on both horizons

That particular Sphinx, the animals in the world, sum can transform themselves, sum live underwater, sum live in the sky, since you were exalted over them, you were supposed to everything they do and more, and is called animal activism and the Sphinx can sit there in the middle of the earth which is the crown and conquering Lion of Judah which is the N.TU Sekhmet, which is Heru [Horus] on the horizon [or Allah on the horizon] which is broken to the number 19 meaning when you get your [Godhood] you can do all of that, you can disappear, everything you want to do, you can do, this is the mystery of the number 19 of the Sphinx, which is called animal activism, which is key to the number 19, which is [Allah] on the horizon which is Heru on the horizon which is the crown and conquering Lion of Judah which is how it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end, you are those people, the great works means the people who obtain the spiritual level of consciousness and also means in occult mystery, people who are born with it, melanin the great works is melanin, the primal material  

Y-our principle N.TU choose animal headed avatars because they could, they chose animal headed avatars because this works with nature, the animal kingdoms, no one is speaking English, its 3rd eye and telepathy 

The idea of a race of Lionoid people [talking about the Sphinx] exalted from the Sirius complex in sum timeframe in a deeper implication of resident genes, who have inherited genes from their Syrian [Sirian] forbearers [which means you have inherited genes from the people on the planet Sirius who is God] who were responsible for the growth and development of this soul-ar system in which we live

On earth manifests a personal group of racial genetic codes but for those who carry the Sirian gene aka the black dot, the 10[12] double helical structures of the DNA which your manifested in the melanin the Kat mighty crystal genes are the strongest [that is you], the [13] is hidden   

Ra-me-sees said himself, I believe myself to be born out of Sekhmet

Sekhmet being the Sphinx in the middle of the earth, and the people born out of that are the [Gods] of the universe because there is a Sphinx on the Moon, there is a Sphinx on Mars, there is a Sphinx on every planet that fits directly in the centre of the earth like as us, the NASA man Richard Hogan even tells you in his books, Monuments on Mars and is talking about the [Gods] and is talking about you the [God] of the universe which is [Allah] because you are the microcosm of the macrocosm
[Allah stands for Arm, the Leg, the Leg, the Arm, the Head]

LAH.MU [Mars] Muurs [Moors]
Is like Egypt but more exotic

 The 6 ethers say they come from Lyra which is not true because Lyra is a [planet] of Heru and the people are born out of the eye [Ayin] Wadjet of Heru and he defends their soul [Baa] and the people that are born out of the eye of Heru or the eye of Ra or the eye of Set are Nubian [9 ether] people, because you possess the eye of Heru in your 3rd eye [Wadjet] complex called melanin [Kaanu] so they are lying, but in their lying they are trying to tell the truth

How is this so when the 6 ether cannot live in peace and have nearly destroyed this planet but claim that they are from another planet, and you cannot live with people on this planet and say that you are going to ascend and that you’re going to be picked up and taken back to Lyra [Lion] they said that they had people on this planet first but the Dogon Sirians got here first, that is a lie, the Dogon Sirians was always here first

The Sirians are genetically tied to earth, when working with the Lyra groups in the genetic program, they inserted the latent genetic program code, this code was within HuMin cells and this code is triggered by the acceleration of the vibration in civilizations that begin to evolve spiritually, the earth accelerates towards a self-awareness four-dimensional density [which is perfectly occurring right now]

We had been in the 3D and the lowest plane of the 4D and we are in the higher plane of the 4D and at the lowest plane of the 5D, sum are at higher planes because this is in waves, the frequencies are on waves 

This code is triggered and activated, once the HuMin race unwinds its limited division [like a coil] [spiral][9] aka the Kundalini rising up until all things becomes visible and it is their way of allowing them to eat from the tree of life in the DNA strands

What they are saying is that this particular code that the Syrains [Lyraian] put in you is triggered when the earth accelerates through the vibratory rate, we know that Sirius B and Sirius C conjunction was brought on by the Sigi [Dogon] ceremony 

The Syrians today in Syria are nothing to do with source, they are Muslim-Arab Albinos, the real Assyrians are really the Sumerians

This is what Syria looks like today because in actuality the star-gate over Iraq is being used for the Annunaqi to use to come down here and kick sum ass        

The last time we had the Sigi was 60 years ago and you are waking [activation] right now, you are in it now, we had been looping until the loop ran out on itself, the 6 ethers even bought extra time with 9/11 [ten years]


