Tuesday, 27 June 2023


Flames come from fire and fire is plasma – twin flames means when you come from the same soul [BAA] groups, tribes, the soul groups form and come back together to perform a function

When you read the meaning of twin flames there are two meanings, one is commercialised or called new age – the other is that twin flames means when you are both from the same soul group aka the same source – a true twin flame is when its only two people from the same specific giving soul group which is near enough impossible, its very rare but to come from a soul group [tribe] of 50 to 100 is more common because any one of you that crosses each others paths can set the other one back on the right PTAH - remember we are in reSet and many people do not know this 

Twin flames is when the divine feminine realises her divine feminine nature and when the divine masculine realises his divine masculinity – this is the highest connection [Nexus] in the communion of humans [humins] 

When the divine feminine and divine masculine come together is the same if you changed batteries in a remote control to change title of reality – the frequency is bringing in love energies, no more writing sob stories about your life or horror stories about your life and start writing love stories about your life, your book of life started when you remembered – make your life into a love story, see the end of it to begin it – if it is not in the name of love, then it’s a waste of time –

So when you do your protections [reality = reelity] of your life always make it a love story, whatever makes your heart HAPI you make your love story – no more of that doom and gloom sh9t they keep getting us to write, do everything in the name [energy] of love, Tina Turner was lying when she said whats love got to do with - it has everything to do with it 

What is the love energy, Mitochondria fuels the cell, the love energy is the fuel that the Mitochondria is injecting into the cell to give it life – the women can turn up the Mitochondria in a man, he cannot turn it up on his own – he triggers her into turning his on by making sure she is secure, HAPI and safe and once her energy gets to that level and she feels protected she starts emitting an energy from her Mitochondria to yours, this is in waves each time she feels this way and by doing this she is turning your higher self on gradually, this is so important to know if you are making your partner HAPI aka if you are turning her on, you have to turn her on in order for her to turn you on, you need to know if you are doing this, there is a huge difference between Sex and S.E.X – one is just a function and the other contains sacred energies + the Mitochondria – making the Sex is not the main triggers for the Mitochondria, HAPINESS is not Sex – nor is money or comfortable lifestyles, its a TRI system [soul, mind and body - you have to turn on her lights] Bob Marley said turn your lights down low, no, its turn your lights up high, these are not triggers for those who have Mitochondria – it is the gratitude of that the exchange of wanting [intension] to make that person HAPI that makes it functional and that HAPINESS triggers her, there were times that I wanted to be near my partner and would ask her what she might need me to do and in reality I didn’t want to help her, I just wanted to be in the same room next to her, she would know this and this made the exchange a higher level making the MtDNA cell explode in both of us making the exchange reciprocal and now we are bouncing back and forth - lighting up one another like the Godfather or Times Square  

You can artificially turn your Mitochondria up, when women do it, it makes their negative trait seen and they cannot hide it, so say she has a habit that is annoying to a lot of people, it will become more pronounced and this is going to trigger sum one into correcting her so she can go and correct herself

For the man and he starts turning his up and he hasn’t’ done his shadow work he is going to be belligerent, he is going to be an assho9e – however the cheat code to turn up the Mitochondria artificially is to supplement with a supplement called PQQ and is the same substance that the Mitochondria uses as a fuel source to operate at optimum function

Once you are at optimum function and you have been doing your shadow work, you may be a bit more aggressive but you will be under control and you will be less likely not say sum thing when you see sum thing that is out of order, your tolerance of bullsh9t will be at an all time low and you will be more into enriching sum ones life, you want people to do prosperous things and not dumb sh9t, we have a race going on with things that will make you prosperous and things that will expand who you are and in other exchanges will make you deficient 

You cannot tame her unless she gives you consent, it was the FEMALES who chose Solomon(s) wife, the FEMI9 Principle energy which is surrounding this planet and is penetrating this planet and you - submit to her, you know you want to...

