Friday, 30 June 2023

Good Groove

So, many years ago the ANNUNAKI opened a portal between the third dimension and the fourth dimension – forging the link by way of a nuclear type explosion that collapsed the fourth into the third and so we need sleep – we need to be able to reside in both dimensions simultaneously, nature does have a habit of adjusting what is thrown at her

[there are two Matrixes, one is collapsing on itself]

When we go to sleep our dreams [visions] are fourth dimensional mental Matrix – when we are awake, we are in third dimensional fixed position reality of their third dimensional Matrix

The three-dimensional Matrix does have a filter on it which is the holographic projector system set up using the dark knight satellite and the Moon – and this is what is keeping many from thinking that this is more real [reel] than higher dimensions which has been here longer

The Moon and the dark knight satellite work together to keep this hologram projection in place – notice how the two never collide – DKS is on a north, south polar orbit, whereas the Moon goes in the east, west equatorial orbit- however they are both on the same trajectory lines and yet both never collide – which doesn’t make sense unless its controlled – the Moon and the DKS move at different speeds and collide

Before the collapse of the dimensions, we didn’t need sleep and didn’t perceive the concept of time – the concept of time is a delay in your ability to manifest [Magi] your creative potential whereas you never had a delay before, time backwards is the word emit, light emits, so – the concept of time is a delay in light and light is data, information – projection

You see during this time everyone was fighting these Conjure [Gullah] Seminole wars in Atlantis [USA] and they had all this Mystic poWRA and were using them and at the same time these people were good hearted, they were benevolent kind people and never really had conflicts that required nefarious violence, these 9ethers in the USA were good people, family people, they were skilled in the healing arts, herbal remedies, this planet was a university before what she is now which is a prison planet which was which was when one of the ANNUNAKI who didn’t like the feminine nature of the matriarchs that ran the planet and the feminine nature of the planet aka ENLIL did not approve

Caveat which means buyer beware – the caveat is this, I read all this stuff has energy but its told in story format like a conceptual physics story, so that people can readily grasp these concepts, telling stories adding alternatives, giving examples, all this and more+ allows the user to relate, to resonate, to open their fu9king mind, rather than if you were to put it into a mathematical formula 

Even with the Mothership, I can only read it has an energy until I see it – anything that you don’t see you have to read it has an energy signature and in the description of the energy ‘thing’ which tell you its nature or origin that it is being expressed – the Mother plane when read from an energy perspective is all things coming forth from the divine feminine as the great Mother, but when you read it as an actual construct it becomes a physical object ‘thing’ and if you haven’t seen it then you have a miscalculation taking place because you cannot physically see the ‘object’ you have to read it as an energy, anything that sum one tells you that you cannot physically see the description of the nature of that energy will tell you aka read it as an energy first before you apply it to the third dimensional reality for the third dimensional reality is primarily elusive in its understanding of spiritual things, for example you have to translate it like a foreign language into the common language like if you were in London [UK] you would need to translate it into English, with all these different perceptions you still have to be able to reduce the data so that everyone can digest the information – real all data in energies first, until you see it

This is the Voynich manuscript that no one can decipher and what it is, is an order catalogue, like ordering from Amazon and this Voynich is for the florin fauna of KI [Earth] and a lot of the stuff in there we did not order

Cannabis comes from the Canis Star system and is used to facilitate higher consciousness and to turn you into a human lie detector, Mushrooms comes from a different star system and was brought here by the Derro [Dero] who are also part of the Tero family, the Dero are prone to obesity

They discovered the obesity gene which is the Dero gene, then you have the Tero who have clone heads and when these being came, they brought with them the tools for higher consciousness that they use on their planet or in their Star system, the Dero are scattered around the world