Behold Eli-jah cometh, the Jews said, suppose [this is an extract from the Hebrews or Habiru which technically goes back to the original children of Ra, they are not just one group of a particular people and they go all the way back to KHMT and Lemuria]

Elijah enters the chambers among the child to seek left vacant for him in the double chair, this means when the people are at their lowest point in civilisation, Elijah incarnates over and over again, the one in their Bible was the same one that was here on earth

 The seat [consciousness] of Elijah

The centre of Hebrew [Habiru] traditions is identified with he who comes with the number [8] the bow tie symbolises infinity and the number [8]

You nose has a number [8] nostrils = infinity  

-appears likewise to indicate that he is from the N.TU Tehuti [Thoth] Elijah was a form of Tehuti and Tehuti means messenger, Tehuti drives the ship of Ra, Elijah was the pilot of a ship for Allah and Elijah told you about this ship [see previous posts about the mother-ship of Ra[Allah] appears likewise to indicate that he is from the N.TU Tehuti or Anubu or Set and is the announcer of the [Goddess] seven [siStars] stars and one comes annually who Thoth represents the messenger, the voice of the logos and the seven [Goddess], the manifest of the Paloma [peace] and completer of Hava [life], he that cometh, Elijah comes has a messenger to announce the prophecy

Thoth supersedes Set [Sut] that bowed about in KHMT [Egypt], Elijah portrays the great appointment about in Egypt [this means he opens the way, when you see the N.TU Anubu or Thoth they open the way, the opening] 

In the Qur’an records, it says that the Angel Gabriy’el came from the constellation of the Dogstar and [Mu-ham-med] was reputed to have been taken to southern heaven Saturn by Gabriy’el in a white sea spaceship with 600 wings in about 597AD

The lord of dealers that helped teach earthman, together with mankind is indigenous to the Sirius constellation Canis Major

Isis [Aset] and Osiris [Asaru] where space beings from the Canis Major [Sirius] then Aset brings wheat and corn from Canis Major constellation and earths origin of wheat has not been discovered

 In the Quran it also says, he is the lord of Sirius and that he is the lord of the second creation and is talking about the second 26,000 period, the first creation went down with Atlantis [Aztlan] and Lemuria and earth separated, the second creation is the one we have going on now, and it says, he enriches and calls us to possess and he is the lord of Sirius [this is another translation from another part of the Quran] and he destroys ancient activist, which is also Atlantis, this is the flood that their Noah in their Bible was talking about when Atlantis [Aztlan] went down

However, the teachings of Muhammed sat down in the Quran and later in Christian texts and before is much nearer to our time, and represents an addendum to the prophet of the [Jesus] of Nazareth and is said to be laden with serious terrible warnings of final destruction of a star Sirius

[it says there is an addendum or appendage, the reason why people are fighting is because your supposed to take the Book of the Dead, the Quran, the Bible and put them together has one book]

The Quran is the second appendage to the Bible and this is why you lot have been arguing, fighting and blowing each other up down here

The people of Tamon [Talmud] [Tamil] [Tamare] left before the survivors and before them the people of Noah who were really the Muurs+, the Italics of others includes that emphasizes the esoteric astronomical significance of the theme under the heading Ya-Sin of the Quran says the sun is given to overtake the moon, thus the night overtakes the day and it is a assigned that there in the laden fold ark and we drown them like vessels and we embark and we pleased we drown them,[they are talking about this ark and its not sum wooden boat or wooden ship that they also claim is in Turkey or that they have found, and that their man took two animals, one male and one female and no others to mate with in this wooden boat][its talking about sum people who were living in Aztlan [Atlantis] and they got up out of there in a spaceship which was vessels and that’s how they saved themselves and went to other parts of the earth, sum say it started in KHMT but KHMT was already there, the Sphinx was already there and doesn’t have any water erosion, and was actually one of the capitals that went down]

 Though the Quran has great repudiation of the flood, themes in many references of destruction of sol-charged winds, yet it refers to the future arc or art [flying arts which is spaceships]

Note the association with the lord of Sirius and the Surah of the Quran being Sirius itself in pre-dynastic KHMT [Egyptian] time] is him who is he named Osiris, take note Oser which is Osiris, Aset which is Isis and Heru which is Horus perhaps an entire remnant of Osirian race, godlike men, mentally powerful, influential, yet omnipotent, universal created beings, perhaps monitors and directors of a terrestrial mankind, Osiris said himself, as we choose the courage and choice to size them up thus within the hope of the planet, high levels of prophecy based upon the astronomical realities 