The love frequency is 532hz [528hz] 432hz - these are KI [earth] tones and galactic frequency, the tones from KI means sum thing else sum where else because its a natural resonance from the planet and the Schuman is changing into an equal balancing of energies, masculine and feminine and this means the music is going to change which will become more instrumental in the learning process than it has ever before because we are moving into the galactic heartbeat

The PUMPUM is a portal  

The Aquarian age [cycle] is bringing in all of the spirit energy which is Ital [pure] love – raw Mitochondrial DNA [MtDNA] secretions in human [humim] form – the music is being used to calibrate the Chakras into proper alignment - the SOULAR system is getting ready to orgasm which means when all tension and excitement that has built up in the body suddenly releases - read that again if your keen and apply this as above, so below - when she cums, you are going to know about it 

She is a protectress 'Goddess' and a war 'Goddess - man may have started the war but she will end it
She will have the final say - get behind her is to get behind the energy 



siStarhood [FEMI.9] ELECTRON NRG is here and you cannot escape her 

There are [9] principle beings that are the same beings in the [3] major cultures that were set up on KI, they transfer down throughout all cultures, civilisations, they are last recorded has the [7] arch angles, with [2] falling in your Bible, there are only fragments of records left on this planet and you are to piece what is left in order for you to see the bigger picture - its your inner-standing, what you 'know' 

The Nagas where in what is called India today and the Nagas are the Nomos, also called the Ghouls, the KUSH are from Ethiopia which brings in KHMT [Egypt] 

You are take their teachings, their wisdom, you can stream from anyone of them [KAA translates double you] the FEMI9 principle will be reinstated - we are not waiting on NIBIRU, a man or saviour, we are waiting on her - find out any of the FEMALE principle from any of the records - energies and you can Nexus with them - INANNA is straight source once you innerstand her 

Get behind her

These figures are 4+ years ago and have increased - children who were test tubes, ivf, clones, hybrids will all struggle regardless - do not subscribe to any of the titles that they give your child - all those children born in 2000 and 2010+ are special children and they knew they were coming in

The reason we have so many suicidal young people is because no one is teaching them at a young age that when life gets hard its supposed to, because that is the test, everything on the test was in the practice, its just the practice wasn’t the hard part, once you get done with the test, the hard part is over, you then start training for the next hard part, if they were to see this from this perspective these young people would not be so quick to give up, the philosophy is no retreat no surrender, never give up, never give in, with that mentality there is no room to give up

They have higher psychic spiritual skills set that no one is showing them that they have this – they need to be inspired, we used to be able to recognise children with special talent and give them specialized training, right in the family, everyone has a speciality, everyone has a talent - recognise children struggling - look out for them, they are between 10 and 20 give or take - talk to them - real talk - they know more than you think - be real with them 

Do what thy can but do not compromise yourself 

Shield it or lose it - protect your energy at all times, you will offend others, but your not like those others are you [???] what is given to you is for you only, sh9t is coming up, its on the horizon, keep your energy or lose it 

Lov9 frequency is 532hz [528hz] 432hz - these are KI [earth] tones and galactic frequency, the tones from KI means sum thing else sum where else because its a natural resonance from the planet that only she makes - we are hitting those numbers and more+ keep your brain waves at 72hz and 144hz if your hard enough 

Multiple vents 

That [X] is KI facing 

Soular flares are coming in and they will affect us and the soular flares coming in contain data for the upgrades of the DNA [DEA] the human DNA is designed to receive an upgrade at a particular positioning of KI in the universe and when we get to a certain point the sun reacts to where we are – these flares are coming in because we can see the energy signatures on the Schuman, this means that all species will either upgrade of die out - the planet has titled and is in a nu position 

Who is that coming from the right and check out electrical discharge 

Who is shooting up there 

Check time stamp - NASA cut the feed, the handle for the camera flips to the top, see the handle light up and nothing else and see the corners of an endless, vast space, so why does the corners of a sphere light up if we are in a vast area called space, why has NASA never paned around space if we are in endless space - so back to the corners of a sphere, why do they light up - come on people, make it make sense 

[3] light sources around the Moon 

RED light or white core with RED hue 

We have the signs and symbols 


Almost a triangle shield made up of crystal plasma 

The image is distorted but you can see text, numbers, grid like symbols or reflection from the cell phone

Faces in places - not quite human but you can see her or him - almost KAT like 

That is a solid object blocking out the SUN and it looks like wings 

Shark, Whale in the SKA [Ocean] 

Dinosaur means terrible [Dino] and lizard [Saur], the upright lizards and is a reference to the lizard, serpent, dragon, reptilian, reptile beings + what you deem a Dinosaur in your mind from what you have been taught in the conventional sense are all part of the reptile family – that includes, snakes, serpent, crocodile, dragon+ the Komodo Dragons, Crocodiles, Snakes all used to walk upright until they were casted down has punishment

