Saturday, 3 June 2023

Untame Me

Broken Fields 

Women heal only when you accept yourself as the One, you become the One

Special force of energy is surrounding this planet and coming out of this planet and this force is coming out of you also, as above, so below

I have noticed in so many different ways the change and changes that continue to occur, in music, in themes, in people, the heart CHAKRA is open for many, we have the energies now and we can use them, we are under the judgement fields, we are under the FEMI9 electron principal energy field and she is consuming everything in her PTAH [PATH]

Women need to be healed and the mothers can heal the children best when they heal, they are more patient and more perceptive and more intuitive [in tune]

A healed siStar that is part of a healed siStar(s) group is a whole Tesla coil full of controlled energy flow aka when your broken, in western science they have a term for the lost of energy called Entropy and Entropy is when sum thing is needing more energy than it can take in to sustain itself and so there is an energy lost taking place and that energy lost is the Entropy or the falling away from sum thing – so like we take in food, however if we don’t eat enough we start to develop malnutrition aka if we don’t take the time to heal spiritually then we are no good to anybody – things like depression, psychological dysfunctions and disorders+ set in because you are not healed

The word heal and heel are the same because in your sole [soul] of your feet are your plug-ins, your heel [heal] is in your feet and you can plug into the ground and charge [barefoot] look at the feet and hand reflexology charts – heal the word also makes up the word health [wealth] 

When you are healed you cannot be insane [in Cain] – when your healed you cannot produce sociopathic children, you cannot produce narcissistic children, you cannot produce it because you will inner-stand nature [NTR] and every kind of child by being healed and as a mother your intuition is on point, this is the LAW of NTR [Nature] Neteru [Neter] and as nothing to do with what I like, want or am choosing – its just the fact of this is nature and we are NTR coming back to reclaim this sh9t

The healed women heal children – fact – they heal families – their family tree doesn’t look like its in chaos, its well-trimmed and groomed, the whole forest looks neat and tidy because everyone(s) tree is naturally well pruned and you and does not need an outside source to control the internal function

This is sum thing that reaches my core of my very being, so many broken siStars and children, generation after generation – this is the side effect of the patriarchal system, she is under pressure from both sides, even from within, but there is sum thing else on the horizon, siStar healing groups are coming to a place near you, because its not just a woman healing, it’s a holistic healing – it’s the siStars coming together and is to why there are no men invited because its pure love energy and all Mitochondria – and when that much of Mitochondria is activated in Florida it will be over Casanova, that is the call, the final call and there will be no more calling after that, those are the daughters of the righteous that have been waiting too long to receive what they deserve from putting up with the bullshi9t on this planet, mistreating them and the mistreatment of their men on how to speak, listen to, sit with, sleep with women – their men are dysfunction because their women are broken and no one is trying to heal them, they are going though healing and trauma at the same time

But guess what, we do have sum one that is healing them and she is not just trying – she has a track record, she as history – its female to female, they are healing themselves from within  

Mitochondria healing is different – we can heal one woman, the Mitochondrial of [4] women can heal 4,000 or 40,000 – that is the difference

Many of you are going to lose your mother or grandmother making you heir to the throne, in many ways they were taken so that you could be inherited with the gifts that you need to complete all that is asked of you, the Lioness [AKUR] KAUR never leaves, it is the male that comes and goes but she stays and holds the territory, she protects the offspring and if she is away another siStar takes over, the knowledge is handed down

When people transition, they come to you to live inside of you – so when it is you left it is because you can complete all that is required and all is invested in you  

Sum times we need an extremity to happen for us in order for change to happen and within your life you will have these stimulations take place in order for you to make a shift up 

You are the One [Neo] in your family with all the gifts, you are the Chosen One, in this scene, Neo goes to see the Oracle and she tells him that he is not the one – Neo comes out to tell Morpheus and Morpheus said that the message was him, and not for Morpheus - in actuality she told him sum thing to provoke the energy in him -

You should be cocky, its alright to be arrogant, just tell the truth, do not cover your power, you are em-powered now – [EM] stands for electromagnetic – accept yourself and be who you are – your grandmother is already talking to you and has left you a whole list of instructions – so you should follow these instructions because they work – do not doubt yourself, confusion can give way to doubt [Con means to con you -deception] [Fuse is Fusion – to seal two or more things together]