They just told you that this whole thing with the lord [Neb] of Sirius is an Osirian race and Osiris means the lord of the prefect black, lets take out Oser or Osiris and say lord of the prefect black

Lord of prefect black remnant race and that is talking about the 9 ethers and remnant means that which is leftover, they are not talking about that which is up in the sky, remnant means what is leftover and that is the 9 ether, the hope of the planet is based upon high levels of astronomical realities and is talking about you being an extra-terrestrial government    

 Dolores Cannon wrote three books called Conversations with Nostradamus, she was channelling, in there she says, how did these people look, on board whose piloting the ships, could you tell they were not from this planet; they look humanoid, they wear similar clothing [she is talking about the people on Sirius] their evolved and have protruding eyes, their ears are close to their head and they have a spiral structure on their ears to a cranial or combined nucleus cell, their noses and nostrils are flat [you know who that is] other than those differences they look HuMin, these aliens are large to medium height beings, their skin is not white but a golden brown colour, their hair is not shiny but evolved, they have an unusual cranial shape [that shape comes from African, like Imhotep, you see it in Ethiopia also] they are different looking but not ugly, they project a loving nature that we find it very irresistible and they do not have hair on their bodies [they trapped the ape energy out of the HuMin artificial when we was mutating, we brought down energy when we s-e-x from an animal realm]

They are people from the Sirius soul-ar system    

Dolores Cannon books and the ones in other posts, most are available on PDF, read for fu9ks sake

Your powers that be are 40-60 years in front of this planet, you can catch up by readying and going in, this empowers you and raises you above the others, makes your head stay upright instead of looking at your shoes

I apologise for my mistakes in posts, spelling, grammar, I see the words but not the right ones at times, the spirit speaks and directs so fast, my thoughts race beyond my comprehension, its just the way it is, the brain fills in the voids without telling me 

These are sum things that you need to do, they have to be done and I AM telling you because eye lov9 you, if you want to get on these ships, you have to do sum things because its not how you see it out here on the internet, love one another, hug, light candles, mediate, we are one, raise your vibrations and all that, if you want to get on these ships you have to do things, they are watching you, just because you are 9 ether does not mean your passage is assured, oh no, we are all being judged, even me, no one is assured but we are all going to the same place, destination 

[sum of this is from Thunder-dog and Aiwass]

 You take everyone that you lov9 and you send them a bolt of light and you say, this light is to prosper you to all divine perfection or potential [sumthing like that]

 You have to make amends with every 9 ether that you hate and started sh9t with, you take them and you send them this bolt of light, remember we have not been in our rightful minds for a long time, all your family that you despise, send them your healing force and this bolt of light and say this light is to prosper you to all divine perfection [potential]

 Anyone who makes you mad or angry is your MaStar, because he or she controls your emotions, anything that you get mad off of sumthing, is shutting you down, you say, move on, I only know of the divine perfection from the Most-High [the most-high is the highest of frequencies] in everywhere manifested  

You have to take responsibility for who you are and the ancestors are fed up with you praying to them, they are tired of you only coming to them when you have fu9ked up and need sumthing

 There is nobody outside of yourself

 How you get to the creator(s) is from within yoursCellf, you go in and go up, not go out and go up, your telephone is from within, prayer is called Ashutat [Ashu] A-shoo-tat, they say look nowhere but from within yourself to the higher you which is already [God] you are the [God], so pray to yourself

[Istal is communion with [god] that is a direct connection] when you Ashu or Istal you are talking to [God] and when you Istal [mediate] you are receiving answers from [God] no more prayer like how the 6 ether does, be and it is, you’re the [God] and you can will-it into existence, its fixing your mindset and BOOOMBABY

 They are watching you from behind the mirror [veil], all of us, you have to go to source

When you worry this means you don’t know [believe] in divine Magi [manifestation] and you don’t know thyself who is [God]

[God] is a man in that sense but that [God] has a navel, bellybutton and this means he has a mother that created him and is the triple blackness of space and is sumthing, it is the all in all [Joyce Sims], the ab-sol-ute, her reflection in her manifestation is [God], blackness manifest light, you get the light from the blackness

