Thursday, 21 November 2019


Between now and then, and this is sumthing eye also had to learn myself, do not let the people closest to you discourage you, don’t let life own you, you are doing the higher beings work, so with that comes the pros and cons, humiliation, isolation, the black-sheep of the family status, unaccepted by many, to be shunned by the very people you love, but in the end, you have to overstand that you are divine, we are many and so few, the little extra energy that aids from the 3D to the 4D, the more we learn and evolve, the more many will see the truth, the more conscious you become, the more the veil, the illusion is lifted, you have to ascend so they can see with their physical eyes and the Wadjet, the inner-eye, ultimately we are what they could have been, unlocking the poWRA within is the ultimate quest, many simply will not attain this feat and this breaks my heart because we care about our Ki-Nd.  


Disclaimer: Any information presented on this page is strictly for awareness purposes only.

Renewal of the Draconian Patriot Act came in yesterday, into an emergency funding bill, sweeping surveillance carte blanche that was the basis for the NSA program.

A three-month reauthorization of the notorious Patriot Act was hurried into a last-minute continuing resolution (CR) funding the US government, bundling measures needed to avert yet another government shutdown with a continuation of the wildly-intrusive surveillance powers passed after the 9/11 terror attacks. Democrats voted almost unanimously for it, granting the far-reaching surveillance capabilities to the very same president [Marshall Law] they’re trying to impeach.

The beast, the USA = Eagle, Russia = Bear, India [Indu] = Cobra, England + Europe = Dog, China = Dragon and Africa [Alkebulan] = Akir [Lion].

Your government is about to fuck you, in 3 months there could be a John F Kennedy [event] before your election, meaning the beast will be headless.

Iran no internet for 3 days, Facebook and YP are enforcing privacy laws, your YT channel can be blocked now and until January, contents can be blocked, EMP is due and this means no internet, you need to get ready, 3 months is November until January 2020 [2012]. 

The scan of the universe in the form of the NASA Schumann and is indicating a spike, we are becoming more conscious with the amplifying of the kodes from the universe, all recessive races will and are going off-line, they are going off-key. 

Thailand receives its wake-up call M7 and [M6] Russia and Mexico [M7] and Namibia [M7]

Senja Norway, Chakra colours, Green is Ki and that means you, energy is surrounding us.

We do this because we can, there are no more rules of engagement, there are no more placements, all is in place, the ethers are the ones who run this planet now, we see this in all that you do, 144,000 are controlling NI.BIRU’s position, the ethers are controlling the sun, weather, earthquakes, all that is from Nature, what you say sets in stone, you set the stages.

This dimension is changing, the other dimension is the off-set for this one, the true decision makers.

 NI.BIRU is the Mekaba of the higher-beings.

The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

Remember that the supreme NRG is from the Mekaba, the mothership, that when the NRG comes down it will convert itself into the masculine NRG, so that our [Sakhu] higher-self that is within, that masculine NRG will merge with our lower-selves within the feminine energy, thus we will be the full supreme NRG. 

NIBIRU transfers the NRG into the most supreme NRG that is the Femi9-Electron-NRG.
Magnetism [Magi] [Magic] 

In a forest in Veracruz, a cave full of jade stones have been discovered, aside from the precious stones, the cave also features some incredible carvings.

Jade is from the Orientals in China, so from China to Mexico, it is the Ul-Mec [Olmec] that set up 9 cities with the main one called La Venta. 

Craft nation

Australia you had so good for a hundred+ years, payback will be a bitch, sky turns red, where did the orange dust come from, I bet you say the Sahara, shut up, orange skies over #Victoria #AUSTRALIA blamed on dust storm, this more evidence of saturated skies and the dust is merely bringing it out what could not be seen with physical eyes. 

With no Melanin to protect you, you are going to die, they are calling this a one in a lifetime, the heat that is to reign down on you, however, why its called a one off is because many of you will not make it out alive, nature [neteru] destroyed your crops so that you couldn't eat no more, it is forbidden to kill her offspring, 300,000 to under 30,000 today, while you grew from 170,000 criminals that was sent from London to over 2 million, nature does not like you, you always had a choice to reside in harmony with the original beings of that land, its goodbye for you.  

Malta, all water that is coming in around the world, came in last year and throughout this year, so that the ground water or underground water can build up to the surface water, so that the water can not run off anywhere but stay where it is, thus you have to move, they said that no condition is permanent, this one is.

450,000 people have no power with new blackout in Impacted by PG&E in California get ready for lost of power indefinitely, NI.BIRU is taking care of the silicone beings, the reptilian nests, the home of Hollywood, the pedos, and Rap the News, goodbye. 

Virus Apocalypse in Grand Junction, Colorado
All 46 schools in a Grand Junction-area school district will be shut down on Thursday and Friday…
An unknown virus continues to spread among students and district employees.

6 of the ancient plagues of KMT are in the USA and sum in China, 6 more to come.

Romania, these stones grow and move

When a man and a wombman lay together, he has that full powra, both end up with the supreme NRG, you enter an NRG that you thoth you didn’t have, you find out that you have more NRG than you thoth.

In the end [recycle] they will have to answer to the black-hole that brought them into existence, the Yoni-Verse, the Wombman and from the womb comes Man, the only way spirits can come to Ki is through the 9 ether Wombman. 

You were made to hate yourself out here in the manmade matrix, take back your poWRA, look at your NRG, your frequency and not your avatar. 

The Black Madonna is you. 

Omega Nyahbingh
Queen of Sheba, the Abyssinian Negus.ti, so fond of wisdom, her name is Rainha Makeda, it’s a long time coming, the return of the Femi9 electron NRG. 

Kebra Nagast = Ki-Ng Of Ki-Ngs
Negus.ti = Queen
Negus = Naga = Anu-Naga = Nagast = Negusa = Nigga = Ki-Ng

Ever-living, ever-willing.

Rasta = Ra’Star = a star of Ra [Re] aka the sun.
Be still

Akir [Lion]

When the Italians invaded the 9th Gate, all the animals attacked the Italian army, they had to regroup and attack at a later date, out of that they gave us Tarzan.

DNA confirms that the Ethiopian lions are a genetically a distinct group, meaning that the Akir in the 9th Gate is found nowhere else in the world.

We also rode and walked with dinosaurs.

Ever-living, ever-willing.
The Emperor of the 9th Gate, that has 72 [9] nations under him and is the 225th [9] ruler [messenger] is still with us and was revealed in 2012.

  Be still now 

#Peace #Love and #Light and #HealingNRG #Rise

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