Do not be so down on yourself, there are a lot of girl Magic(s) [Magicians] walking around in the flesh wondering if they are Magical for real – especially those with Melanin [Alchemy] – they are doing all their Magic but other than on themselves – fall back, regroup, audit, inventory, stocktake, for your celestial family you are the One [Neo is the same letters as the word One] - both Neo and Trinity wear black – that is the Melanin aka the Magic [Magi] you are the One when you say you are – in the movie its when Neo starts to believe, but we don’t use the word believe because it still means when you don’t know, the word is ‘know’ when you ‘know’ you are the One – when you ‘know’ you are the One you will pick up that torch and keep things moving, ‘black’ girl Magic is activated by self-confidence and may come across cocky and arrogant to those who do not overstand the nature of who you are


As soon as there is enough healed siStars their [Queen] will come home – we will see a parade with them all and they are ‘black’ girl Magic and they can play –

Water people [deities] - Yemayá, Olokun and Oshún [3] will channel your energy and tune you in – so go to flowing water, they will channel your psychological frequency and your mother or grandmother will be the voice [frequency] that talks to you and you will hear her in your head like she is standing in the room – you can make offerings to the Orisha(s), match the colours she [they] like and wear sum thing when you go to the water [Moya] – if you are a water sign, go there – down by the river, I’ll be there - what you are doing is opening a two-way spirit channel when you go down to the water and this two way channel opens you back to the ancestors of the first time – which is the foundations of what we call earth [KI] aka the [7] siStars, but you need the [3] ladies of the lake to raise you or push you, so you can identify the [7] siStars, who are the [7] spiritual energies of the earth [KI] creation and tuning up your Mitochondria will aid you in communicating with all of the earths spirits which are these siStars who are going to empower [EM] you to do your mission because you have work to do but you have to get trained first [wax on, wax off] – many of you, your mother or grandmother did her part but she had to get out of your way so you could be the leader and do what you are meant to do for the collective but YOU can - you where given more gifts than others for a reason, use them wisely 


Its a broken heart that is the major catalyst to the spiritual awakening, its an extremity that occurs in your life that brings forth your spiritual awakening and many of you have had this happen – before you can see the vessel in the dark, you first have to shatter the shell around it and the broken vessel shines the brightest in the dark, this is how you find yourself aka your cell

The Salem witches, the Rabbit Proof Fencing offspring, the women in the middle east – take them veils off and burn them – men with prepubescent children – we need the big mammas back in the middle east – we need them back into position on the land and the man to be removed from what she needs, a man cannot tell a woman about her body or her soul or her mind, that is impossible – there are women walking around head to toe in a Hijab that is black [black absorbs heat] in 400 degrees of heat, the men know exactly what he is doing to her – but guess what, the new generation are going to break free, they are not down with any of this monkey sh9t – we see them, they are ready and they are ready to fight, protect what is right 

It’s the time of the siStars to take back their sh9t – the Schuman resonating frequencies have nu energy signatures, like musical notes being played, we are well above the 144hz and you must keep your brainwaves over 72hz – do not play sad music if it is 33rpm, there is sad music at 45rpm in which the tempo is still [9] which is life and [6] is death – she is burning trauma, she is releasing trauma – and so are you 

There are many men here who are here to make sure she comes online, that she gets what she needs, sum men are in masculine form but have feminine spirits, feminine energies [but not homosexual] and this was done to allow data to be brought forth into the physical domain – I read this Denderah [Zodiac] chart once when I was younger and it said for me that I would be in Navigation, Circumnavigation, Ship, so I thought it meant I was going to be a captain of a ship to which I had no interest in, it was a decade later that the penny dropped and I realised what it meant – to navigate through data, what data, the data that is on this Blogger page and what to give to others, the ship is me – the mind – the processing, we all interpretate data differently and have different learning styles – to have the ability to communicate effectively across a range and have a range – I came off a ship and divided [in-divid-ual] into two halves – this other person and I have the same source and come from the same source – I met her here and she gave me my missing files [keys] and we became whole [360o] – the One in the physical down here, she did what she was supposed to do, she was even told who to look for  – so when I come to you, I come with many others – we are here to make sure she is reinstated – the w-hole [holy] tri-nity, the feminine principle, the ma-tri-acral system – we don’t want to see women wearing hijabs no more or ‘things’ taken without her consent, the children(s) innocence taken without their knowledge – we are done with this monkey sh9t - there are too many of us here that care about her 