She is in the triple blackness of the northern hemisphere of Draco, you cannot see her because she is blue-black so she manifests her son who cuts her vagina open at the south gate because Sirius comes from the south in the southern skies and he is born, the first star, the number [8] star of [7] stars is the Sirius star aka your primordial [God] who you have been worshipping, who is the first sol [soul] who walked in HuMin form as [God] but as now the manifestation of the brightest star in the universe which is the central sun of the universe which is [God] which is heaven [haven] but heaven has a mother

Heaven is down here and earth is down here and nothing matters other than the lov9 of a 9 ether wombman both down here and up there, before any man-made religion, there was wombman and there is nothing higher than her, take it or leave it

Its not about how religious you are its about how spiritual [energy] you are, spirituality is your nature and your nature is your [God] the triple blackness of space is the womb of the universe that makes the [God] and he is minimum compared to the great mother, the 9 ether wombman

The only way for spirits to get down here is through her only 

 You can do all these things and still don’t not make the ship, we just don’t have the time for spiritual development, its too much, As a man and wombman thinketh in the heart, so is he a she, the ultimate thing is where your mind and heart is and how you accept the condition to be righteous, your already [God], you already have the keys, you just have to remember and accept the responsibility of being [God] and lov9, not your enemies because Ra kills his enemies, there a whole papyrus called the destruction of mankind and they tell you how they are going to kill the enemies of Ra and the enemies of Osiris the [God] of the prefect black, that means the enemies of his creations [the 9 ethers] and he sends out his spirit warriors and Sekhmet, the sphinx and that is the number 19 and the number 19 is the number for Melanin and they is talking about you and you being the warriors    

 When you mediate; 3-6am you automatically connect or your sub-mind connects [if you have things on your mind that is the best time to work them out] and 11pm to 4am is melatonin production, midday is serotonin

 Those dark patches in the sky are crafts and they are monitoring, scanning you and they will start following you when you notice them, especially the wombmen and they will give you things, these crafts can cloak themselves behind and in front of stars, they will give you messages, they know when you see them before you see them

 In the Sirian Magi, the Dogon tells us that what we are going though has already been won and fought over in space a long time ago, because the planet went into a lower dimension, those thoughts travelled into space and got caught into this particular dimension and they manifest physically and all this is, is a big hologram, like a movie and we have already won this war in space around 10million years ago with Sirius and Orion and we won that war >> its just occurring now, instant replay, we had been looping, repeating and its only an illusion, they say when you raise the Kundalini and Chakra you get to your higher-self [Sakhu] the illusionary world disappears and the real world appears, you had been trapped into this physical body and thinking this body is the real you, when the real you is on the inside and this is only a role [act-or] that you are playing and when you get though this role and schooling, you have to go to another role [realm] to another level

There is no wean off of things, the only way is to go Cold Turkey, that is it, you have to stop eating meat, none whatsoever, they can grow chickens in three weeks and a whole cow in 9 months, they have cows that produce only HuMin [HuMan] milk, stop eating meat is because all you are doing is collecting dead animal vibrations

It’s the blood in animals that makes it taste good to you

In your own liberations, don’t say what you can’t do, you do it, Cold Turkey, you already have a built-in mechanism, think of things that you don’t mess with no-more, well then, you already have what it takes because you’ve done sumthing like this before, you don’t mess with [whatever] it was no more, you have it already in your built-in mechanism, its just functioning on the wrong level, just apply it with meat, you’re doing this so that you stop taking in decaying, dead animal vibrations

You also have to get off of all dairy products because that calcifies your pineal gland, did you know that glue is made from milk, read that again, glue is made from milk, mucus is what kills you

 You cannot raise up spiritually with dead animal vibrations

You know we could have ascended 20 years ago; you know we didn’t have to have this end type cycle; they are waiting on us, were the ones that are messed up

The animal level is what feels, tastes, looks and sones good, which is the animal level which is instinct, animal senses and there is nothing spiritual about it

Its you on this, not the masses, the masses did nothing but die, it’s the nucleus, you build from the inside out, not the outside in, it’s the soul that is operating and that is the black dot, you build the nucleus and you make that radiate and shine, popular culture is anything that shines, they go to, you draw from the inside out, don’t worry about the masses, don’t worry about the physical level because that is taking you off your Ptah [path]  