The Coca plant and Marijuana is native the Atlantis [USA] however the priest from Tibet ended up taking it over there when Tehuti sent the HETU [temple] pyramid [MIR] priests [SEMU] to spread knowledge they found that the THC builds up the Endocannabinoid system which the Endocannabinoid is your KAA [Spirit] body connection [Nexus] to your physical body, you have Endocannabinoid receptors on every major organ  

We find a strand from the Dero in the BUDDHA aka the fat Buddhas who are supposed to be [fat] which is a Dero gene and means that all [fat] people have the Dero gene, I have seen [fat] women who are curvy and today called BBW – check out the Sumo wrestlers – there is a difference between [fat] people and Dero gene people – obesity from eating junk food, even mother who is pregnant will transfer heavy sweet fatty acids to the child, we also have GMO foods, this and more+ are not Dero genes

The Dero tended to be cave dwellers and we see their architecture, they were also called Sumuwnean meaning the obese ones, or Saamiym, and Abandonderos or as they are called today, Deros, which is a combination of the words detrimental and robots

The USA [ATLANTIS] and SOUTH AMERICA [AZTLAN] the war in the 'USA' is going to be spectacular - the Dirty Moors [Etruscan - Romans] vs the original 9ether native Indians who are from Atlantis [USA] 


KI [EARTH] will be in alignment with SAH [SAHU] [ORION BELT] and SIRIUS - SIRIUS is fuelling the SUN and NIBIRU is also in the mix 

[7.7.2023] 7+7+2+2+3 = [777]

Marcus Garvey said, world leaders will rule in the street when the 3 x 7s clash [777] this prophecy was also fulfilled - the Comet Shoemaker – Levy 9 broke apart in July 1993 and collided with Jupiter

Levy 9 broke into 21 pieces aka 3 x 7s [777] where are the heads of state who should be ruling – things like Saddam Hussein had his statue pulled down and his head was rolling in the streets, so much took place – these are symbolic and we must keep in mind that [God] does not work like humans – more heads will be rolling in 2023 

The 900-year Epoch [21st century] the first shape [triangle] 22nd century is 4 the second shape in geometry – the thing is we are being given a chance in advance to do sum thing now or [Gods] kingdom will get torn apart – symbols have been sent along with signs, messengers

The Ethiopian Calendar is 7 years behind the Georgian Calendar and have had their Nu Year – the Olmec [Ulmec] Mayan also share the same Ethiopia Calendar – in Ethiopia it is 2015 and it is us who are ahead – they haven’t reached their 21 on their Epoch yet, its subtle the changes

The judgement is done, what you can do is make peace, make amendments, make amen-ds, make sum ones’ life [Chi] better, if you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose 

There will be more reasoning, things will be revealed, everything will come down to your own interpretation, no one is coming to read a book about you, this book is within you [Reading Room] you emit this book in your field [AURA] that gives off a colour frequency – that colour frequency can be seen from ZION [LION]

The last 5 years many people have started to ask wtf is going on here, when lockdown started many took time to really think about what is going on, many have simply plugged straight back into the matrix, however more frequencies are coming and the 3D world must reveal their secrets

It is your 3rd eye that sees these frequencies and even though sum have a less active eye than others it is fair to say that [God] wants us all to have a chance and knowing wtf is going on and has been going on, you’ve had instances were sum one asked you sum thing or they were talking about things you know about – your spirit [KAA] eye is open also which means you see more 

There are 3 parts to man- 1 is the physical – 2 is the spirit and – 3 is the eternal, the one that sent us here that knew we would find another one and that one would find another one+ in perfect timing – the confidence can only come from the eternal realm, the eternal you - the spirit eye is also open which means that all of the eternal eyes are all open

Most of the children that were born, it’s the first time here, they are redeemed – many of you under this timeline have had many lives aka many journeys- so sum of you are not being judged by this life time alone, sum of you it will be just this life time alone – we are the ones who have been carrying this energy throughout lifetimes – all over the ancestries- from the past and from the future all happening right back here- now

You must be true, this is Raphael(s) convent – stay true and be true in all that you do, you know what is at stake here [WAJI] 

