Spiritual waves, it’s not new-age but it is nu data, sumthing
came in last night again, these waves are not going nowhere, NI.BIRU is pushing
all the energies, frequencies, vibrations, tones, acoustics, sone [sounds] back
into Ki.
If you are going with the Laws of Netu [Nature] how is
that new, are you saying that Nature is new, that makes no sense and you don’t
make no sense, this is not a new-age doctrine, you mean to say that you mediate
and branch off into other things that you needed to make you a better person,
the internet is filled with stupid new-people who have absolute no idea what
they are doing or saying, what we are residing in is the word at the end of the
day, the doctrine was here before you, there is nothing new under the sun, stay away
from those who have Reiki certified status, those who say they are light workers,
dead energy attracts dead energy.
What we are experiencing today many experienced thousands
and thousands of years ago on a wholesum level although they didn’t have
the constraints and different races on this planet that you have now, they were
able to connect to source directly.
Our stories, memories are all connecting, our experiences
are merging, there is no more down here for the human [humin] experience, that
energy, cycle is way over, this is the reinstatement of the femi9 electron energy,
stay on your ptah, do not watch other peoples lanes, the more conscious you
become the more your aura glows and the more you will indirectly attract.
Those that are down in their lower-self know they have
fu9ked up, wherever they put their energy into, is being returned to them,
whatever entity that controlled that medium is dead and you partly die with it,
all energy is temporary and has to be given back one day, that day is here.
Whatever your intention is behind your creation is you
will receive that, sum call it Karma, whatever your intent to do, will be returned
to you, same energy, different forms.
We are all at different spiritual or consciousness and
sum of us are on the same wavelengths, your growing, stay there and do not let
no-one take you off of your ptah for we are really close now [144,000] is a
force, is a frequency, the core of the radius , do you at the end of the day,
stay plugged out of the matrix, is it isolating, h3ll yes but the poWRA is so
What you are doing and going through we have been here
before, the ones before us are here once again, you’re here, we are all
connected to the divine one, there is nothing new that we, you are doing, we
are all answering the law of correspondence.
We are going to break the cycle, choose wisely and follow
your intuition, feeding your energy the correct data will thus give you the
correct frequencies that you vibrate off of.
Make it make sense.
His life is the Story [HiStory] of the life-death-resurrection
and ascension into heaven to prepare our place in the heaven, his was the
history stolen as well as his life.
E shemsy Oser-eye follow Oser, the alpha and omega,
Em e be mu er hetep-within my heart there is peace.
May we see you on the other-side of the Sun [Raru] Ra[Re] Ratan
It is time children of the Amenre [Emen-Re] to ready your
return to forever.
Greeks call him Osiris, his name is Oser [Oiser] Asaru,
again by the Greeks his name is Horus but his name is Haru [Heru].
He is here IN.KI [EN.KI] Asaru.
Do you sit back sumtimes and hold others accountable for
those decisions that you've made, do you sum-what have a chip on your shoulder
or a sense of resentment within your actions now.
Your support system aka close ones shall not let you go
outside and make a fool out of yourself, and private convos should be had
behind closed doors to strategically be presented in the best and most
comfortable way possible and if you don’t have a close support system around,
you like that at the moment and you’re a Blacksheep or Lone Wolf of your
friends and family, you will see this as clear as day during this period of time
and you may even yearn closeness at the moment.
Doesn’t matter where the sun or moon is, everyone has to
take responsibility for their current situation, no matter how much energy you
have put out there.
Canada and the Philippines and around the world, purple electrified
skies, charged plasma, image, figure, from Greek, from plassein >> to
mould, where energies and gases are moulded into images, called etherians.
Like the story of Asaur [Osiris] and Set [Suk] after he
is cut up Aset goes to Khnum the moulder, to build a nu Khat [body] plasma
To the religious community, spiritual or angelic beings,
its all energy, atoms, protons, electrons and neutrons and those forces which
make them up
Plasma in KMT is Khaybet, it’s the yellow stuff you see
when sumones been shot and the Khaybet is yellow after being exposed to the
[C]osmic] rays-waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], energy is being blasted into the core of
Ki, from the purple backlight.
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the
#HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2]
Atum-re [HaRu
[Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.
Atum [A-toom] the
Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the
Unique One
Amun [A-Moon]
[Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are
a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays].
The highest tri-ad
is the tri-angle with the eye of [Re] in the centre, and the three points of
the triangle represents [Atum] Atom [the undifferentiated one], in the kreation.
The full disc
appearance of the sun in the morning, [Atun] the unique one in life.
The full sun disc
at the highest point of the day.
[Amun] the hidden
one, at death, sun at its last full disc before setting, and making it through
the underworld, or netherworld.
9ethers can absorb
and dispense this radiation, hence why the palms of your feet and hands are
white, no Melanin.
Alpha = Electrical
[Mu = Mass]
[Nu =
Omega = Magnetic
E = mc 2 In the
equation, the increased relativistic Mass [M] of a body times the speed of
light squared [c 2] is equal to the kinetic Energy [E] of that body.
translates, the abyss, the deep, vibration.
The [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU
[Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun]
is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].
No beginning of days [ASet] no ending of nights [Asaru]
we have moved into endless day [light].
This Amethyst is from nature and shaped by man into a skull, once you polish you lose value and are to be used by the Ki-lings for they drain the other beings.
They are getting us used to the upgrade, the more the frequency is pushed the more aware you will become, Nice one >> everything I’ve experience especially
this year has opened my eyes to see myself [my higher-self] and the universe in
an entirely new way.
I saw this image on fb, your so stupid and misleading,
you have no idea what you are doing, we are ending the religious idiots and their followers, do not mix our Ka world with your fictional world.
The NRG is sweeping Ki.
Nov 18. China sees 3rd case of the PLAGUE after man, 55, eats wild rabbit the KMT plagues are coming to a place near you.
Monster number 9 on its way to the UK this week.
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