 So, number one is diet, number two mediation [Istal] (take 9 breathes in, in one nostril, block the other nostril and then take 9 breathes in with the other nostril, then both again 9 times normally and fill the organ-brain up and close your eyes and watch what happens, I also play music and drift, they want to communicate with you, wombmen you are already in the spirit world, you can do this while cooking, ironing and talking on the phone [joke] just connect, they already told us to rejoice because this stuff is already here, we just have to stay on the frequency

 There are three motherships and you want to be on one and the reason you cannot go any further is because when you take off your clothes you are at your total being, your most spiritual being, when you take off your European clothes you become Alkebulan again or you become the original people again, you reside in a male dominated society and you have to go through another configuration, you have to come the way [God] made you, you have to come natural, so anything that is on your body that [God] didn’t put or give you will mean you are not natural, that includes what you have in your hair, body and in your body, tattoos- the skin is the biggest organ, plastic nails, all has to go, the hair is the number 9 and are your antennas and is the double helical structure and is the breakdown of the universe, only the sleep and lamb have the same hair has the 9 ethers and the lamb is Christ-everyone else’s hair is fur-the lamb is melaninated hair (metaphysis) your 9 ether hair is the original antennas that picks up the wave-band from space, products in hair- chemicals that you put in your hair leaks into the brain because you have pores, braids came from Senegal and is your invention, use that instead

You have to do these things to transform

 Study everything that you can get your hands on, turn the tv off, you’re not missing nothing, these are crucial times and everything counts, studying allows you to match the frequency because its new input, higher wavebands, data [Aquarius Age- new] the brain [organ] needs to upgrade and match the new frequencies and this cannot be achieved with stagnant frequencies, any change is better than no change, you have to tri, small changes add up to change, they want to see what kind of a spirit you are [kindred spirit]

We are in reSet [Set] [Sut] Septet [Sirius] Sothis  

Turning back the hands of time

The time is now

Its war time not peace time and for those thinking about what your grandchildren will look like or maybe next year you will move, you’re thinking about a holiday destination, sum are saying what a year its been when this year and the next year is one in the same and will be more severe let me tell you, its not going down that way, ever, you better ask sumbody

This was a poem written by sumone called Kali, Alluvial is Melanin, her words are reminiscent of sumone called Nina who also told me about when her grandmother would use a bristle scrubbing brush on her and her two other siStars in a vain attempt to 'clean' the Melanin from their skin, today many bleach their skin to be lighter, there will be conditions placed on you for doing this   

Melanin [Melanoma]
KAANU has its own brain and used to evolve every 3-5 years and is evolving every 7 days in 2020
Called dark-matter, ether, melanin, consciousness
Its in the 9 ethers skin and is condensed sunlight-rays, its in their eyes, its in the base of their skull [and 20% of the 6 ethers skull] and is the stuff made out of the universe and absorbs the sun rays and charges, its intelligent    

NWN = Matter
NWNT = Antimatter
You need it to exit the Matrix 

Right hand holds in a container KAA.NU, Sentient Oil 

Beyond the Black Rainbow 
Darth Vader 
[Look at Michael Fassbender's finger tip with them triangles] 

Black Goo

Why is everyone wearing a black suit

KAA.NU is actually real and sum is buried in Antarctica and or in the Falkland Islands by an ancient alien race that visited Earth, called the Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] ANU.NAGA, they put KAA.NU in the vessels of the [9 ethers]  

Look up David Griffin, Harald Kautz-Vela and Kerry Cassidy and the Marconi scientist(s) deaths in the 1980s

 Soma is Melanin [KAANU] its conscious material, its intelligent and self-evolving  

 You are wearing your suit [inside and outside]

This is the soul-ar system and those are the chakra energies [radiation] and the black is the KAA.NU, this was what it was always about, the war amongst those who are not from this soular system trying to crack the KAANU code, the black goo is consuming the planet, the primal material is consuming the planet

 Star family have been extremely careful, but there are cut off points, purple is in the skies and this means we are real close 

Triangle craft on the right, other crafts [patches] in the skyline 

Full house, whoever controls the skies, controls the planet

The planet, soular system, galaxy, universe is spiralling [9] faster, time [emit] is an illusion and our sensory experience is misinterpreted   

Let go of everything you no longer need

You are what you are waiting for 

In order for lov9 and hate to exist the planet must come to an end [recycle], we want peace and to achieve this, war will breakout, you can bypass war by letting go of what you don't need anymore   



Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...