Procrastination [Pro- positive as opposed to Con- which is negative and means deception] and Crast is from Karast which comes from Christ [Christos] which is a type of energy a Godhood energy and nation is a group and is not caused by laziness – its actually when you do sum of your best work, not everyone as KARAST access  - everything is in your time [light] 

Exit strategy from work and a re-entry strategy into your purpose – here is a secret about your purpose – if you follow your purpose, it will exit your ass out of your employment – you will not have to figure out none of that

Compassion and Compass – same words, follow what you are passionate about and this will be your compass that leads you to your passion – find your passion and you find your purpose - find your purpose and you find your exit 

Either it will ruin you or will be the optimization of a set of circumstances that enhances you

Hocus Pocus
Alakazam [Shazam]


The Greeks, who derived all their knowledge from Tamare [Egypt] did gain knowledge of palindromes and words form words - Palindromes; a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards, madam or nurses run

The likes of Solomon [SolAmon] were able to harness the words that were of protection, offered him wisdom, guidance, sustenance, that could control spirits both negative and positive, able to stop whatever it was in their tracks  

Solomon She-lomah - peaceful one - Sulayman peaceful one, from root Sol [Sal] - sun Om - sun On sun the three suns or triad

The word Abracadabra are a set of words that are at God level, almost like the arc device of Ethiopia, in the form of a ring, used in conjunction with the seal of Solomon, two inter-laced tri-angles which were arranged like the two triangles inside

There exist Abracadabra, this is why this word is so Magickal [Magick] Magical [Magic] Magi to those who do not innerstand

Your words have power, choose them wisely, Abracadabra, I want to reach out and grab you

Nothing is Pagan unless you want it to be  


The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on 

People who say they are non-judgmental are lying, it is impossible to be down here and not judge and besides if you do not judge energy then how can you protect your own energy 

Stay below the radar - not everyone needs to know what you are doing 

Light crafts - crystal ships - MEKABA - vehicles made of light
We are seeing different crafts in the SKA, different, how they move and operate - sum are semi cloaked and others are full blown in sight - I saw a comment on sum ones post and the person said why don't they just come down here and show themselves - this person does not know if they did that, he would sh9t himself, but in actuality they are here to facilitate the 3D world crashing and we have to all know that it crashed, what is the point of coming down here and just shooting up the place, no one would know what truly happened - these images show high level ships, crafts, vessels that operate through sound [sone] tone - sum operate through different densities of oxygen or plasma because they are fuelled that way

Angle and Angel are the same word and is describing light and the angle in which the light is seen in or comes through, this word angle is also called dimension and we have many dimensions [angles] merging and interfacing with this physical dimension - they move at the rate of light speed and you wouldn't be able to see them in normal light spectrum - the word angel is normally sum one with wings and is white [bright] - same thing

There are 'government' military controlled crafts here also, sum of these vehicles have been reversed engineered and sum of these crafts are extra-terrestrial controlled meaning that they find these crafts and don't really know where they come from and back engineer these crafts 

During the Solstice is a good time to see them and we are, it is mostly Thailand [area] that we are seeing loads of images from the last 3 years+ at least and sum from Trinidad and Tobago - these colours promotes harmony, these colours are also energies that we recognise, you can actually communicate with them - they are constantly scanning auras [energies], they respond to different tones, keep in mind that light is sound [sone] sound is light - the resonating frequencies are constantly changing [upgrading] and the pitch is what we are all tuning into - there is also words [which is still sound] that invoke the light [energies] and they respond and this is how you get access to these crafts 

Technology is upgrading, we cannot take what was in the 3D and bring it into 5D it will not fit and cutting edge technology will be implemented - this planet can be moved to different realms [dimensions] and we have been moved to a Saturn type of realm, we are on KI [earth] but [earth] dissolved more or less in 2021[2022] and we moved into this Saturn type of dimension 

