Sunday, 18 June 2023

Lost at sea

Acceptable selective thinking and the bypass of the critical factor which is the critical mind and thinking essentially that blocks and defends you and discerns which is good or bad

Acceptable selective thinking which means you have to place a seed [thought] into the subconscious mind [KHU] while bypassing the conscious mind and not making that part of the subconscious mind ‘feel’ because the subconscious mind is unconditional because it does not care about good or bad, it wants to survive, it just takes in information based on the influence of that information and the repetition of that particular information – then the subconscious mind feeds that consistently back to the conscious mind

To me, hypnosis is bypassing and subverting the protective layers that the conscious mind puts into place in order to defend that person(s) ‘comfort zone’ people prefer to stay in their ‘comfort zone’

All you have to do is bypass the conscious mind – never have hypnosis with dildos, never have hypnosis with sum one who you do not know or with others in the room – you can self [cell] hypnosis – the best time to self-hypnosis is right before sleep because you are in a suggestive state because the brain [membrane] organ [muscle] wants to shut down – the brain is doing everything it can to have the body [KHA], the body has exhausted itself of fuel – the brain essentially especially during the daylight hours – the brain - over works itself in problem solving, people feed their brain with unstimulating information which causes the brain to trip out – many have alcohol or substance to subdue the mind – the brain over works itself going through its own inventory, its own thoughts and having a problem with whatever it feels it needs to have a problem to solve

The best people that would be hypnotized are people who go to bed with unsolved problems – extremely suggestible because their mind is always looking for solutions – so you can place sum thing in there that can subvert any kind of critical analysis of what it is that that person is actually trying their best to find an answer to and that is the part that leads to an aspect of subconscious hypnotism that they call Somnambulism

The meditative state of the mind is the doorway [portal] that is open and is the threshold towards the ‘God’ mind aka this is the portal that we use between the super conscious mind and the unconscious mind and the conscious mind – so we have a portal to a place where time doesn’t exist, where there is no differentiation between this and that or here and there and that part of the mind is there to actually open us up to new ways of thinking [Ptah [Path] Opener of the way] to accepting new boundaries for the ways of our thoughts would operate, so if you have that ‘grey area’ its always good to step into that place and ‘know’ what that area does and does not do –

This is how devious the people who control the masses are with what they know about the subconscious mind which allows them to master the techniques of control, so that you have no way of understanding that the thoughts that you are thinking do not belong to you, these thoughts that you are thinking do not originate from you, they have encoded and downloaded through this medium that we are all looking at especially if your going to teach through movies, adverts, music+ anything that you want to influence people by, the conscious mind shuts completely down when it looks at the tv, when it looks at a movie and what you are doing is downloading suggestions through different word play, subliminal messages, they know how to manipulate people by making them feel uncomfortable and what they are selling is that you are going to feel comfortable with this rather than that

Many people just watch a movie, many people just watch the tv instead of looking at these mediums with a critical mind instead their mind is uncritical and wants to be entertained which they are going to be intertrained – so don’t passively look at it – you have to activity look at the television, you have to activity look at the movie – activity go into a book for example and read it with an active mind, so that you don’t dismiss the conscious mind while you are downloading, you’re filtering at the same time while you are downloading, the critical mind is learning but inner-standing what it is learning is nothing more than images that are meant to persuade you, that is the key about what they are doing – your television medium is the power of persuasion and is one of the ways of hypnotism to persuade a person that they are safe, because normally you would be looking at a television in your home and so you feel safe, so you have the information coming in and is not a threat to you, you don’t feel threatened because your on your sofa, your in bed, your chilling and your mind and your body is telling you, listen I’m comfortable, everything is all right – I think I’m in charge with everything that is coming in [mind] that you are downloading – especially children, for children are very susceptible, you have to watch what they are watching and taking in, not just from mediums

That noise that is going on in their heads, that is the water that is being used to filter out all the crap thoughts that essentially must be deleted and you can actually relieve yourself of those thoughts in just one session – the more you practice at using that particular technique of just observing without applying a judgment to the thoughts that come up – then the thoughts no longer have priority and slowly but surely as you continue to do this you will see these thoughts will come in less and less and all of a sudden your in that place and you find out that once you go there – there is nothing, its emptiness and that now is true meditation because you have lost your thought process which is nothing more than cataloguing of all kinds of experiences [stimulations] and nonsense [no sense] you’ve lost access to that and you’ve gained access to universal intelligence