A 72-million-year-old giant dinosaur tail was found in a Mexican desert
That means the dinosaur was here before your Jesus – your Jesus came 2,000 years ago, Allah is next, so how did the dinosaur get here and even more, how did the planet get here 

Godzilla [Japan] IAPAN
Brazilla [Aztlan] South America
Dragon [Dagan] Dogon
Dinosaur [Lizard] Reptile
Hydrogen [Hy-dragan] Kundalini [Serpentine]
Lizards are part of the dinosaur family

EMF [DOME] FIRMAMENT [VAN ALAN BELT] OZONE LAYER- all the same thing, the SUN, MOON and STARS are under the FIRMAMENT with us - the ice wall in Antarctica encircles the land masses this side - there are other land masses outside the quarantine zone - which is where we are, the DOME is trapping us all - its going to come down once and for all and those without protection will expire - the good will be filtered out and the bad will be filtered out - the beings that should not be here will also be filtered out, the entities that are here that should not be here will be filtered out - those without a SOUL [BAA] will be filtered out - CME(s) EMC is electrical charged plasma which is called SOULAR energy for SOULAR beings, you have plasma [Khaybet] within you and have Melanin [Alchemy] within you - this is SOL to SOL - like for like energies, we also have CHAKRA [TREE OF LIFE] KABBALAH = energies hitting for the CHAKRA system which are alien implants graphed into their offspring - Mitochondrial DNA [DEA] - DEA is your Cosmic DNA which is being upgraded and your mother had MtDNA linking, syncing you to KI [EARTH] 

We are dying to live again, rebirth aka reSet 

Its is the end of the world, not the end of the planet, learn the difference  

Triangles in the SKA 

Structures in the SKA - check the details in this image 

What is it 


NIBIRU is right there in the SKA and many more people are seeing the StarStation – it varies in the four corners of this planet; you can see them more in sum places than in others and in sum places you can see them on opposite sides during a sunset

NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this soular system in 2012, first spotted by NASA in 1989 [999] 9 and here we are all

There will be no nuclear war, NIBIRU will not be crashing into this planet, if one nuclear weapon is deployed all these crafts will uncloak that are in the SKA, the nuclear threat is real but so are these crafts on duty, these crafts are lower in the SKA and they have technology to intercept any nuclear threat, when Chernobyl [HAARP] facility blew up it was Star family that minimized the damage, this planet is not going to be traded for any species, she is the apple of her daddies eye 

The first time was because no one thought we were evolved enough to split the ATOM and when we did they realized this particular batch of humans are about to blow themselves up – which is where the Industrial Military Complex was then set up which is made up of military intelligence and extra-terrestrials, all set up after war world two, they above top secret and are called Cosmos or Cosmic who are around 30 members of mixed beings and military intelligence, at area51 if you have clearance for say level 26 and 27, you don’t have clearance for 30 or 17 only for your designated area, why, because there are other beings present  

This is why Trump knows about the Galactic Council because he spoke to them – this is the full speech – Trump represents another group of extra-terrestrials and he doesn’t have a military background or political background and is to why the others disliked him 

Trump tells them that he has backup and these mtf have technology that your bullets cannot stop, he also is letting them know if they come to the USA with any of their bullsh9t it will be over for them – Trump does this whole speech based on his communication with extra-terrestrials who are here for the natural people of this planet to return – these are the Star family, SKA elders or Elder SKA brothers who always come every 3600 without fail for the last couple million years - he talks a lot of bullsh9t in this speech but we know what he is really referring to - everyone is bored with the rest of what he says

There is a Leviathan Force who have a presence throughout the land, QE2 was moved out of the way by the Earth Confederation and not the Galactic Council, the Leviathan Force are members of presidents and military doctrine of the United States Armed Forces which is called the Leviathan Force – in the book of Revelation it says in the last days we’ll awaken the great Leviathan – this is what its talking about apocalyptic prophecy – the whole concept of the Leviathan Force is tided to who the 9ethers are, the United Military Force is the presence of all nations on KI, the last one to be part of the Leviathan Force is North Korea who Trump went to see Kim and said, these mtf don’t fight with bullets, but if you follow the program it will all be good – Kim did change the dynamics in government from what his daddy had – they have us watching what they have done in deep state but the deep state does not affect the 9ethers, its none of their business and does not concern them, they are not telling us about Korea, Kim was cloned since this speech and now you know why they are keeping him quiet, even with Russia from 1984 the USA have been sending economic aid to Russia, billions+ all the way from the 1920s until the war fell it was always the US footing the bill under the United States Socialist Republic also known as Russia – the Bolshevik revolution was all made by America – all predicated on the workers struggle – when the Bolshevik revolution was taking place at the same time the unions were being setup in the USA and that is not a coincidence, they already had guilds and sum unions but not the auto union yet and this is where you see blood and guts for the union fought for the workers to be compensated correctly

