Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Each and everyday

ENLIL [SIN] and his children and ENLIL and the Moon, in order to be a Sinner means you were born into Sin, ENLILs children are born into Sin for they were created in the Moon cycle and the Mono [Moon] was under the control of ENLIL – the Moon was a former Reptilian star-station that had most of its interior [hard drive] taken out and the station does have power which is used to illuminate this planet at night, the Moon does not provide light, when we have a full Moon it means the station is under its own full power – the Moon is still a Reptilian base and was at one point called SIN 

To be a Sinner means you have to be following the doctrine of Nanasin [NANA.SIN] Ninisina [NINI.SIN.A] – this doctrine is also called Babylonia Money Magic, Babylonia Sex Magic on a military style conjure

So KI [EARTH] and the south of Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Iran is where ENLIL and his boys sat at and ran, they had multiple cities where everyone followed his SIN, you were once here in this era

In the city of Ur - ENLIL was connected to royal power and all the kings came to his Iy [temple] NIFFUR [NIPPUR] also known as Nibiru-Qi Earth place of NIBIRU aka when the ‘gods’ assembled on Earth [ERIDU] they came to NIFFUR – there are three space ports [stargates] one is in Lebanon and the other at NIFFUR

When ENLIL is on KI he uses different avatars and one is SIN – ENLIL is off planet now but he is ANUs son, he still has avatars on this planet, it is interesting times because the ANUNNAKI have asked to speak with LH who is part of the Panther energy from the 70s into the 80s, we also will be seeing MURDUK who is in a maximum prison in the USA – both ENKI and ENLIL have a son called MURDUK -the USA will need LH to talk to the people in the USA because ENKIs children will burn down ENILILs Wendy House [USA] – James Baldwin told the Vulcans secrets and you see they are trying to delete him or have they already - we are going to start seeing other beings

We have ENLILs children the 6ethers and you have ENKIs children the 9ethers, you have sum of the 9ethers using the 6ethers to get to the other 9ethers, this does not stem from KI but from the heaven’s aka NIBIRU and this war fell to KI

The tower of Babel [Bab-El] ‘Confusion’ and ‘Door to El' El or Al is a title for a high supreme being and in this case we can use ANU and the tower of Babel is really a Ziggurat which is another name for a MIR [MER] pyramid – the top of this Babel had a launch pad for there was a Stargate at the top of this structure, these places where also university halls, this is where they decided to split the languages up ‘Confusion’ this is the same place where they wrote the scripts up for Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Hindu languages, there is not English at this point 

INKI [ENKI] ENQI [EA] ENKIG the land of NUDIMMUD [means ENKI] is where ENKI is from in the far east which was held for ANU [their father] – which is talking about the Aryan bloodlines of ANU and from here they migrated east which today is called the middle-east which brings us to the city of Ur

The big lie was that they told the 9ethers that they were born in SIN and that they were all Sinners and that if they didn’t repent they would all burn in h3ll – first of all what does repent mean, re means to do again – they over took the Sharif [Sheriff] the Sharif became the Arabic Mystic Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and they set up shop in the USA [Atlantis] changing their name to Sheriff and the re-pent comes from pent – tent – where they were based at that time that was taken over – repent is normally associated with religious tones and that is why

NUDIMMUD is ENKI but is was not ENKI that did it, when ENLIL took over the rulership of KI [EARTH] he became ENLIL and ENKI by title which is ruler of the SKA, ruler of KI and ENLIL wanted everyone to know that the ones who are innocent are dirt but it is ENLIL that is doing the dirt in their name

The Latin word for h3ll [H3lios] is Gehenna [Hinnom] Gehinnom – the book of Isaiah does not call h3ll by name but calls it the burning place in verse 30 and 33 in which the Assyrian army are to be destroyed in which the verse says those who rebelled against ‘god’ – so the burning place is Gehenna and is the burning place that all who rebelled against ‘god’ will be destroyed

So these Sinners where thrown down into the pits of Gehenna and the patron deity for this city [Gehenna] is Nana and Nana Sin is his name who is the Acadian Sumerian Moon ‘god’ and the city is the abode [Iy] of Nana – this place is marked by the partially restored ruins of the Ziggurat of KI [Earth] which contains the shrine of Nana which they excavated in the 1930s