So being an observer of your thoughts and for those who associate themselves with their thoughts – like your walking down the street and sum one is rude to you and you think I should hit this person and you come away thinking that you’re a bad person – these thoughts are like radio stations that you tune into and so you can tune out of them, these are frequencies these thoughts – its you casting your observation and attention into the world of cause and effect – so if I say that person was rude to me, now I have placed whatever damage you feel was done to you, in this case the damage can be called disrespect which is nothing more than energies, and you are placing sum thing that was done to you from outside of you and are giving it life [charge] in a world that gives life to your thoughts – now if you’re an observer and that person was rude to you, instead of saying I blame that person for whatever I’m feeling – you stop for a moment and look [mirror magic] and bring back that particular thought and observation back to the originator of that thought and so now your observation no longer goes into the realm where you have Karma that is working around that particular perception that you are dealing with because the Karma comes from you assigning blame and putting your consciousness outside into the world of power

When you do self-examination, now that thought comes back to you and now you are no longer dealing with the illusion that sum how that person had sum kind of applied guilt that you have to say was guilty of sum thing, you no longer have to do that because now you are looking at the originator of that particular thought and not casting the blame on that person outside of you for the thought that you are having and when you no longer look at the person outside of yourself as the one to blame for the thoughts that your having, now the thought comes back to you for self-analysis aka why did I think that, what was that about, why do I feel the need to use that little encounter as sum thing that I need to build outside of myself so that I can have a scapegoat to cast all my ‘sins’ into – no – once that happens you don’t create thoughts on the outside that’ll eventually become your Karma because if you keep casting yourself outside and blaming everybody outside of yourself and saying to yourself this is personal, this is in your personal periphery [not talking about the negative that you are faced with like everybody else] we are talking about your own personal peace

If you are casting your own personal feelings that sum how you are a victim of people [that person on the outside] then you have created sum thing on the outside that will need nurturing and you’ll find yourself consisting looking outside of yourself [your cell] but when it comes to turn back to you, you know that the originator of that feeling, once that person is gone and they are not thinking twice about you – then that person also disappears from your mind too

Its takes a moment to redirect a negative thought that comes to you, you can reverse it, don’t dwell on it, come out of the analytical mind [left side] watch what you are taking in, watch yourself and check yourself 

AKA shut the fu9k up 

Power to Djokovic for listening to himself and not for following trends 

Called a Salp that is often mistaken for Jellyfish and Jellyfish don't quite look like fish do they, this transparent Salp is part of the plankton species - Jellyfish have no brain and work off of instinct intelligence, I wonder how this Salp works  

Australian SKA
Mutating wavelengths that are changing you from the inside out aka your molecule structure 
Last image is a plasma backdrop - which deletes anything artificial to this soular system 

All these purple, green, pink, blue, red and yellow in the SKA and more so in the last few days, all these images are always 1 or 2 days old 

Read all data in CHAKRA energies - as above, so below- see the EMF and the planet, this planet is surrounded by energies which is radiation which is CHAKRA fuel 

EMF down during the 15th - 16th and you can see the energy penetrated through you + planet 

WAJI [GREEN] is coming out of the poles along with red [MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG]  NIBIRU is pressing all the buttons, the planets shield which the EMF [DOME] VAN ALAN BELT [FIRMAMENT] OZONE LAYER [all the same thing] is coming down 

System blackout from the machines and this is either because its too powerful for a machine [Schuman] to register or these are timelines merging 
35hz is the highest that their machine registers at - and 7.89hz was their minimum which as now expired, so imagine we are hitting 144hz, 200hz and 1400hz - so for those with a 7.89hz capacity range will become nonfunctional - there should be no pain during the stabilizing of these codes, its [3] tones that are hitting 

Russian and German models go down 

The graphics only go up into 35hz from 7.89hz which was for 1000s of years 

These two cars are the same series called BMW [3] series - however one has more specifications and can go faster, more tech+ this is the same with the HuMans [HuMins] down here, sum have more specifications than others, a bigger range, bigger capacity+ and this is what is taking place down here, many do not have the range and will expire - go offline - many people are heating up and cannot process the energies or the higher range because they do not have the capacity to hold the nu light codes

UV - Ultraviolent is Ultraviolence and we are seeing more and more people lose their mind, people are killing one another out here over nothing, plasma lighting fries the brain - 11+ says extreme but we are on 20+ which is double bubble - stay out of the sun 

Time is not speeding up, creation is speeding up, learn the difference 
Time the word backwards is emit and light emits - NIBIRU is bending the light [time] creation 

Earthquakes are coming in, all types of weather systems are hitting and will become extreme, hurricanes, tornados, hailstones, flooding, extreme heat, cyclones, typhoons 
Black means charging and white means charged and ready to go

Climate change is the planet terraforming, which they knew was going to happen once NIBIRU got here [2012] 2021, the planet can take care of herself - she has been doing so for the longest - it is the [3] kingdoms that are to be stripped back and the land and oceans depleted - this must be done in order for change to occur - see the bigger picture from the ancient eye  

