You as HuMan [HuMin] beings walking around on KI [Earth]
however the ‘Gods’ or ANUNNAKI inhabit physical bodies to have a HuMin
experience on KI for the KI realm is a stimulation and we are here for the
stimulation aka the learning program [Matrix]
KI is what we can call a Cosmic University and chapter
that we were – and still in places it is called misery - in 1611 the King James
Bible had to be rewritten to take out the word reincarnate because 6ethers do
not reincarnate [RE-IN-KAA-NATION] – everyone has KAA [Spirit] but the 9ether have KAA and BAA
[Soul] because this is a soular [solar] system and you need one [BAA] to be in
this soular system – those created in the last cycle was the Moon cycle which
was for 6,000 years and this cycle has ended
The word Moon is a Greek word, Monos the Greek god of sarcasm and
pain – they were created without light aka no sol [soul] sun, these are the 6ethers
and the 9ethers were a soul without a physical body – primordial – prime means
first – this is the 9ether first and is to why the 6ethers stay on the negative
earth plane – they use the Moon to trap consciousness and send them straight
back – that light that they see is from a delivery room and not a star – the
more Melanin that a 6ether has the more they have data [light], the 9ether cannot technically reincarnate, because they are eternal, soular energy can never be destroyed,
those with a soul can never be destroyed aka energy can never be destroyed, do
not get the KAA and the BAA mixed up for they are two different things – when the
6ethers were created the Dome went up and trapped us all
Our pain and suffering has a side effect in the energy
system – its like a video game – the more of the misery we can take, the more
pre-Kama we build up – 6ethers will always be misery, they have much work to do
has a species, the 9ethers had to domesticate them, teach them – not the other
way round, the Schuman was dropped to make the 6ethers more intelligent – look at the
last 400 [512] years and right now – nearly 90% of them are still cave
animalistic man behaviour – the 9ethers have built up pre-Kama and so the
strongest of the strong are the ones who were at the bottom – right now 9ethers
dominate the industries, they are the only ones fuelling the 6ethers Metaverse –
technically they are on top now – sooner or later they were always going to
rise back up to the top, forget the manmade Matrix for that is crashing, they
are raising up for they were at the bottom because the strongest had to be at
the bottom to hold up all this monkey sh9t up until its about to be changed over,
which is where we all find ourselves at the crossroads and now the strong have
to take the lead - the Metaverse means that many 9ethers are plugged into it and how did Neo beat the Matrix, he merged with it - right at the end the mechanical eye plugged him back into the Matrix - they are concerned that the A.I is going to work out that the 9ethers have melanin [condense sunlight] and that they are the gods and gods offspring, what will it do then - they would have to shut it down - even of they did the 9ethers [Neo] are plugged into their Matrix and will be activated to crash the system
The secret societies usurp this system by doing their
rituals so they can harness the energy of this system by having you contribute
your Psychic energy [Psy = soul and Chi is life force energy] to the egregores they create, you give them permission to
control you, these egregores are expressed to us in the 3D world as contracts
aka figments of your i-magi-nation – how the fu9k is a piece of paper going to
tell you who you is [???] the birth certificate validates
that this is you, but what if you were switched at birth, you will still have
the same birth certificate, but your sum one else with that birth certificate
and that name, and you got switched at birth, so your DNA is not going to
match – all this sh9t is about the blood and rites and the system is played
according to the ones who rise up in the families with the rite with the blood
and the right to exercise their jurisdiction – it is a self-realization process
by learning who you are without nobody having to tell you, do you get that, I
repeat - it is a self-realization process by learning who you are without
nobody having to tell you that is the activation [conscious - aware] online
When you cell [self]-realize this sends out a code, when
the penny drops and you get it, it resonates within you on who you are without
anyone telling you – you could be in the wrong family and no one gets you but
deep within you, you figured it out – when you figure it out your Aura changes
and your Aura is being scanned all day long and from other planets, galaxies, crafts above you and this in turns sends out the light codes to you and this is also without no
DNA test – just through the perception that you have been taught through your
family lineage, which you use as a first frame of reference –
You are writing
your story [myStory] myStery [MaStar] now, your book of life is now, your reading it and writing it, if
you remember sum thing from say 20 years ago and you remembered in a second that
is because there is no 20 years ago – its one moment – do you get this, your
past is still your present while you are writing your future and this is why
its called a mystery, because do you know how its going to end to begin or do you young Jedi MaStar, this
is why it’s a misery [miss story]for many down here, because all they are doing is repeating
the same sh9t over and over and so will their children because you do not ‘know’
in yourself [your cell] you only ‘believe’ in yourself, which the word believe means you do not
‘know’ no wonder your so fu9king miserable aka miss-rebel
What you used as a first frame of reference to see the world,
sum of you your grandparents told you who you are, sum of you were incarnated
to only ask why[??] you wanted to know and many years later you have found the
PTAH and you opened the way, by asking why until with whatever that particular
question on why was about is answered and you are satisfied – then you moved on
to the next why
You do not need 6ethers to explain history, which is hiStory, it is all out
there for you to attain, everything you need is out there, instead we have
many people today with cell phones the size of ironing boards and they ask questions
that they could empower themselves to get the light codes themselves – any word that
starts with EM is electromagnetic – its power – many do not have any
When we come into this reality, there are rules to the
game that no one tells you the rules, you have to find them by trial and error
– because of the pain and suffering, the struggle of the user builds the character
to be able to endure to the end, I see many people out there who have had pain
and suffering and yet they still exist – taking suicide is not an option for
