Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Jupiter 20[20]

Moving from the 3D to the 4D to the 5D and then onwards, we have the Ul-mec device and the Abyssinian calendar for dates but we also have planetary dates, what is taking place in the skies because that is the only true clock that we have ever had.

What we are going to witness in this reality is separation from the 3-Dimensional beings aka the people who refuse to wake up [be activated] and the people who have reached 4-Dimensional mode and those who have reached 4D there has been enough growth whereas those that are still stuck in 3D, you are in trouble but for those who have crossed over into that 4D way of thinking, way of life, the way you live, your big break is coming, stay focused. 

Today is the 19th and we have a shift in energy that has already started while I write this at 5:14am and is because Granddaddy Jupiter pulls out all the stops has he passes the galactic plane, this energy that he is providing will last for a number of years, 11 years, this sone(s) familiar, the next two years will be like an adjustment period, a lot of people are going to be going crazy, the 4D beings are going to have to help the 3D beings because they are going to be looking at everything while being nuts, they will be seeing the shadow beings, ghosts, everything from their past, they will be seeing illusions, and everything that they have been leaning on, will fall, Jupiter knows what is going on this whole time and has been taking a picture and he is going to deliver the Karma, the Karma is going to hit hard for many, the energy that you put out there is what you are going to get back, big time while the Karma is being released at the same time, you will have the truth coming out, also at the same time.

Neptune is not holding Jupiter no-more, as soon as Jupiter goes direct, we are going to get hit with information at once, a lot of people are simply not ready for that, we have to make sure our 4D, our 5D are ready, are you thinking in the 5D, are you thinking in the 6D, 6D is like your Karast [Christ] NRG mode, this part is about your Melanin, you either have it or you don’t, its going to come down to Melanin and if you learned your lessons or not, reincarnation is not always sumthing good, reincarnation is descending, your descending right back into this school we call Ki to relearn the lessons that you refuse to learn in your current life, suicide is pointless because all your doing is pressing the restart, if you don’t get the lessons in life that the universe is trying to teach you in life then you are coming right back down here until you get it right, don’t get me wrong, you can come back here if you wanted to, many of us did via the Indigo channels and many of us our life-ptah is number 9, many of us did not register with this world, even the music, we are old school, old heads, many people go crazy because they don’t know that they have been here before and their trauma that they had in their previous lives came up in this life, all because they don’t know to adjust with that trauma that is present in this life because they don’t even know that they had it.

Breaking down the Matrix  >> You find out that you were a slave = you get rid of that life and you start doing what you love = information starts to come down to you = information starts to come and you fall down that rabbit hole = you fall down that rabbit hole you start experience your soul = after you experience your soul[spiritually] you start to ascend <<

That is how the prelude goes, it does not matter if all other races believe in the clock, we breath life into dates and times, when we know full well that there is no time the 4D being knows that time does not exist and that is what this separation is about.

Please do not let anyone play on your heart during this time-frame, stay true to yourself especially when you know you have always felt like this, many have one foot in and one foot out, fuck them, remember many are dependent on the system and would rather the system in place than you.

You keep on moving forward with the energy and stay on your ptah, don’t you dare come off of your ptah.

The nu shift is here now.

Worldwide, Hawaii, then California, then Yellowstone and then the Madrid fault line, 18 volcanoes are letting off in California, just like the movie 2012, its not so much the devastation or lost of life, its how the people take it, how they react and respond is where the problem lies ahead, when the monetary system crashes, when the food runs out, China have protests not because they want better conditions but because their people know the food is over, China is the biggest manufacturer of fake food, if their people had guns they would have killed their government along time ago, plagues are hitting parts of the world, viruses, religion, do you get it, the disagreeable and negative can only hold onto power for so long or hold onto the lie for so long, from now until January, look at all the laws that are coming into before January all the privacy laws on YT, Brit-ex, think about it, the eco-system is shutting down, the artic blast went down the middle of the USA and the flooding in the UK, shutting down, it is going to get worse, they are going to be trying to comprehend what is going on while they have a black-out [72hrs of darkness is looming for you all], for those who are still at the 3D your in trouble big time for the information will be cut-off in January.

