Thursday, 28 November 2019

Green Light

The healing of the nation, metaphysics, your healing is being restored the 9 ethers, many healers are out there mixed into the threads of the masses, but many lose their poWRA.

Sum people are incarnated with the gift to heal, you see the ones in children always wanting to help, you are a natural healer and many start out on a lower level such as being a nurse or doctor, if your spiritual mother is Sekhmet or any of the fire Neteru’s then you are a healer, if you have a lot of fire in your natal chart certain energy signatures in your numbers chart then h3ll yes, sum people naturally like to take care of people on a lower level, you’re a healer its just that you don’t how to use your poWRA and you don’t inner-stand that you are on a deeper level.

There are different types of healers and healers come by way of Karma, healers are the creators gift to the world for they are here to keep ba-lance and keep things in sync, ticking over, they transmute the negative into the positive naturally, the one good friend that you can talk to that makes you feel better all the time, they always seem to know what to say and they have the right answers, and are not from the matrix, that persons a healer the ones from Shesnu aka Mason know so because they are the only ones who don’t take the energy but have it and make from that one energy another energy, but as a healer you have to be wary out here, what happens is you can take on to many peoples energies, this happen to me a number of years back and you can start to hurt yourself aka your cells, and if you don’t know what you are doing you can take on peoples sickness and you can attract their sickness to you, sum people do that, they will heal and take the energy from that person and it then becomes them that gets the sickness, this doesn’t just mean the sickness, you can also take on that persons negative energy, negative entities especially when you don’t know what you are doing, we transmute energies, Karma is why healers are needed.

All sickness come from Karma, there are many types of sickness, your life can be sick, your money can be sick or have bad Karma and of course your body can be sick or have bad Karma, your mind can be sick or bad Karma mentally, and sumthing they did in their past caused that and we have all dealt with bad Karma in our lives, everyone on this planet has bad Karma and is another reason for you being here for you to overcome your Karma.

Your mind can be sick your whole family could be sick, you could have a whole family full of liars, full of drug addicts the list goes on that is Karma that needs to be healed and transmuted and what normally takes place is that one family member comes through your family to come and heal, fix that, and you know who you are, you are that Karast [Christ] for the family, they will suffer during their life and sumtimes you may have to take a couple hits for the family and still become spiritually to who you are supposed to become and then transmute that bloodline, break the cycle, break the chain, you who what we are doing so that the next line do not have to go through the same programs, you know this already, sumtimes we are the only ones that are awake in the family and you know that you have to do this, you have to break the cycles.

When cancer starts off within a person it starts off spiritually and will start off as a negative emotion and can start off as sumthing that that person cannot let go off, sumthing that they haven’t let go of in a previous life and they are still holding it, holes develop in your aura then spirits start getting into your body, once these spirits are in you they are going to seek position and attach themselves to a major organ in your body, like your heart or mind this negative entity will work with the negative energy that you have and will eventually transmute and you can see this when you look at auras, you can see the dark places within their aura and around them, tell tale signs, sumtimes you see static around auras and this indicates that person needs mending, its not a bad thing, it’s the warning light on your kar, letting you know you need sumthing, that negativity and emotion then manifests into the physical and equals cancer which is mutated cells, once a cell starts to mutate that is cancer, remember everything is energy all sickness no matter what they are started has a negative energy then they manifest into sumthing physical, this sickness is aware of itself, its conscious and knows what its doing and once that energy attaches itself to you your in trouble  

Spiritual cleansing, energy work, there are different levels to healers, there different energy healers, I’m not going to list them, you are a inherited healer, none of this mickey mouse mainstream people you have out here, Herbal Healer, Energetic Healers, I have met those that say they are Reiki masters, ok then, they tend to be in the Energetic Healer but they are not, especially if they are certified, trends will soon fizzle out, then we have the Divine Healer who are a vessel but one of an entity, they have reached a level of consciousness in that particular avatar and create miracles in people's eyes, you can heal from London and that person is in Italy, you can do that, you can bring the dead back to life, that's the divine healers, you can heal the blind.

You can develop the gift of healing but you are inherited with the gift, born with the gift, but you must be from source.

Green is the colour of healing and Blue is the colour of life [life-force]. 

Grandaddy and Venus 

Is that Orange or the Yellow Chakra

Energies are all around, this one ray of light or energy beam is attracting attention over in Kanada and Scotland, the Northern Hemisphere [Hemi in Latin means half, half of the dome or sphere, one plane] which is the crown chakra.

The energy is streaming in and the multidimensional portal is wide open.

Images streaming in, busy period lays ahead.


Independence Day. 


A dimensional scan of the universe that then the data is then transferred in this frequency band that you are looking at. 

Missouri gets hit three times. 

Sum of you were sold into slavery by your Ki-Nd, do you see what is taking place in Kenya+ do you see what is going on, everyone is accountable.  

  Albania receives another M6 or M7 today [28.11.19], tic tock, engine number M9 on way.

Pulse is on its way to reach Ki. 

Incoming, technology, personnel, equipment, logistics, A.I, the Anu-Naga are coming in along with the Galactic Federation, allies and alliance, impact craters are being found with sphere impressions in the ground but nothing in them, tic toc, War of the Worlds, the Terminator, sumbody coming.

Annuanqi are already on the ground and genetic mercenaries..   

I was upgraded last-night, i-saw the layers being pulled back from Ki and the dimensions had changed, the spirit world is here, Ki had been moved into the 9D around the start of this year.

Ki changed with the frequency.. 

Nature is blooming

Does not matter where this is because its coming to you real soon, many will be on the move, exodus, tenancy agreements are over. 

The waiting game. 

Planes are still making emergency landings, there is helium in the atmosphere along with plasma, they are dropping out of the skies, soon they will be grounded as heaven meets Ki.
Flight sent back to Heathrow after losing engine in mid-air 

European American thanksgiving is pure glorification of barbarity that you can see, Nature will be giving out desserts afterwards, your Thanksgiving is the celebration of killing millions of the 9ethers, millions that were slaughtered, wombmen and children and br’others, star-family are watching your intentions, thanks for giving us your life, you should be eating garlic and fasting during this sh9t time and this is their last ever giving day.

Tranny with no fanny, all that is not from nature must be deleted, that includes everyone in these images.

Green and Blue are both life-forces, hence why we see that sphere with NI.BIRU which is Blue and Greenish in colour, both are force its just that Green is a higher level of life because Green is a life force that can heal.

In a stressful situations you can activate your poWRA's, the gift of healing.  

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