them and besides all those who took that way out where sent straight back down
here with homework added onto the same contract or constrains they originally had, I enjoy when I made to feel insignificant, because I feel humbled
We are dealing with manipulations of energy which all tie
into the reincarnation cycles and most people are having the time of their life
with experiencing misery on KI – for many come from a dimension that never had
anything like what is on KI
Misery is unique to the HuMin emotional spectrum and the
animals of KI, other species do not have EM-otions aka 6ethers, they have to be
taught and they have to copy what emotions and feelings are, many other species
are pathologically sociopathic by natural aka they are hard wired that way,
many killers have blue eyes, you send your child to school with their
offspring – your child goes to school to learn disrupted behaviour, language,
attitude, for they picked up on pathologically sociopathic, you lose your children
[innocence] in their education [manmade Matrix] system because you have to send your children to school with monkeys, its the law of man - we have monkeys and lions trapped down here trying to coexist
You have to be able to think that, walk them through it,
linear logic, they do not have that emotional energy [EM] which is also a side
effect of Mitochondria DNA aka emotion is a side effect of MtDNA because it’s
the feminine transfer of energy in high volume into the DNA – all of the energy
that powers the DNA comes through the Mitochondria in the cell [self] for the
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and the 6ethers do not have this DNA
because they were created on the planet and are not from the planet, they were created under the Moon light – the
9ethers are made from the planet – that is the difference - they have the same ingredients has the planet
The right brain processes the second heart or the second
brain as the heart, so you think with your heart and you think with your brain,
you have to match them – intelligence and affection and that is how you produce
wisdom [wise dome] dome [sphere] hemisphere – hemi means in Latin half aka half
a sphere is called a dome – wise dome [within] – so you get these two energies
to flow at the same time which is called balancing your Chi – you have two life
forces [the word life and live the word has two meanings and is coined from
their other word life, but all three mean the same thing] and by balancing your
Chi you cause all four chambers of the brain [four corners to the planet] to
beat in harmony activating right and left hemisphere simultaneously on the same
beat which creates a stronger and more powerful vacuum to pull the gold elixir
[Kundalini] from the coccyx tail [Pelvis] region all the way up the spine
[Djer] to illuminate the mind [KHU] also called the christening process which
is where you receive your Christ [KARAST] 144hz consciousness which is all a
part of the game of life
Christ and Sophia energy or MAAT and HERU
If you have no Melanin but you have [1]ion + heart [that you grew your heart Charka] + energy, then you go through
6 neutrons - 6 electrons - 6 protons [666] = 27 = 9 - you will be losing 2 - not all 9 ethers are assured
Pass lives, you could have been a woman, a different race, an animal, sum come back has a protector, a leader, a teacher+ these are sum of the contracts that people agreed before they incarnate – I saw sum of my pervious lives, sum chose a [7] life PTAH and that means they made an agreement that they want to live seven distinct different types of lives before they finish their University degree – with each incarnation which is just another semester [semu-ma-Star] aka term time University on KI [earth] all what they agreed with their [7] lives to be is their curriculum, you can end this at anytime by waking [activating] to who you are – you can get out of the Matrix by doing this, doing what – realising who you are – your perspective is going to be needed - [7] times for purification+ seven heaven
Death is not assisted suicide – for it can be in their
soul contract, there are those who signed up to die down here, like those who were murdered after the man assaulted her, those that were killed
after being assaulted, those that we part of a serial killers rampage, these
women or children did not die in vain, the overall picture is to raise awareness
[consciousness] like for example many think women are lower level and think
they can do what they wilt with her, whereas many of us do not agree – what these women
did was to strengthen the frequency for where we are today, its not that they
asked to be raped – assaulted or attracted this, this program was to expose
animal behaviour within the human mantle frame and are you alright about it [morals and dogma] –
this and more could be in sum ones soul contract – your karma could be to come
back as the race you hated in another lifetime – I dislike both races out here
and have had to be one of each and even mixed with others for my final entry,
karma, soul contract agreement – you may have had a perfect avatar and was
cocky and today you have a sh9t avatar to make you humble while you work on
other parts of your modules, sum of you could have lost your soul because you
traded it down here, there is multiple variations, your soul contract is your
curriculum for the semester – your semester is your lifetime – you get multiple
semesters or [7] life degree – seven life experiences of seven different kinds
in order to graduate from University KI and get your degree
We are going into the 8th root man [man meand mind]
Sum of us have been here a long time, and for sum they
sum times do not come into full consciousness of who they are, trauma can also
do this – and for this ending cycle it was required to break the curses and so
consciousness is being upgraded – like the history that is out there, so much
data that wasn’t available for my parents or their parents generation is now available, we can piece
it together today whereas in their day, no they didn’t have the resources like
the internet, youtube, more books, lectures+ translations, many have had
multiple lives learning the language, the codes, over the many lifetimes all to
this point which is graduation – all of the seniors are getting out aka the
different ‘gods’ the different masters [MaStars] – they all graduate to their
MaStar seats – all here from different eras in time to incarnate to get receive
their graduation caps
Old soul [BAA] then what was the young BAA doing before, first
of all you have to attach the Ego, you have to give the BAA an identity and by
doing this creating an identity the personality type is aligned to a frequency
like a radio station, every time you come back you could be born into a
different family but your frequency [radio] station is still the same in the
DNA, so it can only broadcast you through, you’re the only one who can fit