  Many peoples lives were put into jeopardy and many knew what they were doing and did nothing but they knew and this does not make you noble, you took money under the table, wink wink, hush hush type thing - its coming back to you 10fold

[12] Zodiac and the [13] and two spheres and what is the 5 MIRs - is it EKUR [AKUR] Giza complex which houses 5 MIRs that NIBIRU controls - all the pyramids are switched on - 

See the 90 degree angle in the SKA - triangle in nature and all the crafts below 

Whoever was driving and pulled over to take these images I want to hang out with 

double bubble - crafts had been assembling since 2012 [2021] 

Self  'Cell' shelf clouds that hold crafts - mass hysteria will break out when all is revealed 

Huge mother ship 
Crafts are over military sites, installations + bases above and below ground, they are over nuclear sites, they are over doomed cities, they are over NYC which is the DRACO HQ, they are over the poles, they are over this planet, they are here for their planet and offspring 

Around 5 ships collect water [USA] Mississippi 

All the water coming in is around the equator 
Serious times out there 

Temperatures for Scotland and London - Scotland should be hotter and they are not because this planet is upside down, north is really south and the south is getting blasted and is to why crafts are over the poles - the next image is flipped - look at London - check out Australia and Argentina temperatures

The planet is upside down - read all data in CHAKRA energies - the CROWN of the planet 

See the dark cubed force field around this planet - no being, entity can escape for this house is sealed 
The DOME opened and energies also called radiation and SOULAR NRG penetrated the planet and you - read all data in chakra energies 


WAJI [GREEN] - Read all data in CHAKRA energies which are radiations to sum but energies to others - WAJI is your best friend right now - PLASMA is also coming in WAJI and not just PURPLE

PURPLE in the energy signature 

Multicolored 'light' codes - [white] which means bright holds all [7] rays - Morse code in the energy signatures - multiple codes  

The Schuman machines are in Canada, Russia, Germany and Italy which is all in the north of the planet which is the south - the machines all record different light energy signatures 

The Canadian machine is still down or is it - its on but flat lining - but there is heartbeat 
We are over 35hz which is the maximum for the Schuman machine and we are hitting 100hz, 48hz, 200hz, 1400hz+ consecutively and this means these codes are stabilizing, takes time and time is not speeding up, creation is speeding up


Look carefully, you can't see the codes, can you see the language of the mtDNA [MEDU NETU] 
and the SUN is letting off Morse [Moorse] code and we have GAMMA [XRAY] codes

Double the figure, this is worldwide but not quite pandemic levels, there are a number of reasons but the number one is that GAMMA [XRAY] deletes - many of these people are young and healthy and have taken the Jabba the Hutt - I saw an article with people on 6 and 7 booster [acceleration] - there is a culling taking place and many do not know this, moving forward your government do not need so many people for their machine, so the rest have to go, the Georgia guide stones may have been destroyed but their agents are still proceeding and will delete many - the last bullet point says more than half came in the first year of the pandemic and that means we can increase that number of 100k because people are still dying at an alarming rate its just that the same people that are dying are plugged into the 3D world which separated a number of years back - what is abnormal to you is totally normal to others, remember those who took the Jabba the Hutt are now synced to their machine [Metaverse] through the Jabba and their 5G cell phone that is right next to them when they sleep at night and is downloading with them - the last part of COVID is 19 which stands for A[1] and I[9] aka A.I to which these people are now one with, there are many who are still unplugged from their manmade Matrix 

We must keep an eye on what is going on out there, there are no isolated incidents - sum thing brewing, loads of distractions to cover over sum thing - we must keep an eye on what is going on in the 3D world for you are still recording, you are still here, that means you still have purpose - the more you are activated, the more you grow in strength [Soul] you become stronger, when I read this I was sad, and at the same time I reverse the sad into positive, I know why they did this to Katerina - eye see from the bigger picture, Katerina will not be wasted for once energy has been created it can never be destroyed, Katerina will be judged on her energy, if she grew her heart Chakra + [1] ion - she will be processed like everyone else - you not allow to do suicide, you get sent straight back down here, did she have a soul contract, was she sent 41 years ago for this very moment to aid with consciousness, many people will be affected deeply about her ending her life force energy - Katerina in her position can influence many by her taking her life force - people look up to her, was Katerina sent from Venus, awareness is what is charging you, its an activation, a catalyst, keep an eye on things, awareness [consciousness] is at a higher capacity   