To bring things down from the astral realm takes a lot of energy so number one is you must eat the right fuel, your body burns the fuel while you are traveling, eat electric foods and make sure you drink plenty of water over the day

Sum people have a trigger that gives them a window [portal] to go into these realms, sum have a life-threatening situation that they see the other side which in turns opens portals from then onwards, sum take gateway [drugs] which allows them access [DMT] – sum enter the wrong way and we see them on Slapped Ham

Childhood trauma also triggers astral realm access
Morality – learn it, the FEMI9 energy has always present- women are getting ready
The feminine energy always saves us but you must go to her 

ZION is getting closer to earth [poles], ZION is perpetual light – the Souls in ZION are photon light and move with the consistency of water [Samvartaka fire] which is on its way to earth right now – which will come down, through the earth, and out the earth, we will all get blasted and when Samvartaka leaves only the few shall remain in this radiance –

Bruce Lee was only a Master because he mastered the Divine Feminine BE LIKE WATER

ZION is the SUN which is being fuelled by Sirius

NIBIRU and the ANUNNAKI are also going to be dealt with, many other beings are also here has they also are going to be dealt with – there are crafts here that cannot leave and are under quarantine – they cannot leave the atmosphere

There are a great amount of MaStars who made their way back in here to aid with this transition
We already coming into Telepathic Powers - Reading minds - Opening energy portals - Dimension jumping

The hair is antenna, the body is an antenna, the pineal gland is a spiritual antenna

That which has already been judged is within you and you have a limited amount of time to make amends – a small window in which to redeem yourself  


Now the trilateral root #NGR corresponds as well to king [royalty] as well as the golden serpent or rainbow serpent which is the creative energy force of the sun because the trilateral root #NGR also corresponds to NAGA which is a sun serpent and also corresponds to creation and you have the temple of NAGA in Nubia which was a temple dedicated to ApeDeMak the AKUR [lion] headed

Paa NaTaRu called SekhMet in KHMT and she is a sun N.TU [deity] and this takes you right back to the sun serpent of creation

NGR also corresponds to NaGaR and NaGaR-U which means ancestors, NeGus, NiGeR all the way down to the molested European created NiGRo and NiGgeR all have the #NGR trilateral root, but in reality, they are calling you the creator - you create in this field, be wary of what you are thinking of 


Sekhmet [Bas] Pakh and Nyabinghi aka the AKUR energy [nrg] are from Lyra 


The N-gHer [Nig-Ur] is carrying the #Neb Bowl and Neb means Lord and within the Neb [Nebu] or you have the Waas or Uas Scepter, Ankh [Aunk] and the Shem [ring] which is also a symbol of the sun representing the life of a Neb [Lord] a PerAhu [Pharaoh] a Aaferfi or Negus [King]

If You look to the Left side corner you will see the MeTut or symbol of a bird and sun MeTut and it means #SaaRe or SaRa and means Sun [Son] of AMUN [God] aka N.TU [Neteru]

We are dealing with sun-energy poWRA of electric-magnetic force that #Animates all things from Bugs, trees and HuMins and Suns [star]s and is called the Kaa in KHMT

We have had a Whale or Shark, we have had a Dinosaur - many others animals over the last 3 - 4 years, and here, Dragon, Crocodile, you can see the eye and the eye can see you, you can see the long head of a Dragon or Crocodile - these are not simply artistic notions, whoever controls the SKA controls the planet - in the main images the SKA looks like an ocean, a body of water, look how close the SKA is 

There is a lot of activity taking place in the SKA above that is getting closer and closer, many symbols and signs litter the canvas above you, one day that canvas is going to wiped cleaned so you can see [sea] 


Look at the symbols, look at the reflection, look at all the different colours aka radiations aka energies streaming from the SUN which is being fuelled by Sirius - the SUN is blinking [Moorse code] light codes - match the colours with your Chakra [Ph levels] system 