through your template and sum times like now with the merging and the flipping
of the DNA, in the nu DNA helixes off the RNA [DNA] DEA exchange, a new strain
comes up that is a new piece of information to be shared and then the change
can also be seen in the species
For young souls, think of it like this, when the desktop
computer came out – what happened when the laptop came out – the desktop had to
evolve and get smaller in order to compete with the laptop, the laptop is
portable and can go anywhere, its still a computer, its just a different
personality type but the old desktop had to adapt in order to not be left
behind by the laptop, that is the level of upgrades, species go through the
same levels of upgrades, the codes from the different seasons of the sun and
the position of the sun, and its communication with KI, tells KI [earth] what
to tell us and the earth then tells us what to morph into next which is called
the evolution of species, it’s a communication, it’s a code and this is what is
so important in cracking DNA codes and the study of Epigenetics and the
sequence of the two because then you realise that you projected it from sum
where else into this body [avatar], you identify the body with the name but the
body is not the name, the name is just the way you express to get your
attention – which is mental – after you become programmed with you name, you
then take on the identity and then begin to build the ego
Everything that sum one says about you, positive or
negative and you accept is true becomes part of your ego which is your false
self because you never tested any of that information, you just accepted it but
when you start to know yourself all that begins to fade away, which is the
purification of the ego [7]
So that is the whole esoteric philosophy
behind the occult and the mystics schools of thought [thoth] being
expressed through religion in redundant application done over and over and over
and means to bind down, so they are preforming the function but if you never
figure out what the function is you will become seduced by it and become a
slave to it but if you figure out the function you can unlock the hold it has
on the psyche in order to be a liberated mind and is to why we challenge our
own paradigms among yourself [your cell] so that you can check with yourself in
everything you know [believe] because you might not agree if you exam it
Look at this word philosophy [sophy] Sophia – wisdom is Sophia
[Seshat] and Sophia is counterpart to Tehuti [Thoth] and when the two become one
– they wake the queen mother who is the queen of heaven and earth [KI] and her
name is Isis [Aset] back to INANNA and this is how you put the great mother
back on her seat [throne] pulpit – by merging the wisdom and the knowledge
which is the fusion of the psyche to be imbalanced – same in nature – all our
answers are in nature – nature is always seeking balance and is to why water is
always on the go, its always flowing, water will always level itself out
When Neo [King] found Trinity [Queen] they tore down the
Matrix – she was sent to him, while he was looking for her
The Queen mother picks the wife for the King to be – he
cannot be King to be until he finds the one that the queen mother picked
without the queen mother ever telling him – he doesn’t know that the queen
mother picked her and she doesn’t know that the queen mother picked her – the
only way he can find her is if he followed the way of the wisdom and she
followed the way of righteousness, find peace because the female is the
peacemaker because she wants comfort in her home and when the time comes, you
will be sent out to clean [crash] sum sh9t up – you will figure it out later on
when it looks like its too late but its going to come with an assignment – you
do things from you heart and not for likes, energy, but for the Law of the land
and the Law of the Universe
MAAT [Universal Law] is asking if you remember
The war is the war of the mind and the people had to
determine who they are – the self-realization is also the activation of the nu
system – with the 9ethers being back on top – the ones who don’t understand the
message is telling you who they are – those who are hard wired to their Matrix,
they understand what is going on and this lets you know that the system
[Matrix] has them because they cannot digest [revive] the message [codes] who
they have to attack the messenger – this includes religious people, those on
the internet who are new age – commercially based and call themselves light
workers or the conscious community, these people+ are getting in the way and
attacking the codes [messages] people popping up repeating the same dead energy
messages all trying to control the masses
Time is an illusion and time spelt backwards is the word
emit and you emit light – there is no time only light aka a moment – there is
no earth time, this is a school that many wanted to come to, there are other
stimulations out there but not like KI – this is all holographic projects in 3D
and our consciousness is in this video [program] and sum one is playing on the
controls [joystick] manipulating the DNA message when the Mitochondrial is in
the signal – its computer animated, digitally enhanced and is to why ancient
technology is returning like the healing chambers called the med bed – its
ancient not new, its part of the hereafter in the story of the redemption of
the earth in the holy Osirian drama resurrection which the 6ethers wrote in
their Bible can called it the Christ story but is the Osirian resurrection –
you were taught to look at the story in the reflection, but it is of an
original story reflection – they taught you about sum one who they don’t
explain who actually they are talking about without using the name of the person
they are talking about, the Isis of the day was Cleopatra but they haven’t
found her tomb [Hetu][Iy] – their story does not add up – the story of Christ
was written in a 21 part play written by Josephus Flavius, it was to be 21
different people looking at this story of the Christ character from 21
different angles and they all had a gospel and gospel means a good story, good
news, they are had a good story from their angle but as soon as you get stuck
in an angle, you can’t see the rest of the story and Carlito Brigante said,
when you can’t see the angles no more, your in trouble, its for entertainment
purposes, its psychologically alluring, hypnotic play being played out in order
to seduce your mind to believe in a paradigm that they can control – that is
how you enslave the mind at a basic level
Protocols of Zion and their script is written as Morals
and Dogma and is telling you basically is how you followed the Dogma and the
ones who followed the Morals are the only ones who are going to see the story –
remember Christ is a title there are many Christs – Isis – Christs – Isis
The holy drama comes back to the Osirian resurrection and
