Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Dark Rage

There was a shift last night and the magnetism continues to rise, 2020 [2019] is the prelude, NI.BIRU is laying down the law and Re is sending poWRA, soular flares are pure electricity, proton and plasma energies, all make up electricity, the magnetism is coming from NI.BIRU aka dark-energy.

NI.BIRU is not in her final position in this soular-system, we can see them and feel them but they are not in their final position, both NI.BIRU and Re are pushing out high levels of energies, electromagnetism, energy came in last night and was from NI.BIRU, this was a magnetic flash [flare] not an electrical flash, many received the energy, radiation has been on Ki for the last two days at least, feels like the last two weeks, radiation is on the planet, you’ve seen the flashes of colours in the lights of magnetic energy that NI.BIRU is sending you felt the heat and the frequency, you will have low sexual-drive and back-aches, these are attributed to the restructuring of the magnetic fields while our bodies are being reformed during these energy exchanges, skin [biggest organ] will become smoother and vivid dreams, dreams that you had time ago are coming up now, making sense, ptah-ways are unfolding, many more attributes are taking place, the magnetism is so high that they cannot record the figures of the radiation that is on the planet, you may have headaches while your body adjusts.

As we go from paradigm to paradigm you will be able to feel yourself shift from portal to portal, you will feel heart palpations,  mood swings, hungry and not hungry all day, the soul, mind and body is shifting, you are the planet and she is shifting, we are one in the same, the dimensional shift is a mental shift that we all need to be one.

One sun is pulling the moon and the other is pushing the moon on a 90 degree angle, the sun is pulsating, we see the moon at the same time the USA do, no beginning of days, no ending of days, the moon is rotating in real time, in front of us.

Stay grounded.
The Suns of [God], the [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide [magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

[9.11.19] [11.11.19] [12.11.9] and [25.12.19]

Phoenix in the skies, warnings are everywhere, the full truth is going to be revealed to you, to us.

The planet is being hit and its not coming from the sun, neutron levels are real high, the last time the numbers were high like this was around 2008-2009, yes 11 years ago, this cycle is 11 years ago, huge lightening hits Texas and leaves a crater, like in War of the Worlds,  they went underground.

The off-set is that the recessive genes will go off-key, disrespectful, angry, out of balance, the usual behaviours when you’re not grounded. 

This dark-black-rage that is coming to this planet has memories, many of us have been coming back here from the 60’s, many of us and they know this, Necro means in Latin dead, its not dead energy, its coming from the neither-world and is raising up through us, 5G is making you more powra-ful, you after all multi-dimensional beings.

When the frequency finally changes, you will need your gun, all other races know there is no god and that they have been tricked, Trump is not lying, he will go down but he is trying to warn his people.

The planet is covered in red energy, that is [Ma’at] electron femi9 energy.

The soul is ancient it is the vessel is young.

This radiation will cause abnormal mutations, we are seeing this now, world war z is coming.

South Africa

Earthquakes, volcanos continue, earthquakes are coming more inland, Germany, France and the USA and the usual suspects.  

Star-Family are sleeping at the wheel [craft] they are disgusted, they cannot innerstand us, what happened to us, they are reading life-force, they are reading our thoths, they have been sitting over cities and they see you.

5D contains love and its on the way 20[20], much is taking place when you look at your situation, you have been cut-off from a lot of different people and are alone, this is an illusion because you are surrounded, you are protected.

The matrix is showing us our soul mission in this game call life, electric word life and means forever, others have also had the dark-night of the sol, all to put you on the ptah again, has the energies increase, the frequency will force things to roll out, the nu beginning means it will be chaotic until we emerge from the ashes, you have many sol mates but only one reflection, duel energies.

Watch your own spiritual growth, many out here to distract you, keep you from your ptah, know what you are doing.

The dimensional shift is right around the corner, Ki was asleep and so was you, same frequency has Ki, when we align, we will all raise up into oneness, she is coming. 

Make amends with those that you can, you must have a pure heart to move through and Ma’At is forcing the issue, make that change, it doesn’t matter if you get a response or not, Ma’At needs to see that you are not an empty vessel, put love first, you must be natural to move forward.