'God' hates Texas - look at the size of that 

HAWAII and USA - Crafts sitting in the SKA [SKI] SKY - how many dimensions are there in the SKA  

The SUN is in front of this 'wall' cloud - how 

RED IRON OXIDE SKA - the SUN is [white] core with yellow rim 

Mass hysteria is going to break out for those plugged into the 3D world - there is nothing that man and his machines and alien friends can do to stop the time, you cannot stop time [light]

The spirit world is the holographic [hologram] world - you can see it in the SKA coming closer and closer

[white] core - white holds all [7] energies [colours] radiations [rays] with a yellow rim and red hue - Sirius is fuelling the SUN - crafts are on guard around the SUN, you can see two sets here - the SUN does have a city and docking station for crafts - behind the SUN is the spirit world - NIBIRU is also in the mix 

This image was taken in the morning, clearly the SUN is not the same look in the four corners of this planet 

Sunset [Kansas USA] ??

The yeast is rising 

HERU on the horizon 

Bromsgrove [UK]
Outline of a planet 
KI [EARTH] is not the size that NASA [NOAA] show you, she has expanded and is the size of Jupiter or she would have folded through other magnetic fields touching hers 

Watching you, watching me
Space should be treated like a deep ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean we find in space
Liquid crystal - water [Moya]

Check the colours - check the shape and how many spheres do you see 

The sun conscious dark energy sun is Septet [Sibtu] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] - Sirius is fuelling the SUN - the black SUN 

How many do you see
Binary and trinity systems 

Check the reflection, one is spherical and the other cubical 
These are the reasons for these fires - we can see them in 2023, this image is from sunrise in Canada, that means NIBIRU is rising with the SUN and setting with the SUN 

There is another faint sphere just above the main two 

KANADA - Sunset 

The SUN [RE] RA [TRIAD] is a multidimensional portal [wOmb] behind the SUN and NIBIRU is the holographic worlds - that black dot [SUN] you have one also [Melanin] dot Matrix 

Huge planetary body and mother ship 

Crafts sitting in the SKA 

North Carolina - ships, crafts sitting in the SKA - check the SUN - looks like a cube inside the sphere aka unidentical twins [360] how big - how big is that 

FLORIDA [USA] Interstate 71
MER [MIR] Pyramid [Ziggurat] type crafts have also been observed in CHINA, RUSSIA+ 
All military can see them on radar

Spheres, cubes and triangles are in the SKA - this has been ongoing since 2012 [2021] however they are becoming more and more prevalent - we can see them - these fires cannot stop the time   

Cube on the left and a ship passes by the portal [SUN] 

Scotland - this picture is in focus, look at the buildings but come to the SKA and its heavy distortions from all the power being generated up there - this plasma [purple] beam is going up and down, either transferring energy or 'things' - there are crafts cloaked in clouds 

Shadow play - where are these shadows being casted from 

You can see the blue emitting from KACHINA [SHAKINA] SHEKINAH [MAAT] 
Not sure what that black cloaked thing is - we also have the WAJI [GREEN] life force satellite from NIBIRU up there as well 

Flipped image, the SKA is getting closer and closer aka the dimensions are getting closer and closer 

Erdogan [Er-Dragan] is a proxy for ENLIL, ENLIL is offsite now but his appendages are still here Turkey along with many other places are going down 

Bio polar is manic depression and this can come from what he wrote in the letter for the newspaper, its in there, how, what and when, I paused the upload and read what could be seem, this man is intelligent and even @21:28 onwards you can sense his innerstanding, making sense of the bullsh9t [stimulation] 

Depression comes from the mind [KHU] the processing plant, sum people have a right to be deemed 'mad' you don't know how they got there, we must not judge those deemed 'mad' for they are processing in their own time 

Chemical [Alchemy] imbalances that can be balanced out 

Pedophilia must deleted from this planet once and for all and it will not come through manmade laws that are written by Pedos themselves, salute to Jason for wanting to protect children's innocence, Jason is an inspiration for many - you may not agree with what Jason done - but we innerstand - they delayed his release because he would come out [2023] now a hero and would inspire others not to sit back and right now, pedos, transgender, homosexuals, trannys with no fannys are up in our faces and many of us have had enough - with or without Jason - we are going to end this monkey sh9t once and for all 

Big up JASON [YahSun]- no energy is wasted down here - he did what he was supposed to do - we have never been more conscious of our environment and what it holds - and this is for a reason, women and children must be protected at all costs, when the system crashes, all will be seen, Pedos are not interested in the system crash, they are interested in children, a time is coming where you may need to take a mtf out, like I said, Jason is an inspiration for many

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