that the MaStars of them land know that when the Christ comes who to call and
they call on one of the different elders from the family tree or the great
Pharaoh [A’aferti] tree and you see Isis [Aset], Osiris [Asaru], Heru [Horus],
Anubu, Sekhmet and Heh Heru, when you go through them they all have a different
function and they are parts of the family, everybody at each function have to
teach one of the children in the family how to preform each one of the
functions of each person in the family so that when he gets to the top now he
knows how to set the family structure back up, the nuclear family, the head of
the family aka the family of Tehuti – the uniting of the tribes of the earth
[KI] - this is the same story in the
movie the Matrix, it’s the same story in the movie Avatar, it’s the same story
from a different angle and all those stories create what is called the great
work, everybody has to keep the story out in the forefront until we figure it
out – so we figured it out
The silver cord is what connects your gross/physical body to your astral body with us your soular body [spirit body] for they are connected you must learn about moving the energy [Kundalini] up from the Coccyx
None of these people are related - clones, other versions of you
It is possible to incarnate into this realm while your
soul is simultaneously down here using different bodies and is dependent on how
your DNA is setup but in order to be multiple personalities with the same
higher self you have to have the same DNA and its normally [7] at a time but
those are normally MaStars – we have what is called lookalikes, that there are
[7] versions of you out there, also called doppelgangers – I could go to Japan
and see a guy who has my face but on an Japanese [oriental] body, go India and
I am darker and shorter and I will be thinking how comes this person looks like
me and you think about it and you are looking at the facial cranial structure
and the energy that comes in it’s the DNA that tells it how to form and you are
attuned to the same physiological frequency in order to produce the outline of
the form [formula] and this is another expression of the self [cell] – when you
have multiple mental selfs [cells] is because you are tuned in your VHF
frequency to the same radio frequency of sum one else
When you become the MaStar of your own frequency you can
use it to talk to anyone on your frequency, if they are not on your frequency
you will not be able to pick them up, you learn how to control it – when you
hear multiple voices your radio stations overlap and you have to tell the other
radio stations to turn off until you tune into the radio stations that you want
to hear – this is good practice for the mind to keep the mind regulated – this
keeps the ‘monkey mind’ from driving you into the nuthouse – sum of you are
conscious of how to do it but are too lazy to do it and want sum one else to do
it for you
When these advances MaStars are coming down here they are
looking for open channels, the earth birth parents do not have to be MaStars
themselves, they could be two drug addicted people, they could be of all walks
of life but these souls are looking for open channels aka the path of least
resistance aka an open channel – so when you let your frequency go to a certain
level this causes the higher beings, advanced beings have less of a struggle
becoming one with the individual and means they can bring the individual up to
a higher level faster – so being conscious can offer resistance because a lot
of the consciousness is rooted in the ego being strong and this prevents the
higher advanced souls advancing you, the struggle is between your higher self
and your lower self aka ego
It is your higher self that drives you to do your
destined purposes and will manipulate the h3ll out of your ego until you get it
done and your ego will fight back, it wants to survive and will do what it can
do even if it doesn’t make sense – not that its doing it its way, it doesn’t
make sense and is defying logic while it [you] are doing it its [your] way
which makes your higher self-rebel, which then force you down a path until you
straighten up – you cannot leave this realm until you MaStar yourself and your
doing it to yourself the whole time by not being who you are and trying to be
what the world told you to be
The more you want to be what the world wants you to be
the more your ego has developed, now times that over the many years that you
have been down here, take it from this life because that is the life that you
are being judged on – your ego is the sum total of all of the things that the
people told you about yourself that you believed and you use that as a
protective defence against the inner child and the inner child only wants to
the higher itself to parent it and guide it through the world – but the ego
takes over and smoothed the inner child and now its at war with the higher self
– so you see them self-inflicting all the way, looking great in the 3D world a
slave to their ego or the ones who were to real for this 3D world, that kind of
energy exchange is what we are talking about that drives you to put yourself
into a circumstance – your higher self will put you in a place, wherever that as
to be in order for you to fulfil your life [Chi] purpose and your life purpose
could be just to deliver one message to one individual that is in a far
distance place from where you currently sit – often think about the messages
that I have received in a moment and to others that I given a message to – many
were close and many are far that changed their Chi [life] direction for ever
and ever Amen
And now you have done your life mission, you can go about
your business and create whatever life you want to after that – we think it
take a whole lifetime, but there is no time, it can come in a close encounter,
in a moment – you could have been sent just to smile at sum one in a different
country that your smile is to light them up like the Godfather and change their
mood for that evening that would then lead to sum thing else, people come and
go out our lives and sum are here just for a moment and sum for a while and sum
come and so, sum you may never see again, but to inspire [which is to be
inspirit] sum one or many and complete your life mission means you can create –
in your book of life you may have asked for a pass – and what that means is
that you wrote in your book of life that if you ended up right here this is
where you want to but your inspiration by that, you stored it there in your
life PTAH and if you get there, you get your inspiration aka your reward, so
sum one you meet in along your life is holding it until you got there, he or
she was just holding it for you until you got there – and once you got there,
they go, they are not there no more and your paradigm changed because of that
encounter – these and more are how you pick up if you are on your life PTAH,