Huge amounts of distortion in the SKA - where is that sphere coming from - there is a frequency in the SKA 



Crescent moon - motherhood - creation - manifestation - Venus - 4 dimensions or 4 constellations - and in the middle is a diamond or 5 diamonds in total which the number 5 is the symbol for feminine energy - we have had many messages left over recent weeks - RUSSIA, UK, USA, CHINA+ are all reading the messages 

What is that bar that runs across the top and see the two sphere type crafts around the SUN [portal] 

SKA family, STAR family are in the SKA on duty 24/7 - these are huge crafts with smaller crafts inside, there are scout, probe crafts in tow - there are craft carriers, space platform, medical crafts, logistics crafts - the SKA is fully loaded and many of these crafts are manned by women  

Check the shapes, clouds only hold vaporised water and we can clearly see solid mass 

The corners of a sphere [camera] light up when we are in vast space and who is shooting up there 

That is a craft lighting up for one frame with either a planet or craft tail lights passing through

Two planetary bodies or two crafts, the smaller one is zipping around the SUN 

There is a cloaked planet or planetary body on the right of the SUN, it is cloaked and we have seen it there before and its back 

Weather systems are crafts above 

Parts of CHILE are under water - this is the season of reason - the majority of the flooding is taking place around the equator - follow the line either side - called 'flash flood' because a craft came by and dumped a ton of water in one spot and what you are looking at is the result - water is being taken and water is being given 

80% of INDIA is under water
That meteorite or asteroid over Germany - sum thing else went towards it and look like it came from sum thing that is cloaked and already in the SKA - you can see the shuttle split into two or three pods 
All them fires just to hide what is in the SKA  

Spites [Spirits] when the SKA touches the holographic world aka the spirit world 




Red and Green are coming out of the poles 


Moorse code - in at 18,000hz + Schuman goes offline 


Last image is from CANADA which is still down or is it - we can see a energy signature 

29 .6.2023 

Energies when they come in linger - ascension symptoms - know them - its heavy out there 
Sum of these graphics are from sum one else who is writing all the text on the graphics

We have nu energy signatures, frequencies - we have been changing since the beginning of the last 6 months for 2023 - these codes 'light' are stabilizing and once they change they do not revert back to old settings, we can only elevate higher which is separating us all, there is nothing you, we can do about this, you will become out of range for others, the two worlds have separated, she has forced us to choose, to make a choice, with or without you this process will complete, its better to be with rather than without, you must stay on the superior frequency from source - you will need to adjust, do what you have to, to get by, watch yourself and check yourself 

You have statutory rights and not limitations - you have right of way     

Everything in black - blue means [ether] charging and white - red means tell me when - green means plasma - the planet is higher charged and many quakes are taking place - ABZU [South which is really North Africa also took a hit] a lot of land slides which means the land beneath them is moving, vol-cain-oes are letting rip  


54hz[47hz]50hz [65hz] 82hz+


Multi-coloured strikes [codes] light - last right image, look how many different codes and the Moorse code at 18000hz - huge power - we are well over 7.89hz - the planet is getting blasted - take it easy out there 

Read data in energies - Chakra

7.89hz is over - stay above 72hz [144hz] 

Look where the UK is and where Morocco is - right image is the image flipped
This planet is upside down or the map that the west uses is upside down - why would the south be roasting unless the south is NOT the south 

The heat is allowing many insects to travel, they will be on the move and mixing with other insects - Sickle cell children are the only race on the planet who have a natural immune system to Malaria - once you get Malaria it stays in your system full stop, its on the way - Florida and Texas are reporting cases, the Haitians are in Florida and the Haitians have a huge percentage of their people who carry the sickle cell gene - the Gullah war must be closed out - keep an eye on what is going on - nature is using all her forces first before one single plasma weapon is deployed - nature did not create the Mosquito but they can be used 