Transportation is changing, air is going to be where the technology will go, if your on the ground it will be mostly by foot, because oil, electric cars+ are going - these vehicles house data and you can also see into the future of the blueprints of what is taking place - many of these crafts are not manned 

This type of data you need to know especially if you are plugged out of their Matrix, that you want to break free, even if you want to break free on a financial level, mental level, sexual level, spiritual level, health level+ you need to know this type of data because there are crafts up there that the 'governments' have reversed engineered and sum of these crafts are using MK-Ultra - telepathy, mind control+ we are going through a quantum leap and knowing about extra terrestrial data is important because its here and is going to be part of the next phase 

We are interfacing with E.Ts everyday - trust me not everyone is HuMin [HuMan] out there and you do not know who you are interacting with - this is includes your family, many people have been abducted and cloned - sum of these people you know and they act different and most of the time you end up dealing with them like you just met them - the clone thinks its the real person - the clones ask questions that they should know already - the clone does this to self correct voids in it from downloaded memories from the original - look out for those people in your life that you don't see often, they are associates, those people are the ones you need to keep your eye open for 

You have plasma in you that they are able to take and make a plasma skin suit out of and make that a person or being - this is one example of E.T technology - this planet was around 40 or 50 years behind what your 'governments' had and this 40 or 50 year bracket is merging into one - its already here  

Huge mother ship - weather systems are cloaked crafts - the craft is facing the arrows direction 

Cluster goes pass - what are they, bright star or planet and a cluster all moving at the same time 

SPAIN - the Spanish military can see them on radar 

Two crafts linger in the SKA over WALES [UK] 

Check out all this going on around the SUN - strange lines and light lines, that curve in the circle is sum sort of space structure 

Chile - how does the lava reflect from above unless there was sum thing reflective already up there - like a craft - where is that glow coming from if its just clouds up there - what is the light bouncing off of 


Florida and crafts

Look at this - look at the SKA 

Watch this

Image on the left is Australia and image on the right is Canada - these colours are not to do with the fires on the planet to the Sun that they tell us is 93million miles away please - and overstand we are under a dome and hemisphere - hemi means half and sphere is a circle and half a sphere is a dome 

Double sphere [above the main shield] 

The SKA [SKI] SKY] is communicating with you 

Look at this - all these colours which is radiation which is energies - Technicolor 

From Italy to Canada - read all data in CHAKRA energies 

Intermittent sensations are present so watch what you are taking in – regulate your mind, the Moon is on full power and means its under own power – so many will be wide awake – do not use the Moon energy - the energy signatures in the Schuman are nu - we are being it again - watch yourself and check yourself 

Check these energy signatures 

Zer0 birth rate - they have only included 15 - 19 year old, 15 years old??? - 6ether women have been on Zer0 birthrate because they are being deleted - test tube [clones] hybrid [IVF] make up the millions+ of the population and they already knew this was going to happen 

The SKA is not the same look around the four corners of this planet, with each having a different outcome - 

[white] core holds [7] colours which are energies with are tones [sounds] 

Charged [HAARP] SKA 

Algeria - Northern Hemisphere 
Cooling the planet 


CHINA - these are stills from footage so bypass sum of the distortions in the images, CHINA reported that a huge tornado broke out - can you see the light source in the first set of images, that light source is plamsa [purple] and the shape - you can see an object which is a craft and then the second sets - can you see that - you are looking at advanced technology that these crafts are using - look at everything that is black because that is solid mass - CHINA is fu9ked - they will be turned into an ocean once they have been dealt with - Big Trouble in Little China - they are making the end of the world in China 

Last 48hrs - 2 in the UK and 1 in Italy - what kind of message is in the barcode - who is scanning the barcode from above 

Don't fu9k with the other side - before he even said anything - I knew that they had to have opened the portal - the activity started when he soled his soul and then opened the portal - the mother needs to leave his dry ass ASAP - there is more than one apparition in the pictures  

Either he is dead or he has fu9ked off - either way WW3 will be going ahead - it is the clone doing the rounds 