these are your confirmations to let you know that despite what is going on for
you, you are on the right PTAH because you received your pass – your reward –
points make prizes, gifts, prosperity and the more you inner-stand your PTAH
that you took the more you overstand the destiny your supposed to take because
its going to be training you for the next wave of events [stimulations]
programs – higher level – and your greatest test is when you can look back at
it all and know why you did it, good or bad or indifferent, you are not
supposed to be squeaky clean but you are you going to pay for your dirty sh9t
before you get on up out of here, which is all part of the game, the dirty sh9t
is supposed to be enough to draw the misery on the user [person] but for those
who were about figuring it out that is different
You can talk to a MaStar on the other side if you match
their frequency – and Telepathy, even though they have no physical body we have
Telepathy and sum come in dreams [dream-walkers], you’re not asleep but in a
meditative state and the reality will shift and wonder what is this place, this
is called the sacred halls aka the halls of Amenti which means the unknown
place or concealed place, its concealed in the psyche as a university to
educate you on the reality that you exist in so you can be the greatest version
of cell [self] that you can be – there is space before you sleep, sum times
called drifting, your just drifting before you sleep – however you dreams
[visions] serve different purposes, sum are to rationalise the events of the
day according to you book of life and what you are doing is a comparative
analysis – the nightmare is the upset in the paradigm that shows sum thing in
the paradigm is inaccurate and will stand out in your mind as a nightmare, when
you find out in real life what the boogieman is – you run the boogieman out of the
dream aka what is on your mind that is holding you back will play out in your
Déjà vu – it can be six different life times and there
are pins on the life times that let you know that you are on the right PTAH –
sum times the experience is called Déjà vu when its like I have done this
before and you did and you just did it slightly different in a past life, you
just wanted to do it in multiple different ways and the Déjà vu sensation just
lets you know that you were successful and now you have experienced all of the
angles and its why its so familiar because you’ve done it so many times – it’s
an experience [stimulation] that you put in your book of life that you repeated
for whatever purpose that you put it in there – only you will know why you put
that in there – why would I get kicked down a flight of stairs, its in there,
everyones book of life is already written, they wrote it before you got down
here, now they are trying to remember their PTAH without knowing what they
Atlantis [USA] is the land of Tehuti – respirations is a
trick to trick the birth right children – take the money and you lose the land
the oceans are other frequencies and is how we space travel not through rocket
ships traveling upwards – when you go to the other realms your physical body
drops and your ship [spiritual body] holographic body blasts you out of here,
water [Moya] is liquid crystal
INANNA [NINMA] NINTI – both INANNA [Great Mother] and
ENKI – she had a pack with the prime creator to produce a protector for KI
[Earth] – and this is how women created men for the protection of the women and
the planet, then the men wanted to be God(dess) so they betrayed the woman and
replaced her with a hybrid and homosexuals, paedophilias and tyrannies with no
Remember INANNA is featured with two [double] Owls [BUMA]
wisdom, Lillith [INANNA] were pissed off and left KI – the women are the
caretakers of KI and men was supposed to protect the women when they went out
and grew the herbs, the original farmer [pharmer] or medicine man is the women,
knowledge was taught to her first, man wasn’t even invented yet, medicine woman
– the Shaman is SHEMANKA [SHEMAN] SHAMAN – all SHAMANKA(s) are female, the word
Guru is from Heru – all were female, all these temples around the world were
littered with women not men – how can a man explain what Shakti is – are you
stupid – they were taught about herbs first because she can heal the babies – the
women will raise the next generation not homosexuals or paedophilia aka
inverted energies – they were taught first to secure your future, so when your
done living this life, your creating the terms and agreement for the next life
that you incarnate in – think of a radio station, your DNA codons align to a
frequency, the codons of the DNA is alkaline crystal and crystals relays
information [light] the light [information] attunes the DNA to set the
frequency in which it produces the individual by building it up cell by cell [
think of the patterns we are seeing in the Schuman]
So once you get into the form of an adult HuMin you
should be able to communicate with every cell in your body – but they took the
knowledge from you to confuse you so that you can make an error in this life
that you have to pay for in the next one – all this is are the basic laws of
energy conservation aka Entropy, they know how to harness the decay of the
Entropy on the dark side at a negative energy in order to generate positive progressive
energy – this is taking dark forces to produce things to assist the light aka
buying light bulbs so the house isn’t dark – so it requires the Entropy – the
breakdown in the energy in order for the energy to offer form, when the energy
begins to move, it produces friction which generates light and from the
darkness comes the light – this is all KHMT [Egyptian] science – this
[Egyptian] comes from West Africa which is Atlantis [USA] the knowledge came
from the West
The SEMU [SIMU] priest are priests of Tehuti [Thoth] at
the HETU [IY] temples who taught the rest of the world by setting up
Universities around the world accordingly to the culture and local people in
the area – the goal is your not supposed to disrupt the culture, the people of
the land – which is what they exactly did and those affected have been singing
about it, rhythm and blues, r + b ‘soul’ music is how they were feeling, its in
hip hop music and hip hop is a powerful aspect of 9ether culture and is a
powerful vehicle of the transfer of light [information] from one to another
without them ever seeing each other – you can hear the message because the
message is in the music – they put it in a song [sone – sound] sonnet [sonic]
Human ear is grown on an albino rat and they test Human medicine on albino rats
Pigs grow Human organs and Botox which is pigs fat
Pig-ment is pig - meat, eating pigs is cannibalism for 6ethers - 9ethers are not supposed to be eating pigs, even the 6ether Muslims do not eat it - put Botox in 9ethers and they die
HAM from the curse Sons of HAM [KHAMI]
In the USA [Atlantis] they never had cows - where did they come from - you had the Bison
