Monday, 25 November 2019

Spectrum Of Light

Eridu translates Home away from home, Eridu is also Earth and Earth is also Heart
You are connected, we are one in the same

Heart = Earth same words just rearranged

Since eye started this journey in 2009, the Ka’A [spirit] realms and those from the spirit worlds have been in contact, eye wanted to say a few things about contact, first of all time [emit] does not work like A to Z you could start at R-Z then your next life C-N then go A-O, time in the spirit flows extremely different then here in the physical, the Ka’A worlds are light, instant, there is less density, an eternity on Ki [Kai] could be 30 seconds, the physical world and the spirit world are merging

Initiating contact with spirits, whether this is through the elders or the ones before us, the ancestors, the Jedi MaStars

Melainated people, melanin being Greek word, we are not all built exactly the same and in the past, we were different tones, shades, we have different models and we also have energy sensitivities that are different and this applies to all races no matter where you are from in the world, sum of you can feel when there is sumthing in the room, when there is a presence in the room when others are completely oblivious

So when you contact spirits or when they contact you it’s the same way, many of you can light up a candle and you can have a subtle exchange of energy or a subtle contact later on, while others may light a candle and the whole of the hellraisers come over, know what you are doing and what your partner is doing for once you exchange you are now part of his or hers contact, the reason being is because you have melanin you are much more of a conductor of energy and on top of that you are sensitive you are much more incline to open portals, be aware of what you are doing and your gifts

Your own sensitivity and your own poWRA’s can create a whole nu world around you, this can be a poWRA that your not even aware of, you may have glimpse and hints of what you can do but you may not be able to control that, you may not be aware of protection, you may not be able to fully direct that energy, so be really careful when your doing any kind of spiritual communication

When we are talking about the spirit world we are talking about energy and entities in this vast, vast spectrum of light, entities and spirits and so on are around us all day every-day, the veil is thin for many and for many there is no veil

When you are sensitive, those entities are attracted to you, sumtimes they cannot see you because you are not actively, consciously directing your energy but when you do so it’s like a match being lit up in the dark, then they come because they can see you and you want them to see you, there may be for sum, the reason why you are having sum [weird] experiences because of you just lighting up a candle and trying to connect with the Jedi MaStars or not, hence why when you are sending out this energy, you don’t know who is watching you

Many are bringing things to themselves and many do not even know what they have awakened, even to your own home, your own place, your own space, do you have the best protection on you and in your own space just make sure that whatever you are doing does not have a negative impact on you and those around you, clear and cleanse your spaces if not your entire home

You are on your spiritual journey, your ptah-way however, shadow beings, those that were able to hide in different dimensions are being forced out, they need to feed and hide and are looking for the weak minded who have no idea about the timeline that we are in and what is taking place, your own energy you can use to build your shield and maintain that shield and inner-stand how energy works and how you can send back energy that you don’t want, prevent energy that you don’t want to come to you, things of that nature [N.TU] sones [sounds] boring, but you must know the rules first hence why many out here are in big trouble because they didn’t invest in the boundaries

Inner-stand your home, place space where energy needs to be shifted, maximise and optimised, know how to protect your home and you, use sone [sound] elements, remember, the energy is different around the world, Chicago and Atlanta are twin energy fields, North America [Atlantis] is the crown chakra, there are energy fields everywhere, so you must keep this in mind

[Under]stand your gifts, your abilities and your energy and because of these gifts your going to be called to use them, those gifts are for you to serve, she is calling you to serve

The ancient Sol [Ba’A] conceptions of the re-lation-ship [ship = vessel] between the sol and the Khat [body] were complex, the Khat with the Ib [Ab] heart housing the individual consciousness.
[in particular the heart – Ib] housed the individual consciousness of a person and in addition to the physical body [Khat] was made up of a number of different components

The Sol was a combination of three separate aspects – the Ba [Soul or Personality], Ka [Life-force] and Akh [Spirit][Etheric]

The other important components were the Ren [name] and the Shuyet [shadow], when you leave the Khat you return to source and are now an Akh [spirit