Read all data in energies, Purple - CROWN - 11 is extreme and we are hitting 22 - stay out of the SUN if you do not have Melanin and even if  you do, take it easy, do not wear sunscreen or sunglasses 

The planet is hot, the grid will need to be tripped out or it will cut out, appliances will also be hot, laptops, computers+ the grid will be hot and so all these appliance will be emitting extreme levels of man made radiation, so turn things off and reduce your amount of time usages, besides they will be switching power off - expect power outages  

SOULAR NRG - black and blue means charging and red and white means ready, yellow, green, turquoise, red, orange+ plasma and suns rays 

Earthquakes hitting, California was hit with an M7+ with the same amount in after strikes and they never reported it, South Africa which is really North Africa was hit along with Tonga and the North Atlantic Way [near UK, Spain] and Sandwich Islands, volcanoes are releasing, hailstones and all weather systems in a systematic roll out - sum thing will give that will make the masses take notice, land slides means the land is moving below you - NTR whistles whiles she works and many listen to her whistles and many listen to her works, her inner workings, she is our guide and she is letting us all what time it is 

All this with Russia and a missile over Japan+ and much more are all scripted - is all part of their weakening plan to keep the masses where they can see you - they are restless and we keep an eye on them because this thing is being played out like SENENT [Chess], they have what they want to do and we have what we need to do, stay on your PTAH 

FEAR - when you don't fear, the possibility of the outcome changes - remember this, so much of this is to fear you, but once you let go so does fear - let go

Remember she has a Chinese surname for a reason 

Skynet is Amazon 

Boys and their toys

They are even telling you that they are going to replace her, who would want to replace her, Pedos and Homos 

All these devices depend on a energy source, in the movie the Matrix the energy source is you, so Neo merged with the Matrix and killed it from within, for killing the Matrix within kills it from the inside out - many are connected to Metaverse, what will happen when the machines learn that 9ethers [black people] are all the ones with the power down here - their machine is being fed with Melanin and what will happen when it works out that the Melanin is coming from the 9ethers, what will be machines do, will they turn on the very people who made them - what if the 9ethers who are plugged into their Matrix and Metaverse realise that they are participating in a monkey program what will they do 

The only real threat is the Nuclear risk, that is what fu9ked us the last time round, if Jupiter was to be wiped out this SOULAR system would be wiped out - there are those willing to destroy her rather than let sum one else have her, KI must be protected at all cost or you see all this around you, is over, there are so many fleets, armadas, alliance and allies here - 

Take a good hard look at her, look around this planet and bask in the adulation, would you want to protect her, sum of us are willing to die for her, if she lives, we live, if she dies, we die 

With any of these footages just watch what you can see and take in what you cab see, the presenters always talk sh9t, this guy said around 4 years ago that they were planting 2 million trees and wanted the support to which many sent in money, his idea was bulssh9t and more than likely the money funded his lifestyle - we are in real time now and all footages come from this era 

Other beings, entities are here - sum are positive and sum are negative and sum are trapped and sum enjoy being trapped 

The Bible is correct because their Bible is paraphrasing from an original source, we are not interested in Man or his machines, or prophets [profits], we just want the truth - western words taking place in muslim worlds - the planet is terraforming for herself

KAAMA [KARMA] 'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' - we are all being served sum thing from MA [MAAT] MU [NU] these are the forces of NTR - we are all under the cosh - don't add anymore negativity 

Recognize what you see in others, you see in yourself

When sum one transitions, like a family member, then sum thing great is coming in for you and you need guidance from the other side, remember you now have sum one on the other side, so communicate with them, remember things that they like favorite food, drink, music, acknowledge them and you will receive guidance, you have sum one who is outside of space and time, sum one like a parent, brother or sum one from your family, it means you need guidance and many of you if you check it is when your guidance started - appeal to them, acknowledge them - they can guide you, they can protect you, they are leaving because you will need guidance from the other side  

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Smiling Faces

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