What is up with the Moon, its not alone either and is still on a 90 degree angle.

Venezula's water goes black from the oil, in March when they lost power that was because NI.BIRU was real close, the oil [black-goo] is coming from the ground and into the water system, NI.BIRU is magnetic and is pushing stuff to the surface, this oil is the planets blood, its conscious and intelligent, the new quantum computers have this goo, many scientists killed themselves making these quantum computers, there are deposits in and around Ki.  

This is a projection

and so is this they are being projected and are covering up sumthing underneath.

8.11 [11.11] 18.11 

Tic toc 

Much is taking place in the USA
Food wars coming, he wrote; how can nature be so cruel, i guess you forgot about certain parts of history.


Introduced to this planet was the chain of life, Ki became a replica of RIZQ with a different climate, just like LAH.MU [Mars-Muurs-Moors] which is like KMT but more exotic.

When the time was right, just right, they landed and referred to our nu home as [a home from home] hence the name Eridu which later they turned Eridu into Earth.

They had to breed with a primitive creature that was already here, in order to become more adaptable to the environment, and this off-spring, who we refer to as Lulu Amelu or Abd, could work the mines for us.

We also built replica structures that were built on our own planet, using the ley lines and magnetic grids of this planet, in order to accomplish these feats, we levitated and transported huge lime stones cut by laser to geographical spots on the planet, in order to generate energy for incoming and outgoing vehicles.

They were also used as schools, laboratories and sarcophagi but even this proved to be unsatisfactory, for conflicts aroused amongst us and we were forced to abandon many incomplete sites on this planet.

We fought brother against brother, ruler against ruler, city against city and not to mention compassion for the newly cloned AQINS, now called Humin beings, or Homo Sapiens, part deity and part monkey.

Different conditions, various breeding and seedings were necessary with different terrestrial earth beings, apes and reptilians and extra-terrestrial beings, beyond earth beings.

Transportation of different species to this planet and Lahmu was done as a result.

There are various shapes, sizes, skin colour, skin texture, facial features, blood types, all traceable back to animals on this planet and others, yet, one being of the Adama project was accomplished after many experiments, successes and failures, deformities and illness and hybrids with power to procreate and they were in the image and after the likeness of the scientists that created or grew them in the lab.

This caused a compassion for these beings, as Humins to acquire a compassion for experimental animals.

This compassion by one being, Ninti [NIN.TI] led to education and etiquette on civilisation, then to indoctrination.

Indoctrination called for a doctrine, for many of he new breed of Lares [Lares] called Simians who are a breed of monkey, whose Urat [female ruler] was Zirah and Ura was the [male ruler] Shitar, had inherited from their superior parents the gifts of intellect.

The chief was called Lard, then became Lord, the master Monkey or boss, the Lares, plural for Lar, were recognized for their intelligence.

These Lares were the head monkeys from which they create their word Monk, they were chosen to breed with Lares because of their high intelligence, they had to be maimed so that in time they wouldn’t raise up against our heavenly fathers and mothers and try to set themselves free and become independent.

This maiming was done by the removal of four higher senses, which are clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy and intuition, in time all of their senses were reduced from seeing, hearing and tasting, smelling and feeling.

The Neter arrive and through EN.KI and NIN.TI breed the Homo-erectus with the genes of the Neter, to speed up its evolution, this was done by what is known has genetic manipulation today, NIN.TI took the blood, which carried the gene of a Neter and mixed it with 14 females of the Erectus state of evolution, however, the a-sexual trait from the reptilian in them was still dominate, making them unable to procreate on their own.

So NIN.TI chose to breed with the Lares, the Simians [intelligent ape people] whose queen was Zira, as oppose to the Aqins [the evil Lares] whose king was Shitar, many deformities over many, many experiments.

Yeti, Sasquatch and Bigfoot are referring to the Simians [Ural] = Urat female and Ura male have been here from the start and are in the Atlantis [USA-Canada], Indus, Iran and China and Russia, there are stands of the species on LAH.MU, they are being readied. 

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