This place as been destroyed before and was restored by the last king of Babylon – what remains of this Ziggurat is called today Mt Zion – the ANNUNAKI are involved – Ur is another word used by the Sumerians for Earth and Ur was an important city which is located in what we call south Iraq today, now check this, Ur was once a coastal city near the Euphrates on the Persian Gulf, the coastline has shifted and the city is now inlaid on the south bank of the Euphrates – near Nazariah which again is modern day Iraq

So Mt ZION is really Mt SINAI [SIN.AI] when you hear all those people talking about holy mount Zion this is what they are talking about, all them Rastas talking about going to Mt ZION, this is the exact picture, the very place they are talking about – this is the same place that Musa [Moses] received the Law – look at that word SINAI [SIN] and what does A.I stand for - Artificial Intelligence and in ancient text they talk about spirits being artificial – artificial intelligence – rise of the machines – this is who is doing it Nana Sin [ENLIL]  - Zion and Sinai are the same place – the Western Hills is what we call today Mt Zion and is all what we call today the Sinai Peninsula and all they did was to move the city around, Ur translates fire, light and is talking about the light, plasma emanating from the mothership and from the Stargate that was on the ground and this is why they moved the city around from mountain top to mountain top – they mentioned Kenya being the same Mt Zion and the site, for Solomon temple, all talking about the same Zion – remember they have never ever provided a ‘tomb’ of anyone from their Bible, what does that tell us and what does everything made from stone tell us, two different things

Mt Zion refers to three locations and the word Jerusalem comes from two words, Jeru is Heru and Salem is Sol-Om – Solomon which is Sol-Amon – all they did was move their holy city where they felt it was appropriate – all the languages have a reference to Zion in there- even the movie the Matrix talks about Zion – Zion is the first city of David but its meaning has shifted – Zion is used for the entire land of Israel – all they did was change the meaning whenever they felt like in the location

The Untied Nations [UN] was formed in 1945 at that time between England, America and France and acting together as a unified force they first established the state of Israel which comes from the Balfour Declaration from ww1 which is an order from the Bavarian Illuminati that the ‘black’ nobility wants them to establish the state of Israel – so while they are looking for a place to set up Israel this means none of these places are an original site – they were first going to go to central America, then it was south America and found they couldn’t anywhere in America [Atlantis] so they went to the middle east because of the oil reserves and mineral wealth that the Arabs were coming into in the 1930s – so before the 1930s the Arabs were broke ass people riding donkeys and all of a sudden they have buildings galore, a royal family and massive wealth, so because of this the ‘black’ nobilities have to have a hand in it - the 9ethers are going to be the ones who will be punished the most  

What we see in ancient times we can see it playing out in modern times – Gehenna is called the Henna because it was the place of fire because this is where they executed criminals – the ‘god’ of fire one of his names is NUSKU who his father is SIN [NANNA SIN] ENLIL – they have different names and spelling of their names and pronunciation all designed to 'Confuse' you and not 'Fuse' Nexus you

Lama, Lamma, or Lamassu is a protective ‘goddess’ and they use her name has the Lamas [Lama] who are monks in the far east and SIN NANA is formed has a crescent and SIN stole the scrolls of Destiny and it is in the USA [Atlantis] is where they will have to give it all up at – SIN his symbol is the crescent moon and the bulls horns and it means that his crescent moon is flipped – its not on his side - left or right, so now we are talking about a crescent on the top or the bottom – this is the same ’god’ Allah who replaced Allat – their Moon ‘god’ is called al-ilah [Alilah] aka Allah – the Muslims [6ethers] get their power from the Moon, while the 9ethers get their from the Sun [Sol] Sal 

SIN cannot be head of the Mesopotamians [Sumerians] because of his father A.NU

The 9ethers and sum of the 6ethers are not born into SIN for they do not follow the Bible or Quran of today whose ‘god’ is the ‘god’ of Moon which is a former reptilian star-station – ENLIL is the ‘god’ of their holy books