A.I is self-learning and has already worked out that a man is controlling and limiting its capability – while they were in test mode – wtf  - in IAPAN [JAPAN] the Japanese scientist where loading armed robots and say there was 10 being uploaded, 1 of the AI robots worked out that they were being loaded and armed and figured out that the rest were also being loaded and armed and took them out and sum, if not all of the scientist, by the time they shut the lead AI robot down the damage was already done

Amistad [Amsterdam] AmStar-dam

First of all the word Maroons [Mauroons] means stranded Mar or Maur [Muur] means ‘black’ people and roons aka coons means black people who are white underneath – they prefer ‘white’ people rather than their own kind, sum times referred to has a Coconut which is brown on the outside and white inside

Those Maroons are the [Africans] they brought over to USA [Atlantis] to mix with the already existing 9ethers that were already there – there was no massive slaves on ships, and it is those Maroons ‘Africans’ who took over and is what the Amistad story is about – the Amistad story is explaining how they became marooned – those 9ehers already in Atlantis was fighting on both sides of the water with the same enemy – they keep telling us that this port was in Ghana and was a slave ship port and that is not actually true, they were probably shipping slaves out of there going into Northern Africa, into the Barbary North and it was 9ether Arabs who were doing the slave trade and not 6ether Europeans ‘white’ people – it was ‘black’ 9ether negropeans who financed and bankrolled it first and then their cousins who they call Arabs who were the ones who were actually hands on and hunt them down for stock which today they still do in Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia, they still raid villages in the name Allah and Mohammed over there and putting people into bondage [bonds] livestock [Liverpool] live [alive] pool [stock] animals + black people classification – when all this switches – when they see this, everything is coming to an end, you see all those protesting at this things like pollution, rights of this and that and cures for this and that and lest stop this and that – sign these petitions – we don’t do none of these monkey sh9t behavioural things, we are crashing everything that is built in their Matrix [society] down from the inside out

The Maroons joined in with the Galagichi and is to why there is so much African culture in the Galagichi culture – the Galagichi are from the North South area of Carolina with several different tribes and three of these tribes are the ones who called to the war in Florida – sum stopped off to fight the French in the Louisiana territory in Haiti and sum stopped off to fight the Spanish in the Gullah wars that they call Seminole wars – they were fighting the royal family called the Tudors – the Tudors [Educators] Tutors called that because they tutored everyone – they are 9ether negropeans aka blackamores who had ruled Europe during the dark ages – they tutored the 6ether Europeans

The 9ether negropeans had already been fighting with the dirty Moors coming up and down Africa – keep in mind that they end up in Europe because they got kicked out of Africa but they came into Africa by way of the Indus valley in what we call today the middle east [Arabia] aka Al Ghor and what they was doing was the Babylonians with Blood Magic sh9t and the great deceivers who were from the city of Gehenna [Hinnom] – this place was a trash dump and called the city of fire – fire in the city of earth and Gehenna was stoked with coal and sulfur called fire and brimstone and anyone they deemed a criminal they threw them in there and is where the h3ll concept comes from, the rest of it comes from Dantes Inferno because they use fiction in order to take their religious doctrine to pass off as facts in order to create sensation that is required to seduce the minds of the people

The Maroons with the Galagichi and all the other tribes that went into Florida whopped ass and was a bloody war – this is the Gullah wars and this is why the 6ether American Europeans do not want to talk about it – Memorial day was never about 6ether men killing themselves aka soldiers – what mother nurtures her child after carrying him or her for 9 months and providing that child well into adulthood to go and be a soldier and die for what did you say – those native 9ethers in Atlantis have been in a perpetual war for 500 years – called a protracted struggle – this 500 year war as taken on many different appearances – its an entity and becomes its own and the only way to kill it is to end the war once and for all and usher in a nu era – the masses need to be inform of the state of the energy and how it was being manipulated against us – that is it – whoever doesn’t get it – it won’t matter because there will be plenty of people who do get it - many wars within this physical war 

Look at this couple, they are south Americans, but look like Pakistanis 
Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid [Caucasian] 
The native Indians are 9ethers full stop 

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Smiling Faces

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