Saturday, 16 November 2019


20[20] is real sight [Wadjet], there is a reflection of your energy out there, we had been waiting on the alignments for confirmation, by-pass the New-Age words and their people, stay with what was taught to us, this reflection they call twin flames, forget their word jargon.

She will be revealed, exposed before the shift, the true representation is nothing physical, its all spiritual, stay away from those who suggest these words, twin flames.

When the duel energies merge close enough to each other they will begin to spin and become one toroidal vortex of energy, naturally.

Star-Seed you need to pay attention to your dreams, visions for they are so important right now for there is confirmation in your dreams, spirit guides that will update you on whether your other energy is on the ptah or if they are not, then there is n merging.

With the frequency changing, more and more is being shown to you, its easier to see people and their whole life stories in a moment and those that want to harm you and those that want to use you.

Those people that you engaged with before, you were off-balance and sum of those that you engaged with was for a reason and sum where part of the distraction from the real things, the nu energy is giving clarity and leading us down to their ptah-way because at this point the shift is happening, your spiritual compass that is built within you is directing you, time is slowing down and speeding up at times, the compass is tuning in, you will have a feature that singles you out from the rest, the [F] charge and the [M] charge, positive and negative charges, opposites, no repelling for they are one in the same, same, being the operative word, the building up of the energies, one vortex.
The true representation is nothing physical, this is for ascension purposes to reach the higher dimensions, all the indigos came in all races the other three are all 9 ethers full stop, she is a reflection, a mirror of you throughout your own environment, experiences whilst you were in the matrix she had the same.

The spiritual world and the physical world are merging into one, behind NI.BIRU and the Sun is the spirit aka the Ka’A worlds, pay attention to your dreams once you are using discernment.

There was a beginning so there must be an end.

13 is Metu Netu [Mother Nature] 13 is death and rebirth, 13 is completion and 9 is birth, 270 days in the womb, keep the numbers because we speak to the universe in numbers.

 The ones before are here, they watch you, listen to you, read you, be careful out here, they are in every dimension, realm, and expanses.

The dead NRG [people] that was trapped in the 3D and the ones who hide in the shadows are merging into one, coming into the light, they are in your dreams and in your company for there is nowhere for them to go, the last 400 years is where we are picking up from.

The Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] led by the Neteru [N.TU], the sons of the Nubian A’aferti [pharaohs] the Choice, when sum of the Annunaqi come down to Ki they become the choice [Aaferti], these granite statues were found sticking out of the sand, the choice have returned once again.
[the sizes are not random].

Over 19+ hrs of supreme NRG, sh9t coming for the artificial races. 

MOROCCO struck [M] 3.8, 3.9, 4.3 and 5.2]

Watch yourself and check yourself.
OM 144[000] is a frequency. 

The 7.89hz was normal for them, we can go to 10,000hz, with each frequency increase we become more aware and the artificial races know this, the deception must be revealed before real sh9t happens, the US $ must crash, all man-made constructs must crash in real time. 

Three Motherships caught on radar over Texas, Elon Musk also sends near enough 30+ satellites up into the deep atmosphere to face down and see what is going on Ki, only a handful of cameras are facing upright from the ground, these crafts are the size of the districts below them, these crafts, motherships are not here for us, the invasion is not for us, its for them, this image and its live showing was done on purpose. 

Our star-family watch you, they listen to you.

Tic toc 

We have been a sphere that is bright, that is not the sun and is in front of a bigger light source. 

Looking forward to NI.BIRU’s tail [asteroid belt] to come through to launch sum missiles against Ki.

Kat craft, all crafts are displaying nature and the ones, warships are displaying holographic images, the invasion is not for us but is for the artificial races, they are watching, reading lifeforms.

Glitches in the holographic program

Its off-line for many and cultivation for others, we are becoming more conscious.. 

Moon [SIN] Kunga [Shesqi] and company NI.BIRU is setting the trends, chakra colours when the craft is on the horizon and not one news outlet is reporting this. 

Black Kats transmute energy only.

Cash Crops, you will not eat no more for free, farmers are killing themselves, go ahead make my day, selling food that nature grew and charging us, nature is cruel for she is under doctors orders, you forget what you did in the past and yet the past is now your future, end times for the recessive genes and including the 9 ethers, you are being punished, look at Italy. 
 tic toc.  

Their books are being sold for kids on Amazon related to birth of Jesus also has comments about it being all fiction, from Amazon.
Your bitch is not coming nor is Allah. 

The 6 out of 13 plagues are now in the USA and around the world, many are ill with things of the past, you are being deleted, the 9 ethers are having the dark-NRG pumped into them to get them ready.  

The great day of fear is here for them, not you, it was recorded <<YAWRE >> the great day of fear is here. 

Femi9 Electron NRG, coming to a place near you.

Stinney [1944]

Many forget the history, history only repeats itself when you don't know it, many transitioned out of balance, balance is being restored.  

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