This monkey sh9t must be deleted from this planet 

28 years - now dumped on an island - what drugs where they testing on these Chimps, 28 years ??, they would have killed her mother - from 1995 - wtf have they been doing to them - don't worry about it because its coming back to you 10fold - these things make me grit the back of teeth - you know when she looked at the SKA she actually said wow - am I lying, you can see her mouth and body language say wow - who would do such a thing systematically for the last 100 years at least, the same people who will be punished - all the [3] kingdoms are ATOL protected 

Ivan who was imprisoned for 20 years in a shopping mall in the USA - they made a movie about him called the one and only Ivan - if 6ethers can treat animals like this what does this say about them - they are going to honour Ivan - why ??? how much money did you make from the movie - if they can do that to animals then what does that say for the other kingdoms, testing their own soldiers with chemicals, then this and more+ you should ask yourself if they can do this to animals, plants, humans and the planet then what does this say about you - the humans are going to be forced between what is right and what is wrong, they are going to be forced to make a choice and while you are contemplating, do not bite the hand that feeds you 

Sh9t is real out there - NTR is pissed off 

This guy does not blink once - check his left eye and right eye, they are two different eyes, that is not a human in there - so where is rebel leader Putin - remember this is Ukraine they are supposed to be fighting, little old Ukraine, sum years back Putin just rolled into Georgia and took over - Putin is dead or he was captured or surrendered and Russia the Bear is headless, Europe needs Russia or they are fu9ked, tick tock the body is going to rock 

They need 'Biden' to hold on just a tad bit longer, they are not quite ready, when they say he died of a heart attack the USA will be handed over to the military under the supervision of China and Russia, have you seen how many Chinese and Russians are in the US in recent months, and it will be show time at the Apollo for the USA - the European Americans will have China and Russia and the dirty Moors, while the native 9ethers will have access to all those crafts above them and the personnel on the ground

The KABBALAH mentions one war between two oceans, a great war - the ANUNNAKI are here for their planet and their offspring, ATLANTA is the capital of ATLANTIS [USA] the USA is going to be one huge battlefield when the fat lady sings   

Other beings, entities, creatures, terrestrials are already on the planet, reptilians were already here, so too the Lars [Big foot] before the HuMins [HuMans] were created - they walk among us, they teach us, they mate with us, they lead us, time to purify  

Cambodia, Mamma Bear is not fu9king about and she is wearing sandals, in the UK men are required to wear hard boots, hard hat, reflective attire, radio controlled communication, observe health and safety protocol and Mamma Bear is just in sandals and good luck - check the background, the view

These people will be here After Earth - only at the periphery [the edge] will we know who we really are, when you have nothing but sum thing you will find a way, a time is coming where the developed world will merge with the third world - they will have no other choice and in that choice you will be up against the edge [periphery] - we will all need to work together and leave our differences to the side or no one survives - all part of the test - watch the female Lioness, she has no choice but she makes the choice, the right choice for the integrity of the pride [collective] get behind her and let her do her thing

What a way to see Columbia [AZTLAN] and to be incorporated into the tourist routes brings prosperity

Green [WAJI] is the order of the day, what a view, surroundings, environment, this would be your background for when you meditated, not concrete structures, but natural structures, pleasing on the 'eye' 

The plant kingdom feeds our i-magi-nation - creates thoughts and thoughts make imagination - you would plug into the circuit board via your soles [soul] of your feet into the soil [sole] soul [circuit board] and hold a meds - thus charging your KHA [body] and your BAA[KAA] soul + spirit and your KHU [mind] your nervous system is your Chakra system + all is Nexus [connected] 

This is your Magi [Magic] it is seen [unseen] in the dark [darc] called 'black' aka 'black' Magic - you have the right to see [sea] fit how, what and when - its your imagination and you can run away with it - you are controlling this outcome 

Not everyone is coming back down here, but for those who do, you will have homework added

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