The 9ethers are not Sinners for they were created in the SUN cycle and not the Moon cycle and their ‘god’ is not ENLIL nor is it ENKI because ENKI taught his offspring that they were the ‘gods’ while ENLIL taught his offspring that he is their ‘god’ you know people who have children and just because they had them, they think they own them, no you don't

You do not use the Moon for energy transfer of any kind if you are 9ether, the Moon is not a natural construct of this SOULAR system 

Negroid then the Mongolian [Mongoloid] and then Caucasian [Caucasoid] ENLIL offspring are the Mongolian and Caucasian – aka all the 6ethers who were created on the planet and not from the planet, they were created without light – without a soul, without a Chakra system, without Melanin – they were created when the planet was in a different place

On the left are the indigenous 9ether native Indians of Atlantis [USA] before your boy Columbus, they were already there - on the right and in main image are the 9ether 'black' Noblemen or Nobility who many were kicked out of Alkebulan [Arica] and kicked out of Europe and came to Atlantis - they are also known has the Moors [Maurs] Muurs the dirty Moors because they fuc9ed over other 9ethers by using dirty Moors 
A great war is coming to Atlantis [USA] which is West Africa - the knowledge came from the West 

In 1978, Bob Marley united Prime Minister Michael Manley and opponent Edward Seaga on stage, during a political civil war in Jamaica

There are [3] 6ethers 'white' people in this picture, Bob Marley father was around 50 and his mother around 13 or 14, she was never 18, so Bob Marley is mixed race, so when you look at this picture you are looking at [3] 'white' 6ethers people - the 9ether 'black' people must lead themselves even if they lead themselves down the drain but at least they took themselves down there 

9ethers put 6ethers into slavery first and then the 6ethers put the 9ethers into slavery which is where we are today, the only difference is that the dirty Moors were in control both times, slavery also included the Irish, and those with 'gypsy' bloodlines around the planet, the Mexicans under Lincoln were also subjugated, we have had many 'ethnic cleansing' over this century because of RacCoons 

The 13 families [Freemason] 'Free the Sons of Mary' [Marys land] are all each led by a 9ether Moor 
We have dirty Moors and clean Moors, there is good and bad in everything

How does an ice-age that they say was 10,000 years old and from 3,400 they start recording their history that we know today, their Jesus comes in 2,000 years ago, how did they not get out of their cave system in all that time, if they couldn't get out then who got them out and who taught them, who refined them and who domesticated them 

July 4th - over 14 million 9ethers murdered, rap9d, to make way for the 6ether American Europeans and [2] days later we will have the 777 energy - corrections are on the way - the 6 and 9 ethers are both to blame, but we do not care about either group, all we want is the women and children who were taken to be reinstated and allow to flow, things will correct themselves and all you have to do is see from the bigger picture, take the positive and what you have learned and processed and experienced

We are being judged on this life only and on your intention with your energy during this life and it will not be judged on the colour of your skin but you will be judged on the colour of your energy, your intention will be inside your energy field [Aura] that is being scanned by crafts above you and scan from galaxies that are light years away, when they say that 'god' is always watching you, they are, the Universe [Nu] is always reading you, you are never alone  


And the beat goes on...

The 3D will be deleted 

The past is the present and future 

Not everyone has an 'eye' for many their eye is calcified 

These three parts of the brain- the Amygdala, Hippocampus, and the prefrontal Cortex [eye] are the most-affected areas of the brain from trauma, they can make a trauma survivor constantly fearful, especially when triggered by events and situations that remind them of their past trauma
Overcoming trauma requires effort - learn about yourself 

NEXUS [NEIT] NET translates 'to weave'
As above, so below - yours is built in 

Alpha [Aleph] and Omega [Om-ega] 


North Carolina [USA] see the shape of the SUN and the SHENU symbol, they are exactly the same 
All the symbols and signs are in the SKA
The SHENU [SHANU] is equivalent to the ANKH [NKH]  

You cannot do nothing without the FEMI.NINE principal for she is the Alpha and Omega 

Image is taken from a webcam - how does those three rays look solid and that sphere is not a water drop and even if it was a reflection, a reflection of what - this is not lens flare and is a translucent looking sphere or orb or another planetary body that is not inside the dome but is right beside it - the sphere looks translucent because its holographic and space is made from liquid crystal - the dome is translucent 