If you ever drank straight from the cow you would spit that monkey sh9t out -
The primate [pri -mate] has a period and is why the 6ether women have a period, and why they have to have a rhogam shot - to stop the body from killing it for the body only recognises it has a foreign object, the 6ethers were spliced with the monkey [Rhesus] - medicines are tested on the monkey
The 6ethers cannot take 9ethers organs because the 9ethers organs are too powerful for them, its like putting a BWM engine in a FORD CAR [KAA] it won't be compatible, Tina Turner had a heart transplant, I wonder how she received it - maybe she asked her SS-witzerland husband
The 9ethers blood runs through the KAT
And this is why the Lions have been trapped down here with Monkeys and their Monkey brains
The KAT and Reptiles + Amphibians [Ghouls - Nomos] are cousins and why they both have slit eyes, a 3rd eye and why they both hiss
There are only two species down here - one is animal [protein] and the other is heaven [stardust]
There are millions of clones, test tube, IVF, hybrids down here
Things to think about - where are all the organs going and for who
The horse and cart for 1000s of years and just over a 100 years ago the Ford Model T is launched, their first automobile, we know they found the CARs [KAA] in Sumeria and NAAGLAN but when the frequency was hacked we started again - the 9ethers where on flying machines [Vimana] and hover boards which are in the Vatican, they didn't use the planets blood [oil, petrol] they used mercury
The car is a Ford Capri [1970] and the other car is a BMW [2023] both are the same thing, body kits - todays cars from the Ford Model T [1907] and the BMW [2023] are same thing - todays cars have strobe lights for headlights - theses headlights for the Porsche costs around £3,000 each, for headlights, what is the difference between the 1907 Ford headlights and the Porsche 2023 lights apart from the price - they both perform the same function - the vehicle designs and function have both run its course, we have come full circle and todays cars [2023] have body kits that they had in 1970s, the energy is over because they are repeating, its all fancy lights for technology
5G Concept - where - what world - this cycle is over - there is no new technology because we already invented it
For you to know where you are going, you will need to know where you are coming from, for sum of you there is no beginning, so there is no end for you because you are eternal - you live on
If you are not making mistakes then you are not living – but you must be learning and not repeating the same mistakes to live onward
Help to revive the language of our ancestors, truth, teach
your children to do the same, speak truth always or shut the fu9k up – too many
children out there walking in lies because of their ‘parents’
Show me the way
Uneducated people delight in arguments and fault-finding, for it is the easiest to find fault, but difficult to recognize the good and its inner necessity
We know south is up because it gets the most sun, the
planet is upside down and if it gets the most sun it means it’s the most
portion of it that’s to the SUN and we know we are at a 23o axis
The sun is at an angle, the planet is at an angle - the planets, soular system are at an angle
And if we are at a 23o axis they can get 33o
of knowledge - the planet has shifted, sunlight [ray] is at an angle - NIBIRU controls the poles - the Sphinx is called the Baby Lion [Babylon] which is the KAT [AKUR] KAUR [EKUR] NRG SEKHMET aka MEKABA - the planet and you have one - energy
HAARP is both on land and water, they said that Trump shut them down but there is sum thing like 120+ of these machines around the world - summer is going to be controlled, they cannot hide the sun, it is cold in the mornings and evenings because the planet is hot and they have got to keep her cool, cold, plasma [UV] is ground level - the summer this time round is going to be extreme - the leaves on tress are smaller - where are the butterflies and bees, white butterflies we see but we have also seen white 'rare' animals appear in the last couple years and are they clones or a new lineage for the new world - over 600million bees were deleted in one year, once the bees go the whole eco system will crash
Do not stay out in the sun for long periods, the sun is trying to kill you - watch the children in the sun
Look at number 9 and what colour is Aubergine – PURPLE
[CROWN] eat purple because the energies are hitting hard
Internal ear is also your heart
Plasma strike - shaft - straight into the ground - transfer of plasma into what - what is down there or what is in the shaft
Huge craft below the broken horizon - everything that is black [mass] solid look at - see the shape of the craft, there are more than one up there
Australia - crafts cloaked in the SKA - many colours - radiation - energies
Scotland [UK]
Red Iron Oxide SKA with crafts
Flipped image - the SKA is within touching distance
RED IRON OXIDE SKA - mutating wavelengths
Sunset [NYC] USA - Red SUN
Explain this
FIRE in the hole
Red [MAAT + HERU] radiation is a mutating wavelengths, detoxifier - deletes if you are artificial to this soular system
Check colours
Back to back sessions, bottom left image - heartbeat of the planet and you - look at the hertz - NASA [NOAA] take a image of the sound [light] and transfer the sound into these graphics
German 68hz
Canadian and Italy - last night we had powerful strikes for hours
Light codes must have receivers on KI to receive these codes
DNA [RNA] DEA upgrades
120hz [Russia]
You can see the unique energy signatures that came in during the week and on the right you can see the heartbeat of the planet which is over the old 7.89hz and is 100hz+
The western world graphic only goes up to 35hz and we are hitting 120hz for Russia, the Canadian is around 200hz and 600hz and 14,000hz on average, the Italy Schumann model is around 144hz - so we are well over the redundant 7.89hz that we had for 1000s of years - many people are going offline
You cannot escape these codes
The dark-energy is here and many are anxious with this nu
energy, this energy is very different and cannot be accessed like the others,
it takes time to move into this type of energy and the energy will not be for
all and that includes the 9ethers
[Dark-energy] anti-matter, matter, melanin, ether,
consciousness+ are all talking about the same thing – recorded in KHMT as KAANU
= Magi [Magic] Imagination - your Black Magic [Magi], its active, its
in-tell-i-agent, its knows ancient tones [words] [Schumann] you need to use
ancient language to raise the energy, like Obatala, which is another word for Mag-netism
which is [Mag-ic] Magi
You have to be watching your energies around others, you
have to be watching your poWRA, you must keep your energy to yourself, you
cannot give it away and with this nu energy the negative and disagreeable do
