Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Green Hands

The difference between a download and random thought is when I found out when I was talking to my guides versus me and my own thoughts – that there is a difference once you have attained knowledge of self [cell] you are more tuned in – for example I will use numbers to reinforce a thought and that works for me – today I had a thought and looked at the time and it was 15:21 – that was a conformation and was for a thought that I was going to do, you have an inner voice which you must learn the difference from say an out voice that is coming in which you must use discernment because this can be from sum one who does not have positive intensions and are thoughts that this person is impregnating into you that you didn’t even have these thoughts before, outside thoughts can come from media, can come from if you drink alcohol, negative spirits, people can attach themselves to you and through toxic partners+ You must use weed killer on these seeds [thoughts] before they start to grow for your mind is a garden and whatever seeds you plant, because if these seeds Magic [manifest] Magi and they are rotten fruits then you crops will be wasted – downloads will come in the form of dreams [visions] Deja Vue – through meditation – just learn your inner voice, how it sounds, how it feels, resonates - read the post voiceover 

For women to stream from Genie and Genius which is like your higher and lower self – do mediations – apply your inner voice – learn your inner voice – use the elements of KI [earth] – use a white candle which would be the fire [element] a cup of water [element] use incense and use a picture of yourself, build an alter [made from wood] element and place these things around the alter and work your alter – use it everyday and the more you use it the more you connect [Nexus] with your Genie or your Genius – because this alter [alter-native] and you are working with your KAA [double you] and they are you and you are they, this strengthens your Nexus [connections] because you are using Magi [Magic], you may work with roots – herbs but this does not assure your Nexus to the higher consciousness, elements and energies, you are unlocking what is already inside you, the idea is to pull these knowledge, Magi out of you - you have an inner voice and you must use it [throat] chakra - blue - be One with yourCells

To not reincarnate back down here – for sum you will be automatically reinserted because of because, others will be given intergalactic travel because they graduated, sum will reincarnate because they are also here to aid in the nu world, your 3rd eye lights the way when you crossover, many of you will see your family, which lets you know they are trapped and have not crossover and are between worlds, sum are on the earth negative plane and did not leave – if you see your family and go towards them [they are in the light] you stay with them, to leave is to head for the triple blackness, your 3rd lights the way, that is the way out of here – but ultimately you are going to have to do the work and inner stand the spiritual world, [Necro] Necromancy allows you to talk with those on the other side and they will tell you what it is like, they are in the underworld, netherworld, there is a place [realm] where everyone has a nice house, car, the roads, streets are clean, the trees, bushes, grass is all immaculate, however no one was smiling, no one seemed HAPI but they had everything, there are other learning stimulations out there – you have to pass this dimension before you can go anywhere, if not you stay here incarnating or you stay on the negative field of the planet - the dome went up and everything is trapped down here or this house is sealed and no energy can escape 

You create your reality and so whatever you think, you will become, if you think that when you die and that is it, then that is what you will become, if you are conscious and think, if I come back down here, I have learnt this and I get that now and I know this and I will do that+ then you are creating your reality, so for example I had a stimulation with sum one that I want to be a full time stimulation with her, I have two children on the other side, I want them with us, I had ideas that I never made a reality, I want to this time+ all this and more is based on my perspective on how this monkey sh9t works down here – so if I do have to come back down here I have already been manifesting [Magi] what I want based on what I will need this time round, I have memorized many things that I have learnt and want to use them in the nurturing of the next worlds generations+ things like that, that have meaning and I AM passionate about, I know there will be other stimulations, experiences added on, these are my i-magi-nations [manifestations], I control the projection  – there is a lot more but you get the idea

Self addressed 

Regulate your thoughts 



Two huge cloaked spheres are also present with this mother ship 

All images are coming from VENEZUELA 
Independence Day

Seen in two frames - that is a craft and not planet - cluster of ??? drive by 

SHAM [Cylinder craft] 

 FLORIDA  rusty ring [dome] 

'each having an inner portion of testicular material and an outer zone of ovarian tissue,
Ovarian [Oval] shape - WOMB [DOME] PORTAL - can you see the oval shape 

Check the SUN - these images are so normal now and we have seen these symbols for the longest but yet half the world population have not - you can see the red in the top right image - not seen that before

Reflections from the DOME 

The MaStar eye - the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius 

There are 3 spheres in this image 

The NU KINGDOM around the SUN - PORTAL - always look at the colours 

Symbols [B] and second sphere from top left crop message 


Latest message - and seen in 1990 on album cover that is sum thing similar 
Keep in mind that the spiritual poles have moved it is just the physical poles that are to move, we have ships at each pole - interlocking 

Blackout - timelines 

4.6.2023 - multi coloured strikes 



Canada and Italy - the WAJI [Green] is also part of the frequencies 

These codes are nu - DNA [DEA] heard tone in right ear - syncing  

These are the [3] old codes which were 7.89hz - 14.hz and 20.3hz

1000hz in red and above is up to 130,000hz - did you read that 130,000hz 
second code is between 400hz and 600hz in red, yellow 
Now that is a huge difference in hertz to the old codes - people are going insane out here, watch the children, watch your mind, your well being, this is not going to be an ordinary summer or period in 2023 these codes are nu and means we are going Pepsi Max - once those spikes go for hours we will see massive changes in consciousness that if you are at 7.89zh for 1000s of years and now we are hitting 600hz and you are only built for 7.89hz what do you think is going to happen, UV is ground level   

The [3] tones [Om] are 

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of 'black light' coming from cosmic rays that come from outside of this soular system

The [3] types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
The [3] types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts;

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

These codes are insane, and look at the energy signatures, we are seeing patterns in the codes, the sun is also being fuelled by Sirius which is coming from outside this soular system 


Whether system that you can see solid mass - structures - Italy - 


Images are from the countryside of Italy- estimated figures of 15million fruit trees have been lost in the flooding – the land is covered in mud – reminds me of the mud flood from history that is still very much our present

Flooding - those are cattle, Ireland is slaughtering 200k themselves 
Mutant [domesticated] stock must be deleted

Mutant food for mutant beings - there is nothing your body needs in this - food is over 


The 3D world was 50 - 60 years behind what they gave you in the 3D - we have much more to see- there are dog avatars 

Reptiles and KATS have silt eyes 

Those on NYABIRU [NIBIRU] NEBHERU came with a type of Chimera being or a type of hybrid
It was like a combination of Human-Monkey-Dog Chimera, this being was domesticated and was used in many expeditions and operations like wars, spying, investigating terrain, and fighting, only the 'Gods' like ENKI held its leash

This being had capabilities of a monkey, a leopard, a dog and human to a minimal and sum form of language  and understood commands - humanoid attributes, this being was taken back to NYABIRU but yet the FOSSA looks very similar- you should hear when the FOSSA mate - very interesting, and they use the same tree and are near water - they are not demonic but are very much connected to other worlds, they have slit eyes, lions and reptiles also have slit eyes - what s the FOSSA

Man means Mind - Human [Humin] 
Men [male] Menet [female] 

A man [scientist] or doctor can tell you that women and men have the same body, during very early development of the human embryo, there is no anatomical indication of the sex of the child 
At 6 or 16 weeks after fertilization, the gonads appear neutral, each having an inner portion of testicular material and an outer zone of ovarian tissue - this means you are female first 

We all came from the 9ether wombman first, whether you accept this or not, they are the only ones who have Mitochondrial DNA and are synced to KI [earth] 

The matriarchal energy is rising and rising 

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