Craft and who ?? sum one wrote NIBIRU - is it - the planetary body does look like it has rings

You can see them on the right in these older images from this time last year 

We are looping, this is the same time last year with Venus passing by, check the date stamp, Venus is not a planet, its a satellite [craft] and does have an environment, they cannot see her because she gives off this light or emits a light that they cannot see past - top image is 2023 and these last two are 2022 

2022 did not exist and we are exactly at the same point as 2022 in 2023, check the date stamps - that means NIBIRU is on the right of the SUN from July 2022 if it is NIBIRU and we didn't see them on the graphics until now, I was looking at the images and saw that the star-station had returned to the right or another planetary body to the fixed position a year later to the exact month July 2023 - 2022 didn't exist and in 2023 we will be hitting 777 [7.7.2023] which means SHOWTIME 

When we add 2022 [2023] 2024 [2025] it equals [6] 7 [8] 9 - we are ascending whether on paper, on stone or by any man made dates 

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune all have rings and if it was any of them it would mean we are in a higher dimension - which would make sense given all the crop messages we have had in the last 2 months, we had or have been going through the trappist system on our way to Sirius - are you getting this, whatever planetary body that is - is back exactly the same month a year later from a year 2022 that did not exist 

This craft that is in the images has been here from 2012 when NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR SYSTEM and is one of three main crafts leading proceedings 

3 objects - craft and in the middle is Venus and to the right is NIBIRU cloaked or planetary body or filtered out by NASA [NOAA] on this graphic, the so-called arm of the camera flipped during the week and as remained in its new position 

You can still see the planetary body on the right, sum thing came through the SUN from the bottom through or glances past the SUN and up and out 

Make sure you watch these footages - man and his machines and alien friends cannot take on Star family - watch these footages - whoever is doing this controls the SKA therefore controls this planet 

Taken around 3 days ago by sum one travelling from Florida to NYC 

What is in the SKA that they do not want you to see

The SKA is an ocean - the spirit world edges closer, water [Moya] is liquid crystal - the same material for the holographic program [gram] code 

Read the SKA in CHAKRA energies - every living thing is having their DNA altered - the SKA is holding mutating wavelengths that is changing you from the inside out - your molecule structure is being altered  

Things we don't often see or never see 

Nebraska multi dollar solar farm panels destroyed by hailstones from crafts - wind turbines will also be taken out, nature disapproves 

Those are the 2017, 2023 and 2024 [???] solar [soular] eclipses on the United States [Atlantis]

[A] Aleph [Alpha]

Before papyrus, we wrote on the hide of cow [KAU] skins and remember there is no Alpha-bet without Aleph, the Bull, there is no theology, without EL derived from AL [Aleph], the Bull

[Ausar, the 22 Letter Alphabet and Hieroglyphs]
The Apis glyph includes a Bull, the King’s Chamber Vortex, and the Kundalini Symbol

Breaking down Theology
AL/EL+Logo(s) = The+oLog(y)
Words; Logos; Ology
Ology; Science of (from Greek; -λόγος, -logos)
Science of The Bull - Aleph-Bet - Forms
Alphabet and Words - Language and Spells

Aset [Isis] wears the horn crown for she is Alpha and Omega

The = EL = AL = God
Ology = Science of - (from Greek; -λόγος, -Logos)
The-Logos = The-Word
Cow's Head = A
The Staff = L

The word Bull comes from Ba'al, along with Apis, Anu, and Ba'al originated the same exact Nile Valley Concept of Primordial Creation and order

Bull - EL Heffe - Al Eph - Alpha - Electrical
Apis In Theology means Salvation
Taurus [Torus]
The three lines [Trinity] 

She is coming

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe
1440o is beyond HuMin

Universal Wisdom
Supreme Intuitive

NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet - the spiritual poles have already flipped

