Friday, 22 November 2019

2020 Spiritual Vision

When the Dome comes down we will be in 4D, if you are not 9ether you will not make it, you will not survive, the sun is increasing for a reason, this monkey system will be ending in 90 days [3months], you will not be able to survive 4D rays [radiation], your powers that be have been making Eumelanin = European melanin = derived from beings with natural melanin, that is why they are kidnapping the 9 ether wombman, you where sent here to protect her, star-family are watching your intention.

2020 = CLARITY = 2020 Spiritual Vision

So they have succeeded in making a synthetic Eumelanin but since Melanin is conscious when they try to put it on their skin they will become like the movie Venom and Eumelanin can’t survive 4D so they will still be stuck in 3D, it’s either you have melanin or you don’t.

They are killing the 9ether men and stripping the 9ether Wombman(s) Melanin to make a sun screen for the orcs, while we begin to enter into the 4th Dimension, if you are not ascending by this time it’s almost too late.

They are beginning to shut down the knowledge on YT and other sources, beginning now and January 1st as well as the gun laws that start also January 1st 2020 [2012].

Re [Ratan] is increasing once again, this is the expansion of the sun, the holes in the sun are getting bigger, dark-mode, appearances of the holes started in 2008-2009 [they call it grand soular minimum, we call it dark-mode or dark NRG] a [11 year cycle] transformation in progress of this star and so a global change beckons. 
UVC is going to kill you if you do not have Melanin.

Watch I’ am Legend, Will Smith is the 9ether man and you are the ones inside, do you get it.

Crop losses around the world is to get rid of so-called farmers and to stop you from eating for free, so that cannibalism can return, so that the artificial races are deleted, we watch nature for she is dictating.

The world is changing to rid herself of the artificial races and plants and animals, this invasion is for them and not you, we are ascending they are descending, embrace transition.

When Iran was just on the brink of attacking Israel, this happened

200+ Deaths
1000+ Arrests
100+ Hrs Internet Shutdown

Iran and China and Colombia are not protesting, this is the rebellion alliance, the UK and USA will be next.

Let them fight over the scraps, we have bigger rewards.

Japan releases its radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean, don't look up if they receive an M for that.


5G is about frequencies, so if they tune into a certain frequency it can definitely kill animals and even humans.

We’re coming into a grand soular minimum finale, when Re goes dark-mode, if you want to survive this phase you will need Melanin, so they are stealing our Wombman to make Eu-melanin aka Eu-ropean Melanin and are taking their wombs.

The USA aka the Europeans are using sonic booms in the water to kill the harmonics of Ki, the whales and dolphins, so don't hold the orcs and offspring dear to your heart, you work for nature not them.

in some regions of Russia for several consecutive days, this cold front only seeks to spread further west throughout the week.
From the United States coast the heating of the stratosphere above Alaska produces a cold air block that is unknown in the United States... until the first week of December.
Nature is taking care of the beast. 

EMP Electromagnetic Precursors for Earthquakes
Ionospheric charging activated! Red/blue areas are under high charge and white is extreme

Mississippi and Oklahoma receive sum strikes
A huge quake is due, more than an M9+ 

Watch yourself and check yourself, stay away from off-key dildos, those that are fake including family and friends and those who fill up your head with shit, you need them not, they are not going where you are going, they wish they were and this is where you need to cut them off, time is speeding up for us and not for them to get us to our destiny and them to their demise. 

Just sitting there 

Australia inverted rainbow right inside 


This is interesting, meteorites that changed its trajectory, equipment, technology, logistics, personnel, boots on the ground, incoming visitors here there and everywhere.  

The Chakra system is getting ready to line 13up for one of the biggest showdowns in your history, as above, so below, the planet of the crossing, the red raging root chakra aka your alien implants, you need the 9 ether and 666 and a soul and brown-black eyes for the showdown, the rest will go off-line, the energy signatures of each planetary body is going flip mode D.

Femi9 Electron NRG the surge is building, red is rage, Ma’At, root chakra, the line is the electromagnetic field. 
Chakra colours.

Four 6.0+ magnitude earthquakes in 24 hours, more on the way, nature likes to play on the weekend with Metu.

It is going to get real horrible real soon, keep your emotions intact, remember its nature that is dictating the pace, deleting the artificial races, deleting the crops, shifting water and shifting the heat, bringing the weather systems, the activation of above and below volcanoes, earthquakes, diseases, the whole 9 yards, why, because we said [thoth] we have had enough, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

Do not fail her, every child and wombman is your child and mother, do not fail her, an EMP [CME] is due that will kill the manmade electrons on this planet, we will still have the Djed [Sed] and we have the Septet [Sirius] connection, we will still be connected [telepath].  

We have our rewards on route, still a way to go but we can see the results, stay grounded and focus, watch out for the shit people in your life and the ones from the past that turn up, you have an in-built spiritual compass that is guiding you, you have your intuition, your senses and abilities and capabilities that serve you well, why, because you are still here.

You are unbreakable, your spirit is unbreakable, trust in you and invest in you, many will be back down here repeating the same cycle, you won't, because you are about to break the cycle.

HiStory only repeats itself when you do not know it.

One Lov9 for you #Lyra, your in my heart, the heart rules over the chakra system, t-ankh you. 

The ice walls are coming down and our br'others and siStars are coming, other worlds are merging.
One of these maps sold for £5million, they wanted to keep the data in private hands, keep the data in your hands, the data is coming to us free of change. 

Nova [November] means Nin9 or Nu [New] and in a few days or a week maybe around your thanks-giving the Nu renewable NRG is going to consume Ki, renewable infinite source of clean soul-ar energy and Amun [Dark Matter-Energy] is streaming on to Ki and her children the 9 ethers, you need the full pack to absorb and dispense, watch what you are eating and using to cream your 9 ether skin [biggest organ], continue connecting and reaching the realms, you need a sol [soul] Ba’A because this is a soluar system, be real in meditation, they watch you, listen to you, they read thoths, you have to be real in the field.

The word Horizon is a Greek word for Horus and Aten names wielded together and our three sons [suns] are now on the horizon.

The EMP will come from the ground and fill you up and take them out, there is nowhere for you to go and everywhere for us to go.

The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide [magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

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