MDNA [Mitochondrial DNA] is only inherited by the female of the family, she holds the kodes to the family DNA, if you do not have a daughter you lose your genes only the females genes goes through, the kodes mean that your DNA does not scramble, like the garment label in an item of clothing, where its made, size, colour, how to wash, only the 9 ether female holds the MDNA

An orc is the creation of an archon, both beings who have spirits only, and no soul, so if a being has a spirit only, and no soul, then they can only incarnate a body that was designed for them to enter

A silicone-based body, a body with no celestial elements, a low energy vessel, as above so below

In order to overstand the cosmos you must innerstand the science behind things this isn't just about skin colour, it's about bloodline, and that bloodline is linked directly to the type of spirit you have and whether you have a soul or not, indigenous beings, Carbon based bloodlines
Bodies that were designed for a soul to enter, the spirit is like the soul, and the soul like the body

They're correlated, we're dealing with defects, beings only have spirits, no souls, Caucasians, Arabs, Chinese, Indians and so on+ Silicone-beings

Why do children look up when you ask them a question, because the physical eyes are looking at the inner-eye for the answer, roam freely, like we used to

The frequency is making us all aware, everything is coming out in the the light, the frequency lingers.
Give or take the illusionary hours, the Schmann is delayed around the world but its one frequency and no matter what the scan shows, we feel the nu tones engulfing the planet

Same image

20[20] 2012 is moments away, nature [Neteru] N.TU is at your door, all must be repaid and she has come to collect, the water rolls in, the heat and weather moves in, she is relentless in her approach, NI.BIRU the Ma’Star Key is changing the holographic program

Cognitive dissidence will not serve you but then the lie is all you have, you will have to believe the lie until you take you last breath, millions were slaughtered and those millions have returned and are inside the dark-NRG that is surrounding Kai [Ki], Necro in Latin translates dead, all dead [low spirits] must be gathered up and deleted off of Ki

This is about life and death, for love and hate to exist the world must come to an end

This is just the beginning of the end, nature is methodical, Metu Netu is supervising the recycle

France, Greece, Italy, the United Kingdom will be the example, the beast USA will be prime example, all those who invaded Alkebulan, all those who enslaved the Annunaqi off-spring including the Arab trade will be made accountable, slowly but rapidly, tic toc


The first sense is touch, not the physical kind, but the one that touches you within, the resonating sone [sound] the one you feel, i-know I’am on the right ptah, the frequency has moved past the artificial race, the frequency is within you, this was always about you

This is about energy, think energy, this is an amazing time to be in, all will be revealed in this lifetime.
This world is ending and the nu one is beginning, are you ready to fight the right revolution, many are called, few are chosen, if you want to live forever, then you need to love one another. 
Jedi [Djed Eye], a [man] is paid according to his work, your intention here on Ki 

Don’t wait for sky to open up before you find love, peace and light, the star-family have been waiting and observing from day one [black knight satellite], they know more than you think

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic9

NI.BIRU is not a flyby, sumone once told me that no condition is permanent, this one is

The Galactic Federation, alliance, allies and all those involved in the Adama project have assembled in this dimension and the ones beside this one, the signs are in the heaven

The Moon and Sun are rising together, plasma poWRA

Australia, two powerful plasma strikes and many more strikes where needs it

They reported this fishing vessel sank in Indonesia, but the last time i checked the side of this vessel its says France and looks more like a cruise vessel, maybe they had organs stored inside, it sank sumone or sum reason because nature does not make mistakes, what was inside the hull..

Dakota destroyed in 90seconds, the midwest taken out on purpose, farmers struggling, killing themselves and there are those sitting on crops for more money, give it to them for there will be nothing to spend it on, systematic shutdown, Washington their Bible belt is due 

Worldwide shutdown, we are at extinction level

France and Italy, neighbours until this end 

She grows restless, Ki rumbles, her children rumble

The threat is very real in the field

Sumone showed these crafts sitting in the amazon, there are many and a few different sized crafts present also..


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