Monday, 12 June 2023


Zer0 point reference 

ReSet – will people catch up with these reSets, its not just this planet, there are huge reSets [levels] and its going to carry over into units, will those from society [Matrix] catch up – it’s a delicate subject to touch on and especially for the conscious – what was said that was going to happen has happened

A lot of what was coming is actually here and is up and running and as already been implemented – things from scriptures, prophecies have been fulfilled and we are going through a recycling process as well which will also carry over into another time calendar that is being kept by another different group of beings that were keeping time before our time and this is where the debate come from when you address things like that 

A lot of light codes transmissions, our connection to the sixth dimension+ has changed – even our situation in the universe and even where we were placed at – the crop circles [messages] are also letting us know what time it is  - there is a lot to address with reSet – even the Chakras which is also called the Tree of Life and Kabbalah [spheres] – there are 11 and 13 and the 7 which locks you into the planets Matrix and another set of units - different lights coming on with different purposes - don't lose sight of your mission [purpose] 

This is the time to get rooted and grounded and check your perspective on your spirituality more so and then about life from that direction – either you are plugged in or you are not, sum of you have to remain plugged in and sum of you have to make choice, stay vigilant, on point - Zer0 point is levitation - your point of reference 

Shield it or lose it - there has never been a more pressing time in your life than right now, protect your energy [light] at all times, you will not be punished for this, you are being judged on your intension with you energy, stay in 'select' mode  

Check the shape
SELFISH [CELLFISH] FISH - WOMB - PUMPUM - look at the images
the SKA is giving us the signs, symbols - the SKA is communicating with you - see the symbol in the double sphere 

200hz - 600hz and 1400hz 
Nu light codes [transmissions] 

The machines jam - new frequencies - light codes 
MtDNA [DNA] RNA [DEA] upgrades - (sum one else wrote on the graphics)

52hz - anything over 9hz causes dizziness 

Dark sections - multi-coloured strikes - patterns 

These codes are over 

11.6.2023 - you can see from right to left is coming from the SUN [SOULAR] and it was inside the field 

11.6.2023 -  NIBIRU is right beside her 
Intense exchange of energies [light] 

Read all data in energies 

Sand from the Sahara, air quality, air pollution, fires, your step mothers cooking+
Whatever you want  - NYC is DRACO HQ 

What is beyond the horizon - check colours 

Roasting - that is 119.3 degrees Fahrenheit - the end of the world is made in China 

The planet is hot - the oceans are hot - this is Texas 

Your people do not care about you, the next 6 months into the next 12 months will be uncertain, things are going to go wrong on a mass scale - the COVID19 will explode - many things are going on and they are not telling you - and they are telling you what is coming up - you need to read in-between the lines - have a plan b - if you have children please don't waste the days or nights watching tv with your thumb up your ass - what is your plan b when sh9t hits the fan - out of sight is not out of mind - do not go down because of cognitive dissidence 

Found after 40 days, 4 children in the Amazon after plane crash 
The men didn't give up and found them - the mum told the children to find help 
Mamma Bear is in our thoughts - she didn't make it - where life ends life begins...

TEXAS SKA [Flipped image] is real close 

Yeast rising in the SKA 

There are those in Kanada who think the fires are causing this look - ok then

This is supposed to be the moon - its yellow, white and where is the red coming from - black clouds, sum are crafts and sum are the chemicals 

Taken in the USA 5 days ago 

Electrical disturbance from the sun distorts the camera- why does the top and bottom light up in white if space is vast - why does the rim of the camera light up because we are in a dome

Huge crafts [weather systems] USA - you can see the blast funnels - two at the bottom of the mothership and check the shape - you can't see that [???] the military can see them on radar 

Multidimensional 'cloud' crafts present - see that shadow line from the right to the left - what is it, looks like it makes up a long rectangular structure 

Blue core at the centre of this 'weather' system 

TEXAS [USA] mother ships are weather systems 

Weather systems are crafts

PAREIDOLIA - Yawn out loud

The Square [Cube] and Circle [Sphere] are un-identical twins 
We see [4]constellations, and [8] planets, dimensions, the cube and sphere are both 360 degrees+ all merging into One - portal opening - there are [4] corners to the planet 

Wiltshire [UK] where most of these messages [crop circles] are found is an area near power structure like Stonehenge and sitting on the planets ley-lines which are the planets nervous system connected to her CHAKRAs - because of the existing ley-lines man is able to create latitude and longitude, ley-lines are power cables - fibre optic - between ancient structures that these beings' built 

NEPHILIAN means to fall down [they fell when the frequency was reset] 
ANUNNAKI [ANNUNAQI] ANNUNAGI[ANU.NAGA] means these beings and those beings that ANU sent down from HEAVEN [NIBIRU] to ERIDU [KI] EARTH - they are you today - we got trapped when the dome went up for fu9king about down here and now you need to kiss ass to get up out of here

Before the drones, how did we read these messages, are they for humans if so how would we read them, crop circle - made in fields - Barley that is never damaged and the designs are not always circles, a term from 1980 [99] = 9 messages started coming in from the 80s, 1989 [999] = 27 [9] this is a key decade 

These are barcodes that are scanned from above, crafts would pass over and scan from above, there are satellites above from man and they are reading these messages also, many military bases double up for extra-terrestrial usage - man keeps quiet about these messages, whoever is creating them controls this planet and the SKA [SKI] SKY above - both nature [NTR] and 'these beings' have been warning one and all - take another look at that 3D design - she cares deeply but overstands what must be done and so do you  

The spirit world is merging with the physical world 

The clone is malfunctioning [UV] you can see the original Biden who is being dealt with offsite 

Ancient Hydraulic system in SUMER [Mesopotamia - which includes today, Greece, Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Turkey, Syria] made out of the natural rock  

Hydraulic system made by man - the difference is that the ancient system when out of use can blend back into natural state, whereas mans version can never be broken down by nature and will be artificial to nature - the planet must be protected or all of this monkey sh9t is over, there will be no humans [humins], no animals, no plants, no you, no me, it must end to begin, get behind the energy and let her and you do y-our thing 

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Smiling Faces

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