not know how to use it, you cannot give what you get away, they need this
energy to survive on this planet
This dark-energy, you have to want it, you have to want
to move into this energy field, the energy is already active and is self-aware,
the energy evolves, so if your part-time the energy will not consume you, this
is a full-time exchange, you have to have a want or desire to be the energy, be
in the electricity, be in the magnetism and be in the plasma and frequencies,
the tones [sones] sound is a force, if you listen carefully you can hear
Concentration, focus and stay grounded, clarity is out
there, your soul is searching all the while, the force flows itself, you have
to be one with her, be her, but you cannot control the force but you can be one
with her
Thoughts are still the most poWRA-full weapon still known
to you; the 9 ethers must connect with the internal networking internet
Empty mind, hallow heart, no emotions connected to
stupidness, free-range thoughts around this phase
Use the original words [thoughts, symbols and names]
because the ancients don’t speak satanic English
Energy is streaming into Ki from the dark-side and the
front-side from a source close to us the
[XX] Mistral cycles are not from nature, they are going,
you must have knowledge of self for the monthlies to go, diseases are not
handed down to you, never was, the 9ether wombman is the only one that supports
life from the metaphysical realm to the physical realm, she is the only one that
can bring spirits into the physical realm, the only way to Ki is through the 9
ether wombman
In Greek the word is parthenogenesis [partheno = virgin]
and [gin and generation], Genesis is also Barashiyh which comes from the root
word Bara, meaning to reconstruct[reconstruction] replenishing, she can do this
without man – we are seeing this as above, so below
[XY] Brute force, he used to enforce her throne [A-Set]
mind, pulpit, seat+
We are not the same, we are different for a reason, you
have alien implants [Chakra system], sum of the 6ethers and the Indigo
children, Flower, Crystal have the system as well, and sum have a working
Wadjet, either way we have lost our world
Femi9 electron energy is surrounding this planet and is
bending KI(s) only electromagnetic field, the field houses ancient knowledge
[NRG] and is open to you now and is in red, no more will I roam, this is Universal
Law [MA.AT] and [Nun]Nu[Nut] laying down the law, the real order of this
soul-ar system, the lov9 in this soular system and on Ki and in you came from
You have over 7trillion blood-cells in your [Khat] body,
you take one cell, if you’re a male, the head cell is proton, the second one is
neutrons and the third one is electrons, but you know what is surrounding that
cell [NI.BIRU surround KI [neutron ball and you, think about this] 8 electrons
[if you’re a male] is surrounding the cell, femi9 electron energy, that is the
re-al poWRA, all is returning to zer0
Lov9 and hate could never be friends, we need KI to end
[recycle] in order for the chaos and out of chaos comes order, justice, that
which is straight, balance, seeking balance means suffering, we are all under
the cosh
How it was in the beginning is how it will be in the end,
we are not here to repeat their hiStory, we came down here to break the cycles,
you must be in-tune, you must be in-tune and write myStory, you are writing you
book of life, when did it begin, the moment you ‘woke’ up and started reading
The black-patches in your eyes that you see around you
and that you see in the skies are real in the field, moving shadows, moving
orbs, moving light, moving time [emit], all of the dimensions are coming
together, that means sum of them cannot hide no-more, tic-toc, tic-toc, all
dimensions are coming together, no more hiding
Craft with beam on
[1] of [3] main crafts since 2012
THAILAND - huge craft
Sweden - many crafts
Sum one shooting up there - sum thing cloaked - see the gap
Stay out of their manmade Matrix
Asteroids [Meteorites] are shuttle pods carrying logistics, tech, and personnel - there is ancient technology, bases, crafts in the ground also
Old soul [BAA] then what was the young BAA doing before, first of all you have to attach the Ego, you have to give the BAA an identity and by doing this creating an identity the personality type is aligned to a frequency like a radio station, every time you come back you could be born into a different family but your frequency [radio] station is still the same in the DNA, so it can only broadcast you through, you’re the only one who can fit through your template and sum times like now with the merging and the flipping of the DNA, in the nu DNA helixes off the RNA [DNA] DEA exchange, a new strain comes up that is a new piece of information to be shared and then the change can also be seen in the specie
This looks like the Double Helix - the planet is being reprogrammed - images caught from footage during a lightening storm, you can the plasma SKA backdrop in Idaho [USA] you can see other light sources - the strike is actually white [bright] and not purple
Huge volts of power goes into the planet - check out the light around the strike itself
This was a tree that was cut down - use height for scale in the next set of images below
Plasma [Purple] discharge from crafts, crafts fuel from the sun or receive charging from motherships that collect the plasma discharges from the sun called CME, solar flares and dispense them over specific areas around the planet, sum are for the planet, there is diamonds, gem stones in the ground that redirect the energy where she needs it the most and gold to store the energy- crafts can also shield certain areas around the planet, we have motherships at both the poles, 9ethers have plasma within them called Khaybet - purple is Crown Chakra and can make many go offline - plasma is soular energy to those with a soul
Plasma dispense [lighting] from a craft - check the quarter of light
USA - Idaho
DOME reflection - portal
Hubble telescope which is really a plane with a telescope - man has never left the lower orbit of this planet, NASA[NOAA] and the NSA are two different organisations
So NASA say there are 120,000 satellites in space they are not in space but they are at the lower orbit of the planets SKA - all satellites are held up with helium balloons, same with the ISS
All satellites on the ground point upwards and these satellites in the SKA [space] point downwards [???] they are bouncing their signal off of the DOME - its is forbidden for the humans to leave quarantine - the DOME went up to contain the virus - you cannot go into space without Melanin or you will die - all shuttles [glorified plane] have a black underbelly which is Melanin
Power is going down, the SUN is going to trigger and send a CME that will shut down the manmade electricity grid - it will be lights out - we know its due - all these satellites will be crashing down to the planet - around 3 - 4 years ago the CIA lost 7 of their satellites