What is this - left Octagon inside a Sphere, and to me those are 4 MIRs [the top of a pyramid] and one in the middle which is again a Octagon [geometry] and means to me the EKUR [AKUR] Giza complex which is controlled by NIBIRU are switched on and they are going to bend the light and the right image is a MIR [crop circle], as above and so below, each sone wave is 9 waves [Golden Radio] and means the MIRs [pyramids] Ziggurats are switched on and does it mean Zer0 energy field because this planet is going to rotate or all the planets in this SOULAR system - is this SOULAR system getting ready to rotate or align and connect [Nexus] culminating into one force - galactic force - the MIRs produce Tachyon [Tachyonic] energy - 777 ENERGY GATEWAY

Many people around the planet are taking one for the team, you will have to take one real soon 

2023 will be devastating - check out the SKA in Illinois [USA] what is inside the SKA-WAY  

Nature is not playing

Crop failure - have you seen any insects - pesticides killed them and all the chemicals that these planes and drones are dumping in the SKA that eventually must come down into the water, into the land - have you seen any Bees - 600million were wiped out in the last 3 years, with another 200 million again bringing the total to nearly a billion wiped out - many have yet to understand that food is over - birds eat insects - the eco system is so intricate that if you take out one species the entire system crashes 

NTR is also involved for she is pulling back her resources, but where she is taking she is giving back  

All in their masters plan - it was the pension and now it is the young boy, what is next for France, all European states will be crushed, that is a given, how will France bail out of here 

There is a culling taking place that is profitable for there is profit [prophet] in death 
Keep your eye wide open for sh9t is on the horizon

Sum thing coming from the SUN and agreed sum thing like this from man 



Are you checking the numbers - see 1400hz and 8000hz and 100hz and 200hz 


Check the code [!!!] and look in the background and see the codes of the Matrix 


See the shift [black bar] 

Look at the 18,000hz mark and see Moorse [Morse] code - are you getting this 

There is a huge vent opened on the SUN that is making the SUN vibrate, Friday is around the corner and we have a Nexus alignment - stay grounded and focus, be still  

Check the codes in the RUSSIAN SCHUMAN - you can see the codes which are coming through

I heard a tone that came in through my right ear and at the same time there was an air depression that accompanied this tone, same tone sound that you hear when you have an ear test, the tone went from right to left [hemisphere] with the air depression which blocked out all artificial sound from the outside- the feeling was like being shifted into a dimension [into a small room, a small space] the sound went from right to left with the air depression and stayed on the left, faded out and ten came back on in the left ear - this tone was different and felt stronger than the ones before - I had a transmission a couple years back and it was a language but it was in computer dialogue - I could make sense of it because it was easy on my ear or ears, this example and last nights tones were different from the rest 

KI [EARTH] will be in alignment with SAH [SAHU] [ORION BELT] and SIRIUS - SIRIUS is fuelling the SUN and NIBIRU is also in the mix during this date [7.7.2023] 7+7+2+2+3 = [777] VENUS will also be in transit which we can see in the images 

Marcus Garvey said, world leaders will rule in the street when the 3 x 7s clash [777] this prophecy was also fulfilled - the Comet Shoemaker – Levy 9 broke apart in July 1993 and collided with Jupiter
Levy 9 broke into 21 pieces aka 3 x 7s = 21 [777] where are the heads of state who should be ruling – things like Saddam Hussein had his statue pulled down and his head was rolling in the streets, so much took place – these are symbolic and we must keep in mind that [God] does not work like humans – more heads will be rolling in 2023 [2022] did not exist

The Ethiopian Calendar is 7 years behind the Georgian Calendar and have had their Nu Year – the Olmec [Ulmec] Mayan also share the same Ethiopia Calendar – in Ethiopia it is 2016 [9] and it is us who are ahead – they haven’t reached their 21 on their Epoch yet – add all these numbers up – the root number of 9 is 3 

Mothers [Ma'others] come together to restore the matriarchy and protect the children for the next [7] generations, these [7] is the seventh son – the seventh seed [777]

We will be using the lioness energies around the 7.7.2023 – we must clear out all dead energy
All these words mean Lioness – Lion [LEONA] LEON [LEO] LION [LYON] LYRA AKUR [KAUR] SINGH [EKUR] and the femi-nine principal energies are called Sekhmet [Bas] Pakh and Nyabinghi