The 4D beings control time for they know that time doesn’t really manifest down here on Ki, when we come into knowledge we go up, we cause Ki to tilt and this causes Ki(s) time to pause, and for a while now I was thinking that time does not exist and that we are on a loop, from November the 3rd we are missing sum real time, the day does not feel right, our energy has shifted, take the pole shift, if the poles have shifted then so have we, the polarity shift is happening, as above so below and has we are shifting those polarities, those 3D beings are getting stuck and are going to get stuck basically.

We need to get ready for the energy that is about to come in prepare your mind, stretch your mind to all the possibilities of what is about to happen, the 3D beings are not going to know what is going on and if your still here you will need to help them.

Prepare your mind to accept the energy that comes in, things are happening fast because of the planetary alignments, they control everything down here. 

The recessive genes, all of them, cannot not cross over to the 4D, they are trapped here on the 3D for there is nowhere for them to go, that means your great-granddaddy(s) lineage is still here.

All is going to be revealed to you in this lifetime

Ki is controlled by emotions not just by the femi9 but also by planetary alignments [energy signatures] you have to find the balance.

20[20] 1619-2019 [there is a year missing] it is 1620, now things are making sense. 


The black-hole in the universe is really the first chamber [9 ether wombman] of the goddess mother, the black wombman is the god.


The only way to get to Ki is through the 9ether wombman. 

Crystal [Karast] NRG comes through your pineal gland; the crystal NRG is here.  

144,000 is the Gamma radiation  
Suicide, mental health issues, anger, car crashes, more accidents, heart problems, murders, violence, all taking place now, they are going to go down, 20[20] is going to be the year, it is going to be horrific.

Re is going dark-mode, they call it grand solar minimum, the three days are coming to a place near you, we can see through the darkness, you cannot

Reflection coming from the DOME >> one plane.

Look at the rim, this is not the sun.

North Africa

 Have you noticed that this African Swine Flu is actually happening in countries that are not in Africa, the pig like the chicken have no origin on this planet, that also means the reproduction system of the chicken had to be engineered. 

Alaska shuts down until 20[20]

The chakra poWRA continues [crown] 

Watch the signs, nature is coming in.
Hundred Thousand Acres of Farmland Remain Underwater After Historic Missouri River Floods While Hundreds of Chemical-Filled Containers Start Appearing on its Shores.

Earthquake today: M8 magnitude quake hits Nepal; tremors felt in north India
Huge amount of crafts are hidden over in Nepal, there is a no fly zone over Himalayas, in the movie 2012 they all left from China, think about this.  

U.S. sinkhole risks are the highest in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania.

Reflection from what

These crafts, motherships are here for the 7billion beings that should not be here and all the crafts sitting by the himalayas and in the USA, over 36,000 crafts have assembled in and out of this dimension.  

double triangled crafts or is that one craft, cube, square on the right.
Females are aso operating these crafts along with our star-family. 

Sumone wrote that the sun is pink because of the bush fires in Australia >> YAWN

Italy and Greece [KMT] are going down.

Cube[Square] crafts, coming to a place near you.

NY Draco C.

Woman Saves Scorched And Screaming Koala With Shirt Off Her Own Back >> the Koala was screaming because he thoth she was going to fuck him. 

Earth-sized Alien Vessel Hovering Near Sun Observed in NASA Images.

Huge sphere

The Multidimensional portal is wide open and is being guarded, no one enters and leaves without supervision. 

They told us the Northern lights would be seen in the four corners of Ki, Washington DC 

Anunnaqi lead by the Neteru and led by EN.KI [IN.KI]
Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] translates these beings, there are different beings within the Annunaqi, the ones who are slaughtering the Moroccans and Russians are genetically made by the Anunnaqi to destroy the negative off of Ki, yes they eat parts of humans and decapitate them, they are mercenaries and will carry out the ground work before the Annunaqi and Neteru get here.

They are a group within a group, why are they here, they are here for Ki and their off-spring.


Assume the position of transition

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