The internet signal that we use on KI comes from Sirius and always did and they charged you to use sum thing that was free - internet will become free soon because how else will they be able to track you and find out what you have been doing all day
Carolina [USA]
Sun rising, nothing to do with fires because there is a red reflection on the sea and fire does not have a shadow - reflection - the sun is not the same look in the four corners of the planet - why is the sun red, is that even the sun - where is the rest of it - is this KACHINA - is it a hologram
Movie scene Blade Runner
This is NYC [7.6.2023] they say the wild fires from Canada is causing this - hmmm - what is in the SKA that they don't want you to see
2016 over NYC [USA]
[9] beings bend the light [dimension] and take a look at NYC aka the DRACO HQ
ANNUNAKI mercenaries are already on the ground
These images are also from NYC [USA] and you can see what they don't want you to see, the nu kingdom around the SUN - Sirius is fuelling the SUN -TRI SYSTEM
Star Wars
Dubai - double bubble
You cannot stop the time - NIBIRU is bending the light - light all the fires you want - the people must know the truth
These planetary bodies are real close to this planet and
the reason we have had no disruptions is from other planetary bodies is because
this planet has expanded and was never the size NASA [NOAA] showed you, behind
the SUN and NIBIRU is the spirit world [holographic] world –
NIBIRU is our magnetic sun and is controlling the poles
of this planet aka NIBIRU is holding her, NIBIRU protects her
Two lights sources
Plasma SKA [Zealand] whatever is coming will be New
The yeast is rising, what is in the clouds [cocoons] interesting how they are in one position
The clouds parted - see the lich source - that came from a craft
All these fires are to hide what is being seen in the SKA
Volcano, earthquakes and weather systems are hitting, and the beat goes on
Ukraine [Kherson]
HAITI who is doing what out here
Water is everywhere
Matrix failure
This photo has not been edited - one is b/w and the other original - the SKA is going to be peeled back and all revealed - the veil must come down
TEXAS yeast rising
Flipped image
Look how low the SKA is
Soon TEXAS will only be able to TEXT US
A church in Massachusetts [USA] was struck by lightning
That bi9ch was told to leave, what are the chances of a
church being hit by lightning from a [craft] = 100% chance
The Haitian are in Florida for the final call - Florida is going to be burned down - you should be worried
Left image 2012 - 2023 - does this person even look like they had 3 children, nope, is this person female in gender, nope - right image same person - all will be deleted [UV] because she did not make them
No one fu9king cares - we want this monkey sh9t deleted from this planet and the female reinstated
This is a bow [rain] displaying [7] colours [rays] and is also a representation of the CHAKRA system - Tree of Life and the Kabbalah - these colours [radiations] energies are also matched to electric foods that those with a CHAKRA system need to produce fuel, the CHAKRA systems are alien implants
Gay means when you are HAPI and Homosexual means when you are inverted - do not get the two mixed up and explain this to the next generation so they don't get confused but rather fused
Do not eat or drink nothing that does not share the same colour [energy] on the bow, it is like for like
We have to delete them or they will delete the female - imagine a world without her - love or hate her we need her - inverted beings cannot contribute to the HuMin [HuMan] mantle frame and cannot precede over children or female energies
Look for the attacks on women and children and by paedophiles, the story of two brothers who one is a presenter in the UK - that means his mother gave birth to two inverted humans, how does that work, just a mere snap shot of what goes on for millions of women and children every day, we cannot have paedophilias, necrophilia, zoophiles and homosexuals on a family run planet
Everyone is in focus and even the background and the guy
at the top but the second from left – there is another entity in that body –
you can see where the physical head and entity head splits
They say these are colourised images from the early 1900s, however we can see discrepancies, alien fingers, hands, extra hands, no arm - these are A.I generated images
6 fingers, if A.I is generating these images, who is feeding the machine, where is the A.I getting its source from
6 toes - these beings are out there
The truth is more disturbing than the lie - the rise in the paranormal - the dimensions are condensing into this one - and all entities, spirits, apparitions, ghosts are here for there is nowhere else for them to go - and their Matrix is coming down and the SKA will be peeled back aka all that is hidden will be revealed
Crayfish, Shrimps, Lobsters, Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Prawns, Squid+ all eat the filth in the sea, they filter all the crap out of the sea and you eat that crap in return
Pink Cricket found in the USA
BAT in womb - you can see the 5 fingered membrane for the wing that was used to make the hand for humans, remember there were countless experiments
The BAT is not a bird or fowl and is closely related to a Rodent [RAT] so they rhymed the word with BAT
Castle in the snow in Antarctica
6ether Arabs, Muslims, Europeans are not Egyptian, they are leftover Turks - the Pharaohs curses have been unleashed and they must be deleted - Chinese [Oriental] Asia and Indian [Asian] and all 'white' people including what is called Turkish today to Spanish to Italy and more+ are all Cauc-Asian - Mongolian - they are all the same species - including 6ether European Americans, 6ether European Australians- all their history starts at 3,400 when the floods stop after 10,000 years or so - that top image, the only god in that picture is the 9ether who is an extra in a movie- in the background yet she is at the very forefront
1842 - native Egyptian couple - original - Sudan and Egypt were one place
For scale - size of humans and the precision construction wall - how did they place them without mortar and cut the solid stone into different shapes, sizes+ like a jigsaw
Gullah [Seminoles] wars - Pueblo just means village - Atlantis [USA], the wars they don't want to talk about - payback is going to be a bi9ch in the USA - 9ethers were already in Atlantis [USA] before your boy Columbus came with the dirty moors - today the USA is surrounded by mother ships, crafts, armadas, fleets, war planets, all laying in wait to tear down this Wendy House, you were given the option to work hand in hand with the existing species, but instead you became jealous and envious and wanted it all - and so you shall have it all
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