The judgement is done, what you can do is make peace, make amendments, make amen-ds, make sum ones’ life [Chi] better, if you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose

There will be more reasoning, things will be revealed, everything will come down to your own interpretation, no one is coming to read a book about you, this book is within you [Reading Room] you emit this book in your field [AURA] that gives off a colour frequency – that colour frequency can be seen from ZION [LION] it can be seen on the Schuman [SHU + TEFNUT] can be seen above by all these crafts that are scanning the planet - this week leading up to the 777 energies will be hectic for many 

Istanbul [2.7.2023] the Moon is still out on full mode 

Explain that 

That is not just lighting, plasma and quasars - there is also blue, not just red  


Crafts sit in the SKA 

Look how insignificant the buildings are - look how small these buildings look against what is in the SKA 

Natural cloud formation or a huge mother ship using cloud material - what if those colours [energies] are being emitted from the craft, what if those lights are the craft 

Weather systems are crafts, motherships 

Last year - check that line at the right and the two arrows, see the distortion or the graphics alternate between the holographic craft and the cloaking cloud cover giving us the distortion in the graphics, huge amounts of power is being generated  

The Racoon sets of the mounted camera while a craft passes over in CANADA [KANADA] 
Sh9t is real in this field 



The movie Aliens 1986 


I saw images from LAHMU [MARS] sum years ago showing vehicles like this Tesla that were shown in the movie the Terminator when Kyle falls asleep and takes us to his home aka the future, the same vehicles in the movie Alien, these images I saw where from LAHMU and showed vehicles like the ones seen in these movies, this is why the powers that used to be were between 40 or 50 years in front of the 3D world and is to why we think touch pad cell phones are the dogs bullocks - or that seedless grapes are 'amazing' or that electric cars are the way forward when you see the 2023 model in this image know that this is old technology - all of it 

Timelines are merging, technology is being implemented, this 40 -50 advanced bracket they had over the 3D world will be merged into one 

The ANUNNAKI have returned for their planet and offspring 

That thing about Ukraine sounds about right, there is a portal under Ukraine, the guy who does the narration goes on for days about a stupid balloon - did sum one try and nuke the portal 

What did she really see 

Watching you, watching me 

There are 36 structures here, you can see a Sphinx, possible Castel, Ziggurat and you can see INANNA MARY [MOTHER] 
INDIA is part of the Ethiopian basin - HINDU KUSH [CUSH]

She is here once again, the QUEEN of Heaven and Earth 

Check the symbols - we are seeing these symbols today in crop circles messages, before they left them in stone, they couldn't leave them in crops all them years ago for the crops would have died and regrown, yet today we are seeing a correlation, messages from our past that is very much our future, I would urge you to pay attention to any symbol, sign, numbers, message that comes your way for this past is now your present

Columba [AZTLAN], the site and images have two different dates and was here before the European 6ether Spanish come in and rape and murder everyone - what was this place and the remaining structures before, huge site   

His MaStars voice 
Gramophone - Gram means to write, draw, that which is written, and the word Phone comes from the Phoenicians who gave us Phonetics, yet they tell us that the Gramophone is an old fashioned record player  - what was the 'Gramophone' before, a Moorse [Morse] code machine, a telephone, both [??] walkie talkie - stereo - hi fi [??] 

The weak walk-in numbers aka strength in numbers, whereas the bold walk alone, never be afraid to walk alone once in a while on your soular - spiritual journey, for when alone the mind creates paths [PTAHs], clearer, vividly, purposefully and meaningful thoughts, they create real power – take the road of least resistance, dust yourself off and resume your status, keep pushing on, remember you are never alone, as above, so below, so within, so that you are never without - do not give up, that is an order


You must have the heart of a AKUR - No retreat no surrender 

Humanity, has forgotten, its own dignity
Determination is what we all need each
A choice for the light, they are not ready to go against themselves and fight
We are born to be lovers
It’s not what I’m dreaming, and I’m not preaching
Love is what we need
Trust in yourself you know that you are true
Let it go
What you trust in you know is right

Listen to her words, powerful – too many words to remember – this track gets to me

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